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A_Taste_of_Decadence_ARE Page 49

by Blake_Harte_Quinn_Ryan_Rylon

  Boring, but hey, if it made Shane happy, he was okay with it. George loved his big brother. The guy supported him, covered for him, and had never treated him like a loser tag-along. They had fourteen years separating them, and George idolized Shane in so many ways.

  So when Lisa had worked him over, he’d been angry, upset, and wanting badly to make it right. Shane had been listless for months. He’d finally started to come back to being fun to be around again. Happy even. But still alone and lonely, as Geo had heard Mac say. And then his brother had expressed interest in Shelby, a hot chick Geo liked. She’d never screw him over. She had a great heart, and she gave massages for a living. Talk about the perfect woman for Shane.

  Knowing he could help his brother out gave him a renewed sense of purpose, and with Amber’s wisdom in mind, he knocked on the window of Bodyworks that had a Closed sign by the door.

  He’s purposely chosen this time after confirming with his source that Shelby would be finished and available to take another look at his knee. Denise succumbed to the Collins charm, like so many others. His superpowers might be subtle, but Geo used them to his advantage.

  He grinned at the thought and knocked again.

  Denise didn’t answer the door, so obstacle number one wasn’t a problem. Shelby finally answered. She opened the door a crack and scowled at him.

  Obstacle number two.

  “Okay, you little faker. What now?”

  He put on a wounded look. “Shelby. I’m so sorry. I wanted to explain and apologize.” He glanced down, the way he’d been practicing on Amber. “Could I come in?”

  Shelby muttered under her breath about connivers and teenagers but stepped back to let him in anyway. “Touch nothing, Geo. I’m cleaning up.”

  The woman was always cleaning up. She’d make Shane the perfect girlfriend. Or wife.

  Geo nodded to himself. Amber’s idea would work, because something had to put a fire under these two. It had been two months since Shane had mentioned his attraction. But had he sought out Shelby? Had Shelby ever returned for pizza night or seen Shane socially? Hell no. Two duds at dating. He could tell without having to ask that Shelby wasn’t seeing anyone. A guy knew these things.

  “Well? I’m listening.” She swept the main area, where a bunch of exercise balls and hand weights were stacked along supports on the wall.

  “I’m sorry I lied about my knee, but I meant well.”

  She sighed. “I know you did, Geo.”

  “It’s just, I think you and Shane would get along really well if you’d give him a chance.”


  “There’s someone else,” he blurted. Amber had told him that jealousy was a motivator. When she’d seen him dating Gina, it had driven her crazy. So it figured that Shelby, an independent, assertive woman, would possibly see Shane as unavailable and want him even more. He understood the psychology of it, because he always wanted what he couldn’t have. He’d tried getting Shane and Shelby together once already and let nature take its course. But two slower people he’d never met. This had to spur her to action. He hoped.


  Her gaze sharpened. A good sign.

  Geo tried his best to sound sincere. “Shane is really secretive about her and has been for weeks.”

  Shelby softened. “It’s his life, Geo. You have to let him live it.”

  Not good, so he embellished, drawing inspiration from one of Mac’s many women. “It’s just… he met her at the gym. This ditzy redhead named Megan. She was all over him, and I think she wants to use him for his money. His last girlfriend, Lisa, dumped him almost a year ago and it hit him hard. He’s a great guy, but I think this rebound chick is just using him.”

  She didn’t blink. “Her name is Megan? You’ve actually met her?”

  “A few times. One time he tried to pass it off, but I could tell what they’d been doing at his place. Her hair was mussed, and he looked like he’d been kissing her.”

  “At his place? His house?”

  He nodded.

  She frowned. “When was this?”

  “A month ago? A few weeks at most,” he said, getting into his story. “I’ve seen her at the house a few times when I popped over in the mornings to grab stuff I’d left at his place. She’s not always there, but enough that I know something is going on, especially if Shane won’t tell the family about it. I mean, he’s his own guy, but we’re a tight family. To not tell us about this new relationship proves there’s something wrong with it.”

  He felt sure he’d gotten through to her, and then she went cold. “Thanks for the heads up, Geo. But if your brother found someone he likes, you need to accept it. Sometimes we get a taste of happiness, and you should let him enjoy it while he still can.”

  Okay, that sounded ominous. But then she was hustling him out the door, and somehow he found himself standing outside while she locked it and turned off the lights. He walked back to the car where Amber waited, looking so cute in her new Jeep. She had great parents, ones who rewarded their daughter for good grades.

  He had a freakin’ scholarship all but nailed, straight A’s so far, and his dad’s reward was to let Geo help him rebuild an old Mustang. Then maybe, if they got it to work, he could have it. Cool car, but jeez, was it worth the effort? Especially if Amber could take him where he wanted to go right now?

  “Well? How did it go?”

  He frowned. “I don’t know. She got all weird at the end. Maybe she’s not as into my brother as I’d hoped she’d be.”

  Amber shook her head. “I’ve seen him. Your brother is smokin’. If she doesn’t want him, that’s her loss.”

  “I guess.” Geo sighed. “I hope I’m not as pathetic when I hit my thirties. I won’t have a little brother to help me out.”

  “Yeah. But hey, at least there’s no one stealing your clothes all the time.” She pouted.

  Amber’s younger sister wanted to be Amber. He thought it was funny. She thought it was annoying.

  “Come on. I’ll treat you to a latte downtown. I think there’s an open mike night at Tova’s.”

  She smiled. “You’re on.”

  * * * *

  Shelby saw red. It didn’t seem possible that she could have been so wrong about a man a second time, but it made sense. Why Shane didn’t pressure her to tell everyone they were dating, when he’d admitted he wanted them to be boyfriend/girlfriend close. Why he never insisted she spend the night, but acceded if she wanted to. How someone so perfect, so handsome and successful, might want her.

  Because he didn’t. He wanted sex and cuddling from her while he had better sex on the side. Just like Rick. Smart guy that he was, Shane took to heart all her complaints about Rick and acted the complete opposite. Supportive, fun loving, confident without being arrogant.

  Tears filled her eyes, and she tried to make some sense of this. Why would Shane need to hide another woman? She’d been giving him plenty of sex. But then, she’d given Rick plenty too and he’d sought his secretary.

  She’d expected Shane to be committed solely to her while they played around, so he would have to lie to keep her. Oh God. They hadn’t been using protection. What if he’d been with another woman who had something, and he’d given it to her?

  She felt sick.

  Then her Mimi-tendencies toward the dramatic subsided and she calmed. What proof did she have that George had been telling the truth? It totally went against everything she knew about Shane to think he’d cheated, especially after being cheated on by Lisa. Everyone she’d talked to about Shane had let slip he’d had a hard time with her. But maybe he was playing the field too? She’d wanted to, but then she’d met Shane and was happy to be with him and only him. But weren’t men more fickle in general?

  And what if George had lied and none of this was true? That would be a happy answer to her present dilemma. But why would he lie? George didn’t know they were dating. If he had, he never would have mentioned another woman. Would he? But if he truly wanted her to go out
with his brother, why mention a sexpot sleeping over?

  She thought she recognized the name and description, though, and that made it hard to refute George’s story as anything but truth. A bimbo of a redhead named Megan frequented Jameson’s Gym, where Shane worked out. She knew because Maggie had complained about the exercise groupie a time or two, not liking how the woman latched onto anything with muscles and a penis—Maggie’s words, apparently now true.

  Shelby let herself cry. She’d earned it after putting aside her mistrust and opening herself to Shane. She’d believed him when he said he cared, when he said he wanted them to be closer. Hell, she’d thought he’d said he loved her a time or two, then decided it must have been a heat of the moment thing during sex. And really, they’d only been together a few months. That was much too soon to feel this overwhelming sadness for a relationship fizzling before it could really get started.

  Yet her brain and heart had a disconnect, because Shelby had actually believed he might be The One, with a capital O. This time, no one had interfered in her love life, and once again she’d fucked it all up. Had she not been good enough in bed, after all? Was Rick right about her? One relationship down the drain could be attributed to Rick’s issues, but twice now? Seemed like maybe she wasn’t as good in bed as she thought.

  Then her spine snapped straight and she remembered what it meant to be her own person. The groveling and whining were all well and good for a pity party, but damn it, Shane had promised that if he was with her, he wouldn’t be with anyone else.

  She deserved an explanation. And unlike the way she’d ended things with Rick, walking away with her tail between her legs, hurt and betrayed, this time she’d go out in a blaze of anger and scorn. Fuck Shane Collins for turning out to be so much less than she’d hoped.

  After wiping her eyes dry, she grabbed a hold of her fury and her keys and drove over to his house. They had a date scheduled for this evening. One he’d probably end early so he could make time with the redheaded slut.

  She fed her rage with images of them sleeping together as she parked in front of his house and raced up the steps to his front porch. She knocked hard on the door, surprised to see Mac there.

  “Where’s Shane?”

  “Upstairs getting ready for a…date.” His eyes widened. “You? Really? Son of a bitch.” But his smile didn’t fully form as he looked into her face. “Hey. You okay?”

  She brushed past him and stormed up the stairs. She heard the shower running but didn’t care. She slammed into Shane’s bedroom and moved quickly through to the bathroom, where steam fogged the shower.

  “Mac?” Shane called out, his sexy voice making her heart ache even worse.

  “No, me.” She ripped the shower curtain back, and he swore. “Expecting someone else? Megan maybe?”

  He didn’t look guilty or shocked or scared. Just surprised. “What are you talking about? Shit, is it seven already? I thought I had more time to get ready for you. I was going to kick Mac out before you got here, I swear.”

  “I want an explanation.” Her heart beat so loudly she couldn’t hear much else.

  He turned off the shower and grabbed a towel, which he wrapped around himself. It bothered the hell out of her that she noticed how terrific he looked naked, with water dripping down his impressive six-pack. “Okay, Shelby. Try again. What are you talking about, and why do you seem so upset?”

  She couldn’t cry. She was too knotted up to shed another tear. “I know about Megan.”

  He frowned. “Megan? The only Megan I know is Mac’s old girlfriend from the gym.”

  “Ha! You admit it.”

  “Admit what?” He looked concerned. “What’s up, baby?”

  “I know about you and her. How you’ve been seeing another woman while you were supposed to be faithful to me.” The tears started again. Damn it. “After all that talk about Lisa and how she fucked you over. And Rick did the same thing to me. How could you?”

  She wanted to hear him say it. To listen to the truth and watch him with a straight face admit his lying, cheating ways. God, she wanted this hurt to turn to anger.

  “Are you drunk?” He stepped out of the shower, and she hit him. Hard in the stomach.

  He grunted but didn’t double over, as she’d hoped. So much for brutality making her feel better. Instead she felt worse.

  “You’re losing it. I have no idea what this mess with Megan is about, but if she did anything to hurt you, I’ll—”

  “George told me,” she shouted, finally stopping him.


  “Your little brother swung by my work this evening and told me all about Megan and your sex on the side. I can’t believe you’d do that to me, but I shouldn’t be surprised,” she said bitterly. “You’re all alike. Using women for sex, even when you don’t have to.”

  “Shut up for a minute,” he cut in, his voice low and filled with an anger she’d never before. Sure they’d argued from time to time, but he’d never been really mad at her. “I don’t know what fucked up story my brother is spouting, but I have been into you one hundred percent from day one. I don’t cheat. I don’t need to,” he said, his arrogance pissing her off all over again.

  She wanted to belt him in that sexy mouth, and her overwhelming temper scared her. “I’m leaving.” She hurried out of there before she did something she’d regret and fell to his level. If she hadn’t known it before, this pain clearly told her she’d loved the asshole. With her whole heart. Rick’s defection had hurt, but she’d known she’d carry on. Shane… She just didn’t know.

  She skirted Mac and left in a rush. With nowhere else to go, she hurried home, not wanting to talk to anyone right now. Later she’d call Maggie, and maybe her mother. But right now, she needed a good cry, solitude, and a pint of coffee ice cream.

  Mac still couldn’t believe his best friend had been tapping such a fine piece of ass—attached to a fine woman—and he hadn’t known. No wonder Shane hadn’t been chafing to find Shelby. He’d been doing her for a while, apparently. That lucky SOB.

  Loud voices from upstairs told him something was wrong. If Shelby’s drawn face hadn’t clued him in, her shouts would have. And then to hear his calm buddy shouting back? The argument didn’t last long, though, because Shelby raced out of the house with tears in her eyes. That bothered him. A lot. He liked Shelby. She’d done a hell of a job on his knee, which was doing better than it had been in months, and from what he’d seen of her, she was perfect for Shane.

  His buddy came storming down the stairs dripping wet and hugging a towel to his waist. He seemed leaner than the last time Mac had seen him, but then Shane was a nut about running. Too bad he wasn’t fast enough to catch Shelby before she raced away, squealing tires down the road.

  “What the hell, man?” Mac stared in fascination, not sure what he was looking at. Shane looked pissed, sad, and frustrated all at once. Definitely woman problems, but Shelby didn’t seem like the type to play games. And Mac knew Shane wasn’t that kind of guy. So what—

  “I’m going to kill my brother!” Shane slammed the door shut. “Go find him, or your interfering ass is next!”

  Chapter Nineteen

  While Shelby ran away, Shane hurriedly dried off, dressed and shot out of his house on a mission to fix things. He gathered he’d supposedly cheated on Shelby with Megan, and that she’d gotten that insane idea from George. What he didn’t know was why his little brother would strive to fuck up his life, and more importantly, how Shelby could think Shane capable of cheating on her.

  He loved the woman. Had all but said out it loud, and a few times he’d slipped during sex and yelled it while he came. He would never imagine she’d cheat on him, but then, he loved her. After dealing with Lisa, he knew the difference between quality and flash. Shelby had heart. He knew she’d been faithful. She was too honest and responsive to him. She shared herself more and more, and he’d started to believe she might love him back.

  And now this.

pulled up to her front door, saw her car in the drive, and parked behind it. Then he walked around the house to the backdoor, grabbed the key from the hideaway she’d shown him, and let himself inside.

  He heard angsty music playing and saw a pint of ice cream with a spoon sticking out of it on the kitchen counter. Then he saw her exit the bathroom. Her eyes were red and puffy and she was blowing her nose. A dozen or more crumpled tissues littered the floor by the couch.

  “Get out,” she growled, apparently still seething through her tears.

  “I can’t believe you would think I could do that to you,” he said quietly, feeling the hurt she must have been feeling. “I understand why you would, since my brother loves me and is a pretty decent kid. But we both know he’s told a few lies to get what he wants.”

  She opened her mouth—to argue, no doubt—then snapped it closed. “So you’re saying he made it all up? There’s no Megan, no gym, no affair?”

  “No. Megan’s real. She’s a groupie at the gym, and my brother had a thing for her big time until Maggie started working there. Now he’s into blondes. I’m surprised he didn’t use her instead of Megan as my supposed lover.” He wanted to hug Shelby and offer comfort. And he wanted to spank her for believing such terrible things about him. “What the hell did my brother say to convince you I was cheating with Megan, of all people?”

  Her eyes filled again. “It’s just… He said he wanted us to be together. That you were making a mistake with some gold digging witch,” she added nastily. “And that I should make a move to save you from yourself. Not those exact words, but that was the intent.”

  “And after fucking my brains out every time we make love, you thought I’d go to another woman?” His voice rose. “For what?”

  “How the hell should I know?” she cried. “Rick did it. Why wouldn’t you?”


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