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A_Taste_of_Decadence_ARE Page 67

by Blake_Harte_Quinn_Ryan_Rylon

  They all laughed, and Lily walked to her dresser to put in some small silver hoops.

  There. She was ready. Well, as ready as she could get. She picked her up small purse and put everything in it. She’d either snap it under her jacket or put it in a side bag if Shade had one. She looked around her room and straightened the already smoothed out cream bedspread and flicked off an imaginary fuzz ball.

  “Your house is as immaculate as always, Lily. Stop worrying,” Jamie said.

  “Yep. It’s perfect, which is good because since Shade is just in town for a bit, he may not have a place to take you afterward.” Becca wiggled her eyebrows, and Lily blushed.

  A soft pang entered her heart at the thought that Shade wouldn’t be here for long. She had to remember that. He wasn’t here to stay. He’d be gone soon, and Lily would be alone with her ODC and her thoughts.

  “Lily, stop that.” Jamie smiled.

  “I know. I just need to think about tonight and not the future. It’s just a date and I need to have fun.”

  “That’s the spirit,” Becca said. “Okay, we need to go before he gets here. Keep your cellphone on and be careful. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, and if you do, make sure you take pictures.” She winked and gave her a hug, Jamie following soon after.

  Her friends left, and Lily was alone in her home, nervous as all hell. A moment later, a knock at the door startled her, and her pulse quickened.

  He was here.

  Okay, you can do it. Just don’t throw up.

  Lily laughed. That was a great thing to think before a date. She opened a door with a smile on her face then froze in her tracks.

  He was even more handsome now. How on earth was that possible?

  His midnight black hair hung loose, framing his face. He wore a black button-down shirt tucked into jeans with the sleeves rolled up so she could see his forearms. Damn, she wanted to lick them. Just a little taste.

  Who knew forearms were sexy?

  His dark jeans encased thick thighs and make her think of what else could be thick…

  She raised her head and blushed.

  Oh. God.

  “Hi.” Shade smiled and tilted his head.

  “Hi,” she said on a quiet exhale.

  “You look beautiful, Lily.” He tucked a stray hair behind her ear, and she shivered.

  “You do, too.” She blushed again. Soon she’d be Crayola red. “I mean you look handsome.”

  He traced her jaw with a calloused finger. “Thank you. Are you ready to go?”

  She swallowed hard. “Uh-huh.”

  Okay, she really had to remember the English language. This was getting embarrassing.

  “Okay, then.” He trailed his hand down her arm and wrapped his hand around hers. His warm skin felt like heaven against hers.

  She shook her head, clearing her thoughts. How was she supposed to get through a whole date if she couldn’t even formulate enough of a conversation to get out of the door?

  With a nod, she gripped his hand tighter and closed the door behind her. He led her to his bike, and she smiled.

  “I love it, Shade.”

  He gave a huge grin. “Thanks. This is my baby. No matter where I am, I try and take her with me.” He rubbed the leather seat, and an irrational urge to knock the bike down went through her.

  She would not be jealous of a motorcycle. Would not.

  “So, here is your helmet.” He placed it on her head and fixed the strap beneath her chin, his fingers grazing her skin. “I have some night glasses for you.” He placed yellow-lensed glasses on her face and he smiled. “I know they aren’t too fashionable, but they will keep the wind out of your eyes and help with glare.”

  “That makes sense, thanks. I’ve never been on a bike before.”

  “I’ll show you, baby.” He called me baby! “I’m going to get on first and stand the bike up straight. When I say so, I want you to put your left hand on my left shoulder, and your left foot on the peg.” He pointed down to show her where the peg was located. “And then, throw your right leg over the seat.. If you need to move around, just do it is small movements, okay? My feet are planted, so we won’t fall.”

  He got on the bike. She watched his thighs bunch as he righted the bike. She licked her lips. This was going to be a long night.

  “Ready, Lily?”

  She followed his instructions and got on behind him. His heated body lay flush against her, and she held back a groan.

  “Wrap your arms around my waist,” Shade said.

  She did so, and she clasped her hands together so they wouldn’t roam the hard planes of his chest.

  “Okay, hold on and lean with me in the turns. I’m going to go slow, but we’ll be okay. Just do what I do, and you’ll be fine.” He patted her hand then started the bike.

  The vibrations rumbled right to her core and she gasped. Dear God. Was this why people loved riding? She might have to get one of her own.

  He pulled out onto the street, and Lily held tighter. It was so invigorating. The wind lashed against her face, and she felt like she was flying. She wasn’t scared like she normally would be. Maybe it was because she was with Shade. He revved the engine, the vibrations running through her body, and she almost squealed in delight. This was so much fun! The wind grew colder and she buried closer to the heat radiating off Shade’s body. Oh, boy, he was hot; in more ways than one.

  They drove on and she leaned with him into a turn, his hard body pressed against hers. Apparently, riding a motorcycle was a form of foreplay. Who knew?

  They finally pulled up to a Korean restaurant she loved. How did he know?

  He turned off the bike, planted his feet, and turned toward her. “You okay back there?”

  “I’m great.” Really. She had never felt better.

  “Okay, so get off like you got on, and you should be fine.” She did, and took off her helmet and shook out her hair.

  Helmet hair. Terrific.

  She re-clipped it and took off her glasses to give to Shade. He locked up the equipment and held her hand.

  “I didn’t know exactly what you liked, but this place sounded good.”

  “Oh, this is one of my favorite places. Their bulgogi is perfect.”

  “Then I’m glad I chose it.”

  They walked directly to a table since it was first come-first serve seating. Shade pulled out her chair for her, and she fell just a little bit more for him. Her heart sped a bit, and her palms grew damp. Dangerous.

  “I’m glad you came, Lily.” Shade grinned and rubbed small circles in her wrist.

  His decadent chocolate scent wrapped around her and she shuddered. She didn’t know why she could pinpoint his exact scent, but she loved it. Tendrils of pleasure crawled up her arms and her body. She did her best not to jump over the table and molest him. It was hard, but she did it.

  “I’m glad I did, too.”

  “What do you usually get here?”

  “Oh, anything is good. I like the dak bulgogi. It’s like a soup version of their barbecue beef.”

  “What if I get the bulgogi and some dumplings and we share?”


  The waiter came with water and took their orders.

  “Did you have fun last night?” she asked. Oh, God, why did she ask that? What if he hated it and this was just a pity date? She bit her lip and tried not to look like she was on the verge of a panic attack.

  This was why she didn’t date. Well, that and the fact nobody asked her other than her lab partner, Thad.

  Shade took a sip of his water. “Yes. I like your friends.”

  She warmed. “I’m glad. They liked you, too.”

  They talked about her work, her hobbies, touched a bit on her childhood, and ate. Their conversation strayed away from him, but Lily didn’t care. The food was good, and her companion was caring and sexy. She could learn more about him later.

  When the check came, he paid, held out his hand, and she followed him outside. “What would
you like to do now, Lily?” he asked, his voice hoarse and low, sending shivers down her spine.

  She gulped. “Well, there is a park near my house. Do you want to go for a walk?”

  He gave a nod and traced her jaw with his finger. The calloused tip scraped against skin, sending shivers down her spine. “As long as I get to spend more time with you, I’m happy.”

  When he said things like that, it was hard for her to remember that he would be leaving.

  They rode back to her place, and he held her hand as they walked toward the park.

  “I’m glad I came out tonight, Shade.” Her heart rate sped up and she prayed her hands weren’t too sweaty from nervousness.

  He stopped and turned toward her then framed the side of her face in one large warm hand. His pupils widened, and his lips parted. “I’m glad I came, too. I’m going to kiss you now. Is that okay?”

  She nodded, robbed of speech.

  He lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers. Shade’s soft lips felt like velvet against hers. His tongue darted out and licked the seam of her lips. She opened for him, and he groaned. His mouth tasted of sweet food and Shade. Her body went lax against him, and he deepened the kiss. Shade let go of her other hand to wrap his arm around her waist and settle on her ass. He squeezed, and she panted in his mouth.

  He broke away, his chest heaving. “I need to stop now, or I’ll take you right here.”


  He gave a strained smile. “Okay, what?”

  “Take me.” Who was this wanton woman?


  Her body went cold and she pulled back as rejection washed through her. How silly of her to think he’d want her. After all, he had been the one to pull away. Even though he’d said he wanted her, it had just been said in the heat of the moment.

  “Hey, that’s not what I mean.” He pulled her close, and she couldn’t break away. “I just want to make sure this is what you truly want.”


  “Because I do want it. Bad.”


  “Yeah, oh. So, you need to tell me what you really want. Because once things start, I won’t be able to stop, Lily. You have to be clear.”

  Her body heated as quickly as it had cooled. They’d just met. How could she feel so strongly about him? “I want you, Shade.”

  He growled and pulled her close, crushing his mouth to hers. Before she could settle into him, he pulled back.

  “Let’s back go to your place for privacy. I’m not going to make love to you in public. I don’t want to share you.”

  Lily blinked. She had completely forgotten they were outside where everyone could see them. Wow.

  She nodded and pulled out her keys. “I can’t believe I did that.”

  Shade kissed her brow, sending tingles down her spine. “I had forgotten as well. Oh, what you do to me, Lily.”

  They made it to her apartment and entered her living room. As soon as she locked the door for the second time to make sure it was locked, Shade pulled her away.

  “I’m guessing you need to check it at least twice because of your OCD, but is it okay now?” He trailed kisses along her neck, and she tilted her head so he could continue.

  “That should be fine.” Screw her OCD right now. All she wanted was Shade. A need much stronger than she’d ever experienced overrode all rational thoughts.

  “Good.” He gripped her ass in both hands and rocked against her, his erection, long, hard, and thick against her stomach. She moaned, and he swallowed it with a kiss.

  Could she come just by his kiss alone? He was sure working on it.

  He pulled back and kissed her neck again while removing her coat. Energy rippled through her, and her pulse raced. She ignored the voice in the back of her head telling her that something was different. That her body wasn’t feeling everything more, that each kiss, touch, and longing wasn’t amplified. Maybe it was just different because it was Shade.

  Her body thrummed in a familiar feeling, and she panicked. No, not now. This can’t happen now. She stole a glance at her skin and sighed in relief. No ripples. Thank God.

  His large palm covered her belly under her shirt, and she froze. She looked into his penetrating gaze and gulped.

  “I’m not normally like this, Shade.”

  “I know; that’s what makes you so special.” He dragged his hand up and cupped her breast.

  She leaned into his touch and lowered her eyes.

  “No, keep looking at me, Lily. I want to see your reaction.” He brushed a finger over her nipple through her bra, and she swayed in his hold.

  “That feels so good, Shade.”

  “You have no idea how you look right now, your pale cheeks flushed, your eyes bright. You’re so responsive. Where is your bedroom?”

  She nodded toward the end of the hall, and he brushed against her nipple again. His eyes were hooded, and she bit back a moan.

  “I’m going to make love to you, Lily.”


  He chuckled deeply. “Yes, now.”


  He removed his hand, and she immediately felt bereft at the loss of contact. Before she could protest, he gripped her ass and lifted her from the floor. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, her core settling against his erection.

  He groaned and rocked against her. “What you do to me.”

  She nodded and kissed his neck, the salty, male taste decadent on her tongue.

  He carried her to the bedroom, and she moaned. Oh, God, it was really happening. She was going to have sex with Shade. His hand roamed her back as the other held her firmly in place so she wouldn’t fall. She didn’t think Shade would drop her. For some reason, she trusted him.

  He set her down on her feet at the edge her bed, her body rubbing against him as he did so.

  “Lily, last chance. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  “I want you. Now.”

  Shade growled and crushed his mouth to hers while taking off her top. She groaned and leaned back as he lifted his mouth from hers and pulled the top over her head at the same time. He looked down at her and smiled.

  “Sit, I want to take off your shoes.”

  Wordlessly, she did, and he shucked off her boots before running his hands up her calves and thighs until they rested at the snap of her jeans.

  She leaned back on her forearms, and he unsnapped her jeans and lowered her zipper. He lifted her bottom and peeled the jeans from her body.

  “My God. You’re beautiful, Lily.” His gaze traveled over her lacy white panties and matching bra. Thank God her OCD compelled her to match all the time.

  His hand cupped her, and she arched off the bed.

  “I think I want to taste you first to see if you taste like the strawberries I smell on your skin.”

  Her pulse quickened when he lowered his body flush against hers, his shirt and jeans rubbing against her naked skin.

  “I think I like having you almost naked while I’m dressed; it’s damn sexy.” He unhooked the front clasp of her bra, and her breasts fell, heavy, waiting.

  She groaned as he sucked a nipple into his mouth. “I was just thinking the same thing.”

  He lapped at her breast, then moved to the next. She writhed underneath him as she untucked his shirt so she could feel his skin.

  He lifted off her and pinned her arms above her head. “No touching.”

  “I want to feel you.”

  “You will, but first I want to taste you.”

  She moaned and wiggled beneath him. He gripped her hip and kissed her lips.

  “I’m going to let go of your hands, but I want you to keep them there, okay?”

  She nodded. She’d never done anything like this, but she liked it. A lot.

  He released her, and then trailed kisses down her neck, her collarbone, her chest. He tugged at each nipple until she bucked against him but didn’t move her arms. She couldn’t. She wanted to see wh
at he would do.

  He dipped his tongue in her belly button, and she gasped. “Shade.”

  “Shh, my Lily.”

  His Lily. She liked that.

  He gripped the edges of her panties and pulled them down. She lifted her bottom, and he removed them.

  “You’re gorgeous.” He trailed a finger in her curls, and she blushed.

  He lowered his head and kissed her mound. She rocked against him but didn’t move her arms. He licked her clit, and she shot off the bed. Pleasure rocked through her as she almost came, but he pulled back just in time.

  “I was right; you do taste like strawberries.” He sucked and licked her lower lips and clit, and she closed her eyes, not able to take the sight of his dark hair against her pale skin as he went down on her. She’d come right on the spot, and she didn’t want him to leave yet.

  Selfish, Lily.

  Just as she was about to moan for more, he entered a finger into her, and she came against his hand in shocking heat.


  “Look at you go, my Lily.” Shade’s voice rumbled as she came down from her high. “I’ve never seen a prettier sight than when you come. Do it again.”

  He entered a second finger and sucked at her clit as she came again, hard.

  When she could speak again, she opened her eyes. “Shade, please.”

  He stood quickly, removed his clothes, and Lily gawked. Long, lean muscles in honeyed skin. Chiseled pecs and abs with a fine sheen of hair that she wanted to feel against her nipples. His legs were strong and muscled, and his cock…

  How would that ever fit?

  It was long, thick, and bulging. The mushroom top had a drop of pre-cum that begged for her lips, but she didn’t move her arms. Not yet.

  “I love the way you’re looking at my cock and licking your lips.” He leaned down and lifted a condom from his jeans and slid it on himself. “One day, soon, I’m going to have that pretty mouth wrapped around me, but first, I want that pussy around me.”

  She shivered with need. “Then get over here.”

  “You were such a good girl and kept your hands up. I’m going to reward you for that.”


  He lowered himself over her, his body heated against hers. His lips claimed hers, and she moaned. He positioned himself at her entrance and brushed a lock of hair from her face.


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