
Home > Romance > A_Taste_of_Decadence_ARE > Page 79
A_Taste_of_Decadence_ARE Page 79

by Blake_Harte_Quinn_Ryan_Rylon

  Linley laughed. She loved the way he could deflect her insecurity and ensure she enjoyed their time together. He had skills. Truth be told, she couldn’t wait another moment to see them in action. The slide of his taut pecs and solid abs on her back didn’t convince her otherwise.

  She craned her neck, and he got the point. Of course he did. He read her like no one else had in her life. Thankfully that included her competitors. If she’d been this transparent in her negotiations, she’d never have made it as far as she had to date.

  Ryder’s mouth crushed onto hers, making her legs wobbly even as he supported her in the cradle of his arms, which wrapped around her like the world’s loveliest boa constrictor. Corded muscles held her up as if it were no effort at all.

  Meanwhile, his lips encouraged her to blank out their surroundings and supply her undivided attention to magnifying the passion that coursed through her as he continued to seduce her. Rubs of his lips over hers, the tease of his tongue flicking at the roof of her mouth, and his wandering hands all combined to set her on fire.

  While he consumed her, he began to walk them forward. The uncoordinated response of her limbs granted him an excuse to lift her. All she had to concentrate on was the kiss that seemed endless. It intoxicated her with its potency.

  Until he broke the contact with a growl that matched her musing on the subject. He paused only long enough to deposit her, supine, on a padded platform at waist height. Not quite a bed, but not a bench either, the furniture had to have been custom made, designed with this purpose in mind.

  This place, and the people who owned it, had thought of everything. She silently thanked them for their foresight. Years of trial and error by those who’d come before were paying off, guaranteeing her experience left no room for complaints or improvement.

  Soft velvet caressed her back as Ryder’s hands glided over her wherever he could reach. “I’m leaving your underwear on. I’d like to save unwrapping that present for myself. Me and only me, okay?”

  “Yes.” She liked the idea of withholding something for him alone. How could she have met this man less than an hour ago? So little time and already he had her mostly bare, laid out like the main course of some decadent feast.

  If she’d known what awaited her tonight, she’d never have found the balls to pull the trigger. Thank goodness for snap decisions with no research to back them up. She didn’t utilize that tactic much, but the few times she’d gone with her gut in her life, she’d been rewarded for the risk.

  Tonight seemed like no exception.

  “That’s it, wildcat.” Ryder coached her through her revelation. “Relax and let me take care of you. I’ll make sure you get what you came for.”

  “Already have.” She reached out to squeeze his thigh. He’d granted her a break from the monotonous series of never-would-be lovers she’d tortured herself with for close to a year. Habits shattered, ruts erased, and bad logic followed by more of the same had finally been circumvented.

  “Don’t tease me.” He shied away from her grip. “I’m on the edge already.”

  Linley hadn’t intended to creep closer to his substantial package, but his warning brought out her naughty side. She slid her fingers higher until they made contact with the soft, roasting flesh between his legs. Curling her hand around his shaft, she measured him once then twice.


  Waiting to have him inside her seemed like the dumbest thing she’d ever done. Hopefully the deferred pleasure would make up for the delay.

  “If you’re not going to listen, I’ll have it my way.” Ryder shocked her when he slipped from her grip, moving quicker than she thought possible. Before she realized what he intended, he’d rolled her onto her side and stood before her. The frame of her vision filled with the triangle between his belly button and the sexy muscles leading at a diagonal straight to his rock-hard cock.

  Her mouth hung open when she got an up close and personal view. Bigger than she’d realized, he made her wonder if she could really take all of him.

  Ryder didn’t waste the opportunity. He fisted his hand in her hair and thrust his hips forward, prodding at her parted lips with the blunt cap of his dick. Moisture ensured he slid across her mouth, adding a gloss to her smile.

  “Take a taste,” he urged her. “Just a lick or two to hold you over.”

  Linley grinned at the roughness in his command. She gripped his ass with her free arm, and yanked him to her. Her nails dug into the bunched muscles when he slid inside her several inches deep.

  The taste of him—soap and man—encouraged her to take another draw. Around her, appreciative whispers boosted her confidence. When she began to suckle the tip of Ryder’s cock, he withdrew.

  “No way are you going to tempt me like that.” He replaced his mouth over hers, sampling their mingled flavors. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead on hers for a second as if she’d really made him need to catch his breath. “I’m not giving in so easily. Though, damn, I wish I were that kind of guy. You’re killing me here, wildcat.”

  “Know the feeling.” She squirmed on the bench, trying to ignore the crowd gathering around them as if they could sense the urgency sweeping both her and Ryder into its grasp. “I need you. Help me.”

  More complex explanations simply weren’t possible. She allowed her frantic stare to communicate her needs. Fortunately, he understood.

  “I’ve got you.” He pressed one last kiss to her lips then rounded the end of the bench. In one lightning move, he’d grabbed her thighs and yanked. Her ass rested on the edge of the platform, on the verge of slipping over, not that he’d allow that to happen.

  He cupped her ass and used his shoulders to insinuate his body between her legs.

  It wasn’t her finest moment, but she whimpered when he dipped low enough to blow a breath over her saturated panties.

  And that’s when she heard the men who’d ringed them start making wagers. “I bet he can make her come in two minutes or less.”

  Linley might have laughed. She’d never been one to tip quickly into orgasm. But tonight…well, everything was different. The entire evening had been foreplay, and she felt as though she would shatter at any moment. Each glancing nuzzle of Ryder’s face on her mound had her ready to scream.

  The guys shook on their gamble. Ryder lifted his head so they could all catch the twinkle in his eyes. “It won’t take that long. Give me thirty seconds.”

  She tried to stop him. He shushed her by placing a love bite on the gentle swell of her belly.

  “Don’t bother to argue. I’ll make you a believer, wildcat.” He winked at her then turned to the man beside her shoulder. “Loser pays the winner’s membership fee for a year.”

  “Done.” The guy huffed. “You’re good, no doubt. Still, she’s a first timer. Nervous. I can see it in her hands. They’re trembling.”

  Ryder didn’t flinch. Could he know they were shaking because she craved him so badly?

  “Then let’s get right to it.” He nodded to his opponent. “Count it down.”

  The deceptively respectable-looking man glanced at his Rolex. “Three…two…go!”

  Linley braced herself. It didn’t matter. He slipped his finger beneath the lace edge and slid the panel to the side, exposing her flesh to his tongue and lips. The initial pressure of Ryder’s mouth on her bare pussy had her nearly convulsing.

  The appreciative and carnal hum he made as he tasted her for the very first time did more for her than the tame and conscientious caresses of previous lovers. Raw desire had him burrowing deeper into her folds. Despite her attempts to revel in his treatment and the instant, full-speed-ahead pleasure he instilled, the impact he had on her body demonstrated his irresistibility.


  The man beside her shouldn’t have bothered.

  Her capitulation had never been in doubt.

  Linley surrendered to the awesome force of the ecstasy Ryder delivered. He pressed a single digit inside her
and set her off. She grasped him tight as she rewarded his dexterity and made him a winner. Both of them. Several times over.

  And she couldn’t wait to do it again.

  No lassitude crept over her at the temporary relief. Instead, it flung her higher. If the room didn’t free up soon, she’d find out what it was like to fuck in the open. Waiting was no longer an option.

  As Linley struggled to rise onto her elbows, a server tapped her on the shoulder. Though not the same man she’d placed her order with, he matched the other in his sexy appeal. Where did they find so many beautiful people? Or was it the libertine attitudes that influenced their appeal and made them so attractive?

  She supposed that must be it. Even odder, she figured she now counted among their ranks considering her pussy still quivered from the aftereffects of Ryder’s handling.

  Trying for sedate, she couldn’t keep herself from bolting to her feet as fast as her liquefied insides would allow. Tugging Ryder, she urged him to hurry. She shouldn’t have worried. He clambered beside her. A tiny chink in his feral grace guaranteed the solid erection he sported impaired his typical cool demeanor.

  Linley couldn’t wait to shatter his self-control. She needed all of him, not some safe version he thought she could handle. The room she’d selected could do that for them both—push them to the cusp and over. If they let it.

  Certainty pulsed through her and inspired her wicked smile.

  “Damn, wildcat. I like that look. So, where are you taking me?” Ryder’s eyes—so brown they were almost black—searched hers. “What room did you ask for?”

  “What are your favorites?” She hoped they were as compatible as she thought.

  “It doesn’t matter as long as you’re in it. With you, any of the options would be a hell of a lot of dirty fun.” The squeeze of his fingers on her reassured her. “But if I had to put something from Downstairs on top of my wish list, it’d either be The Toy Chest or Ties That Bind.”

  A huge smile planted itself on her face.

  “Yeah?” He tugged her closer and swooped in for a relatively quick kiss. Despite its brevity, it sent sparks through her veins. “I’m not surprised we’re on the same track. So which one was it?”

  If Linley said The Toy Chest click here or search for 4E - Ryder Loves The Toy Chest.

  If Linley said Ties That Bind click here or search for 4F - Ryder Loves Ties That Bind.

  4G - Fuck Machines Rule

  “I’m kind of curious about fuck machines.” The admission might have embarrassed Linley earlier in the evening. Any discomfort she’d felt about sharing her desires seemed to have vanished somewhere around the time she’d begged Ryder to fuck her out in the open for everyone to witness.

  About then she’d realized she was proud of her passion and the man who managed to magnify its impact on her. Here among others who understood the need for something more than the everyday dating drama—something lustier, something more direct, something darker—for whatever their personal reasons, Linley could be honest.

  Ryder had unlocked that capability in her. A huge win, she embraced the change. A million and sixty-two boring dates would never have landed her with the right guy. He’d been waiting here all along.

  He turned and called to one of the men in the crowd for assistance.

  “Grant, help me get her loose.” Her seemingly easygoing guide flashed his inner core of steel. Authority came naturally to him, even if he chose not to employ it most of the time. What did he do to earn that? Where did it come from in real life?

  A tendril of recognition stirred within her. Part of her related on a level that insisted he hid a heck of a lot behind his jeans and T-shirt exterior. Or maybe that was her justification for the omissions she’d had to make to follow the rules.

  Linley felt off balance, both because of her line of reasoning and because the comfort of her bindings had been stripped away. She tumbled right into Ryder’s outstretched arms. He winked down at her as he cradled her against his toasty chest. “Hey there.”

  “Hi,” she whispered with a smile, growing meek just for a moment. It was either that or admit how much more than simply her body was in the game tonight. Foolish to care after a single evening, but she did.

  The Basement shifted around her as Ryder toted her to the appropriate portal. She didn’t notice much of the surroundings since her stare never wavered from his scruffy jaw. The deep, rich brown of his hair made her long to run her fingers through it, along with the matching trail that lead down his body to his cock.

  He gathered her to one side then used his elbow to push the latch-style handle. When he slipped inside, he didn’t immediately turn on the lights.

  “I’m glad you decided on this room, wildcat.” Under cover of darkness, he confessed, “I don’t usually mind sharing. Giving my playmate that extra level of pleasure multiple partners can bring is an honor, but something about you has me possessive. I hoped to stake my claim privately before we tried that route.”

  “I know what you mean.” Linley wouldn’t deny ménage was a hell of a fantasy. Still, it hadn’t tripped her switch tonight. This was about her. And him. And their journey together. “So now that we’re alone…what are you going to do about it?”

  Ryder’s laugh sounded even better with her ear against his chest. He lowered her feet to the floor and kept a steadying hand on her shoulder. Then he began to dial up the dimmer switch. If the outer room of the Basement had piqued her curiosity, the various apparatus sheltered in here had her whistling.

  “Holy crap.” She stood with her jaw hanging open until Ryder took her fingers in his and led her from station to station. She tilted her head as if looking at some of the contraptions sideways would make their configurations more sensible. “Ryder, I think I’m going to trust you on this one. You’re right. Tonight has been damn near perfect. Why stop banking on luck now?”

  Black pipes, leather pads, gears, and who knew what else stuck out all over the place.

  “Sure thing, wildcat. I know just the thing. But first, come check out your accessory options.” Ryder led her to a showcase that was the centerpiece of an entire wall. Glass shelves lit by halogen spotlights made the dildos inside seem like works of art.

  “These are all attachments for the machines. Why don’t you choose one to get us started?” He gestured to the normal-looking variety on one side and the more outlandish kinds on the other.

  Linley glanced down at Ryder’s erection.

  “You’re making me a little self-conscious.” He chuckled. “What’s with the inspection?”

  “I want something close to, but not as good as, the real thing.” She smiled up at him. “I assume you’re the encore to this experiment?”

  “You’d better believe it.” He clenched his jaw. “It’s hard enough to wait my turn.”

  “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Linley angled her chin toward the enormous bed she’d spotted in the rear of the space. “After everything you’ve shown me tonight, I think I’ve realized that having a great time is about the person who takes you on the adventure more than which rabbit hole you fall down.”

  “Ah, a poet too?” Ryder dipped his head for a kiss. It quickly went from serene to full-octane. “No, wildcat. You’re going to get what you came for. And then some.”

  “I already have.” She hugged him tight. “But if you insist…I’ll take the model on the second shelf, fourth from the left.”

  “Good choice.” Reaching in the cabinet, he withdrew the dildo that matched his olive complexion. “The veins on this one should work some magic with the machine I had in mind.”

  “And which one is that?” The throbbing between her legs increased as he hauled her past station after station.

  A chair that looked a little too much like a dentist’s setup for her peace of mind occupied a corner along with bright lights. A couple with a medical fetish would adore it. Next was a handheld unit on a stand. It looked like it might have once been a reciprocating saw. The
n something that seemed to be a fully functioning robotic man. That one gave her the shivers.

  She held her breath until they’d crossed almost the entire chamber.

  There, at the far end of the bed, something unusual and fun caught her attention. She asked, “This?”

  “Mmm.” Ryder hummed. “You strike me as the kind of woman who could tame a bucking bronco.”

  She smiled as she examined the saddle in front of her. Supported on a post, it almost looked like one of those rides she’d seen at the line dancing bar Henry dragged her to on occasion. Except this version had large handrails on either side. They resembled a set of parallel bars with the saddle between them. Affixed to the center of each one was a padded cuff.

  When Ryder caught the direction of her gaze, he grinned. “Wouldn’t want you falling off and getting hurt now, would we? I have plans to ride you when you’re done riding it.”

  Her knees wobbled at the thought. Their evening had been one long bout of foreplay, and she was eager for the main event.

  Ryder caught her and swung her into the saddle. “No way, wildcat. We’re not skipping out on this. I want my show. You realize this room is just as much for the men as the ladies, right? I’m pretty sure I’ll never get the image of you on display as you ride this thing out of my mind. Wouldn’t want to. I already know it’s going to be spectacular.”

  She bit her lip as she considered performing for him, revving him even higher so that when they finally came together, it was an explosion of passion. A demonstration of what rapture under pressure could do to two people in bed.

  “Get your feet in the stirrups.” He nudged her legs until they settled into the wooden brackets. Each foothold dangled from a length of leather that Ryder deftly adjusted to the perfect height for her long legs.

  For once, she liked how tall she was. He had a good four inches on her nearly six feet. Not a single time during the night had she felt as if she towered over him. Not in stature and certainly not in bearing. He was a welcome relief.


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