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A_Taste_of_Decadence_ARE Page 88

by Blake_Harte_Quinn_Ryan_Rylon

  Ties That Bind.

  She hummed.

  “You like that idea, huh?” Chase brushed his free thumb across the hard tip of her nipple, which distorted the front of her bra.

  “Yes,” she murmured. “It’s all your fault. Since you showed me that painting in the hall, it’s been on my mind.”

  “So noted.” A chuckle emanated from his chest. “Why don’t we take a seat for a while so you can check out the crowd and think about your choices? There are more around the bend if none of those appealed.”

  “No, I saw a few…” She had to clear her throat.

  “Good.” Chase squeezed her hand. “But I don’t think you’re fired up enough yet. I want you begging.”

  “That can be arranged.” Stifling a pout became surprisingly difficult. Linley hardly recognized the woman he made her. Pliant. Needy. Vulnerable.

  It frightened her and thrilled her at the same time.

  “I’m talking about the kind of urge that burns until you scream my name and implore me to fill you. I’ll make you want it all then give you more than you imagined.” He certainly knew how to push her buttons. “Just like Alec is doing for Eliana.”

  “Hmm?” She glanced away from his handsome face toward whatever had snagged his attention.

  A platinum blonde woman with extra-pale skin and a smattering of colorful tattoos was splayed on her back on a padded bench. A thin man boasting at least a dozen piercings, which reflected glints of his spiky blue hair, crawled between long, toned legs.

  Whoa. “They’re beautiful together,” she whispered.

  “I agree.” Chase led her to a loveseat and pressed her shoulders until she lowered herself into the soft leather. “And she loves to have an audience to witness what her husband has the power to do to her.”

  “They’re married?” Linley didn’t object when Chase petted her long tresses where they spilled over her back nearly to her elbows. She reveled in the stoking touches. Accompanied by the sight of the fit, young couple in front of her—and the sounds of their lovemaking—she felt the warmth that had begun to pulse through her core growing. Spreading.

  “Yes.” He added kisses and licks to her neck and shoulders before toying with the upper swells of her breasts. “They met here and tied the knot within a few weeks. Right upstairs in the ballroom. At the time I thought they were crazy, but they’ve lasted. Must be coming up on five years now. And maybe I finally understand more about how they knew so fast. I’ve never felt this kind of chemistry before, Linley.”

  She pried her stare from Alec, who feasted on his wife as if he could never have enough of her taste. Eliana’s spine arched as she offered herself more fully to the man she’d pledged herself to for life. Their demonstration was proof of their love and lust.

  Alec pressed his wife’s thighs wider apart to make room for his broad shoulders as he nestled closer to her core. She obliged, allowing him to mold her into whatever contortion he needed to improve his access.

  “Wait, are you saying…” Afraid to ask, Linley knew tonight had already come to mean more to her than a quick let off of steam.

  “Shh.” Chase tipped her chin up and toward him so that he could claim her mouth. His kiss melted her doubts, leaving only searing desire. His tongue teased the insides of her lips then coaxed her own out to play. They swirled the wet muscles around each other, pausing only to suck or impart a love bite on the other. “I don’t know what the hell is happening. But I’m going with it. I’m prepared to ride this wave as far as we can.”

  His hand wandered from her shoulder to cup her breast, testing the weight in his palm. She made a handful plus some for him, and he seemed plenty satisfied with the way they fit. Soon she wished the thin, expensive lace of her bra didn’t stand between them making skin-to-skin contact.

  “Chase,” she whimpered.

  “Almost.” His denial strained, hopefully with similar need.

  Linley allowed her hand to wander from where it’d hung limp by her side when he attacked her logic. She swept it over his muscled thigh until she bumped into the heaviness of his erection. Her fingers curled around the thick shaft possessively.

  Chase broke their kiss as he practically growled her name. Triumph rang through her at the matching desperation in his stare. Instead of caving to her manipulation, he counterstriked. His fingers journeyed along her belly to cup her mound.

  The mewl that broke from her throat surprised her.

  Several of the couples around them diverted their attention from Alex and Eliana to the side action she and Chase were quickly ramping up to. If they didn’t get behind closed doors soon, they’d be demonstrating more than she felt up to on her first time out.

  Though she couldn’t find her voice, she begged Chase with her gaze.

  “Okay, I think we’re ready.” His self-deprecating laugh made it clear he wasn’t used to suffering the same level of arousal as the women he delighted. Before she realized what he intended, he’d hailed a server. “When Robbie gets here, we’ll give him our room order. Where am I taking you?”

  “There are so many possibilities, it’s hard to pick.” Assaulted by a barrage of images, she closed her eyes. That only served to make the possibilities more vivid.

  “You know, we can try them all eventually. But for tonight…why don’t you tell me which two struck your fancy and we’ll narrow it down from there.” He patted her hand, lingering to tease the sensitive spots between her fingers, making her shiver.

  “What if you don’t like the activities on top of my list?” She gulped. Temptation loomed so near, she didn’t relish the thought of being disappointed or putting him off.

  “There aren’t any doors in this room I wouldn’t walk through with you.” The wash of his breath proved he’d leaned in close enough to buss her cheek. “It’s the reason I play up here instead of in the Basement. I know my limits and what I’m capable of granting a woman. Nothing here is out of the realm of enjoyment for me. So what are your top two?”

  She opened her eyes and stared into the honest passion in his. “The Toy Chest and Ties That Bind.”

  “Damn.” He tipped his head back and breathed hard. Had he gambled and lost?

  “You don’t approve?” She worried her lip. “I can choose something else.”

  “No, no.” He pulled her onto his lap.

  The throb of his cock against her belly had her gasping. “You like them both. A lot.”

  “Two of my favorites, love.” The affirmation he growled against her neck preceded a nip and several kisses. “You were made for this. For me. For tonight.”

  She rubbed her breasts against his chest, counting on the solid muscles to soothe the ache through her bra.

  “If we both like the options, how will we pick?” She tipped her head.

  “Fate’s been kind to us so far tonight.” Chase kissed the corner of her mouth. “Whichever comes open first will be the one we go with. Fair?”

  Linley nodded. She liked the idea of some randomness to the fun. Either option filled her with longing and had her squirming on Chase’s lap. Part of her needed him bad enough she considered adjusting their bodies the slight tilt it would take to have him inside her right here, the hell with anyone who saw.

  Maybe that could be an adventure for another night. If…would he want to see her again? She hoped so but didn’t plan to ruin the moment with long-term worries. That was the Ms. Lane she’d come here tonight to evade.

  The server approached. Chase asked, “Is there a waiting list for Ties That Bind or The Toy Chest?”

  Robbie shook his head. “You’re in luck. Both are about to be available.”

  “We’ll take whichever opens first.” Chase informed the staffer.

  “You got it, Chase.” He smiled then wandered off to a serving station to punch the order into a computer.

  Linley stared at the two doors behind them. Both rooms had the occupied light illuminated, though she could have sworn she’d seen a couple emerge a few minutes ago
in the reflection from the huge gilt mirrors across the room. The scent and sounds of intense lovemaking surrounding them must be throwing off her senses.

  “Both are empty.” Chase read her thoughts. “They sanitize the play areas and reset them between couples. It should be any—”

  He cut off as one of the lights flipped from red to green.

  Linley’s heart raced. She’d gotten her first choice after all.

  “You’ve gone so stiff.” He licked her collarbone. His hand dropped to her ass and kneaded the clenched muscles there. “Like you’re about to come just thinking about what’s in store for us. Jesus. You’re amazing. Which one is it? The Toy Chest or Ties That Bind?”

  If the open room is Toy Chest click here or search for 4C - Toy Chest With Chase.

  If the open room is Ties That Bind click here or search 4D - Ties That Bind With Chase.

  4A - Romantic Interlude

  “When I set out tonight, I thought I’d have to do something daring to get what I needed. But now I realize it wouldn’t have mattered. You’re all I want. Relief from the stress of everyday and release from this tension that’s been building.” She smiled shyly into his gorgeous blue eyes. “Can we take it slow? No games. No crazy stuff. Just you and me. Enjoying each other.”

  “Of course,” he murmured. “I’d have suggested it myself except disappointing you wasn’t my intention. This feels right, Linley. I mean, we are sleeping together after having just met. That’s wild enough, isn’t it?”

  “Insane. And somehow not.” She reached up to stroke his cheek.

  “Would you mind if I lit some of those candles?” The flick of his chin toward her mantle and the side tables helped her understand despite the fog in her brain.

  “Of course not. Go ahead. There are matches in the dish beside the pillars.” Linley watched as he stalked from cluster to cluster of the pretty votives, jars, and sticks. She adored candles of every variety.

  Flame caught as soon as he touched the head to the striker. She could sympathize with the poor bit of tinder. He’d set her ablaze with as little effort. When he’d finished ringing them in the warm yellow glow of flickering light, he extinguished the overhead lamp and returned to their nest.

  He rolled until they faced each other on their sides. Lounging in bed, they whispered as they kissed and caressed each other through their clothes. For how long, she couldn’t say. Maybe hours. They joked. Discovered sensitive areas and practiced reducing their partner to sighs of delight.

  When she couldn’t stand it anymore, Linley got to her knees on the mattress.

  “What are you doing, love?” Chase smiled up at her, his attentive stare following every move she made.

  “Getting rid of some of these pesky barriers.” She collected the hem of her dress in her fingers and began to draw it upward.

  When Chase licked his lips, she teased him by lowering it once more.

  “I’ll be good, I promise.” He winked up at her.

  “Why don’t I believe you?” A laugh fell from her parted lips as she wished she hadn’t stopped kissing him. The skill with which he infused desire into his smallest movements had her longing to return to his embrace.

  “Because you’re smart.” He chuckled along with her.

  This time she lifted the material until all of her legs were on display. A tiny bit more and she’d reveal the black lace of her thong to his hungry gaze.

  “Show me.”

  “Are you sure you want to see?” The longing in his eyes didn’t lie. Something about him made her flirtatious side emerge.

  She hadn’t even known she had one before tonight.

  “Positive.” Chase lounged nearby, appraising her. His deceptive relaxation made her imagine a lion sunning itself, yet ready to explode into action at any given instant.

  His fingers toyed with her knee and the bare skin just above it. Though he could outwait her, she didn’t care about the contest of wills. It delighted her that he seemed content to drink in her display and humor her artless seduction.

  Simple pleasures sustained them both.

  Except she’d waited so long… She yearned for more.

  Linley forced a deep breath past her flipping insides and the tight band of hope squeezing her in the vicinity of her heart. With her courage dialed up, she peeled her dress above her hips and paused with it ringing her mostly flat belly.

  “A little faster, love.” Chase hadn’t blinked in a while. Perhaps his impatience was mounting too. He began to creep closer, stalking her from his prone position on her enormous bed.

  She swallowed then whipped the stretchy fabric over her head and flung it into the corner where it draped over a wingback chair she loved curling up in to read. When time permitted, which hadn’t been often enough. Tonight was one of the few things she’d done strictly for fun in a while.

  Parts of her whispered that what she’d stumbled across was something more important than physical amusement, but she jammed the rational side of her back into the closet before the fuddy-duddy could spoil the entertainment for the evening.

  “Wait,” Chase rasped. “Stay just like that.”

  Linley froze with her hands up, tangled in her hair, where she’d been unconsciously finger combing the mussed strands. She met his intense stare. “Why?”

  “Because I’m taking a mental picture.” He groaned. “You’re gorgeous. This place, the light, your bed—you. So soft, like a secret hideaway where a fair maiden is just waiting for me.”

  “I’m not exactly a virgin.” She snorted. They both cracked up at her faux pas. Laughing in bed with him had to be one of the biggest turn-ons of all time. “Are you a knight in shining armor? Or maybe a prince?”

  “Not exactly. If you’d wanted that option, you should have stuck with Ryder.” He grimaced.

  “What?” She canted her head.

  “Shit. Sorry.” Chase reached for her, and she tumbled willingly into his hold. “You’re making me lose my mind. I shouldn’t have said that. Club rules and all.”

  “Is he really…?” Linley attempted to put that mantle on the rough-and-tumble man yet couldn’t manage it.

  “Yeah. But you didn’t hear that from me.” Covering her mouth, he kept them from discussing the topic in any more detail. This time his hands roamed across her naked flesh. They were warm and gentle but not too soft. Quickly, all thoughts of other men fled her mind. They vanished from her bedroom. “That’s better, love.”

  He gazed into her eyes as he traced the contour of her smile with one fingertip. “So, should I finish undressing you? Or would you like me to even the score?”

  “That.” Stealing her ability to speak intelligently, she selected from his menu of options. “The second one.”

  She couldn’t wait to see him naked. The press of his firm planes through his clothes guaranteed the view would be spectacular.

  Linley propped herself on the heap of pillows at the head of her bed and tucked her feet beneath her.

  “Would you like some popcorn?” He chuckled though she had to make sure she wasn’t drooling when he worked the knot of his tie loose. His long, thick fingers began to deftly tuck the buttons of his Oxford through the holes.

  “Shh…” Linley played along. “Don’t talk during the good parts.”

  “I didn’t think I’d gotten there yet.” He spread his shirt wide, treating her to a glimpse of his washboard abs.

  “Oh yeah, I think that’s going to be one of my favorite sections.” Dying to run a single finger down the center of his gorgeous body, she clasped her hands in front of her to ensure she behaved.

  “Hmm.” His wry smile did funny things to her. “I hope there’s at least one you like better.”

  With that he worked the buckle of his belt apart and slid the length of leather from around his trim waist. It hit the plush carpet with a dull thud. Practically before it sounded, he’d drawn his zipper down and separated the placket of his trousers.

  Already she could see the silhouette of
his arousal through the gray boxer briefs he wore beneath. “Okay. You win. I’m pretty fond of what you’ve got going on there.”

  Chase chuckled as he shucked the pants along with the open shirt. His underwear followed a moment later. The lithe flex of his body had her dreaming of a whole new level of pleasure he could drive her to tonight.

  And that was before she allowed herself to check out the length of his erection, standing thick against his lightly-furred stomach.

  Linley blinked. Then did it again.

  “Thanks, love.” He whipped one side of the covers back then lifted her and slid her beneath them. Cocooned, she didn’t even squirm when he attacked her panties. His fingers tucked under the lace and peeled it from her. She lifted her ass, helping him divest her of the final obstruction between them.

  Well, second to last really. But it only took him a few instants more to have her bra unhooked and falling from her arms. When the cups released her body, leaving her nipples to harden with the wash of room temperature air, she ducked her head.

  With a man as fine as him…

  “Never doubt how beautiful you are, Linley.” Chase nudged her chin up until he could reclaim her lips.

  He rubbed hers with his, transferring some of the dampness there. The intensity of his stare never abandoned her eyes while he massaged her tongue and gums. Simultaneously, he soothed her and aroused her. It shouldn’t have been possible. But with him, almost anything seemed to be.

  When he sank lower, his bare chest made contact with her breasts and his cock prodded her thigh. She arched, pressing closer, as tight to his heat and generous affection as she could get. Candlelight glinted off the bronze highlights in his hair. He looked like a god come to life.

  Yet he seemed equally as enthralled by her.

  Their lips drifted apart as he slowly retreated. Next he placed a kiss on the corner of her mouth, teasing her permanent smile. After he’d finished paying his respects to the joy they created in unison, he trailed his open mouth along her jaw, then beneath her ear.


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