Unintended Consequences

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Unintended Consequences Page 14

by Stuart Woods

  “I think I can shield her from the press.”

  “I’m glad Marcel is staying with you. A lot of our friends seem to do that from time to time.”

  Stone knew he was referring to Holly, but he said nothing.

  “I think it’s time we augmented the security arrangements for your house,” Lance said. “After all, after the events of a few weeks ago, al Qaeda is aware of you.”

  This had crossed Stone’s mind, but he hadn’t done anything about it. “What sort of augmentation?”

  “If you’re going to go on hosting people important to us, like the president and first lady, even after they’re out of office, then we’ll need to install a new security system, and we’ll need to replace the exterior doors with steel ones and the windows with steel-framed armored glass.”

  “The New-York Historical Society will be alarmed to hear that, and you’ll have to have their approval.”

  “Leave that to me. The doors and windows will appear identical to the ones they’re replacing. We did the same thing with your cousin Dick’s house at Dark Harbor, which you now own.”

  “You’re not going to send me a bill for all this, are you?”

  “Fear not, Stone, it will be done with dispatch, and you will be none the poorer for it.”

  “All right.”

  “A man named Joe will call and survey the place. He’ll phone Joan first.”

  “And you’ll take whatever steps are necessary so that Helga won’t have any problems entering the country?”

  “I will, but I don’t want her flying commercial until I say so, and that could be a few weeks.”

  “Then I’ll arrange something. How’s the new job?”

  “More hectic than I had imagined. Kate has been a great help with the transition. I’m moving into her offices tomorrow. Now I must go.” Lance hung up without further ado.

  Stone buzzed Joan. “A man named Joe, a friend of Lance’s, is going to come to the house and make a nuisance of himself, and then he’s going to put in a new security system and replace all the windows in the house.”

  “Is that all? Oh, it’ll be fun!” She hung up.

  Marcel rapped on the rear door to Stone’s office and walked in. “May I?”

  “Of course,” Stone said. “How’s the jet lag?”

  “I’m feeling quite well,” he said, “after a good night’s sleep.”

  “When would you like to meet with Mike Freeman about your security arrangements?”

  “Anytime at all. And we should invite Bill Eggers and discuss the Arrington proposition, as well.”

  “I’ll do that. By the way, Helga called last night after you went to bed and sends you her warm regards. She’s safe in Sweden, but she’s going to come and visit me in New York.”

  “When will she come?”

  “As soon as I can arrange a private air charter. Lance doesn’t want her flying commercial until things have quieted down.”

  “My French attorney will come to New York if we can reach an agreement on the Arrington business. I can have him pick her up in Stockholm on his way.”

  “That’s very kind of you, Marcel.” And a reason to conclude our business quickly, Stone thought.


  Stone and Marcel were driven to the offices of Strategic Services by Philip in Stone’s car and were immediately shown into Mike Freeman’s large office.

  “Good morning, Marcel,” Mike said. “Bill Eggers will be joining us in half an hour or so, but I wanted to talk with you about your security concerns in Paris.”

  “Thank you, Mike,” Marcel said, sitting down on the sofa and accepting a cup of coffee.

  “There are two immediate concerns, as we see it,” Mike said. “First, there’s the Blaise factory, which we have not had an opportunity to survey.”

  “Fortunately,” Marcel replied, “we have had a considerable security presence at the factory, because of our concerns about keeping the operation secret. With the introduction of the car at auto shows around the world, I had planned to reduce that to the bare minimum.”

  “Are you pleased with the quality of the security personnel?”

  “I believe they are good at keeping visitors away.”

  “Are they armed?”


  “Then it is our recommendation, if you wish to continue with the same security firm, that you request an upgrade in the quality and training of the guards and have them armed with semiautomatic pistols and to have assault rifles or shotguns readily available to them.”

  “I do not have confidence that the firm I’m dealing with would be able to provide such personnel.”

  “Then may we send our Paris station head to the factory to conduct a survey and make a proposal?”

  “Certainly, and the sooner the better.”

  “Tomorrow at the latest,” Mike said. “Now to your personal needs. Stone has described your living arrangements at the top of your office building, and we like what we heard. We recommend that you have two armed men in the building twenty-four hours a day, one at the front desk downstairs and one in your living quarters. Ideally, that man would answer the door when guests arrive, and he would ride in the front seat of your car with your driver when you move about Paris, then accompany you in a discreet manner when you leave the car.”

  “That sounds like a good plan,” Marcel replied.

  “Staffing that requirement twenty-four hours a day would require a team of eight to ten men.” Mike handed him a sheet of paper. “This is a quote for such a complement.”

  Marcel read it quickly. “Agreed,” he said.

  “They will be on duty when you arrive back in Paris,” Mike said. “We also recommend very strongly that you travel in a well-armored vehicle.”

  Marcel shook his head. “I don’t want to move about in a tank.”

  “You drove here in Stone’s car, which is a product of our armored vehicle division.”

  “The Bentley? That didn’t seem like a tank.”

  “It would have protected you from the sort of assault that was attempted on your car on your way to Le Bourget,” Mike said.

  “How long would I have to wait for it?”

  “Are you happy with your Maybach?”

  “Very much so.”

  “We have existing templates for all the panels necessary to fortify your car. Stone says you are shipping Blaises by air to this country. If you can ship the Maybach that way, then by working around the clock on the car we can complete the work in eight days.” He handed Marcel a quote for the job.

  “I can ship it by air,” Marcel said, “and I accept your proposal.”

  “Thank you, Marcel. In two or three days we will have a proposal for protecting the Blaise factory. In the meantime, I would suggest that you ask your current contractor to beef up security and, if possible, to arm them.”

  “I will telephone them today,” Marcel said.

  “How are you currently shipping Blaises to the U.S.?”

  “In a former French military aircraft, two at a time.”

  “We have a contractor at Stewart International Airport, in Newburgh, New York, an hour’s drive north of here, that operates a C-17. Do you know this aircraft?”


  “It is a four-engine, jet airplane that could transport, perhaps, two dozen Blaises and your Maybach on a single flight. Cars destined for other American cities could easily be transported by truck, enclosed truck, if you like.”

  “You can arrange this?”

  “We’d be very glad to.”

  “Then please do so at your earliest convenience. I have six Blaises awaiting transport to the New York Auto Show next week, and a further dozen completed cars for our dealers in Palm Beach, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.”

  “Could you have all of them at Le Bourget the
day after tomorrow?”

  “Indeed, yes.”

  “I’ll give you the cost later in the day.”

  Mike’s secretary walked in, followed by Bill Eggers. Hands were shaken all around.

  “That completes our security business,” Mike said. “Now we can move on to the business of The Arrington.”

  “I have come prepared to make you an offer,” Marcel said. “Stone has proposed selling me fifteen percent of the Arrington shares for three hundred and fifty million, then investing that sum in a European company. I offer to pay you that amount for twenty percent of the shares, plus a seat on the board. I will form a Swiss company with an initial capitalization of two billion euros for the purpose of handling the European expansion, and I suggest we satisfy our financial obligations to each other with an exchange of stock, which should react to our mutual benefit through tax savings.”

  Stone, Mike, and Eggers exchanged glances and nods.

  “That is acceptable to us in principle,” Eggers said, “contingent on a determination of the value of your shares and other details.”

  “Then I suggest you draw up a deal memo,” Marcel said, “and I will have my legal team here the day after tomorrow to hash out the details and help write the final contract. Do we have anything else to discuss?”

  Mike spoke up. “If you have more time today, I’d like you to view a short film about Strategic Services, which will give you a good idea of the range of what we offer. Also, I’d like you to see the original designs that were made for The Arrington in Los Angeles, and meet some of the team that put them together.”

  “I have the rest of the day,” Marcel said. “I need only to make a few phone calls to Paris to get the wheels turning.”

  “I must get back to my office,” Stone said. “I’ll leave you the car.”

  Marcel took him aside.

  “I’ll have my attorneys pick up Helga at Stockholm City Airport at noon the day after tomorrow. She should go to Grafair Jet Center at that airport.”

  “Thank you, Marcel, I’ll let her know.”

  • • •

  Eggers walked Stone out. “That went very well and very quickly,” Bill said. “If Marcel is always that easy to work with, then this should be a delightful business venture for us.”

  “All we have to do,” Stone said, “is keep him alive and well.”


  When Stone arrived back at his desk he had a note to call Lance Cabot, on what Stone assumed was a private line. He made the call.

  “Good afternoon, Stone.” No secretary.

  “Good afternoon, Lance.”

  “Have you made any arrangements for Helga to fly to the States?”

  “Yes, Marcel duBois’s attorneys are flying to New York the day after tomorrow, and they will pick her up at noon at Stockholm City Airport, at Grafair Aviation. They will be landing at Teterboro.”

  “That is quite satisfactory,” Lance said. “I will see that Helga is transported from her island home to Stockholm City Airport by helicopter that morning. Tell her the chopper will land on her front lawn at ten A.M., local time.”

  “I’ll do that.”

  “How are your business dealings with Marcel proceeding?”

  “Extremely well.”

  “Can you share some details?”

  “I don’t see why not. Marcel is buying twenty percent of our shares for three hundred and fifty million. He is establishing a European corporation for building hotels over there, and we will invest in this with an exchange of shares.”

  “You’ve moved quickly, then.”

  “Marcel is very easy to do business with.”

  “I have some news, too, but more troubling. The Russian contingent in Paris is extremely upset about the death of Aldo Saachi and the loss of one other man by drowning in the Seine. One of the men in the Mercedes survived, and he is very angry, too. His name is Yuri Majorov.”

  “Ah, yes, I’ve seen him in Paris. Is he the one who took a shot at Amanda Hurley?”

  “He is, to our knowledge. A contact on the inside of his organization, which we have code-named SQUID, has told us that Majorov’s masters have declared him persona non grata in Paris and that he is being dispatched to New York. Having failed to do so in Paris, perhaps we can dispatch him there.”

  “Good idea,” Stone said. “Strategic Services will be providing personal security both here and in Paris for Marcel, and they will do a survey of his needs at the Blaise factory, as well.”

  “What security arrangements have you made in New York for Marcel’s protection?”

  “He is staying in my home and being driven in my car, which is armored, and being guarded by two operatives from Strategic Services whenever he leaves the house.”

  “Ah, yes, the Bentley Flying Spur—a very handsome car.”

  “Marcel’s Maybach is to be transported to New York by C-17, by a company in which you have an interest, then Mike Freeman’s armoring division will transform it in eight days.”

  “Our C-17. Good to have some new business for it.”

  Strategic had sold the company owning the C-17 to the Agency. “Give Marcel a decent price, will you? Don’t try to make the whole year’s profit on this transaction.”

  “Well, I’ll see that he’s not overcharged, but he will have to pay what anyone else would pay. After all, he can afford it.”

  “Now,” Stone said, “I think it would behoove you to give me some tasty morsel of intelligence to pass along to Marcel.”

  “Well, let me see: I did mention that we think Majorov is coming to New York to kill him, didn’t I?”

  “I’m not sure that passing that along is quite the right thing to do,” Stone replied. “Give me something more hopeful, more entertaining, even.”

  “Ah, I have just the thing: one of Marcel’s German competitors, a rather unpleasant man named Horst Schnell, has suffered a financial loss of sixty million euros from a computer scam operated by our friends from SQUID. When Marcel has stopped laughing, you might mention that Strategic Services also offers an excellent computer security system. Tell Mike Freeman that we are quite willing to share what we know of how the scam operated with his tech people.”

  “Now, that is the sort of information that will entrance both Marcel and Mike.”

  “I thought it might. Oh, and our man Joe surveyed your house while you were out this morning, and he will be installing a very nice security system in your home tomorrow morning, early, that will include all the latest goodies.”

  “Lance, if I find out that you are surveilling me with my own security system, I will be extremely annoyed.”

  “Stone, it hurts me to think that you would have such an opinion of me. I should tell you, though, that there may be times when you might want such a service from us.”

  “If that time comes, I’ll let you know,” Stone said.

  “Oh, and Joe has put a big rush on your new windows and doors. They’ll be installed over the weekend, and Joe does very neat work, so he won’t make a mess.”

  “Then I will be grateful to him,” Stone said.

  “Must run,” Lance replied. “See you.” He hung up.

  Stone wasn’t sure what time it was in the Stockholm archipelago, so he sent Helga a text message: Good news, Marcel’s attorneys are traveling to New York from Europe and will collect you at Grafair Aviation at Stockholm City Airport at noon, the day after tomorrow. Prior to that, Lance is providing a helicopter that will land on your front lawn at 10 AM, local time, to transport you to the airport. Try and get some rest on the airplane, because I will make you busy when you arrive. Please confirm receipt of this message. Stone.

  Joan came into his office. “Joe came and went,” she said. “He’ll be back early tomorrow to install your new security system. I gave him a key, so he won’t have to wake you.”

Good work. I’m told Joe will be installing new windows and exterior doors over the weekend, so when you come back to work on Monday morning, you will be newly safe. Perhaps I’ll take Marcel to Connecticut for the weekend, so he won’t be disturbed.”

  The phone rang, and Joan went to answer it. “Mike Freeman, on one.”

  “Hello, Mike.”

  “Stone. Marcel is watching our video, goggle-eyed. I don’t think he knew that such a company existed.”

  “Careful, or he’ll buy you,” Stone said.

  “We’ll give him lunch here, then he’ll have his meeting with our design team. I’ll return him to you around five, I should think.”

  “Good. I’ll give him some news then that will make him want you to protect his computer systems, so be ready to make your pitch.”

  “Anything I should know first?”

  “Marcel should know it first. He’ll be in touch, don’t worry.” Stone hung up and buzzed Joan. “Make us a dinner reservation at Patroon at eight, and let the security people know. I don’t want to surprise them. And ask Dino and Viv to join us.”

  “Consider it done,” she said.


  Stone and Marcel arrived at Patroon shortly after eight. They pulled up behind a black Lincoln Town Car with city plates, and Stone knew that Dino’s promotion had won him a better car than his usual Crown Vic.

  The owner of the restaurant, Ken Aretsky, greeted them in the dining room and showed them to a corner table, where Dino was waiting. He and Marcel shook hands warmly.

  “Where’s Viv?” Stone asked. “Don’t tell me we have to put up with you alone.”

  “You do,” Dino replied. “Viv is boning up on some Strategic Services operation manuals for her new job.”

  “What will she be doing there, Dino?” Marcel asked.

  “She won’t tell me,” Dino said. “You’d think she had joined the CIA.”


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