Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance

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Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance Page 32

by Natasha Spencer

  “I have to know what the next step is going to be and I doubt that we can stay here with this looming over our heads. Our grandfather has a cabin a couple of hours away from here which is still in his name. I doubt anybody would know about it and we could stay there for as long as it’s necessary.”

  “I’m not usually one to run away from my problems, but maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to find a better location. I wish there was a better place than grandfathers cabin in the woods. You’re not one for roughing it and he doesn’t even have inside plumbing.”

  I had enjoyed my time in the wild growing up until I was old enough to realize that getting bitten alive by mosquitoes and having wild animals outside the door was not my idea of fun.

  “I would say the sooner we get on the road the better. Let me pack up a quick bag with the basic necessities and you can grab your duffel bag which I’m sure you didn’t even unpack. The place is usually packed with food, but we shouldn’t take anything for granted.”

  We had the makings of a plan and any thought of getting physical had disappeared with the mood ruined.

  Chapter Seven

  On one hand, the motorcycle made us a sitting duck, but driving it through traffic was like they were standing still. It was a risk, but it was the fastest way to get out of town without being spotted. He took a circuitous route, backtracking several times just to make sure there weren’t eyes on us.

  It was pitch black and the further outside of town the more desolate it became until we felt like we were the only ones on the road. The blazing light from the motorcycle was the only thing showing us the way with no discernible streetlights in the vicinity.

  “I came home to get away from this and instead, I brought it right to the doorstep of my family home. The only saving grace is that our parents are away and out of touch with the rest of the world. I have taken the precaution and had some of my people track them down. They will be watched from this moment on with each team changing every 12 hours to keep things fresh.” It made me feel better that my parents were not going to find themselves on the hit list without the necessary backup to keep them from becoming victims.

  “I hope they are discreet and you know how our parents can overreact. They didn’t exactly like your chosen profession, but they were proud of you. Life is about changes and nothing stays the same which I’m sure is something we can both testify to.” I couldn’t stop myself from gripping him tightly and grazing slightly over his appendage to feel it jerk underneath my watchful gaze.

  “You have nothing to worry about and these people have been trained to be invisible. Besides, they’ll only be there a short time until we find out who is doing this and put a stop to it.” He seemed awfully confident and I wasn’t sure that I shared his sentiment.

  “Bailey, I don’t want to throw cold water on your parade, but how can you be so sure?” I heard the wind flying past us and the scenery was becoming familiar with landmarks pointing the way to grandfather’s place.

  The entire area was made up of hunting cabins and nothing was in season. There should’ve been no reason for anybody to be up here at this time of year. This was what I was banking on, but it still made me feel a little jittery about how he could be so sure things were going to work itself out in a timely manner.

  “I hope you know nothing is holding me back from attacking you from the moment we enter this place. I can already picture you naked and I really don’t like to wait for gratification. Your body is enough to keep me guessing and I must confess to feeling a little manipulated.” There was no way I could force him to do anything against his will and how he could propose such a thing was preposterous.

  “It takes two to tango and we have both been complicit in showing each other more than our version of dirty dancing.” We hadn’t done that dance with no pants, but I had a feeling things were leading in that direction.

  “Chelsea, I’ve always had these feelings, but I never imagined in a million years they would be returned. I know our parents would feel this is wrong, but how can it be wrong when it feels so right.”

  We arrived at our final destination and the place was rustic and quaint just the way that I remembered it. The sound of the water nearby was enough to make me strip down and go skinny dipping under the moonlight.

  “Bailey, I don’t know about you, but I could really use something to cool me off after what just happened. You can join me if you want. I’m going to go skinny dipping. If you don’t think that you can handle it, then maybe you should hold back and wait for me to come back shivering and looking for a warm body to press up against.”

  I didn’t bother to wait for his rebuttal, taking off my shirt and peeling off my jeans leaving me with very little separating him from his desired target.

  I took a few steps and the motion detector solar lights lit up the place like the 4th of July. The path leading down to the water could easily be seen. I had to be careful about a few loose boards on the stairs which were going to need a handy bit of maintenance to get it up to snuff.

  “You continually surprise me and others in your position would feel it necessary to hide underneath the bed away from the bogeyman.” I probably would’ve been doing exactly that, but I felt perfectly secure even with those wild eyes peering at me through the darkness.

  I got down to the water’s edge, taking off my panties and leaving them there for him to discover when he finally managed to catch up. I waded into the water, feeling the chill surround me and it was a good way to make me realize I was still alive.

  I took the plunge literally, diving into the water and coming out to see him standing at the bank with my panties clutched in his hands. He had them up to his nose and his eyes were closed to the fragrance of the woman hitting him like a ton of bricks.

  “Get naked and come in here where I can get my hands on you.” He kept looking around like he was expecting visitors and I couldn’t see that happening unless somebody knew where we were. I wasn’t going to say anything and his main concern was keeping out of the spotlight until such time that his people could tell him the threat had been neutralized.

  “It’s very tempting and I’m having a hard time to think of any reason why I shouldn’t come in there and show you a thing or two. I never thought I’d see the day when the both of us would be comfortable around each other completely naked. I don’t know what this thing is called love, but I would like to find out if it pertains to us.” He looked hesitant and nervous like a young preteen boy about to get caught with his pants down. He shrugged his shoulder and just said the hell with it.

  With each piece of clothing, I was clapping and if I had dollar bills I would’ve made it rain. I was up to my neck in the water, the chill replaced by anticipation and I wanted to warm things up in a different way than rubbing two sticks together.

  “I’m right here waiting for you, stepbrother and do you know how deliciously naughty the word sounds coming from my lips.” What we had already done was only stoke the fires and the danger was a good way to turn things up a notch. “Take it off…show me some skin…shake what your momma gave you.” I was chanting and it was giving him the necessary courage to expose his body to my eager and hungry eyes.

  It was comical to see him jump out of his skin when he was subjected to the cold. It didn’t last long and it was that first jarring impact that had both of us standing at attention.

  I’d heard about shrinkage, but when I reached into the water, I didn’t feel that he was having that problem. In fact, he was already half there without my fingers to guide him the rest of the way.

  I smiled wickedly and then I held my breath before submerging into the water over my head. I was trying to shock him and from the way that his knob ballooned bigger than it already was, I would say that I had done exactly that.

  My lips laid claim on his excitement, drawing it onto the heated surface of my tongue which was a definite contrast between the cold surrounding the rest of his body. I took it all the way down and then back up a few
times before finally having to come up for a breath of air.

  “I don’t want to close my eyes and miss anything that you’re going to do to me, Chelsea. I have a lot of pent up energy which I’m sure you can find use for.” There was this high voltage chemistry between us and the electricity was blindingly familiar in his eyes.

  “I don’t think you have any fear of that and if you’re like any other man then you might when we finish. I hope not and usually, that is about the time that I have my second wind.” I hadn’t had many instances where I could get physical with a man and I was grateful to leave things to the imagination.

  “I’ve never had a woman do that to me, but I have fantasized about it several times. Doing something in the great outdoors where there’s the risk of getting caught has always been on the back of my mind. Who knew that I would be living the fantasy with my stepsister and I certainly didn’t think anything like this could happen between us.” I could see the water dancing on his muscles and it accentuated all of them including the one in my greedy little fist.

  I was about to go back down for a second helping, but he stopped me with his hands firmly on my shoulders. He moved his right hand down over my arm, igniting those nerves and then he was grabbing my leg and lifting it out of the water until it was wrapped around him in a not so subtle way.

  “I’m guessing this is your way of telling me it’s time to put up or shut up.” I felt the insertion of his masculine instrument with the head forging ahead like a good soldier into battle. I reached down and wrapped my fist around him keeping him from going any further without the necessary incentive.

  “I hope you’re not teasing me and this isn’t some sort of game to make me feel like a fool.” I had no designs on making him look like a fool, but I wanted to slow things down to draw out the anticipation for as long as possible. “I think I understand and there is no rush. We can take our time and we don’t have to feel like we are doing something wrong.” His words conveyed his desire to move things forward, but he was perfectly happy with taking things an inch at a time.

  His long and unyielding piece of man muscle began to sink into the warmth of my thighs. I looked at him the entire time and we never lost eye contact which made the moment more intimate.

  “Chelsea, I’m finally getting the chance to show you how I feel. This is everything that I wanted and more.” I had my mouth parted and my tongue moving around the shape of my mouth. This was the kind of spontaneous romance I never was able to find, but maybe I was looking in all the wrong places.

  “For a man, you certainly say a lot and maybe you should put that mouth to better use.” He got the idea and began to kiss me while at the same time thrusting his hips in a way that made the water churn around us.

  It felt good to know that he was here and the moonlight was the perfect complement to a moment that would live in infamy in my mind.

  I couldn’t let him have all the fun and I moved against him to make sure he realized this wasn’t a one-sided escapade. This was meant to keep us both unhinged. I was looking to see if we could put those smiles on each other’s faces.

  “I don’t know what it is about you, Chelsea, but maybe in some small part, you are helping to fulfill a young boy’s dream. I had some ideas about what this would feel like, but I really had no clue. If far exceeds my expectations and I never thought any woman could do that. Everyone has paled in comparison and those girls who came close were nothing but a substitute for the real thing.” I didn’t want any of this to go away when the feeling of being stuffed full like a Turkey was better than anything I had had previously.

  If I didn’t know that it wasn’t possible then I would’ve said this was my virginity being taken all over again. I only wished he was my first and it would have been far better than what actually happened. It was a memory burned into my mind. I would’ve given anything to wait until this moment.

  “My God, do you have any idea of what kind of control you have over me? I want you to give me one good reason why I should let you go.”

  He was moving slowly enjoying the way that my lips clung to him like a second skin. He was emblazoned inside me, marking his territory and feeling the effects of my orgasm about to take me on a pleasure cruise.

  The component of feeling like somebody was watching me from beyond the trees was something to feed the erotic need to have an audience. I had never had the opportunity to have sex in front of someone and I never gave it much thought until it was happening. I didn’t see anything, but it didn’t mean they weren’t there.

  “I can’t think of any reason…why we can’t…be together. Our bodies are made for one another and we fit together like two puzzle pieces. I don’t think that I’ve ever met anyone remotely in touch with their sexuality like you have been.” I had hitched my wagon to a winner. It felt like I was on a drug running through my veins burning with intensity and I would have given anything and paid anything to get one more taste. I might have had an addictive personality, but I never thought that I could fall that quickly for the sensation of his cock snaking my plumbing.

  “I’ve never been this responsive with another man and I’m not just saying that to stroke your male ego. I feel you deep inside me where you belong and there’s never been anyone who has come close to making me feel like you have.”

  I screamed, hearing the fluttering of birds in the trees taking flight and knowing I was responsible for their reaction. The way that I was squeezing him tightly made his face turn red and a sigh of resignation was a good reminder of how quickly his resolve could crumble underneath the quake of my trembling release.

  My whole body was in the midst of a seizure, undulating in place with both legs losing whatever was left of my stamina. I wasn’t the only one struggling and he was having a hard time himself. His shaft was sliding on the wetness of my excitement and the tight glove of my sex was pulling from him the essence of a man.

  “I’m not going to give you the satisfaction of making me cum this quickly, Chelsea. I pride myself on going above and beyond the call of duty and that includes in the bedroom. I wouldn’t be able to look myself…in the mirror…if I wasn’t able to give you one more.” I didn’t think it was possible, but he was determined to show me that he was a sports car with a lot underneath the hood.

  I heard his moans of arousal combined with my own which was louder. I was overshadowing his exclamation of pleasure and I had no problem losing myself in the moment. This was his call of duty and he was showing he was up to the task of fighting against the odds.

  “I take that as a personal challenge and I accept for all women everywhere.”

  “I do like how you force me to be a better man. I’ve never had anybody measure up and most times when I’m with women it’s mostly just going through the motions. It was never about…their pleasure…but for you it’s different.” He was relying on his military training and his strict regiment to keep him from becoming lost in his heated bliss.

  “Holy fuck… I didn’t think…it was possible. Yes…here it comes…this was what you wanted and maybe you should be careful about what you ask for… AHHHHHH.” The first one was intense and I was never one to be able to cum with just fucking alone. He was certainly in a league of his own and then I felt the heated discharge of his manhood.

  He threw back his head, still holding onto me with his neck muscles pronounced while at the same time his seed was shooting wildly inside me.

  I was overwhelmed, stunned and grateful that I was holding onto him or I would have likely fallen back into the water. We stood after separating still feeling the effects which made words unnecessary with only our actions to speak for us. We were talking in a language that was universal.

  “It’s been a long day, Chelsea, but I need you to know how much this means to me. You’re not just one of many and you stand on a pedestal all your own.” I wanted to help him become the man I remembered, but I feared the naïve little boy had already been lost to the ravages of war.

  “We hav
e done something here which is probably going to be unforgivable in our parents’ eyes. We need to learn to live for ourselves and be damned what anybody else thinks. Happiness comes in all forms and if we make each other happy then why can’t we be together? I know you’re going to be leaving in the next few weeks, but I want to make those few weeks stand out. I want you to know there’s somebody here waiting for you when you get back.” I suddenly felt this distance like a black cloud had surrounded us and it was pushing us away from one another.

  “I’ve never had any thoughts about what somebody thinks about me and I try not to give people that kind of power. It would do you good to do the same thing. I sometimes think a man like me shouldn’t find his happily ever after. I don’t deserve it and if you could see into my mind I’m not sure that you would want to be this close to me.” He was putting himself down and then he was turning his back and walking back to shore.

  I had my mouth open and my hand outstretched to soothe away his doubts. I really didn’t know what would be revealed if I went digging too far. It was one thing to know he had blood on his hands, but it would be another thing entirely if I were to witness it for myself. He had shown how conditioned he was as a soldier to act in the moment.

  He picked up his clothes in a bundle on his way back up to the cabin. It felt lonesome, like what we had just done left this empty feeling in the pit of my stomach. I had no way to get rid of it. He didn’t feel he was worthy of love and I couldn’t look at him without knowing how those hands could be deadly in the right circumstance.

  Chapter Eight

  What he had done over there wasn’t water under the bridge and he had yet to forgive himself for what would be considered acts committed for the sake of peace.

  I didn’t find him when I went inside and I took a peek inside the room down the hall to see he had already curled up underneath the sheets. I wanted to cradle him in my arms, but I decided discretion was the better part of valor.


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