Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance

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Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance Page 34

by Natasha Spencer

  The wet sloshing sounds of his tongue mixing up my nectar and stirring things to the surface were driving me slowly insane with pleasure. The sun beating down from above warming my skin didn’t even compare to the starving animal feasting at my sex. He knew exactly what he was doing and slowing down was keeping me from finding the moment of truth.

  “I need this and you’re in the perfect position to get me there. Your tongue should be hailed by every woman worshiping on their knees.”

  I didn’t know what I was saying, but it had the desired effect of fueling him into a different gear.

  Chapter Ten

  I thought time stood still and I was completely at his mercy, but he was the one on his knees. I left my body for a moment floating in the ether and then feeling like I was being pulled like an elastic band in two directions.

  “I know this is a prelude to better things to come, but I don’t think that it could get any better than this. I want you to never let me down unless it’s gently onto a soft bed with you hovering over me fisting that beautiful piece. I’m…. losing my train of thought…and I think I know the reason why.”

  I came with intensity, grinding the lips of my sex across his mouth leaving him with no choice but to continue undeterred.

  “I can finish this one way, but there is a more beneficial approach. I would ask for just one night, but I don’t think it would be enough to satisfy my craving.” His words only encouraged me to shut him up with my body straining with every muscle in my body pronounced. I humped relentlessly against his mouth, not taking it easy on him and knowing with his military training that this was child’s play compared to what he had gone through.

  He held me firmly, keeping his mouth in position and drinking from the reservoir of my excitement. The floodgates had opened and I was left with the only recourse of letting him take my pleasure in the palm of his hands. He slapped my ass unexpectedly, but the added pain to my pleasure was an aphrodisiac only enjoyed by those who had experienced it before.

  “I can’t stop…cumming and you are an animal. A man like you is hard to find like a unicorn and it doesn’t hurt that you look damn fine in your uniform. You also look damn fine out of it, but I don’t think that I have been remiss about telling you.”

  I was celebrating life and I was picking my battles wondering how I was going to finally get through to him about his past. That was a battle for another time and one that I was going to have to tread carefully.

  His eyes weren’t moving and he was staring daggers into my soul, but I couldn’t say the same thing about his tongue. He had a never ending supply of stamina and I felt completely overwhelmed like a tsunami had hit me.

  My eyes rolled up into the back of my head and there was no stopping the freight train bearing down on me. I was left in a state of flux, completely unaware of anything around me other than the pleasure inflicted on me. I had the sense of someone wrapping my leg around his waist and then my eyes shot open with the insertion of his masculine self.

  “I couldn’t help it and just seeing you go off like that was like a shot of adrenaline to my privates.” He had given me the full infantry salute, claiming victory by planting his flag deep and leaving it there to give me the full treatment.

  “I thought what I had was…contagious and it appears this fever can be caught by skin to skin contact. I see a familiar look in your eyes…and it drives me wild with anticipation.” We had the same last name, but it was only on paper and had no merit to us being related in any way. I was glad and the heat between us was enough to stifle the very air from my lungs.

  “Chelsea, whatever you have is infectious and I don’t have full control over my faculties. I see the way that we are connected under the watchful eye of nature and I don’t think that I’ve ever had it this good. These are not just words said to hear myself speak and I mean them in a most profound way.” He was thrusting in slow motion making me feel every inch down to where his balls were slapping against me.

  I was leaning against the rock when suddenly my legs thrust out on their own with a scream coming from my mouth that would have woken up the dead. He was in front of me making these faces which I’d seen in the throes of passion. I reached out my fingers making sure there was not any distance between us.

  We had been thousands of miles apart and it would have broken my spirit had we had these feelings when he was shipped out. He made my heart sing with bravery and I was no longer dreaming about my perfect life. The mystery man in my dreams standing at the altar was no longer a figment of my imagination. He was faceless all of my life, but things were clearly seen with his smiling face.

  “I see you for the first time, Chelsea and it’s not just an infatuation burning in the loins of a young kid on the cusp of being an adult. This is bigger than the both of us and you can take it any way you want. I’m not exactly a lightweight… Yes…give me the proper welcome home I deserve.”

  We were making our own rules, but I wasn’t sure that our parents would be willing to buy what we were selling.

  I couldn’t sit still and my heels were pounding a drum against his backside. I wanted everybody to leave us alone in this bubble of solitude away from the prying eyes of the public.

  “Show me what a real man is all about, Bailey. Give me that cock and fill me up like no man has ever been able to. I want your seed and the bubbling cauldron between your legs is waiting for that necessary incentive. Keep your eyes open and I don’t want you to miss the ride of your life.”

  I was definitely going to leave bruises with the intensity of my limbs flailing and slapping him repeatedly.

  “You have no idea how long I have waited and what other girls had to do to even hold a candle to you. Your little pussy molds around my shaft leaving me with wondering where you begin and I end.”

  He had me snarling like a saber tooth tiger and I was spitting obscenities while twisting my head from side to side. He had what it took to give me a screaming fit of pleasure and he wasn’t about to slack off thinking that his job was done.

  He stumbled and tripped over a rock disengaging his manhood from my vise-like grip, but I wasn’t about to let him go. I leaped into action, landing on him heavily and impaling my body on his hard and determined instrument.

  “Bailey, you’re not going to get away from me that easily.” I slapped his chest leaving my fingerprints etched into his skin burned like an intricate tattoo for all time. I continued abusing him and he took it like a man without complaining like some little bitch.

  “I’ve never met a woman with this kind of intensity and the fire in your eyes is only mirrored in my own.” I looked at him through half-closed lids and I bounded towards the finish line biting my bottom lip.

  I had saddled up my stallion, digging in my spurs and I saw the resolve of a military man crumbling before my eyes. The slap of our bodies cracking like thunder against one another was a reminder that sex could be out of control with the right partner.

  “I hope you’re ready for this and you might have some idea of what you’re going to get, but I can assure you this one is going to be one for the record books. I can’t stop it and I don’t think either one of us wants me to.” I’d found something quite unexpected never realizing the possibility of something of this taboo nature falling into my lap.

  I lost sight of everything except for the pleasure ripping through me. In the process, his knob expanded and began to fire indiscriminately with me feeling every sizzling spurt from his organ. There was no telling when the quake between my legs was going to end and I found myself slumping toward him until we were stuck together like glue.

  I heard someone sneeze and then I was rolling down the hill crashing into the rocks and tangled up in our clothes. The dirt was being lifted around us and I became barely aware that somebody was taking potshots once again from a distance.

  I saw the edge of the cliff and there didn’t seem to be a way for us to slow each other down before going over it. I wrapped my arms around him, closing my
eyes and wishing for a miracle which I wasn’t sure was going to come.

  I heard the sound of rushing water and someone screaming. I suddenly realized the one screaming was me and there was no stopping what was ultimately going to be a drastic change in gravity.

  Chapter Eleven

  I didn’t know how long things were quiet, but I did have this pain of somebody’s fingers digging into my wrist. I was petrified, completely at a loss what to do and I didn’t want to open my eyes fearing what I was going to see.

  “I know it’s going to be difficult, but try and stop moving. I should’ve told you what I had planned, but there’s no point in lamenting over something that can’t be helped.” Bailey’s voice was soft spoken, but I could hear every word as clear as a bell. “He’s getting closer and I can hear his boots. This is less than ideal and I’m going to have to rethink my strategy.”

  I opened my eyes stunned to see that we were dangling over the precipice with the raging waters below beckoning us to our demise.

  “I don’t know if I got them, but there’s no sign of them here. Do a detailed search downriver and I’ll make sure to double back to the cabin. I know what my job is and I don’t need you to remind me. I will deal with the fallout and he’s going to want proof positive that he’s dead. The woman with him is inconsequential and there’s always going to be some collateral damage.”

  This man’s voice sounded disciplined and his cold tone made me shiver with the reality of how easily he could have killed me not thinking twice about it.

  I looked up and I couldn’t see him, but that was probably a good thing. If I couldn’t see him then it was unlikely he was able to see us from his vantage point. Loose rocks were dislodged from where he was standing. They barely missed us by a few inches.

  Bailey was cutting off my circulation and I was losing feeling in my fingers. It was causing my body to react with my fingers going numb from the wrist up. My eyes followed up along his naked body and the only thing holding us back from plummeting to the unforgiving water was a branch sticking out from the cliff face.

  The wind from this height did not care that we were hanging by a thread. I could feel it blowing through my hair. I became aware that I was holding my breath not sure why, but it seemed important not to attract unwanted attention.

  “This isn’t what he wanted and he was quite clear about having digital proof before payment is to be received. The current is moving quickly in your direction and it shouldn’t be long until you see their bodies floating by. I would be careful not to blink and you might miss it.” His voice was getting hard to understand and the brief snippets of conversation were garbled by how he was walking away from the scene of the crime.

  I didn’t notice before, but there was blood from a wound to Bailey’s shoulder during the fall. He must’ve shielded me with his own body and took the brunt of the damage. He was curling his lip and the branch was slowly pulling out from the soft earth due to our weight pulling it from its roots.

  “Chelsea, we need to remind each other that we are Lincoln’s and that means we never give up or surrender. I want you to very carefully shimmy up my body and I will do my best to balance your weight. Go slowly, but not too slowly because I’m not sure how long this branch is going to hold.”

  I was in shock, but his voice wrenched me from my own thoughts.

  “I’m not a soldier and I don’t play one on TV. I’m going to need a moment, but time doesn’t look like a commodity we have in abundance.”

  I swung my arm up from where it was hanging by my side until I was gripping his wrist.

  “Try and not to jostle us and believe me I know how difficult that is going to be. The only thing saving us is that we didn’t fall and they’re going to need time to verify we survived the attack.”

  I saw some of our clothing hanging from a couple of very thin branches and they were dangerously close to being lost from the wind trying to pull them from where they were snagged.

  There was a bit of an overhang and it was the reason why this man couldn’t see us. Somebody up there was looking out for us. I was a big believer in things happening for a reason. I was a bit of a tomboy growing up and climbing had become a guilty pleasure. I hadn’t done it in almost three years and I knew exactly when I stopped.

  “I don’t want to hurt you any more than you already are. You have a very nasty gash on your shoulder which I’m going to have to attend to. It’s a good thing you know a woman who has earned her fair share of merit badges.” I knew a few tricks and nature had this funny way of supplying what was needed.

  I had my arms wrapped around his waist and I was breathing deeply knowing full well one wrong misstep and I would be nothing more than a memory.

  “I’m sorry I got you involved and I knew somebody was going to come after me. I think you already understand that running for me was never an option. I face my enemies and they obviously took the bait of the breadcrumbs I left. I used a means of communication not encrypted on purpose to draw them to me so that I could treat them like fish in a barrel.” I was appalled by his lack of trust and how he had left me in the dark.

  I had no time to dwell on the anger seeping into my veins and my time was better spent pulling us from catastrophe. I put my hand on one of his shoulders and then I did the same thing with the other one until my legs were wrapped around him like a boa constrictor.

  “Don’t take my silence for acceptance and we are going to talk about this.” I climbed him pretending he was the drainpipe outside of my house when I snuck in after curfew. I had my knees on his shoulders and I was high enough that I could use the rocks in front of me as handholds.

  “I honestly thought I could take care of this without you even finding out. I was a bit selfish and I could have easily gone off alone to hunt them. I wanted you by my side and I hope you don’t hate me for putting you in unnecessary danger again.” He wasn’t just telling me what I wanted to hear and there was true remorse for making me a pawn in his game.

  “I should have known better than to think you would readily walk away from a fight. Even before the military, you could never stand down and turn the other cheek. It would appear your training is better than swinging wildly hoping to hit something.” I lifted myself up onto the ground and I knelt and kissed the earth with a silent prayer in my heart.

  I remembered Bailey was still in trouble and I scrambled to the edge to see his hand suddenly appear. I grabbed him with both hands and I reached down deep for that adrenaline in reserve. It wasn’t easy considering he was two times my size, but I braced myself against a rock and continued undeterred.

  “Just a little more.” I don’t know where he had the semblance of mind to grab the clothes hanging from the branches. He was on his hands and knees and I saw this look of determination in his eyes. “They are going to pay dearly for that and I brought some party favors which should tip the scales.”

  It was precisely that moment when there was an explosion which rocked us on our feet. I stumbled back flailing my arms and looking at him to help me before it was too late.

  Chapter Twelve

  He grabbed me and I looked over the edge to where we came from and saw that the branch was gone. It must’ve come loose when I was praying that the God above would deliver me from what could’ve been my final moments.

  There were bloody handprints on the rocks and he had somehow dug in with purpose to make his own escape from the jaws of death.

  “I’ve got you and I will never let you go for as long as I live.”

  He pulled me into his arms and I nestled my face into his chest. I heard his heart beating and it was kind of comforting to know that a strong and capable man was here to protect me.

  I didn’t think I needed anybody to come to my rescue and I was more than able to do that myself.

  “I will always be your big sister… I mean big stepsister, but in this instance, I will bow to your expertise. I think that I was delusional to believe this fight was over. Getting away from i
t where it was out of sight and out of mind was my idea. You only went along with it because you thought that you could bring them to you like a moth to a flame.”

  Surprisingly, most of our clothes were still intact and the only thing missing was my underwear. I looked around for it to no avail, but it wasn’t like I really needed it.

  “Stay close to me and I’m hoping the explosion you heard was one of my traps capturing an unsuspecting victim. I have a blueprint of where those traps are laid and you’re going to have to follow me very closely without deviating from my path. You’ve never been one to take orders, but I hope you can for this one time.”

  On the outside, I seemed to have it all together, but inside I was trembling like a little girl.

  I could’ve used a stiff drink to quell my nerves, but I was just going to have to hold onto the idea of that Bailey knew what he was doing. He wasn’t smiling and his stoic expression meant that he had reverted back to the old habits of his training. It was almost like a light switch had gone off. At first, I saw my stepbrother and then something cold and unfeeling took the place of the fiery passion I had experienced.

  “You have nothing to worry about and as far as I’m concerned what you say is gospel.” This was an inside joke and one that made him crack a smile for a split second before it vanished.

  “I can’t believe you remembered after all this time. I was such a child and when I thought I was right that was exactly what I would say to make it appear there was no way that you could refute my claim. Unfortunately, in this day of technological advancement, there’s always a way to find out once and for all if what I said was really gospel. I can count on my hands how many times I have been wrong.” It was the gospel according to Bailey and I found myself poking fun at him for my amusement.

  “I’ve always loved you in my own way, but nothing like what we have expressed to one another recently.” The sex was amazing and only made us aware of how intimate we had become. I’d kept in touch, but maybe I was a little afraid of seeing him face to face. I looked at him and I couldn’t imagine never having him in my life.


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