Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance

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Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance Page 61

by Natasha Spencer

  “One more year,” he whispered breathily into her ear as he pushed into her again. “Just one year. Will you wait for me, Emily?”

  His hand reached between them and he circled her clit again. Her only answer was a loud cry that she was certain would be heard in the hall.

  He came almost immediately after, his grunts and growls much more quiet than hers had been.

  As usual, they stayed together for several moments. Looking up at one another as though trying to speak in a silent code. Finally, with a kiss, he slid out of her and began to pull up his pants.

  She did as well.

  This was usually when she said good night. When she went home for the evening knowing that they would do the same thing tomorrow.

  But, she knew that this time she couldn’t. He seemed to sense her hesitation.

  “You know, I never got an answer,” he said. “When I asked if you would wait for me.”

  “Well, it really wasn’t fair to ask me while I was two seconds from coming,” she said with a small smile. Trying to make light of a situation that was anything but. He gave a chuckle that sounded slightly awkward.

  “Fair enough,” he said. “But…I’d still like an answer if I could get one. Will you wait for me?”

  The first thought that came to her was ‘yes’. She would wait as long as it took for him. After all, she’d been in love with him for the past year. Most of that without any kind of hint that he felt the same way. What was one year more?

  But, then she thought about the baby.

  One hand rested absently on her stomach as she imagined what it would be like to go through pregnancy and quite a few months afterward all on her own.

  Kurt wouldn’t be there when her stomach began to swell. He wouldn’t be there when people started to ask who the father was. He wouldn’t have to experience Emily’s embarrassment when she couldn’t tell them. When she had to say things like ‘it’s complicated’ or ‘I’d rather not say’.

  He wouldn’t have to deal with the stares and the whispers that would inevitably come. No, he would be safe and married in his office while she stood outside bearing the label ‘slut’ all on her own.

  Maybe that wasn’t fair. Maybe he would help her. Maybe they would keep seeing each other like they were now. But, now, Emily had to wonder if it would be enough.

  When she looked back at him, he’d put his glasses back on and his grey eyes were fixing her with an almost pleading gaze. It looked as though she held his life in her hands and one word from her would either kill him or set him free.

  She didn’t have the heart to kill him. Even figuratively.

  She couldn’t tell him no when he looked at her like that. But, she knew she couldn’t say ‘yes’ either.

  “I’ll have to think about it,” she said. “Give me a couple of days, ok?”

  His face fell only slightly before he nodded.

  “Ok,” he said. “I can wait a couple of days.”

  This agreement made, they said good night and Emily walked out into the hall, closing the door behind her.

  It wasn’t until she was outside that she felt the air against her chest. When she looked down and realized that her shirt was still unbuttoned, she heard a faint giggle from around the corner. She turned towards it and two girls she recognized from her introduction to Art History class peered out at her for half a second before the flash of a camera nearly blinded her.

  She blinked and opened her eyes just in time to see one of the girls put the phone that had taken the picture back in her jean pocked.

  The phone that had taken the picture of Emily, shirt undone, coming out of Kurt Schmidt’s office.

  Emily opened her mouth to say something but, before she could, the two girls took off down the hall.

  As Emily hastily did up the buttons on her shirt, she could barely make out what one of the students said to the other as they ran.

  “I told you! Professor Schmidt and his TA are totally doing it!”

  Chapter Nine

  It was all over the school by the next day.

  Memes with her half naked picture containing phrases like “teacher’s pet” and “Easy A” were passed around the university’s social media sites on a constant basis. The day after she’d been outed, Emily had even seen a few of these when she went to campus hoping the damage would be minimal.

  She hadn’t been back.

  “Is lover boy still going to work?” Audrey asked as she came into the kitchen, her smock from ‘Art for Keeps’ tied around her.

  Emily looked up from the laptop open in front of her. Her advisor had agreed to allow her to do her master’s work from home for a few days. Overall, most of the University staff had been more than sympathetic.

  Still, even they couldn’t hide the pity in their faces mixed with disgust when they looked at her. She felt like Hester in the scarlet letter. As though someone had pinned a red “A” to her chest.

  “I don’t know,” Emily answered. “We haven’t talked in a couple of days.”

  “Does that mean it’s over?”

  As much as Audrey tried to hide her glee at that, Emily could see that she was more than happy. Her friend had never gotten over her dislike of Kurt.

  “Not really,” Emily said. She told Audrey about the discussion they’d had, about what Kurt had asked her.

  “But, isn’t all of that stuff moot now?” Audrey asked. “I mean, Malcolm Jennings probably knows what’s going on. The rest of the school’s talking about it.”

  “I don’t know,” Emily said. “Kurt said Malcolm was on a business trip. He wasn’t supposed to come back for a couple of weeks.”

  “Doesn’t mean he doesn’t know,” Audrey said. “Social media is everywhere.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Emily said bitterly. Her cheeks still turned bright red when she remembered those memes.

  “Either way, I really don’t think Kurt’s got the whole tenure thing to hide behind anymore,” Audrey said. “He’s got to either tell this Jennings guy off, divorce his wife and be with you or he’s got to let you go. He can’t drag you along for another year anymore.”

  “He wasn’t stringing me along,” Emily said defensively. Even though she knew Audrey was right. The truth was, even before she and Kurt had been outed, she’d felt like Kurt was stringing her along.

  Telling her to wait a year, no matter what, had felt as though he was doing what Kurt tended to do in tense situations. He tended to put off a decision as long as possible. He would try to shove the issue into a little box and loose it in his work. Like a folder full of difficult work might get lost in his office.

  “Whatever you say,” Audrey said with a knowing look. “Point is, he’s got to make a decision now. And, if I were you, I would tell him to make one.”

  With that parting bit of wisdom, Audrey said goodbye and headed off to work.

  Emily turned back to the paper on her laptop knowing that she wouldn’t be able to get any work done now. Her mind was swirling with thoughts of Kurt and Malcolm Jennings and the whole horrible mess they’d landed in.

  Once again, she knew Audrey was right. Stopping communication with Kurt even after all this started, maybe she was doing exactly what she’d accused Kurt of doing. Maybe she was trying to put off this potentially unpleasant confrontation as long as possible.

  With a decisive thud, she closed her laptop and pulled out her phone. She was going to text Kurt. She was going to text him and tell him that, given what had happened, they needed to settle this once and for all.

  No sooner had she pulled up his name in her contacts list then her phone vibrated in her hand. A text with Kurt’s name at the top stared back at her.

  “Meet me at the Dr. Schneider’s Office. Malcolm wants to talk to both of us.”

  Fear gripped her at first, almost instinctively. When she remembered Malcolm Jennings from the night at the dinner. The hardness of his small eyes had made her feel even then that he was not a man to be trifled with.

But, then she realized that, at the very least, she and Kurt would have to speak to one another. They would have to work this out. And, with Malcolm Jennings there, maybe Kurt could get him to be reasonable. Surely, he didn’t really want his daughter to be stuck in a loveless marriage. His reputation could not mean that much to him.

  So, taking a deep breath and telling herself to at least attempt to see the positive in this, she quickly pushed out an affirmative reply and headed to the University.

  Despite the positive spin, she’d tried to put on this meeting, her heart continued to thump all the way to the President’s office.

  When she entered the lobby, Dr. Schneider himself greeted her.

  Seated in one of the lobby’s cheap green chairs, anyone might have thought that he was a junior professor worried about his class attendance or, perhaps a job applicant waiting to be seen by the president.

  Very few would guess that this small, nervous looking man with his balding black hair, large framed glasses and bow tie actually was the university president. And the simpering smile that could not mask his nerves as he stood to shake her hand did not improve the image at all.

  “Emily! I’m so sorry you have to go through this,” he said. “I know it’s been a rough couple of days for you.”

  Not able to answer, Emily gave him as good a smile as she could muster. Though, she thought it probably looked more like a grimace. The sympathetic look in Dr. Schneider’s face intensified when he saw it and he beckoned her towards the seat next to his.

  The two sat in a tense filled silence for several moments. Beyond Dr. Schneider’s door, Emily could hear Malcolm and Kurt’s voices very distinctly. Try as she might, however, she could not hear what was being said.

  “They’re still talking,” Dr. Schneider said unnecessarily. Emily, again not sure how to answer, nodded. Another several moments passed in tense silence.

  “I got your final draft,” he said finally. “Of the book, I mean. I’ve got to say, it’s very, very good. Just a shame the University won’t be able to let you take the credit for it.”

  “What do you mean?” Emily asked turning to him.

  Dr. Schneider looked at her in surprise, his eyes wide behind his spectacles.

  “I…I’m sorry, I thought you would know all ready by now,” he said haltingly. “Though, I suppose they’ll discuss it with you when Malcolm calls you in. See...after this scandal…Mr. Jennings won’t let your name appear anywhere on the book once it’s published. You won’t be mentioned in the acknowledgments either.”

  “Oh,” Emily said. She found she didn’t have either the breath or the heart to say anything more. It wasn’t that she desperately wanted the fame or the prestige of being credited on this book. To tell the truth, in the beginning, she’d assumed that she wouldn’t be. And, she’d been fine with that.

  What bothered her was Malcolm Jennings attempt to erase her from Kurt’s life all together. It was as though he was trying to make Emily’s very existence disappear entirely.

  “I’m sorry,” Dr. Schneider said again. “But, it was one of Malcolm's conditions for letting Kurt stay on staff. And, with the promise of this book…what it will do for the University’s reputation…I just can’t afford to lose Kurt Schmidt as a professor.”

  “One of his conditions?” Emily asked hurriedly, her stomach plummeting once again. “What were the others.”

  Dr. Schneider opened his mouth to speak but after a moment, his eyes darted nervously to his own closed office door.

  “I…shouldn’t say,” he answered. “I’m sure they’ll talk to you about it.”

  Emily was about to nod in acceptance again. But, then she began to think about why she should. It seemed to her that between her and Kurt and Dr. Schneider, there was a whole lot of accepting going on. All of them accepting what Malcolm had to say without a word of disagreement.

  In short, too much accepting and not enough fighting.

  “Why should you lose Kurt?” she asked. Dr. Schneider turned to her in surprise, his eyes once again wide behind his huge spectacles.

  “Well, I thought…with the scandal and everything…I mean, I hope I won’t but…”

  “You’re the president of the University, aren’t you?” Emily asked putting a stop to Dr. Schneider’s stammering. “Shouldn’t you make the final decision about who stays and who goes?”

  “Of course,” Dr. Schneider said somewhat defensively. “And I do have the final say. But, you have to understand. Malcolm Jennings is- “

  Before Dr. Schneider could finish the thought, he jumped and let out an undignified squeak when the office door opened.

  Malcolm Jennings strode out, head high and face blank as stone.

  “Emily,” he said to her. “I’ll see you inside now. Dr. Schneider, I’ll call you when we’re ready for you.”

  Emily stood and, as she passed Dr. Schneider, he looked as though he wanted to say something either apologetic or consoling.

  In the end, however, he looked up at Malcolm and then back at the floor.

  Emily knew she shouldn’t have expected much of a fight from Dr. Schneider. He wasn’t the fighting type. He was too much like Kurt. An intellectual who hid in his books and was more than a little uncomfortable with confrontation.

  That was when she realized that if any of them were going to fight against Malcolm Jennings, it would have to be her.

  So, as she passed through Dr. Schneider’s office door, she gave the man her darkest glare and prepared herself for battle.

  Chapter Ten

  “I’ve talked to Cheryl. There will be no divorce,” Malcolm Jennings said. Almost as soon as Emily entered the room, he’d positioned himself behind the President’s desk with his hands folded in front of him; peering out at Kurt and Emily as though they were errant children who had created a mess and he was now here to clean it up.

  “Kurt and Cheryl will go to marriage counseling and work out any issues that they have.”

  “Malcolm, I told you, we tried that before it didn’t- “

  “Miss Pratchett,” Malcolm Jennings continued holding up a hand to silence his son in law. “Will continue her graduate studies at another University of her choosing.”

  “Wait, why do I have to leave?” Emily asked. Fusain had been the only University she’d applied to for her graduate work. It was the only place she truly wanted to go.

  “Because, both I and the president would prefer it if Kurt stayed on here,” Malcolm said. “And, obviously, we can’t have you on the same campus.”

  “So, you’re just assuming that Kurt and I are over?”

  Emily glared at him as hard as she could, silently taking deep breaths to calm her nerves. When he looked up at her, those hard, sharp eyes suddenly filled with repressed fury, it was more difficult than she thought it would be not to back down.

  “Of course it’s over,” he said. “Do you honestly think you were just going to keep doing…whatever it was you were doing? While Kurt’s wife and hundreds of other people knew about it?”

  “I didn’t think that it would keep going exactly like it was,” Emily said though her voice sounded much softer, more beaten down than she’d expected it to. “But-“

  “Good,” Malcolm said talking over her. “Then you’ll agree that this is what’s best for everyone.”

  The finality of his tone said that he didn’t expect any push back on his pronouncement. With another deep steadying breath, Emily reminded herself that she had to push back. She couldn’t give in.

  “…But, we can’t pretend that nothing happened either,” she said. “Partly because, in nine months, there’s going to be very real evidence that something did happen between me and Kurt.”

  The look Malcolm Jennings was giving her now, as though he would like nothing more than to strangle her where she stood, had probably felled stronger people than Emily. But, with another deep breath, Emily remembered what she’d told herself.

  She had to fight. She had to fight for herself, for Kurt
and for their baby. If she didn’t, no one else would.

  “If you think you’re going to black mail me with some fake pregnancy-“

  “I’m not,” Emily said. “I am pregnant. And, before you ask, I don’t plan on getting rid of it or giving it up for adoption. I’m going to keep my baby. I’ll raise him on my own if I have to and I’m not asking for a penny from you but, I am going to have our baby.”

  Malcolm's glare turned into a sneer that spelled nothing but contempt. Though, his eyes softened slightly as though he was a bit impressed with Emily.

  “And how can we be sure the baby’s Kurt’s?”

  For the first time since Emily had entered the room, Malcolm's eyes glanced to his son in law. Emily looked to him too. Half hoping that, spurred on by Emily’s courage, he might show a little of his own. Hoping that he would berate his father in law for the implication that Emily had been sleeping around and, what’s more, tell him that he was divorcing Cheryl no matter what Malcolm had to say about it.

  But, the longer she looked at Kurt, his eyes pressed to the floor not daring to look at either Emily or Malcolm, hands twisting nervously in his lap, the more she realized that she was going to have to keep fighting alone.

  “Well?” Malcolm said impatiently. He looked between the two of them as though he too was expecting Kurt to answer.

  “Believe it or not,” Emily answered instead. “I’m not some slut. No matter what those meme’s say. I haven’t been with anyone but Kurt in over a year.”

  Malcolm let out a small snort of disbelief at that. Emily looked to Kurt once again, praying that that snort might cause him to stand up and defend her. Kurt glanced at his Father in Law. His lips went tight and a muscle seemed to jump in Kurt’s jaw. But, he said nothing.

  “I’m willing to do a paternity test when the baby’s born if that would make you more comfortable,” Emily said sarcastically. Anger was now replacing her fear at confronting Malcolm. And she knew she wasn’t just angry at Mr. Jennings. She glanced sideways again at Kurt, the nervous twisting of his hands, his refusal to speak, filling her stomach with a bubbling rage.


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