Secrets Shared

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Secrets Shared Page 4

by Raven McAllan

  “I wasn’t,” Jess said. “I was saying I wondered…ah, so if I don’t want it, you think I’m saying no one should? Then you’re the dumbass. Please let me past.”

  He held out his hand. With a hard stare that made his skin crawl—he was coming on strong, and why should she be fine with his attitude—she took it and let him lever her upright.

  “Thank you,” Jess said in a stiff tone, as she straightened up and rolled her shoulders. She wriggled her fingers and pulled them out of his hand.

  He let her believe she’d won that round, and didn’t put up any resistance.

  “Which way?”

  “Through here.” David took her arm, and did his best to ignore the way she kept as big a gap as possible between them. If that little show of defiance helped her, who was he to knock it? He keyed in his personal code, and pressed his thumb to the recognition pad. The door opened and he stood back to let Jess precede him.

  “Come into my parlor?” she said as she walked into the hallway. It sounded as if it was an effort, so at least she was trying.

  Very trying, but I think life is about to take a turn for the interesting. David had been conscious something was missing in his world. ‘Jaded’, had been Jeff’s description of David’s attitude the previous week. It seemed Jeff had hit on a way to solve two problems at once. All he’d asked David to do was pick up his sister and Kath, and bring them out, because he had a class to teach. As David’s early class on flogging had been canceled and he had nothing booked until much later, he’d agreed. Now he was suspicious how and why his evening had been left free, until very late on. He’d never been one to believe in coincidences.

  “If you like,” he said in reply to Jess’s attempt at humor. He shut the door behind them. The slight click sounded loud in the room, and Jess jerked. She was as jumpy as a flea in a circus. “On reflection, I thought it’d be better than why don’t you come and see my etchings or collection of bullwhips.”

  Jess recoiled as if he’d used a bullwhip on her. “That is so not funny. You even hint at showing me a whip and it’ll be the last thing you do. Get it? Now lead me to my brother, show me what I have to see, if I must, and honor your promise.” Her voice was icier than the lake on a December morning.

  So that’s a sore subject? He filed the information away in his mind, determined to ask Jeff if he knew why.

  She tapped her foot as David leaned past her and flicked a switch on the wall. The hall lit up and showed the spiral staircase that led upwards. Jess stared.

  “Is that for real? It’s fabulous.” Jess walked across the wooden floor and her shoes made little clicks with each step. At the bottom of the steps, she knelt and stroked the stone. “It’s so warm.” She turned and grinned at him like a child in a sweetshop. “When I was a kid I wanted to be a stone mason. I fancied carving my name in stone so to speak. But chisels and me were a liability, and dad refused to let me use a hammer after I almost dropped one onto the dog. Not only that, I loved my fingers and toes, so I changed my mind pretty quickly. But this? It’s perfect.”

  He grinned, pleased at her reaction. Most people just groaned at the idea of having to climb the thing. David ignored the little voice, which asked who he was kidding? The number of people who’d seen it could be counted on both hands, and two of those were Jeff and Kath.

  “Can we climb it? Please?” It was the most animated he’d seen her. “Where does it go to?”

  “Yes, and to my private accommodation. No,” he forestalled what he was certain she was about to ask. “My lounge is strictly vanilla. I won’t show you my playroom until you ask.”

  “Did you know hell can’t freeze over?” she said over her shoulder as she grabbed the rope handrail and mounted the first tread. “Hey, this rope is perfect. Five thin ones woven into one thick cord. Wow.”

  David was pleased with it himself. It had taken a lot of hours, sweat and epithets to get it as he wanted. He watched, amused as she bent her knees to get her eyes close to the rope work. “Ab-sol-ute-ly brilliant. It feels like it should decorate a person not a wall…oh fuck. Ignore that.”

  “I can’t,” he said, simply. “It’s my work you’re praising. And anytime you want to see how it looks on you, let me know. I’ve another length upstairs. In the correct thickness.”

  Jess shuddered and stood up. “I’ll pass. In your dreams, but in my nightmares.” She started to climb once more.

  David followed her, appreciating the way her ass swayed under the skinny jeans. He’d never been an admirer of trousers on a woman. He much preferred the tease and hint of a skirt or dress. However, those globes with the seam of the jeans emphasizing them, made his cock demand he undo his zipper and let it play. He squashed the notion that in any other circumstance he’d take that provocative walk as a come-on, have the trousers off her, and his dick in her ass before you could say bondage. Not this time though. He made a swift adjustment to his cock and continued up the steep steps.

  When he reached the top and stepped out into a circular room, Jess was waiting for him. She leaned against the wall with her ankles crossed, and grinned. Her bad mood seemed to have disappeared. He hoped to hell it stayed away, at least until he got to the bottom of it.

  “Well, slow coach.” She sniggered. “Is it too much for your aged person?”

  “I was admiring your ass.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Cheap thrill? Well if that’s all it takes.” She twisted round, wriggled her butt at him then turned to face him once more.

  “By the way, have you found the secret passage yet?”

  Chapter Five

  The look on his face was priceless. Hah, got him there. “Didn’t you know about that?” She raised one eyebrow, and wondered if that trick would annoy him as much as it did Jeff. “Pity, it gave me hours of fun when I was a kid.”

  “I think we need to have a chat or two.” David pushed open a door next to her. Jess was sure her sigh of relief at which door he’d opened could be heard all over the house. Well, unless it was soundproofed. In all truth she was a lot more shaken than she was prepared to let on. Her brother had a lot—a lot—of explaining to do.

  “After you.” He inclined his head.

  “Thanks.” Jess walked into the large square-ish room she remembered so well. One curved wall, one with a fireplace in it and one that rippled like the wash from behind a ship. The fourth contained the doorway they’d entered through. She looked about her with interest. The only thing that was recognizable, apart from the fireplace and the wood paneling on either side of it, was the large portrait over the mantle.

  Without a second’s hesitation, Jess walked up to it, stood on the hearth and stroked the painted hair. “Hello, Hattie. Long time no see. I hope this moron is treating you right.” She turned back to David, who stood near the door, one hand in his pocket, and watched her as she moved her hand away from the portrait. “Hattie has been here forever, it broke my heart to leave her. She would have come in handy to confide in a few times. You know someone who listens and doesn’t break your confidences, and believes what you say.”

  His eyes glittered with something like anger and his mouth firmed into a tight line. He looked as if he’d like to break something. My neck perhaps. Jess had the nasty suspicion that she’d baited him more than enough.

  “Can I sit down?” She waved toward an armchair. It was covered in a blue and maroon floral patterned linen and seemed as if it would be comfortable. And not room for more than one person.

  “Of course. Try the sofa.”

  She looked at the piece of furniture he mentioned. If she sat there she’d need a winch to get up, it looked so soft and squishy. “Ah, no thanks, the chair is fine.”

  “Oh, but I insist.” Before Jess had a chance to do otherwise, David took her arm and propelled her to the settee. His touch surprised her. She’d have bet her last bar of chocolate she’d shiver and her skin would crawl. That something that shouted ‘Master’ to her would usually have her running in the other direction.
Now, with his warm hand on her arm and the smell of citrus and vanilla teasing her nose, Jess felt her body tense in a very different way. She was reacting to him positively. Her clit throbbed, and her channel muscles were announcing they wanted exercise by clenching and relaxing in rhythmic waves.


  She sat and crossed her legs. Oh shoot and help me. I need to scratch this itch. Why after nothing for ages does it happen now? Sods law, it has to be someone who won’t take me as I am. Jess was honest enough to know that once David saw her reaction to him, he’d ferret out why she was sitting there like a scalded cat. She smiled up at him. “Are you going to sit down as well? Or is this let’s loom all over Jess part of your master plan to unnerve me? It won’t work.” She moved slightly, twisted her ankles around each other and did her best not to curl her toes up inside her shoes.

  The seat of the settee dipped as he sat next to her, and let his thigh rest against her jean-clad leg. “So you recognize I’m a Master then?” The grin was one hundred percent sex, and Jess’ body reacted predictably.

  Her juices moistened her pussy, and her knickers became damp. She hated soggy knickers. Thank goodness I didn’t wear a thong.

  Shit, bad choice of words. “I didn’t invest it with a capital,” she pointed out. “Nor am I likely to.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you will, one day. And no, not when hell freezes over. So let’s start from the beginning. This house.”

  The slither of fear that had begun to coalesce in her mind and send stabs of panic to her nerves began to disappear. Jess could handle talking about the house.

  “Our childhood home. Though I’m betting you know that already?”

  He nodded.

  “Yeah, Jeff will have told you that. It was a house of nooks and crannies and four, no five staircases if you count the servants’ one. They all led to a central hallway. This was my bedroom. We lived here until I was thirteen. It burnt down when we were away on holiday. It was accidental, but of course the story went round the blaze had been organized by dad for the insurance. It wasn’t true, and luckily when they caught the kids that did it, that proved it. Three nineteen year old guys, walking home through the forest. They were messing about and threw a cigarette butt down, which wasn’t out. Didn’t realize how dry the grass was, and it smoldered away, until the wind got up. By the time anyone saw it, the house was well alight. Not this bit though. This part plus what was—and I guess still is—Jeff’s stair weren’t touched. But dad said it needed too much to do to rebuild, and we moved to town. I haven’t been out here for over a year. After Dad died and it was left to us both, Jeff said he’d get something done about it and let me know the outcome. I guess this is him doing that, but I’m bloody pissed about his method. It sucks big time. Not only that, but to open a crappy club for weirdness and expect me to condone it? And to involve Kath is so not fair.”

  She leaned back against the cushions. Her diatribe surprised her. She’d known she was bitter, but had truly imagined she’d come to accept the curve balls thrown at her. Evidently not. Jess wriggled and found herself enveloped by the settee.

  Yeah I was right, too soft to get up with grace.

  “Life rarely is. Fair,” he added. “Nevertheless, you are out of order. Who is to say what’s right and what isn’t? You like sex?”

  His intense stare bore into her. There was no way she couldn’t answer him. Heat filled her body, but she nodded, somewhat puzzled. Why did he need to know that, now?


  “What do you mean how?” She’d bet her skin and hair were the same shade. “Like most people do, I guess. You know one of each or two of the same if that’s your fancy, and in and out. That sort of stuff.”

  “Hmm.” He stroked her arm. The hairs stood to attention. If they had voices they’d be shouting more, more and me next. Jess shivered.

  “So it’s always been vanilla, no contemplation of bondage or blindfolds?” he asked her in a mild tone. “You said one of each first, so no same sex fantasies? No threesomes or voyeurism? Strange after you admitted you and Kath had once been a couple. No more, pure basics now, eh? That’s your sex life in a nutshell is it?”

  Her heartbeat faltered and she swallowed, trying to work some wetness into her mouth. He made it sound boring, not safe.

  “In, out and roll over?” David smiled. “That seems weird to me.”

  What does he know? “Yes, well, no and don’t go on. It’s what I want, so sue me. Nice, ordinary,”

  “Boring.” David interjected.

  She glared. “As I was saying, nice, ordinary, safe sex, thank you. Yes, there was a time when I had a female lover, and no, I don’t want one now. Nor do I want whipped, flogged, bound or gagged. Waxed, scored, scratched or whatever else goes on. Not. For. Me.” She knew her breathing was choppy, and it wasn’t just from fear.

  David nipped her wrist. The pain was unexpected and Jess squealed. “That bloody hurt.” She pushed his hand away and rubbed her skin. “What the fuck did you do that for?” He was seriously heading for an assault charge if he wasn’t careful.

  “Because I haven’t got time to put you over my lap and give you the spanking you deserve for lying. Open and honest, remember.”

  Oh, she remembered only too well, and he could go fly. “Well if you want to go spank someone, go find yourself a sub, mister. This is as open and honest as you’ll get. What the fuck are you doing?” Jess took his hand and moved it from where he’d been tracing erotic circles around her breast. “Listen, mate, I don’t subscribe to the three strikes and you’re out. I subscribe to the touch me and I’ll sue you school of thought. You’re out of order. Don’t touch me.” Her voice rose and ended on what to her annoyance was a sob not a defiant shout. “I cannot take this.” Jess put her hand onto the cushioned seat and tried to lever herself upward. The sofa didn’t cooperate, and she settled down again and glared at him.

  He grinned. “Even my furniture is against you, eh? C’mere.” He pulled her close and hugged her. Not in any way sexual but a nice comforting hug. To her amazement, Jess relaxed. For the first time in longer than she dare think about, she let herself be held. She didn’t shake, didn’t feel sick and didn’t pull away. It was nice. Of course it wouldn’t last. Jess hated the way he’d lulled her into a false sense of security. She turned her head and let her cheek rest on the fine, soft silk of his shirt. He stroked her hair and Jess was nigh on ready to purr. Her nipples puckered and she was darned sure more than her underwear would be damp. If this is him not coming on to me, heaven help me if he does. And let me pray there’s no tell-tale stain on my trousers. I’d die of shame.

  “So who hurt you?” David used his free arm to hold her across the shoulders, and kissed the nape of her neck. He spoke casually, as if he was asking her the time.

  All of her contentment dropped away like a stone flung into a river. She struggled against him.

  “No one, just you. Let me go, you asshole, you’re hurting me.”

  Chapter Six

  Jess stiffened and David tightened his hold on her. Whatever she said, he was not hurting her body in any way. Maybe her mind, and that was only because he was damned sure she was lying through her teeth. Someone had hurt her badly, and he suspected it was all tied in with her antipathy toward anything he enjoyed. Although he couldn’t condone the way Jeff had gotten her to the house, nor the way Jeff had involved Kath or him, David accepted it had all been done with the best intentions.

  Jess scissored her legs and tried to kick out. As one foot was perilously close to his balls, David caught both legs between his knees.

  “Stop it, you’ll injure yourself, Jessica. I’m not letting you go, so calm down, settle down and talk to me.”

  “No.” She glared at him.

  If looks could kill, he’d have his friends choosing the hymns and ordering the flowers.

  “Well, up to you, hon. I’m happy to stay like this. I like it.” So did his dick, which was imprinting his zipper on its length once more.
Jess grunted, but to his relief she stopped struggling. His arm was across her breasts, and he’d swear her nipples were hard against his skin. Jess took a deep breath and he felt the warmth of it stir the shirt she rested against. Then she shook.

  “Ah, Jess, come on, love, don’t cry. We’ll sort it. Shhh.” Was he saying the right things? David didn’t have a lot of experience soothing a weeping woman unless it was with a scene or its aftermath. He continued stroking her hair and making soft, calming noises as she sobbed. It was heart wrenching. He’d never seen someone lose it like that before and he wasn’t sure whether to be pleased she felt she could or aghast she felt she needed to.

  It was several minutes before the sobs slowed. Finally, Jess hiccupped, and her trembles ceased. Slowly she lifted her head, and David helped her sit up. With a wry grin, she ran her hands through her hair and sniffed. He took a linen hankie out of his pocket and handed it to her.


  Jess gave a watery smile and did as he asked. “You sound like my nursery class teacher. At the first sniff from anyone, she’d grab a tissue, shove it in their face and demand they blow.”

  “As long as I don’t look like her, we’ll be fine.”

  She did giggle at that. “Nope. She was five foot nothing and skin and bone, and with a mustache to rival anyone I’ve ever seen. By God she wielded a mean double ruler. I still can’t hear that sort of clack without shuddering.”

  He didn’t think that was the reason she was so anti-everything, but he had to ask.

  “So is that why you clam up and freeze when I say I want to spank you? It’s chalk and cheese you know.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Of course I know, I’m not stupid. No, that’s something different altogether.”

  He nodded, striving for casual. “So what then?”

  “I have bad memories,” she said, just as he assumed she wasn’t going to answer. “And I don’t want the nightmares to start again. It took me a long while to get over them, and I’m not going down that road again.”


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