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Hellhounds Page 4

by Esther E. Schmidt

  It’s damn intense to have our souls merged. The whimpers flowing from her lips and through her mind…for me to hear, every single one is passionateand vigorous. We’re an open book to each other; thoughts for present or future plans, emotions, fleeting needs that we both can answer for one another. It’s the true meaning behind mating; being in sync with your soul counterpart you want, and can, spend the rest of your life with.

  There might be fire surrounding us, but it’s her pussy that’s flaming up. My chest is plastered to her back when I lift myself up and let my hand slide down her back in the process.

  “You feel too damn good, gorgeous. I have to see what I’m feeling...fuck, that’s a visual.” I suck in a breath and hold it before I slide in and out of her body in slow motion.

  My dick is covered with her juices. Completely enthralled, I pull out and flip her onto her back. Pushing her legs apart, my mouth covers her pussy before she can utter a single word. My gaze is pinned on hers and it’s clear she’s about to protest but I steal the ability for her to question why my dick left her pussy as I start to suck that tight bundle of nerves.

  Her taste enters my mouth and I have no other choice than to close my eyes and savor her essence. That’s my woman. My mouth, hands, dick, are the only ones who touched what’s mine. A growl rumbles through my chest when I realize the new responsibilities that weren’t in my life until now. I will vow to protect and treasure her for many lifetimes to come.

  I push her legs further apart to have more room. My chin trails down her left leg while I nip her skin here and there, making her shiver beneath me. So damn responsive to my touch.

  Her hands slide in my hair, fingers tightening to keep me in place. Like I’m going somewhere. Never gonna happen, gorgeous, you’re mine. And so is this pussy. Spreading her open with my thumbs, I dive right in there with my tongue, thrusting, swirling, devouring every inch of this sweet pussy. I cover her clit and suck while I shake my head to let my beard stimulate the rest. I can taste her upcoming release and the second it hits, I lick her clean before I lean back, fist my dick, and gently slide inside her, allowing me to fully enjoy the aftershocks of her orgasm.

  I’m done keeping the Hellhound inside me. She’s ours and there’s no way either of us would ever hurt her, unintentionally or not. Something deep inside us will always intervene to keep her safe.

  The change indicating my Hellhound is surfacing can be seen through the fact that my hands are now claws on the mattress right beside her head. Our eyes are locked on each other while I pump inside her with gentle strokes, my dick thickening even more with every thrust. One of her hands sneaks around my neck, pulling me down. Our mouths meet and she fucking moans so incredibly sexy that the thrusting of my hips falter.

  I feel her heels dig into my ass cheeks, activating the need to fuck her harder and brand her with my seed. We’re completely consumed by one another when the both of us climax simultaneously. I feel her teeth sink into my bottom lip, enough to draw blood. I return the favor, we’re feeding off each other’s body in more ways than one. I’m slightly aware of the blast we’re creating, the both of us falling, yet fully absorbed by one another, followed by utter silence.

  It’s serene, this moment; true mates consummated their bond. Our tongues gently stroke one another while my dick does the same with her pussy. It’s starting to soften inside her and I can feel our mixed juices slipping out.

  When I open my eyes, I’m shocked to find her covered in soot. A quick glance around the room gives the indication that we indeed created a blast. One that destroyed the whole fucking room. Only leaving us lying on the floor while everything around us is gone. Supernova.

  I wonder if all our simultaneous orgasms will result into this...could be one fucking expensive hobby. Not that I would consider making love to my woman a hobby, more like a need, a necessity, a routine to worship her. So, fuck yeah, we’ll be doing it again on a regular basis.

  There’s knocking on the door that’s barely hanging on its hinges. “Prez.” Zikmund’s voice flows through the air. “Everything all right in there?”

  My gaze is still locked on my mate when I answer truthfully. “Couldn’t be any damn better, Zikmund. Fucking perfect, that’s what she is.” I murmur that last part to my woman against her lips.

  “Godfuckingdammit,” Zikmund mutters. “I am building a steel cabin near the edge of our lot, starting right the fuck now. Second damn time this happened mere minutes apart from each other and it’s all due to the claiming. I need to keep anyone else from claiming. Yeah, that’s a better damn option. Less fucking work in checking up on people and handling a ruined room.”

  “Get away from my door if you’re gonna keep talking to yourself, idiot. Or find yourself a true mate, then we wouldn’t be having this damn discussion,” I bark out my words.

  “No,” he answers. “Then we’d have another damn explosion, ruining another damn room in this clubhouse.”

  I’m about to turn my head to tell him to fuck off, but I don’t have to because I hear footsteps fading. Good. I have other matters to tend to. Let’s see if we can create another explosion because I’m ready for my next supernova orgasm.

  When I focus back on her soot covered features, while gently moving my hips, I see her wince. Yeah, the supernova thing will have to wait. It totally slipped my mind that my woman would be sore. Makes sense with this being her first time.

  I hoist her up with me, come to a stand, and take a step toward the door. I have to figure out what to do. I mean, there’s nothing left of my own damn room. Not one single piece, just an empty space with only the two of us left, and a lot of soot. Weirdly enough the blast was contained to only the stuff inside the four walls we were in. So there are no clothes or a damn towel to grab a shower. The room next to me belongs to Zikmund. The fucker has the same build as me so that solves my clothes problem.

  She’s still curled around me. “Hold on, gorgeous. I’m going to take the both of us to the room next to this one, it’s Zikmund’s. We need a shower and I’ll grab some of his clothes, because I won’t have you walking around naked.”

  “They won’t fit,” she mutters against my neck. “Don’t you have any women in this clubhouse I could borrow some clothes from?”

  “The fuck no,” I growl and I might be overreacting but I don’t want her near any other chicks that come around here looking for a good time.

  Her hand goes up in my hair, tightening her fist as she pulls back and meets my gaze. “Woah there. Do you have a string of bad exes I need to know about? Are they gonna stab my back any time soon?”

  “It’s not like that.” I’m fucking growling again. “I don’t want you near any of those women who come around looking for a quick fuck. You’re too good for that. And even more, I don’t want you dressing like one.”

  “Caveman,” she mutters and rolls her damn eyes. “I can hold my own and besides, my sister is here so she’ll always have my back too. And it’s not like girls here would only have tiny scraps of clothing, right?”

  I’m wise enough to hold my tongue concerning that last statement.

  “Ugh. You do realize that the look you’re giving me right now tells me it’s indeed the opposite. Non existing clothing. Well, that kinda settles it then, huh? Because I would…need clothes that is…and preferably ones who cover most of my body.”

  “Damn right,” I agree as I take the both of us to the next room, holding her tightly in my arms while doing my best to cover her ass.

  Chapter Six


  I glance at my sister, who’s staring at a huge pile of bags that are draped over the new bed. Alastair had everything ordered and delivered, in twofold, within the hour. Because the Prez and the VP both had their rooms destructed, two prospects had to clear out their own rooms so we could move in. Those two prospects are now cleaning, and what I’m guessing after that, redecorating the old rooms so we can move back in.

  “What are you gonna wear?” Velma look
s up when I ask her that question.

  We’re both wearing an oversized shirt with the patch of Death by Reaper MC on it, Hell Charter written in bold letters underneath. It’s kinda funny because my sister belongs to the Heaven Charter. Well, clearly not anymore. And in a way, that’s all because of me. That thought hits me hard.

  “Are you mad at me?” I whisper.

  Her eyebrows go down in question. “Mad? Why for heaven’s sake would I be angry with you?”

  “Yeah, because of that…the for heaven’s sake part.” My head drops in shame for pulling her into this mess.

  I feel how my sister drags me into her arms, muttering in my hair. “Don’t you dare think that way. And believe me, if anything…it’s the other way around. You saved me, Eliana. You don’t know half of how bad my life has been. I know how much my dad hurts you by rejecting you, but when you’ve been treated like I have ever since my mom died…let’s just say I can finally breathe again. It also helps I have an amazingly handsome mate. Did I mention he overwhelmed me with his kindness for stepping up for me? Just mere seconds of knowing me I might add, that’s more than I’ve ever experienced in all my life. Realizing this also proves it’s been as if I was on the wrong side of the track. Heaven Charter was Hell Charter, and now…being here, I’m in Heaven.”

  Shit. Now we’re both sobbing like idiots. The door swings open and I see Os stepping inside with a fierce look on his face, his anger clearly directed at me. Alastair comes up from behind him.

  “What the fuck did you say to her?” Os growls at me.

  Alastair grabs him at the back of his neck. “Watch how you speak to the Prez’s Old Lady.”

  Os shrugs him off but gives a tiny nod before he addresses me again. “Well?” His tone is flat this time.

  Velma pulls back and gives me a kiss on the cheek before she turns and rushes over to be swept into Os’ arms. Those two look so cute together. I can’t help but spill some more tears before I’m comforted in my own man’s massive arms and against his powerful chest.

  “Why are you crying, gorgeous?” He strokes my hair and leaves a kiss on the top of my head.

  I clear my throat, before I meet his gaze. “Let’s just say we cleared up a misunderstanding and that these are happy tears.”

  “Yes,” my sister adds, “what she said.”

  “Okay, girls.” Alastair swats my ass and steps away from me. “You two should get dressed. We have Church in fifteen minutes and we’re making an exception…you two are present for the first part of the meeting.”

  This makes me dash over to the bed to grab one of the bags. This one contains a few leggings. I see my sister grab another one and she pulls out a few t-shirts. I check two more bags before I find one that holds panties and a few bras. Pulling them out, I hold them up for a better inspection.

  “I’m out of here, come on, you too. We can’t watch that shit.” I hear Alastair groan before there’s shuffling and a door closes.

  It takes a minute or two to find a nice combination of clothes. I’ve chosen a deep purple, lace set of lingerie underneath black yoga pants with a light gray sweater. My sister is wearing the same outfit with a slight change in color because she seems to be obsessed with white. Even her sneakers.

  I never wear white sneakers, well not for long, because they always seem to get dirty the moment I take one step. Yes, I’m the klutz who can’t keep new things new, something always happens to either stain or ruin them. Exactly the reason I’m wearing black ones, less chance to see stains on there.

  “Okay, I have no clue why, but I’m pretty nervous.” I sigh and wipe my sweaty palms on my pants.

  My sister makes a frustrated noise. “Tell me about it. Dad never let me in on any club business. The things I know are what I’ve either seen with my own eyes or overheard. But I can tell you right now, it’s all very different then with these guys here. I’m here for what feels like a blink of an eye and it’s like the freaking twilight zone. Seriously, I can’t comprehend it.”

  Her statement makes me curious. I want to know what’s so different, but she’s cut off by knocking on the door.

  “You girls ready?” Os asks.

  We both rush out and follow Os to Church. And Church is so not what I expected. Not that I really thought about it before I set foot inside...but really, wow. There are like these graffiti walls with dramatic pictures of doom. I would have nightmares if I would ever fall asleep inside here, and yet it’s captivating.

  “Well, no mistake this is the Hell Charter. Holy shit.” My sister breathes out her words while glancing around the room.

  Chuckling, I turn to look at her and see how Os takes her in his arms and kisses her neck while he murmurs, “Definitely nothing holy here, darling.”

  “Eliana,” Alistair snaps. “Come here.”

  Damn, I thought between the both of us, he was the Hellhound, not me. The way he orders me around makes me feel like I’m the damn dog.

  My face must be showing what I’m thinking when he adds, “Sorry, gorgeous, come here. I need to get things going.” His voice is a completely different tone than before.

  Stalking over, I chose to sit in his lap. Yes, I’m aware it’s a weird place to sit for a meeting but he seems off and most definitely stressed. When he wraps his arm tightly around my waist and pulls me flush against his chest, I know it was the right decision.

  “Brothers. As I mentioned before the two Old Ladies stepped inside, it’s an exception that these two will be here in this room for the first half of this meeting. Os and I explained the situation already, so we can get straight to the point.”

  Lajos bends forward and looks me straight in the eye. “Prez. Can you answer my question now? Or have one of them answer it for you?”

  Alastair’s arm tightens around me again. “No, I said drop it and I fucking meant it.”

  “Fine.” Lajos sighs. “I’ll ask them myself later then.”

  Clearly it’s something about Velma and me, especially because Alastair is now growling deep within his chest.

  “What did he want to know?” I whisper in Alastair’s ear.

  “If you two came with more than one sister,” Lajos fake whispers. And dammit why do I forget these Hellhounds have good hearing?

  I glare at the idiot in question, not me for being stupid, because I can’t glare at myself, so Lajos gets my full attention. “No, asswipe. It’s just me and Velma, and both of us are already mated, so no slice of heaven for you.” I fake a grin and snuggle against Alastair’s chest.

  Laughter rumbles around the room.

  “Well...” my sister quips. “I’ve heard a rumor involving a half-sister who’s in hiding. Or they have her hidden away. I’m not sure. I tried to find out, like I found you, but everything I do is a dead end.”

  Half-sister, I have another sister? How…

  “What the fuck do you mean you’re not sure? That’s a huge damn difference from no to a ‘not sure’,” Lajos barks before my mind can even comprehend.

  “Can it, Lassie,” Alastair snaps and I can’t control the snicker that spills out.

  Lassie, really? Lassie…A female rough collie dog, the one from the TV series and movie. Would that be Lajos’ Hellhound’s nickname, or does Alistair use it for anyone of his guys that are annoying? I make a mental note to ask Alastair later. Because right now I have to agree with him.

  “Why are you not sure?” I ask my sister.

  Velma, who is sitting right next to her mate, leans forward on the table. “Like I told you earlier, I only know what I’m told, or what I’ve overheard, or seen with my own eyes. This? The rumor about a half-sister? Is the part where I overheard dad and Kagan talking about it.”

  Os’ chest rumbles. My sister reaches a hand back and soothes her mate. Probably because my sister was promised to Kagan.

  “What were they talking about?” Os asks through his clenched jaw, clearly trying to hold back anger from his voice but failing drastically.

  “My dad said someth
ing about keeping her hidden, that she was a bad combination. First priority was to keep her breathing, but keeping the situation contained was something that could tip the balance either way.” Velma stops, her eyes widen a bit before she continues. “Like I said, I overheard, and they stopped talking when they caught wind of me. And what I heard didn’t make any sense to me.”

  “We need to find out. Lajos, that’s going to be your job. Find out everything you can the instant this meeting is done,” Alastair orders Lajos, who gives him a tight nod in return.

  I feel Alastair tense up and he sucks in a breath. When I lock eyes with him I stare right into the windows of hell. I have no other explanation for the two spots where his eyes should be. Then he blinks and it’s gone, his eyes back to normal again.

  “What the heck just happened?” My voice is barely a whisper.

  “Nothing, Eliana, club business,” he tells me dismissively.

  Nothing my ass, I won’t let him get away with this. I’m about to spit some of my anger when I hear Os. “What’s the job that was given?”

  Oh. So that’s what it was? He was given a job from his superiors, The Orderly, when his eyes switched to nothing.

  “Patch over.” Alastair’s voice is loud as it fills the room, leaving it in total silence at those two words. That is, until all hell breaks loose. No pun intended.

  Chapter Seven


  “Everybody needs to calm the fuck down.” My palm hits the table a few times before things turn quiet. “We all know what a patch over means and the icy little fact that this is a Heaven Charter, will ensure things won’t go over easy. But a direct job from The Orderly is a job given that needs to be followed through.”

  “Won’t go over easy?” Velma squeaks. “That’s a cookie and cream interpretation for war. You’re insane. How can you even...wait, a patch over, did my job title change? Would theirs? What the hell is going on? I don’t understand.”


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