Undisclosed Desire (The Complete Box Set

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Undisclosed Desire (The Complete Box Set Page 49

by Falon Gold

  I mumble, "Stare much?" then draw my knees up to my chest.

  You just had to say something rude, didn't you?

  We're at a standstill in a sea of cars, only halfway to Winchester. Dusk has settled in.



  "Turn around."

  A pet who does tricks. I can do this. Could do without his black eyes biting into the side of my face while I sink to a new low though. I place my spine along the plush, velvet seat embroidered with his initials, content with my view of the other drivers.

  "Look at me, Amari."

  Slowly, I angle my head in his direction.

  His neck bows to the left. "This won't work if you're not much nicer to me."

  "You didn't put a niceness section in your contract, just sex, secrecy, and obedience."

  His face hardens. That is so not good.

  "Niceness was implied but have it your way. Take off your clothes, and I expect you to keep the details to yourself of what we're about to do."

  "We're going to do it right here... like right now."

  Seriously! Our first time together will be in the back of a vehicle?

  A limousine actually... with plenty of room for different positions.

  No dinner date before or foreplay. I’m falling below his routine courting-ritual.


  "Undress, sweetheart."

  Maybe if I just stare at him wide-eyed, he'll change his mind.

  “Need help, Amari?”

  I say nothing. He bends at the waist then crabwalks his way across the interior. Instead of coming off like a clown, he resembles an exotic, white panther on the prowl. He’s so damn hot to watch something pools in the very center of me.

  That'll be your will to reject him liquefying.

  I stiffen my spine. The air sizzles and sparks when he reaches my side then retakes his seat next to me. His fingertips trace the twisted chain at my neck, electrocuting me when the pads of fingers slip onto the patches of skin visible through my shirt. The physical reactions he provokes are going to be the death of me. If I sit quiet as the dead, perhaps he won't recall I'm still fully dressed.

  "Who gave you this necklace?"

  "A man.”

  His eyes fly up to mine. I can't tell what he's thinking with his fist clasped around the charm, his knuckles blistering my cleavage.

  "Is he your lover?"

  "No. It doesn’t matter who he was."

  His brow boosts up to his hairline. "Was. An ex. Did you love him?"

  This man has a one-track mind.

  "No, I didn’t love him, Camron, because I still do."

  He flinches as if I struck him. The thin chain comes apart, wilting around his wrist.

  “Shit! I’m sorry, Amari.”

  “It’s fine, Camron. The clasp was acting up this morning. Just give it back.”

  I grab for it. It’s all I have left of what’s mine.

  He swings his hand behind him. I lunge for it, getting one knee over his lap before the sudden seizing of the nape of my neck redirects me towards Camron's chest rather than past it. I clutch his shoulders to catch my balance. It’s not necessary, since he has me firmly supported and eye to eye with him. He’s too damn strong. My decision to omit some of the facts about who the necklace came from is coming back to bite me in the ass.

  This is why I don't lie often. The backlash is always… always too swift.

  "Give it back, Camron," I ask nicely, calmly, as much as I want to splinter into a thousand pieces. What else is he going to take from me?

  You don't want to know.

  "There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell of you getting it before the next twelve weeks are up, Amari. And that comes with conditions too."

  Remember to be emotionless.

  I swallow down my rising temper. "Why?"

  "It's disrespectful to wear another man's gift around your current one." So is slightly manhandling me and answering one of his girlfriend's calls in my company, but I'm not treating his transgressions as crimes.

  Wrong. That's why you didn't tell him who the necklace is really from.

  I may have wanted to make him jealous… but I’m not confirming that. Rather sacrifice the necklace than own up to the fib I've let him believe. It won't matter in time.

  In the meantime, he outweighs me by brute strength and eight inches of height, so when I receive the gift back is out of my hands anyway, but I want out of his.

  "Then keep the necklace and just let me go.”

  He eyeballs the scraps of metal. I can’t contain the anger any longer or stop myself from pushing off his body. He hauls me forwards, my arms crumpling at the elbow between us.

  “Let me go!” I shriek.

  "Finally, a reaction from you, Amari. I was getting worried."

  Wait. What?

  "You provoked me? So, you really don’t want to have sex?"

  Why am I not relieved?

  Refuse to answer that, Amari, because it will incriminate you.

  “Yes, I provoked you.” His grip relaxes as I kneel frozen, shocked at his confession. "There's no point to this if you don't feel anything, Amari, and any heterosexual man in his right mind would want to have sex with you."

  "Then why the dramatics to make me to feel something? Just so you can hurt me in three months’ time when you dump me? Are you that determined to get back at me for quitting?"

  “One question at a time, sweetheart. This isn’t about you quitting, or dumping you ever.”

  Could've fooled me, and he did if he's being honest, which means he lied earlier.

  Pot meet kettle.

  "Then what is this about, Camron? Tell me the truth."

  “Getting you to…” he trails off, looks away, rethinking his answer, then retrains his stare on me. “Getting you to like me at least a little, Amari, among a few other minor things.”

  That can’t be all there is to this war he’s waging.

  “Camron, you tore my life apart to get me to like you, among a few other minor things!” I parrot, quite disturbed.

  Just liking him is major. Only God knows what else he wants from me.

  “No,” he murmurs. “I did it to get your attention for the most part.”

  My attention. The man is nuts, and I’m cooped up in a limo with him. I start to tremble, overloading on pure rage.

  His insanity is not why you’re pissed.

  If there’re other reasons, I’m not into learning them right now. Not when he’s rearranged my life to suit him. I recognize a slim chance to be let out of the jam I’m in, and I’m taking it.

  “Okay, you got my attention. Now, call this whole thing off.”

  “No, Amari. I haven’t gotten what I wanted the most. You wouldn’t ever believe what all I’m willing to do or give to get it. Enough to bite your damn neck hard to leave my teeth imprint for every man to see you’re taken now.”

  Oh, okay.

  “I believe you, Camron, but I’m yours for a little while only, and you sound like you’re desperate. For what, I don’t understand. I’ve given up everything you asked me to. I have nothing else but the necklace at this point.”

  “Not true, Amari, and you’re not ready to give me what I want, but I’ll wait.”

  The impulse to strangle him rears its beautiful head. I almost succumb to it, but he won’t be able to talk.

  “Wait for what, Camron?”

  “For when you’re ready.”

  His evasiveness is exasperating.

  “Are you going to tell me anything I can comprehend?”

  “No, you’re not ready, but I will make a deal with you. Let me kiss you for however long I want to, and I’ll get the clasp on the necklace repaired tomorrow.”

  He’s got a lot of nerve wanting me to trust him after all he’s done.

  More like making you do it, but what choice do you have?


  I simmer down. “Okay.”

  “Okay what?”
r />   “I’ll kiss you for however long you want.” Won’t be a hardship for me.

  He’s a damn good kisser.

  Down comes another wall.

  God, I hope not.



  I want to believe Amari is kissing me angrily because she wants to, her fingers walking through my hair while small moans reverberate in her throat. All signs of her starting to understand I’m not as bad as she thinks I am, that’s if I was into deluding myself and I hadn’t stripped her of everything she owns, which is why she’ll do anything I ask to get the necklace back. And why I’m regretting pressuring her into the arrangement, just as Blake promised I would. She seems more pissed now than when I proposed the deal.

  I rather she wanted me because it’s her choice, and I would love tossing this damn necklace out the window, but even a crash dummy can see she needs something of her old life to hold onto badly. It’s like her new life with me depends on it, so I’ll give it back after a few modifications to it. My existence hinges on getting her to love and depend on me before the three months are up. I’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen.

  Her occasional return in affections are worth the turbulence we’re both experiencing. It’s peaceful moments like these when she’s pulling me to her by fistfuls of my shirt, devouring my mouth, and grinding on my hard-on that won’t allow me to own up to the tearing up of the contract. If I do, she’ll clear out of the limo in a heartbeat and hitchhike in any direction that leads away from me.

  Yes, I’m going to have to tell her… one day… when the ice around her heart isn’t as massive as glaciers.

  Yes, I know my actions put them there. The consequences and repercussions are still boomeranging. I’m smart enough to relish, while I can, the masterful slow glide of her mouth over mine, nipping at my bottom lip and scrambling my brains. I drink in whatever she’s willing to give me of herself.

  The car begins to move. I don’t think she’s noticed.

  My hands drop the necklace on the seat, to roam over her, homing in on her chest and declining to move any further. Pebbled nubs nudge my palms from behind a solid, slim band of fabric encasing her breasts. I roll her nipples between my thumbs and index fingers. She gasps then bucks above me, head falling back, fingers cupping my head. She’s so much more than beautiful like this, and not holding up her end of the bargain.

  “Don’t stop kissing me, Amari.”

  She’s welcome to consume me whole, but her top has to go first.

  “Camron, I can’t do anything when you’re doing that to me.”

  “New deal then, sweetheart. I taste test.”

  Her head drops, eyes begin to burn right through me. I wait for her to decide.

  Finally, she murmurs, “Works for me.”

  I tug the hem of her shirt from her pants. She jerks the delicate material away, arches her back, and shimmies out of her top. I suckle a bare nipple. She sways forward uncontrollably, suffocating me with her breasts. I’m not trying to die before I’ve gotten what I want, no, need from her. Lowering her down to the seat then switching to my knees is purely for survival.

  I alternate between the identical dark berries. She whines her approval and backbends, heaving the twin peak further into my mouth. Her third sweet spot for sure, the column of her neck the first. I’m collecting them like stamps to be cherished and manipulated for her maximum pleasure… for as long as she lets me.

  Her nails scour the expensive upholstery over her head and beside her. I dive toward her navel, tonguing it. Her stomach ripples. She opens then closes her eyes again. Then her limbs soar in different directions. Knees up, framing my waist. Arms down, so her fingers can pinion my ears tightly to my head. So damn responsive. Feasting on her is better than a five-course meal. How am I supposed to ever give this up?

  That’s what plan B’s are for.

  I don’t want one.



  Removing her jeans is a grand production. The material fights back, by sticking like glue to her hour-glass figure. When I curse under my breath, Amari giggles.

  “I got it, Camron.”

  They glide right off for her and land on the floor in a heap.

  I give the denim the evil eye. “Should’ve stated ‘skirts only’ in the deal.”

  She snorts. “Maybe you should have.”

  Completely nude at last, she’s relaxes on her back again. Waiting for me in a comfort zone that I never thought she’d reach so soon, if ever, with me. She may not stay there for long. The one thing I am is realistic, so I commit every one of her curves to memory, trace them with my fingers, stopping at the trimmed hair at the apex of her thighs. When I skim through her jet-black nest of curls, she jolts upright, as if lightning struck her, balling my fingers in hers.

  “Camron, not there. Please.”

  Sweet spot number four.

  “I’ve leave it alone… for now.”

  I gently push her back down then lie parallel with the long seat, to lick, bite, and suck her heat, savoring her flavor. It’s all mine now. Wrangling climax after climax from her is almost too easy. When she’s begging for me to stop, and my ears are ringing from being beat repeatedly by the inside of her legs scissoring around my head, I lightly pass the taste of her onto her lips. She’s too worn out to participate in anything else. Exactly how I want her to be.

  Redressing her body is complicated however. She’s limp, no help whatsoever. Eventually, I get the job done, with her observing my every move from beneath heavy eyelids. I reorganize her body across mine, settling her into the fetal position. Surprised when she nestles into my chest instead of demanding her space. If she doesn’t mention it, I’m not either. But what is she thinking about?

  “What about you, Camron?”

  That’s what.

  I twirl a silken strand of her hair around my finger. “What about me, baby?”

  “You didn’t get yours.”

  “I did when you got yours, and I can wait.”

  She blinks, confused. Adorable. Visions of a little girl with Amari’s face and caramel-coloring looking at me in the same way flash in my head. I find myself wanting to talk to Amari about children, but we’re not there yet. She’s tired.

  “I got a checkup yesterday, Amari, so tonight we’ll make love in a real bed where I can learn more secrets of your body. For now, sleep. You didn’t last night, and you’re fighting it now.”

  She yawns. “How do you know?”

  “Because I know when you’re tired.” I massage the wrinkles between her glossy eyes with my thumb. “It always shows right here, sweetheart, which doesn’t happen before five usually. These crinkles have been here since I came to your apartment.”

  A sleepy grin trespasses over her mouth. “I didn’t know you knew that about me.”

  How could such a small bit of insignificant knowledge make her smile like that?

  Must be significant to her.

  Well, in that case. “I know lots of things about you.”

  Her eyes drift closed then open one more time before staying shut. “I am tired, almost too tired to move to the other seat.”

  “And you’re not going to. I’m not passing up a chance to hold you.”

  “Camron,” she starts drowsily but never finishes.

  Clearly, she has more questions. I would too if someone has done a complete turnaround on me, but her need for sleep wins out first. I’m almost glad of it. We aren’t going head to head if she’s passed out. Neither can we make love.

  I’m still pondering if one tradeoff is better than the other when my phone vibrates in my pocket again. How hard is it to get a little peace and quiet to stare at the woman I love?

  “Yes, Blake.”

  “Checking in.”

  “On Amari, I guess.”

  “Yes, Amari, Camron,” he snaps. “You’re a grown ass man. Why would I check on you? Where is she by the way?”

  “Asleep in my arms.”
br />   Am I gloating? Hell yes.

  “What did you do to her, Camron?”

  “I didn’t drug her to get her in my car, if that’s what you’re thinking. I did give her a sample of my mouth.”

  “Just a sample, Camron? And yeah, I think you needed a drug for that too. That lady hates the ground you walk on.”

  “Maybe not as much as you thought.” As we both thought. “Although, for a moment, I thought she was going to choke the shit out of me when she came to my office yesterday morning.”

  Blake sputters, “Ch-choke you! What did you do?”

  “No, you don’t get those details until you’re in New York. Besides, I don’t know who’s listening to my phone calls. The American government is notorious for that crap.”

  “Geez, man! How many laws did you break to get to her?”

  “None over the phone. Talk to me face to face tomorrow.”

  He roars with laughter. “She should’ve strangled you. You’re an idiot.”

  “Well, I’m trying to be less of one.”

  “Good. That’s all I ask of you.”

  “Wrong. You asked me to help plan your engagement party, and therefore deal with your mother. It’s the same as dealing with mine. Impossible.”

  “You let Ashley take over the party preparations, Camron. Not me." He's never going to let me live that down.

  “Things could’ve been worse. I could’ve let my mother take over, nimrod. Saleera would've planned the event in Italy, and had us all hopping a plane for a weekend stay there instead of the other way around."

  "Have you told Amari when she hopped on your radar? What you want from her?" The light bantering back and forth takes a turn for the dark side.

  "No, Blake, I haven’t. She's not ready for that, barely tolerating my touch as it is."

  "Just because you think she's not ready doesn't mean you continue to keep secrets, Camron. You have too many concerning her. I’ve been down this road. Put everything on the table before someone else does with a twist that makes you look so bad you can’t come back from it. Let her make up her own mind about being with you before you cause a rift between you two with your tricks that can't be undone." The latter isn't a rift I'm willing to take.


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