Rise of the Fae

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Rise of the Fae Page 13

by Rebekah R. Ganiere

  “I’m fine. But my ankle is stuck.”

  He tried to lift the cement block. It lifted slightly and then it dropped again. He tried a second time, but again he dropped it and she groaned.

  “Where’s Mael?” she asked.

  “He can’t get down. The tunnel’s too narrow. If he tries, he’ll bring the whole place down.”

  She swallowed hard, hoping Maelstrom found the High Elder fae. That was one death she’d pay money, buy a bag of popcorn and a soda to watch.

  The ceiling shook and several pieces of cement plummeted to the floor.

  “The structure isn’t going to hold much longer,” he said. “I’ll go get help and come back.” He tried to stand but she grabbed his shirt.

  “Don’t. Don’t go. Stay.” She stared up into his stern face. “Please.”

  “Selene, I can’t lift it on my own. I’m too weak because—”

  “Because of me.” How ironic that taking from him would end her life.

  “Give him what he needs,” her demon said.

  No, no, no. No way!

  “Then we die.”

  She looked down at her dirty arms and lifted her wrist. She blew out a long breath.

  “Take my blood, it will make you strong enough.”

  Neeman backed away a step. “No.”

  The overhanging observation room creaked and the supports groaned and began to bow underneath it.

  “Neeman there’s no time to get help. Either drink from me, or leave.”

  * * * *

  Neeman stared at her. She was trapped. He couldn’t just leave her. But he’d never drunk from someone before. He’d sworn he wouldn’t.

  If she’d asked him hours ago when they were having sex, he didn’t think he would’ve been able to resist, but now…

  “I—I don’t drink from the vein.”

  Her brows furrowed and she blinked several times. “What? Like, never ever? Or just not random people?”

  He planted his fists on his hips and blew out a long breath.

  “Well,” she said. “Then I guess I’m gonna die.”

  Neeman growled. Damn she was frustrating! He didn’t want her to die, not on his account.

  He knelt beside her. The observation area supports groaned and bent further. Okay, no time to waste. He was close enough to smell the bitter scent of her pain. Though she masked it well, the cement block pinning her to the floor wasn’t a pillow of comfort. He had to do this now, or be crushed alongside her. This was the moment.

  Every day of his vampyr life he’d woken up thinking he’d end it all that day. And now he had his chance. No one would blame him, it would be known as an accident while he’d gone to get Selene. He’d be hailed a hero for the rest of existence.

  Neeman swore and brushed the hair from her neck. Her pulse beat fast and strong and her eyes stayed locked on him.

  He licked his lips, and his mouth tingled in anticipation. He wrapped his arms around her torso, supporting her. The feel of her in his arms again brought back the horrible memories from earlier in the evening.

  He leaned in and sniffed her neck. Her pulse quickened and his body quaked with need. He struck fast and let his mouth fill with blood before he changed his mind. He didn’t want to do this, he didn’t want to. The first gulp was warm and sweet. The taste lingered in his mouth. He filled his mouth again and his mind went blank except for the taste of her. Spicy and sweet the blood flowed over his tongue and down his throat in a mixture of pleasure.

  She grabbed onto him and moaned his name, making him drink even faster. Gulp after gulp he took her blood into him. It coursed through his veins and strengthened his muscles. Every fiber of his body warmed and pulsed with life and in that moment he no longer felt like a vampyr. He once again felt human.

  A crash sounded behind him.

  “Neeman, we need to hurry.” She tugged on the back of his shirt.

  Her words pulled him from the feelings of euphoria. He licked her wound closed and looked into her eyes. He wanted to kiss her. To feel her lips on his, her body under his body as they—

  “Seriously, we have to go.”

  He got to his feet in a flash, his movement quicker than ever. Every muscle in his body flexed stronger than it had ever been. He bent and hefted the cement block off her so easily that it startled him.

  She scrambled from underneath it, dragging her injured leg. He dropped the block, shaking the ground.

  “Can you stand?”

  She tried but wasn’t able to put weight on her leg. “I think my leg’s asleep.”

  He hefted her into his arms.

  The observation room gave off a horrible screeching noise. The whole structure groaned.

  “Time to go.” He turned and ran for the exit.

  “Wait!” She pointed. “My purse?”

  Chapter 12

  Selene’s teeth chattered as Neeman jostled her while he ran. They reached the surface and ran into the warehouse floor as the earth shifted beneath them. The cars had been removed from the structure. Her leg and ankle throbbed, the pain increasing as her spell faded, her magick all but depleted.

  Outside the warehouse, an enormous roar exploded. Maelstrom. It had been decades since she’d seen her brother in his true form, but the beast called to her inner demon, awakening her once more.

  “Put me down.” She nearly lurched out of Neeman’s arms.

  “No, not till we’re out of here.”

  “Stop!” She pushed hard against him and they almost toppled to the ground.

  “Let me out. Let me see him.”

  “What the hell, Selene?”

  “Trust me. Put me down.

  He set her on her feet and she tested her ankle. A pain shot up her leg. It wasn’t just asleep. Damn. She limped to the door and looked out. The trackers were backed away huddled together. Maelstrom stood in the center of the blacktop, his hand aflame, towering over the huddled group.

  “Maelstrom,” she called.

  He turned her direction, his eyes narrowed.

  “Mael. It’s me. Seraphine,” she said in Draconic.


  “You heard my call.” She hobbled forward, each step shooting fireworks up her leg.

  Maelstrom took to the air and landed in front of her, making the ground crack. “You’re hurt.”

  “I’m okay.” She reached up and laid her hand on his arm. The fire from his palms extinguished.

  “Who did this? Who hurt you?”


  Maelstrom’s eyes widened and his hands caught fire once more.

  “He sent a hellian. They’re looking for you. He’s looking for us.”

  Maelstrom roared. “I’ll kill him.”

  “No!” She grabbed his arm. “No, Maelstrom. Not today. We’ll deal with him another day. Right now you must calm down. Sleep.”

  She hummed the tune that their mothers had taught them. His eyes locked on hers and he listened. Slowly his skin lightened and he began to shrink.

  The sounds of cars broke her concentration and he roared in anger. Three cars sped down the road and straight onto the asphalt where they stood. Maelstrom grabbed her and crushed her against his chest.

  “Maelstrom, stop,” she yelled.

  Neeman ran forward and Maelstrom roared at him as well. She held up her hand and Neeman backed off.

  The car door opened and out stepped Danika, dressed in a black skirt and red blouse. Behind her, William stepped out as well. The redhead looked over the scene and marched straight up to Maelstrom.

  Her bright golden eyes took in Selene. This was Danika, Mason’s mate. Her eyes were as golden as Mason’s and her skin…was almost human colored.

  “Maelstrom,” Danika commanded. “Put the human down. Now.”

  “Danika,” he said.

  “Put her down,” Danika commanded again.

  “Mael, put me down,” said Selene.

Maelstrom looked from Seraphine to Danika like a confused puppy.

  “Sister,” he said in Draconic.

  “It’s okay. I’m not going away again. You and me.”

  He set her on the ground and she wobbled on one foot for a moment. Danika strode forward, giving Selene a look that could’ve flayed her on the spot.

  Selene hobbled backward and Neeman grabbed her by the arm, holding her up. Maelstrom looked at Neeman and roared.

  Danika commanded his attention. Maelstrom picked her up gently and she stroked his cheek.

  “Hey,” Danika said. “Did you do what you needed to?”

  “Yes,” said Maelstrom.

  “Then it’s time to go home.”

  “Home.” Maelstrom locked eyes on Danika. His finger rubbed a spot on her chest.

  Selene watched in rapt fascination as Danika did what only she herself had been able to do a handful of times. Danika soothed Maelstrom to sleep, whispering words of love and affection. Slowly Maelstrom shrunk and his horns and fangs disappeared. His gigantic wings folded and morphed into his skin. Back in his human form, Mason grabbed onto Danika and held her close. Selene’s chest squeezed, seeing her brother’s love for his mate. She’d never seen him so happy before. It made her long to know that kind of love.

  Danika pushed away from Mason and turned her eyes on Selene.

  “Now. Who the hell are you?” She bared her fangs.

  * * * *

  A shiver went through Neeman, seeing Mason in his true form once more. The last time Mason had been Maelstrom, he’d almost killed Neeman, along with most of the Tracking Squad. Danika strode to where Neeman propped up Seraphine.

  “Danika, wait,” called Mason.

  Neeman put a protective arm around Selene’s waist. She gave him a dubious look, but he shook his head. She needed to stay quiet.

  “I asked who you are,” said Danika.

  “My name is Selene.”

  Mason came to stop right behind Danika. “I can explain.”

  “Yes.” She whipped around to him.

  “It’s not safe here. Let’s take everyone to Coven House and we’ll talk in private.”

  “She’s not going into my house until you explain.”

  “It wasn’t what it looked like,” said Selene.

  “She’s my sister,” said Mason.

  Danika’s eyes widened and she looked between them.

  “Maybe we should do what Mason wants and take this somewhere private,” suggested Neeman. He scanned the area and the other survivors were beginning to eavesdrop. “Besides, the demons who blew up the compound most likely weren’t working alone. More will come.”

  Danika’s brows knit together and then she pursed her lips. “Someone better tell me what the hell is going on around here.”

  “We will,” said Mason. “I will. But we really should go.”

  “They’re right,” said William. “With the Russians in town, we should do this in private.”

  Danika growled. “Did you all forget who the lord is here?”

  “I didn’t,” said Selene. “I know who you are.”

  Neeman pinched her side. She pulled away and smacked him in the chest.

  “Knock it off,” he whispered.

  Danika’s gaze moved between them. She didn’t say a word but he could read her expression like a book.

  “Fine.” She turned on her heels and marched to her awaiting vehicle.

  Selene beamed up at Neeman. “I like her. She’s feisty.”

  Mason stepped close to Selene. “You’re my sister and I love you, but I’ll do anything to protect Danika and in a fight, I’ll take her side. So please, whatever you do, don’t piss her off.”

  “I won’t.” The hurt in Selene’s voice made Neeman’s chest ache.

  Mason hugged Selene and kissed her head. “I’m glad you’re okay. It would’ve killed me to lose you again.”

  “Like I said, I’m not going anywhere.”

  He let go and got in the car with Danika.

  “Now,” said William. “I’m William, Danika’s second assistant. It’s nice to meet you, Selene.”

  “It’s nice to meet you as well.” Her eyes stayed glued to the car Mason and Danika waited in.

  Neeman looked down at Selene, unable to believe that she was the same woman he’d known for the last week. There was no vibrato to her voice, no seduction, no jibe, just the honest her.

  She gave William a tight smile and Neeman caught a glimpse behind her facade. What was left after she stripped off her mask was a lonely, sad girl.

  “Well,” she said, looking up at Neeman. “Are you going to carry me heroically to your SUV or are you going to make me walk on this stupid broken foot?”

  And just like that, she was gone again.

  * * * *

  Neeman drove to Coven House and pulled into the garage. Selene had spoken and flirted with William most of the way, making Neeman wonder how bad her foot really was.

  Riley and Stephos pulled the other two SUV’s up the drive and parked by the garage as well. Danika and Mason were nowhere to be seen.

  “I’ll help the humans get settled in some quarters in the barracks and then I’ll be inside,” said William.

  Neeman nodded and got out. How had the demons found the compound? And why would they go there just for one low level demon? Did they really care that much about their own kind? Something didn’t add up.

  He rounded the car and pulled open Selene’s door. She waited and he simply offered his hand. She was dirt covered and several scrapes ran down her arms. Her hands were caked in blood and her hair looked like someone had tossed cinnamon in it. A large bruise purpled her cheekbone.

  “Aren’t you going to carry me?” she asked.

  “You seem to be doing just fine.”

  She got out and shoved his hand away. Her eyes met his. “Just because I can handle pain doesn’t mean I’m not injured.”

  He wanted to punch something. He couldn’t tell anymore when she was playing with him and when she was telling the truth. Somehow in drinking from her, she’d gotten to him. Inside him. Under his skin. It was like he couldn’t see her clearly anymore because she was in his muscles, his skin, his brain.

  The blood electrified his senses and energized his body. He’d never felt better physically, but mentally he was all mixed up.

  She limped toward Coven House’s back door. Jonas ran up to her and she stopped. He put her arm over his shoulder and wrapped his arm around her waist, helping her in the house. The sight made Neeman want to tear Jonas limb from limb.

  He cursed under his breath. He wasn’t the jealous type. How had this happened? He still wasn’t sure. All he knew was that he had to find out.

  Chapter 13

  Selene limped into the kitchen of Coven House with her arm over Jonas’s shoulder. The human servants and other human survivors stared at her as she passed.

  Jonas deposited her on a couch in a small den next to the kitchen.

  “There ya go. Can I get you anything?”

  More magick? “I think I’d like to sit for a moment.”

  She went to run her fingers through her hair to flatten it, but they were caked in dried black blood. Instead, she opened her bag and pulled out her brush, yanking it through her hair.

  Her body drooped with fatigue. Soreness settled into her muscles and she knew that the next day would be even worse unless she could perform a healing spell.

  He nodded. “It’s been a hell of a night. I’ve never seen anything like those guys before.”

  “Yeah, well, I’ve seen a lot of them. I was raised with them when I was younger.” A clump of dirt fell from her hair and plopped onto her lap. She brushed it to the floor.

  “Really? How did you survive?”

  “I was the daughter of the Lord of Destruction. They didn’t dare bug me. Not with my father and Mason looking after me. That changed though, when we ran here.”

  Neeman came through the door and scanned the room. His eyes landed on her and she turned away. The trackers milled in the kitchen and other humans piled in from the barracks as well. Everyone had heard the explosion and they were looking for answers.

  “So where are we going to stay now?” she asked Jonas.

  He looked around. “I don’t know. There’s a lot of people here now.”

  She smiled and touched his arm. “Well, when we get where we’re going, maybe you can help me hobble to my bed.”

  His eyes glittered and he revealed his fangs.

  She swallowed. She hadn’t meant it like that.

  “You should come with me.” Neeman pulled her to her feet.

  She winced as his fingers dug into a cut on her wrist. Her magick was depleted. She needed to rest. He slid a strong arm around her waist and helped her into the front hall away from the others.

  “I told you not to talk to my trackers,” he grumbled.

  Couldn’t she do anything right? “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. It wasn’t an invitation.”

  His eyebrows raised. “Wasn’t it?”

  She threw his arm from her waist and wobbled on one leg. “I don’t go around sleeping with just anyone.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest and cocked his head to the side.

  “Okay, I don’t anymore. And just for the record, I was always very discerning when I picked a guy.”

  He shook his head. William jogged down the stairs toward them.

  “You two should go up. It’s going to get crazy down here in a few minutes when the rest of the coven members come back for the morning. Danika will see you in her sitting room.”

  Neeman nodded. “Is Doc around?”

  “Of course, are you injured?”

  Neeman pointed to Selene. “Her ankle is hurting.”

  Selene’s jaw dropped at his tone.

  William looked between her and Neeman. “I apologize, of course you are hurt. You’re covered in scrapes and bruises. I’ll send him right up.”

  Neeman nodded and William left to the kitchen.

  “Come on.” Neeman leaned in, but she pushed him away.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you. I’m done.”


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