Rise of the Fae

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Rise of the Fae Page 28

by Rebekah R. Ganiere

  Her fangs pierced his neck and her body shuddered and pulsed around him. She drew from him and panted, moaning against his neck. He continued thrusting inside her as his climax reached a crescendo and then tapered off. She stiffened around him, her fingernails digging deep into his shoulder blades, then sighed, disengaging her fangs.

  Warmth radiated from her chest and spread over him until her skin grew so hot he had to pull away. Her body lurched beneath him. He rolled off her as she arched off the bed and sucked in a harsh breath.

  The runes on her chest glowed brighter and brighter. Fear held him tight in its grasp.

  “Selene? Seraphine?”

  A humming sound emanated from within her. Neeman grabbed her by the shoulders. “Selene? Can you hear me? Selene?”

  She stayed in her arched position, mouth open, eyes staring at the ceiling.

  He jumped from the bed and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Selene!” he yelled.

  Her body sagged and she bounced back onto the bed. He dashed to her side. “Selene? Seraphine?”

  Her eyes reopened slowly. Emerald green outside, amethyst in the middle.

  “I’m here.” She smiled.

  But which one was it? Which one?

  She raised her hand and touched his chest. He looked down. Just below his collarbone above his left pec was a glowing rune that matched hers.

  He searched her face, trying to understand.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “You did this for us.”

  “What?” he asked. “What did I do?”

  “You brought us together.”

  * * * *

  “I…I don’t understand.” Neeman’s face was paler than usual and fear etched his features. His eyes were no longer an ice blue, but held a light violet tinge to them, which was most alluring. Selene reached up and laid her hand on his face.

  “We’re one now, no longer separate.”

  His brows furrowed. “How? Why?”

  “Because,” she said. “You loved us both.”

  “So, Seraphine?”

  “She’s here. She’s just… It’s hard to explain. Our thoughts are joined now and we’re connected in a way that makes us no longer want to fight.”

  “But you can still change your form?”

  “We can. But it’s not like she will be in the driver seat and me in the back. We’re both in control. Together.”

  He blinked several times. His brows furrowed.

  “I’m still trying to figure it all out myself, but she and I are now one. We’re just me. And I am one, with you.”

  She touched his rune.

  He stared at the tattoo, which glowed like molten gold against his pale chest.

  “You know what this means now, don’t you?” she asked.


  She pulled him into a kiss and then bit his lip playfully. “You’re mine. No one else’s. Not now, not ever.”

  Neeman’s genuine smile warmed her all over.

  “I’m okay with that.”

  Chapter 26

  Hours passed with Neeman and Selene in bed together. They made love several times and spent the moments in between talking. For the first time Selene knew where she belonged. In his arms, with the two of them together, the pain of her past washed away.

  The time passed too quickly and they soon had to come back to the reality of their situation. They dressed and headed down to collaborate with Danika, Mason, and William.

  “We need to find the portal, that is the first and foremost plan of attack,” said Danika.

  “I can handle that.” Selene looked between Mason and Danika.

  “I’ll go, too,” said Neeman.

  “No,” said Danika. “We need you to call all the trackers. Mason can go with her.”

  Neeman glanced at Selene and took her hand in his.

  “I’ll be fine,” she said.

  It was a strange feeling, no longer having Seraphine chattering away in the background narrating all of her actions. Instead now it was more impressions. Something would suddenly come over her and Selene would have the impulse to do something crazy or spontaneous and totally out of character. Now instead of being two separate people in the same body, they were more like conjoined twins.

  Seraphine no longer needed to be caged either, but was content to feel through Selene.

  “All right,” said Danika. “We also need a game plan in case the demons return.”

  “They will,” said Mason. “Now that they’ve located both Seraphine and me, they won’t stop till they have us.”

  “Till they have this world,” said Selene. “They only want us to lead the way.”

  “We’re no match for them,” said William. “There aren’t enough of us. Even with you and Mason, there have to be thousands of demons.”

  “More,” said Selene. “Which is why we have to close the portal.”

  “What about the humans?” asked William.

  “What about them?” said Danika.

  “They can help. We can find out which ones have military experience.”

  Mason shook his head. “There aren’t enough of them.”

  “True, but if this comes down to a war, we’re going to need all the help we can get,” said William. “I have heard rumors that there may be a huge enclave with nuclear weapons as well as advanced technology.”

  “How’s that possible?” asked Danika. “We still haven’t been able to get into those military bunkers.”

  “At this point, it’s only a rumor, but I have a feeling there’s one person who knows for sure. And if we can convince her, we may be able to convince them all.”

  Danika stared at William for a moment. “No.”

  “Danika, with all due respect, if there are humans out there with nukes, we need to reach out. They could be crucial. Not just in fighting the demons, but for our own survival as well.”

  “She’s nothing but a problem, William.”

  “Then let her be my problem. I’ll deal with it.”

  Danika sighed and rubbed her temples. Several tense minutes went by. Finally she waved her hand. “Fine. But I don’t want any trouble from Evan or I swear, she won’t be given another chance.”

  William nodded. “I understand.”

  “I know no one wants to think of this,” said Selene. “But you might consider asking if there are any humans who’d like to be turned.”

  “No,” said Neeman.

  “They’d be stronger and faster. I know you Vampires like to keep the blood pure but this could very well mean the difference between humans living and dying. It’s an option they should be given.”

  Everyone was silent. Being a vampyr was not the end of the world. Though she knew Neeman disagreed with her, it was something they needed to consider in the upcoming war.

  Danika looked at them in turn. “This is it, people. What we do or don’t do in the next few days could very well mean the difference between our existence and our extinction. Is there anything else?”

  “Just one thing,” said Neeman. He squeezed Selene’s hand. “When you get a free minute, I’d like to take Selene as my mate.”

  Danika smiled and nodded. “We will make it an affair worth celebrating.”

  “Thank you,” Selene said. “But I think just a small intimate ceremony would be more to my liking.”

  “Are you sure?” asked Mason. “That’s unlike you.”

  Selene looked at Neeman. He gave her the winning smile she’d become so accustomed to in the past hours.

  “Yes,” she said. “We’re sure.”

  Danika nodded. “Then let’s finish up what we need to do tonight, and tomorrow we will stand in the light of the moon and you two shall be mated.”

  * * * *

  Mason and Selene had tracked the portal to the south side of town, but they’d been unable to pinpoint exactly where the rift was. A tear in the fabric of the world wasn’t easil
y found. Their magick had drawn them to a general area, but after hours of searching they’d come up empty.

  Mason met with Neeman to organize a patrol to stand guard in a one-mile radius until the portal could be located.

  Over the following evening, a dozen new trackers had arrived at Coven House and two dozen more were expected to arrive within the next two days. Word of the attacks was spreading like rapid fire. Danika’s phone had been ringing so much that Selene had even taken to helping answer the calls and taking messages. The consensus was the same. Everyone was scared.

  Danika had sent word to the High Council, but she had yet to hear back from them. All they could do now was prepare and wait.

  Selene looked in the mirror at her green-purple eyes. Never in her wildest dreams had she thought she could be made whole. But Neeman had done that for her.

  She fiddled with the cream silk, which draped over her shoulder.

  “You look beautiful, my dear,” said Sherman.

  Selene smiled. The older Vampire had returned to help out, after healing.

  “Thank you,” she replied.

  “I must tell you. Had I known what you truly were, I would have had a harder time letting you go.”

  She laughed. “Oh trust me, as soon as you’d met my other half, you would have begged Neeman to take me back.”

  He snapped his fingers. “I almost forgot. You left this at the hotel.” Sherman pulled her suitcase from behind the door and set it on her bed.

  “Thank you. I was beginning to think I’d never wear the same outfit more than once.”

  Sherman looked at his watch. “We should go down.”

  She nodded, her gut clenching. She stepped up to Sherman and took his arm. Together they proceeded down to the landing where Mason stood in a pair of pinstriped suit pants, a white shirt, and a black vest. He looked dashing, and uncomfortable.

  Sherman handed her off to Mason and then bowed and headed down to the atrium.

  “You look amazing,” Mason said.

  “I bet you never thought you’d see this day.”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  “Me neither.”

  He held out his arm for her to take.

  “You clean up pretty good yourself, bro.”

  “That’s all Danika’s doing.”

  “Amazing how this new race really is trying to better this world,” she said as they descended the stairs.

  “I just hope we don’t end up destroying it.”

  She squeezed his arm. “Me, too.”

  Mason stopped at the bottom of the stairs. “Do you love him?”


  “I want to make sure you love him.”

  “Come on, Mason. I have these beautiful runes now because of him, what do you think that means?”

  “I think it means he loves you.”

  She tried to keep her voice level. “Yes, Mason. I love him.”

  “Good,” he said. “Because above all else, I want you to be happy.”

  Her heart squeezed. “I am happy. For the first time…I am truly happy.”

  “Then let’s go get you hitched.” He kissed her on the forehead. “Oh and Maelstrom wants you to know that if he breaks your heart, we’re going to kill him.”

  Selene laughed. Brothers.

  * * * *

  Selene stood in the middle of the atrium, her hands in Neeman’s. Once again, he wore a dark suit, which made her knees feel like gelatin. He’d slicked back his hair and trimmed his scruff into a sexy goatee.

  Sherman presided over the ceremony as the rest of the coven looked on. Danika, William, and Mason stood alongside the blond Vampire pair who proudly held their beautiful new bundle of joy.

  For a moment, Selene looked around and wished her mother was there. But the feeling left her as quickly as it had come. Being there with Neeman and Mason, Danika and William, she realized she’d finally found what she’d been searching for her whole life. Family. And she’d be damned if she’d let anyone take that away from her.

  “You are now mated as husband and wife,” pronounced Sherman. “You may kiss your bride.”

  Happiness she’d never felt burst through her and Selene jumped into Neeman’s arms, tackling him with her lips. All around chuckles and applause rang out. Neeman laughed and when they broke apart, she saw a sight that warmed her entire being. He smiled at her so broadly it revealed a dimple on his left cheek.

  He pulled her close. “You’re mine,” he whispered.

  “Now and forever,” she replied.

  Meet the Author

  Rebekah R. Ganiere has always been a creative soul and a prolific writer. Her debut novel, Dead Awakenings, was a bestseller, and she is also the author of the bestselling award-winning Farielle series. She is currently working on the third book in her trilogy, The Society.

  Rebekah is the VP of Communications of the Los Angeles Chapter of RWA as well as the newsletter editor for the FF&P Chapter. When she isn't busy writing, you can find her moderating or teaching on SavvyAuthors.com or hanging out with her husband, four children and her English Bulldog, rabbit, two bearded dragons, and two tortoises. The escaped snake has yet to be found.

  Readers can visit her website at www.RebekahGaniere.com, find her on Facebook, or follow her on Twitter: VampWereZombie.

  Keep reading for a special sneak peek of the final book in The Society trilogy:


  Their society faces extinction...

  Not long ago, William was a human held captive by the ruling Vampires, until an accident forced his master to save his life. Now, William is a vampyr, and everything has changed. The demons are coming and the Vampire Society where William has finally made a home isn’t strong enough to save what is left of the world. They’ll need help from the few remaining humans to survive.

  Evan has spent the last two years trying to get her fellow human slaves to rise up against their Vampire captors, determined to be free of the masters she has come to despise. When William comes to her with an idea to save them all, she’ll need to see past her hatred to the man he really is, or let him be killed for the monster he appears to be.

  A Lyrical e-book on sale May 2016.

  Learn more about Rebekah at http://www.kensingtonbooks.com/author.aspx/31634

  Chapter 1

  William took another deep draw from Sue’s neck as his body shook with the strain of holding back his climax. The soft throaty moans she uttered, along with how deep her nails stung his skin, told him that she was almost there herself.

  Her thick rich blood slid down his throat and tingled his limbs with energy.

  “William.” She panted his name the same way she had every time she was about to reach fulfillment. Over the last year of using Sue for a blood servant, he’d been able to explore every last fantasy he’d spent his life dreaming of but never fulfilling.

  Her breathing quickened and she sucked in a sharp breath. He pumped into her, disengaging his fangs the moment his body wound tight as a wet rope and then exploded. He rocked himself through his finish and waited for hers to subside before licking her neck wound shut and rolling off of her. They lay side by side in his bed, both catching their breath.

  She laughed. “Wow, that was a quick one.”

  He traced his hand over the flat of her stomach. “Sorry. It’s been a while.” It was a lie. The truth was envisioning her as someone else had excited him in ways he’d never imagined.

  She lifted his hand, kissing it. “I’m not complaining. I never was very patient.”

  He sat up, picked up his watch and wrapped it around his wrist. A nice watch was something he never would have been able to afford before being bitten by Danika and becoming a vampyr.

  Behind him Sue slipped out of bed and pulled on her clothes.

  “So have you given any thought to what I said before?” she asked.

  William’s gut clenched and he forced his voice to stay pass
ive. “Yes, I have. And I’ve told you. I’m a fledgling. I’m not old enough to have a human of my own yet.”

  “William, you practically run this coven next to Danika and Mason, you could do whatever the hell you want.”

  She was right. But she was also not the one.

  “We have fun. That’s all this can be.” He turned to her. “If that isn’t what you want, I completely understand and respect that. You are welcome to find a different member of the society to be with.”

  She stared at him for a moment and then sighed and shook her head. She climbed back onto the bed and leaned over to him. Her mousy brown hair hung haphazardly around her face, a testament to their most recent intimacies.

  “You know what your problem is?”

  He shook his head. “Tell me.”

  “You’re too nice. I’ve never met a guy who was as nice as you before. Not pureblooded Vampire, or a bitten vampyr. Not even those mutated vamps or stupid human men are as nice as you. You’d think that with the vamps and humans being lowest on the totem pole that they’d be the nicest people ever. But nope. It’s you.”

  “Well, I hope that whomever you end up with, they are much nicer than I,” he replied. If she even had a clue that every time for the past two months that they had been together he’d been envisioning her as someone else… No. He wasn’t as nice as she thought.

  He pulled on his black wool slacks and azure silk sweater. The soft texture of the sweater slid against his skin, reminding him of its quality. Then he ran his fingers through his hair and stepped into his loafers.

  “Come on. I’ll walk you back to the barracks.” He plucked one of Sue’s hairs from his pants and carried it to the trashcan.

  She nodded and moved to the door, pulling it open. He held it for her, and they both proceeded into the hallway. Voices could be heard from all over Coven House. They continued onto the landing and down the stairs to the grand foyer.

  A bustle of humans replaced dead flowers with fresh ones in the vases, swept the white marble floor and vacuumed the carpet.


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