A Whole Lotta Trouble

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A Whole Lotta Trouble Page 11

by Lea Hart

  “Message received.”


  “You ready to go in?”

  “Not really.” She looked up at her porch and shivered.

  “Will you hate it if I’m attached to your side until we figure out who’s responsible?”

  “Guess it depends on how we spend our time together.” Hearing him snort, she looked up. “What? Too soon to distract myself with inappropriate comments and naughty pictures?”

  “Nope, not in the least.”

  “Good!” She took his hand and headed toward her front door, praying she could deal with what was on the other side.


  Rick followed her in and hoped she could handle seeing her stuff strewn around. Hearing a gasp, he slid his hands around her waist and held her close. “If cleaning up tonight would make you feel better, then let me know.”

  “Why would someone pull all my books out of the bookcase?” Covering his hands, she leaned back. “It doesn’t make any sense.”

  Hating the situation with every fiber in his being, he turned her body so they were in one another’s arms. “Either they didn’t like the way you arranged it by color or they were looking for something.” Watching her bravado collapse gutted him as she stepped away and wandered around the room. When her shoulders drooped, he wanted to gather her back up and hold tight. He’d only seen her iron shield slip once before, and it was when he’d broken up with her and said they were finished. Seeing it a second time was just as hard.

  “I didn’t think having someone paw through my things would make me feel so awful. I figured it was just stuff and, as long as my dog was okay, it wasn’t a big deal.”

  “Willy said the neighbors heard Mabel barking like mad in front of the house and knew something was up because she hardly ever does it anymore.”

  Bending down, she gave her mutt a hug. “You were very brave girl, and I’m proud that you got the job done.”

  “You have any clue who’d want to go through your stuff?”

  Pushing herself up, she shook her head. “No, not at all.”

  “All right, let’s get your bag packed, and we can get out of here and do the cleanup tomorrow.”

  “You know, it’s not necessary to babysit me. I’ll be fine at my parents’ house.”

  “Em, you know if something happens to you, I won’t survive. I’m askin’ that you let me have my way on this one.”

  “If I say yes, will you promise to do your best to listen and not bark any more orders?”

  “I solemnly swear to only bark orders when we’re naked. Unless otherwise agreed to and specified in the SOP of our relationship.”

  “What the hell is a SOP?”

  “Standard operating procedure. We’re going to have to agree to terms and conditions that work for both of us, so we can spend our time kissing and not bickering.”

  “Just so you know, that SOP will include me commanding you from time to time. So get your mind right and prepare yourself for following my orders.”

  “I look forward to obeying whatever directives you see fit to dispense. And in light of the fact I crush every damn thing I’m tasked with, I suggest you get your mind—and body—ready, too.”

  Emily tipped her chin up and then waved her hand. “I can more than handle whatever you’ve got to dish up.”

  “I know.” He took a step forward and held his arms open. “Can we hug now?”

  “I suppose,” she said as she pressed her body close, wrapping her arms around his waist.

  Resting his chin on top of her head, he let out a long breath. “Think some ice cream and canoodling will help?”

  “It sure isn’t going to hurt, and if it’ll put off me having to deal with the enormity of the situation for a bit longer, I’m all for it.”

  “Then that’s our plan.” He ran his hand up and down her back and banked the frustration swirling in his gut. Better he should focus on the steps he needed to take to secure Emily and not the deep well of anger forming at having her under threat. He could more than deal with whomever thought they could threaten his woman, and the moment he determined who was responsible, he’d be doling out a big helping of justice.

  One way or another.

  Chapter Eleven

  Rick walked down the hall of Emily’s parents’ home and knocked on her door gently. “Can I come in?”


  He pushed the door open with his shoulder and held up two bowls of ice cream. “You ready for dessert?”

  “Absolutely,” she said as she pushed her wet hair over her shoulder. “I feel a lot better after my shower.”

  “Good!” Passing over the bowl filled with three scoops, he smiled and let his eyes run over her long legs. “Are those the same red shorts you had in high school?”

  “Yes.” She collapsed on the bed and pushed her back against the pile of pillows resting against the headboard. “Mama never gets rid of anything, so my room and everything in it is essentially the same as it was back then.”

  “Going to have to take your word on that, since I was never allowed back here.”

  Emily smoothed her hand over her yellow bedspread and waggled her eyebrows. “You can join me, if you want.”

  “Don’t have to ask me twice.” He dropped down on it and grinned. “Since it took me a decade and a half to get an invitation.”

  She licked the back of her spoon and winked. “Hope it was worth the wait.”

  “Guess we’ll have to wait and see.” Loving the sassy smile he got in response, he moved closer and draped his arm over her shoulder. “Thank you, by the way.”

  “For what?”

  “Your kindness when…” His lips tightened around the words.

  “You got pulled into an old memory?”

  “Yeah,” he said quietly. “It hasn’t happened in a while, but I guess having you in danger triggered something.”

  Emily set her ice cream down and linked their fingers. “No matter how bad or good we’re working, I will do my best to have your back.”

  Swallowing the ball of emotion that threatened to escape, he nodded. “Can’t believe you’re still willing, considering our history. I just found out how much shit you had to endure on top off what happened with us. Why didn’t you tell me Deacon spread those lies? I’d have killed him and the rumors.”

  “Well, I guess it’s a good thing he moved away a long time ago, because I don’t need to see if you’re serious.”

  He tamped down the anger the whole mess ignited and ran his finger over her shoulder. “How did you survive?”

  “It wasn’t easy. And in retrospect, the whole experienced served me because it set me free from worrying about other people’s opinions. It also toughened me up so that when I entered college, I was ready for all the challenges of becoming a vet. Whoever can think whatever. Doesn’t matter to me as long as I’m square with myself and God.”

  Kissing her head, he swallowed and felt a rush of respect and admiration for his girl. “You are the real deal, darlin’, and becoming your teammate would be an honor.”

  She leaned back and draped her legs over his. “Are you saying that because we’re lying in bed together…completely unsupervised?”

  He loved her ability to break a heavy moment with humor. “I can neither confirm nor deny.” He set his bowl down and turned, pulling her into his arms. “But for the record, you should know that what I feel for you has grown into a thing with its own pulse, and I’ll not be satisfied until I devour your body and taste every inch of your sweet flesh.”

  “Really?” she asked as she ran her fingers over his face. “Every inch?”

  “Hell yeah.” He dropped his mouth and kissed her with all the control he could manage. “And I’m counting the minutes until you grant me the privilege to relearn every move that brings you both bliss and ache. I wa
nt to become essential to your happiness and be the one you can count on above anyone else.”

  “Before we give that sort of thing a chance, should we talk about what happened in the parking lot?”

  “Do we have to?” he asked as he ran his finger over her thigh. “Because I’m more than happy to leave it for another day.”

  “It’s up to you. Just know I’m ready to listen when you feel like talking.”

  “Thanks, Em.”

  “You can kiss me now if you want, and we can pretend like we’re in high school again.”

  “Never had a better offer in my life,” he said before capturing her warm, soft mouth.

  Feasting on her sweet flavor, he tasted the ice cream they’d just eaten and knew there was no better medicine than having his woman in his arms. He slicked his tongue along her lower lip and loved hearing her moan as they tangled their tongues. Emily was his better half, and he planned on doing everything he could to deserve a place in her life.

  Not only because she’d always accepted him in strongest moments, but because she accepted him in weakest ones, too. She made him want to be a better man, and that made him pretty damn lucky.

  He surrendered to her gravitational pull and ravished her mouth as she pulled him close. Loving the way they were twisted together like a Chinese puzzle, he prayed there would be no separating them. Because now that he had a way forward, he didn’t want to let her go.

  Emily Conner was his reason, and there wasn’t a thing he wouldn’t do to protect her and what they would hopefully make together.


  Rick heard the front door rattle and slid out of bed. He moved out of the room silently and released the safety on his gun. Seeing the door swing open, he let out a breath when Levi and Tim walked in. “Quiet, she’s asleep.”

  Levi pointed toward the kitchen, and he nodded, indicating he’d be right behind them. He returned to Em’s room, grabbed a shirt, and shoved his gun back inside his boot before closing the door quietly. Heading back to the kitchen, he knew the conversation he was about to have wasn’t going to be pretty.

  “You couldn’t call and let us know what the hell was going on?” Tim asked in a low, menacing tone. “We had to hear it from our busybody cousin, and let me tell you, that’s not something I enjoy.”

  “Emily was supposed to call you guys before we left her house. I assumed she’d done it.”

  Levi lifted the empty carton of ice cream and let out a snort. “Looks like y’all were too busy to make phone calls.”

  Rick knew her brothers had every right to be pissed but didn’t care for what they were implying. “Do you really think I’m not taking this shit seriously?”

  Levi turned toward the kitchen window and shook his head. “Not really, but I’m madder than hell and have decided taking it out on you wouldn’t be my worst choice.”

  “The only reason I ended up at the house was because I saw her hot-foot it out of Mumford’s along with Nessa. Had I not intercepted her on the way to her car, I never would have known.”

  “And what do we know?” Tim asked.

  “Not much. The lock on the back door was jacked, and her place had been gone through. Shit like that is real personal, and I for one can’t think of anyone who’d have it out for her,” Rick said as he leaned against the counter. “I’m going to install a state-of-the-art security system on her house in the next couple of days and plan on not leaving her side.”

  “Like that will ever happen,” Levi commented. “Can Weston be of any help?”

  “I left him a message earlier. He’s coming down from San Antonio this weekend for Aunt Pearl’s birthday, and I’m hoping he can go through the evidence.”

  “Willy ain’t going to like that,” Tim said. “He likes to run things his own way and won’t want interference.”

  “Willy loves Em and probably wouldn’t mind having access to all the toys the Rangers have. Weston has no reason to interfere and knows better than to piss Willy off.”

  “The man’s wife does make the best donuts in town. Being on the wrong side of either one of them isn’t going to do anyone a bit of good.”

  “Amen,” Rick muttered. “Hey, do you guys think there’s a connection between the person Nash allegedly saw running along Em’s fence the other night and the break-in?”

  Levi pushed himself off the counter and frowned. “Seems possible. Word on the street is that Owen is playing with the big boys and is somehow enmeshed with the folks running drugs through South Texas.”

  “Is Nash involved?”

  “No idea,” Tim replied. “But we’re going off the assumption that he knows what’s going on.”

  “Fuck, that makes a whole lot of pieces fall into place.” He let the known fact roll around and knew the threat against Emily wasn’t bullshit. Formulating a loose tactical plan, he looked up at the brothers. “This is going to be taken care of very quickly.”

  “Together,” Levi said firmly.

  “We’ll spend the night,” Tim said as he opened the freezer. “So you can head out.”

  Rick stood up straight. “Appreciate the offer, but it’s not necessary. I’ll be keeping watch over Em for the duration.”

  “Our sister’s reputation doesn’t need to be in question again,” Levi said as he stepped forward. “This town does not need any more fuel for the fire, and having your ranch truck parked overnight will not do my sister any good.”

  “I don’t care what this town thinks or wastes their time gossiping about. I need to protect Em and won’t be swayed.”

  “Fuck you,” Tim growled. “You’re from the biggest land-owning family in this part of the state. Not caring about what people think or say is not a luxury most people can afford. My sister needs her good reputation so she’s respected. She’s an incredible vet and plans on staying employed for a good long time to come. Not only because she loves it, but because she’s got a shit-ton of student loans to pay off. You’re not going to mess with what she’s worked her ass off to achieve.”

  Nodding, Rick looked at his boots and then squared his shoulders. “I will take care of anyone who so much as whispers an unkind word. We’re together now, and if someone fucks with Em, then they better be ready to see what ten years on the Teams has made me. I lost too many brothers downrange and won’t survive losing Emily. It’s taken me a couple of trips around the world, countless battles, and more fucking pain than I ever thought I’d endure to know that it’s always been her. I know I don’t deserve her, but that’s not going to stop me from trying.”

  “Geez,” Tim said as he pulled a carton of ice cream out of the freezer. “You had to pull the wounded vet card.”

  “Just letting you know how committed I am to the goal.”

  “You can stay on the couch,” Tim said. “And we’ll be staying in our old rooms just to make sure everything is on the up and up.”

  “We’re past that.” Standing up, he let his arms fall to his side, preparing to deal with the Connor brothers’ wrath.

  “Your word better be good,” Levi said quietly. “If you’re not working toward taking Em down the aisle, get the hell out now, because nothing less will be tolerated.”

  Feeling his nerves settle, he looked between the Conner brothers and nodded. “Understood.”

  Tim sighed and shook his head. “This is going to be a shit show. No two ways about it.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Emily finished up her rounds at the animal shelter and whistled for her dog. When Mabel didn’t come immediately to her side, she wondered if the break-in had traumatized her in some way. Striding back to the pens where the dogs were kept, she heard her phone buzz and slid it out, seeing Nessa’s name. “Hey, girl, how are you doing?”

  “Good, I wanted to let you know that I just finished cleaning up your house and Rick installed a new lock on your back door.”

; “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I know but wanted to. I made quick work of it, and everything is back where it needs to be.”

  Leaning against the wall, she closed her eyes. “Thank you.”

  “Those are not words you need to say. We’ve been looking out for one another since kindergarten and will do so until we’re in the old folks’ home reliving our glory days and the dirty deeds we got away with.”

  “Here’s to hoping we can remember them.”

  “We will, don’t you worry. And before I forget to tell you—my mama insisted that you needed a new cross for your house. She gave it to me this morning along with a dish of flan. Both are in your fridge.”

  She let out a laugh and loved that Lola Blakely was still looking out for her. “Why did you put the cross in the fridge?”

  Vanessa shrugged. “Seemed as good a place as any.”

  “Can I tell your mama?”

  “No, since it would kill my god-fearing Mexican mother faster than anything. She thinks I’m about to be taken over by evil spirits any day, so let’s not give her a reason to believe it’s possible.”

  “Of course,” she answered with a laugh.

  “As a side note, my cousin was real interested in what was in your panty drawer. I think he wants to buy you a bunch of new stuff, so don’t be surprised if you get a big ol’ pink bag from Victoria’s Secret.”

  “Is the town gossiping about us yet?”

  “No way for them to resist. Five people have told me his truck was parked at your folk’s house overnight along with your brothers’, and I told them all to mind their own damn business.”

  “I’ll fill you in on the latest developments tonight over tacos and margaritas.”

  “Make it tomorrow. Jack has convinced me to go out for supper, and I’ve reluctantly agreed.”

  “All right.”

  There was a long pause and then, “You happy, Em?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “Let yourself enjoy whatever it turns out to be.”


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