Found Love

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Found Love Page 11

by Red Rose Publishing

  A woman he didn’t know walked out of the bedroom. He froze.

  “Who the fuck are you?” He lifted his gun and pointed it at her.

  “Curtis, there’s no need for the gun,” the woman said.

  “I said: who the fuck are you? And how do you know my name?”

  “I work with Serena, and she asked that I meet you here because she didn’t want the people investigating the missing vials to track them to you. They’re watching her every move, so I came to meet you instead.”

  “Where in the hell is Serena?” He needed to know where to find her so he could eliminate her. He’d have to take care of her before he got his hands on Andréa, considering that watchdog in her building. And now he’d have to take care of this bitch here. Serena had made a mistake by inviting her in. I have to get the vial from her. “Where is the vial?”

  “I have it in a safe place,” Natalie stated, giving a nervous glance at her purse on the coffee table. Just as she thought he’d fallen for it, she prayed that if he fired it would be a body shot. Taking a deep breath, she waited for the blow and wasn’t surprised to hear the loud sound of the gun being fired.

  The shot aimed straight for her heart. As she flew backwards, she thanked God for her bulletproof vest. Her chest burned as if the shot had gotten through, even though it hadn’t. She stifled a groan and positioned her body where she would have a clear shot if he walked over to take another pop.

  Curtis raced for the purse sitting on the coffee table. He grabbed the vial and headed for the door. As he turned towards it, it burst open and several cops filed in, their guns drawn. With nothing to lose, he fired a shot and turned towards the window, but before he could take his first step, answering shots blasted into his side and shoulder. As he went down, Natalie stood with her gun drawn.

  You’ve made a fatal error, fucker.

  Basil sat at a table with his team—soon-to-be former team—having a celebrative drink before he headed home. He’d been relieved when Natalie walked into his office rubbing her chest and complaining of the pain from the bullet’s impact. She’d claimed it had taken all of her discipline not to shoot the bastard after he’d been shot by two of Basil’s other agents.

  “Do you think the DA is going to try and get him for the murders of his ex-fiancée’s babies?” Bill asked from across the table.

  “I don’t think so and I hope that they won’t. Andréa doesn’t need to have to relive that shit, and knowing my little brother like I do, he won’t allow the DA to use her just to make a case against the bastard. That’s if his ass makes it through the surgery.” Which I hope he doesn’t. He stood and tossed a couple of bills onto the table. “I want you guys to have a good time, but please, be careful, and I’ll see you all tomorrow.”

  “I suppose you’re just coming in to pack, right?” Norm asked.

  “I’ve already packed. I just have few things to pick up and make the rounds one last time.” He said goodbye as he headed out of the pub and drove to his parents’ house. He pulled into the driveway just as his cell phone rang. Shutting off the car, he answered and listened for a few moments before he disconnected the call. He sat and stared out the window, trying to figure out what he felt. He wasn’t sure how long he sat out there before the passenger door opened and Teresa climbed in.

  She gave him a kiss. “How did it go?”

  Basil told her the play-by-play of how everything had gone down and about the call he’d received just as he’d pulled in.

  “There had been complications with the surgery, and the bastard died on the table. I’m sitting here trying to figure out if there should be guilt on my part for being happy he’s dead. I’d been worrying that the DA would want to go after him for the murder of Andréa’s babies, but I didn’t want her to have to be called as a witness or to even have to relive all that knowing what she’s already been through. So I’m glad that won’t be an issue, but I have to wonder if there isn’t something wrong with me because I’m glad he’s dead.”

  “I don’t think there is anything wrong with you, baby, because you’re only human. That bastard hurt someone you care about. Even though you didn’t know Andréa at the time, you’re aware of what he did to her, and I know you didn’t wish this on him no matter how you may have thought that the world would be better off. It’s out of your hands, and no one can fault you for it.”

  Basil turned to face her, stared into her beautiful honey-brown eyes. She spoke the truth. He sent up a silent thank you to the man above for bringing her into his life. Leaning forward, he captured her mouth with his, enjoying the taste of her.

  His cell phone rang again. This time it had to be his mother calling. He answered, “Hi, Mom, we’re on our way in,” he said.

  Teresa laughed as she climbed out of the car, and they walked arm-in-arm inside. After dinner, Basil informed everyone about what had happened with Curtis, including his death.

  Sebastian caught the distracted look in Andréa’s eyes as she held Nico—he an idea of what occupied her mind. He’d suggested she ask his father about the man, but she continued to put it off.

  “Dad, what do you know about Chester Holloway?” he asked.

  “Are you asking as far as him being an attorney or on a personal level?” his father asked.

  “Both,” Sebastian said.

  “The man, his partner, and best friend are excellent attorneys, and from my dealings with them inside and outside of the courtroom I think he’s a very good man. Why do you ask?”

  “Well, we just found out that he and his partner believe he is Andréa’s father.” Sebastian went on to explain the details.

  “Sebastian, why don’t you take Nico on up and put him to bed?” Nola suggested and waited for her son to take a sleeping Nico from Andréa’s arms and head out of the room.

  With a glance from Nola, Teresa rose, grabbing Basil’s hand. “Come on, Bas, we’ll help Sebastian put Nico to bed.” She pulled him out of the room.

  Nola patted the sofa and asked Andréa to take the seat next to her. “Now, tell us what’s bothering you.”

  “All my life I’ve believed that the reason I ended up at the orphanage had to be because my parents hadn’t wanted me. Other than Teresa and Mack, I’ve always kept people at arm’s length. Your son came along, and he and my little muffin have destroyed the barriers I’ve always used to keep people away. I’d just learned to accept being loved and cared for by all of you—and I’m in a good place now—and here comes this man who says he’s my father and that he wants a chance to meet me and get to know me. Sebastian thinks it’s because I’m the link he has to the woman he loved, but…” She trailed off, unsure of how to say the rest without sounding pathetic.

  “Now you’re afraid he’ll be disappointed, and you’re also afraid of opening yourself up to him just to have him reject you and prove what you’ve thought all these years true,” Nicolai said for her.

  She nodded.

  He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “Baby girl, I can assure you that any man would be proud to have you as their daughter, and I know Chester will be just as proud. I also know that us telling you that isn’t going to allay those fears you have.”

  “Why don’t we have a small dinner party here and invite Chester to join us? That way the two of you can meet and we will be here to support you,” Nola suggested.

  Andréa leaned up and gave both of them a kiss. “I don’t know what I did in life to deserve you two along with Sebastian and Nico, but I’m so glad I have you.”

  Later, Andréa lay awake thinking about everything she’d learned the last couple of days. She wondered how Curtis’ mother took the news of his death. The woman had been nothing but kind to her. She’d contemplated calling and offering her condolences, but thought better of it. Her mind went to the upcoming dinner party that Nola planned to throw. She’d sat on the sofa chewing on her bottom lip and listened to Sebastian make the call to Mr. Wilkins inviting him and her father to the dinner party. She’d held her breath wh
ile he’d made the offer and waited until he’d hung up the phone and confirmed that they had accepted.

  Andréa admitted she was just as excited as Nico and Sebastian now the house had been completed. The inspector had signed off on everything and given the okay for Sebastian and Nico to move in. And now she walked through the home with Sebastian, proud and a little envious at the home she’d designed for this man and his child, whom she loved. She frowned as they came to a room she didn’t remember designing.

  “Sebastian, what is this room? I don’t remember it being in the plans.”

  Sebastian placed his hands on her shoulders and squeezed, and then reached around her and opened the door. He followed her in, stopping just inside the doorway. She roamed the room and glanced over at him with a frown. Why had he purchased office furniture similar to what she had in the office at her apartment?

  “What is all this about?” she asked and turned to face him.

  “I wanted you to have an office to work out of so that you could still work from home,” he said, walking over to where she stood. He grabbed the straight-back chair and placed it behind her. Andréa took the seat and gasped, her hands covering her mouth as he went down on one knee before her. “I had Mack add the room because I wanted you to still be able to work from home and I’d hoped that you’d make this your home, a home here with Nico and me, as my wife.”

  Andréa’s eyes filled with tears. He pulled out a black velvet box and opened it, revealing a white-gold engagement ring with a diamond-shaped sapphire sitting between four diamonds. “Andréa Cherie Morgan, will you marry me?”

  “Are you sure you want to marry me with everything that’s going on?” She still had fears about being able to have babies along with the uncertainty with her father.

  “Yes, I want to marry you because I love you, and Nico loves you, and you have been the mother that he knows and loves, and I know that you love us. In my heart, the three of us are already a family. I just want to make it official. So what do you say? Will you marry me?”

  “Yes, Sebastian, I’ll marry you,” she whispered as tears began to flow.

  Nico let out a loud “hurray!” at her answer and flew into her arms. “So does this mean I can call you Mommy now?” he asked, drawing a fresh flood of tears from Andréa. Alarmed, Nico looked over at his father for help.

  “It’s okay, Nico, you just made her very happy, and Mommy’s sometimes cry happy tears.”

  “So you’re happy I want to call you Mommy?” Nico asked Andréa.

  At her nod, he wrapped his arms around her and patted her back the way his dad did to him whenever he cried.

  They agreed to wait until after the dinner party with her father to move into the new house. Sebastian, aware of her worries about meeting her father, didn’t want her stressed about anything else. His mother and Teresa would be willing and ready to help plan the wedding, even though he’d rather just go to the courthouse and be done with it, but Andréa wanted a big wedding, and so did his mother.

  He couldn’t disappoint either one of them.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Half terrified, Chester paced his living room waiting for Brian to arrive so they could head over to the York residence for his meeting with his daughter. He admitted to being very glad his best friend would be going with him. However, the excitement of meeting his child overrode the fear once he’d paced a little longer.

  He walked over to the bar and pulled out a bottled water to ease his dry throat. His thoughts went to the call he’d received from Maureen demanding that he give her children the money his grandfather had promised her. He’d pissed her off by laughing; she’d had a lot of damn nerve calling him and demanding he give her bastard children the money they didn’t deserve. He’d referred her to his father, since he’d been in on the deal set up by his father. His father needed to stand up to his responsibilities and pay off his father’s debts with his own money, considering the old man’s cash would come to him since there weren’t any official blood heirs.

  Brian arrived twenty minutes later, and they left soon after, taking the limousine to the York residence. His heart pounded faster, and his palms began to sweat. His collar seemed to tighten around his neck.

  “It’s going to be okay, buddy,” Brian assured him, seeing the way Chester fidgeted.

  “I’m sure you’re right, but what if she doesn’t believe that I didn’t know about her and thinks I didn’t want her?”

  “I would have to say if she believed that, her boyfriend wouldn’t have extended the invitation. From what I observed from that young man, he is in love with Andréa and is very protective of her. Hell, the fact that the party is being held at Judge York’s home speaks volumes.”

  Chester agreed, but it didn’t ease the anxiety one bit.

  Sebastian let himself into his old bedroom just in time to see Andréa slip on her deep blue silk dress. He let out a low growl at the glimpse of her smooth ass before the dress covered her.

  “Don’t even think about it,” she warned without turning around. She slipped on matching three-inch heels and walked over to the full-length mirror. Her hair hung loose in thick waves around her; it had grown and now flowed well past her delectable ass.

  “I’m sorry, honey, but you know how hungry I get,” he offered in his defense.

  “Sebastian, you’re always hungry,” she responded, laughing.

  “You look beautiful,” he said, staring into her striking emerald green eyes.

  “He’s here, isn’t he?” she asked.

  Sebastian nodded, wanting to give her time to collect herself.

  “Okay, well, let’s get this show on the road.”

  Chester and Brian entered the huge foyer of the York residence, greeted by Judge York and his lovely wife. He looked over his shoulder and frowned at the strange look on Brian’s face. Chester turned to see what had captured his best friend’s attention, and his heart damn near stopped. She was gorgeous and the spitting image of her mother except for one distinguishing point—she did indeed have his eyes. He didn’t remember moving but found himself standing at the foot of the staircase as she descended.

  “My god, you are absolutely beautiful, just like your mother,” he whispered in awe as tears filled his eyes.

  “I do have your eyes,” she offered, taking his hand in hers, breaking the ice.

  “Come on, everyone, why don’t we take this into the parlor and we can make introductions?” Nola suggested.

  Chester, Brian, and the whole family followed her. Andréa sat, and Nico hopped onto her lap as if to protect her, drawing smiles from everyone.

  “I appreciate you agreeing to see me,” Chester began. “And I know I have no right to interrupt your life, but I at least wanted to meet you and let you know that had I known about you there is no way you would have ended up at that orphanage. I wish that in some way I could make all those years up to you but I know I can’t.”

  Andréa read the anguish in his eyes and had no doubt of his sincerity. Reaching out, she clasped his hand. “You have nothing to make up for, but I would very much love for you to be a part of my life going forward. With that said, I’d like to introduce you to my fiancé, Sebastian York, and our son, Nico York.”

  “So, how long before the big day?” Brian asked.

  “We haven’t set a date yet, but I can assure you it will be as soon as possible,” Sebastian answered.

  Brian’s gaze latched on to the funny looking watch on Nico’s wrist. “Is that a watch?” he asked.

  “No, it’s a virtual imager Mommy made for me,” Nico informed him. With a wave of his hand, he activated the unit and showed how it worked.

  “You created and constructed that?” Chester asked his daughter.

  “Yes. That is a portable version of the one I have at my apartment. I have a portable one I use to work up designs for clients. I can store them in my mini unit and transfer them to my main unit at home, and I can print and email them to Mack, who owns the construction comp
any I use.”

  “Can anyone use it?” Brian asked, obviously fascinated.

  “No, this one is specific and tuned into Nico; no one else can activate it,” Sebastian answered.

  “Andréa made a pair for my sons,” Basil said, “and they can’t be activated by anyone but them either.”

  “You get your genius from your mother. She would sit and take apart a regular radio and make it into a robot with moving parts,” Chester said, chuckling, his voice filled with pride. He pulled out an envelope and handed it over to Andréa. “There are pictures inside. I found as many as I could so that you would be able to see what your mother looked like, but you really just have to look in the mirror.”

  Her hands shook as she opened the envelope, and she gasped at the beautiful woman smiling up at the camera, her eyes sparkling. “Did you take the picture?”

  “Yes, how did you know?” Chester responded.

  “Because I can tell that the smile is for the man she loves,” Andréa said, her eyes going to her father’s. She returned her attention to the pictures, and the next one showed Chester and April staring at each other. She didn’t miss the love there—it couldn’t have been mistaken or faked. “Why did she leave you?”

  Chester cleared his throat. “My father and grandfather had other plans for me, so they threatened to hurt me if she didn’t walk away. Knowing my father and grandfather like I did, I know they weren’t bluffing. If they couldn’t get me to do what they wanted they would have taken me out, of that I have no doubt. So she left…she left a note saying why she had to leave, begging me not to look for her, and I didn’t. Realizing what they expected from me, I decided to put a kink in their plan. I found a doctor that would give me a vasectomy and went along with the marriage to the woman they had chosen. I stayed married to her for over twenty years. They’d promised her money for any heirs that resulted from the union.”


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