Devon in Wonderland (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove)

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Devon in Wonderland (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove) Page 7

by Jana Downs

  He watched with amusement as Abraxas tried to play off his injuries, but Ezekiel wasn’t taking no for an answer. He managed to wrestle Abraxas down long enough to bind his ribs and give him some pain medicine.

  “Would you like for me to start you a fire?” Layden’s voice caught him by surprise as he turned to face him.

  “If it wouldn’t be too much trouble.” He smiled warmly at him. Devon watched as he collected what little dry wood he could find for Asher to ignite.

  “You know, I never got to say thank you,” Devon called. He blushed when he caught sight of Layden’s flexing back and shoulder muscles as he laid a particularly heavy pile into the fire pit he’d made. He turned to look at Devon, sweat glistening down his chest.

  “For what?” he asked, shrugging as he ran a hand through his hair.

  “For saving me, of course.” Devon’s eyes met Layden’s, and he couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face.

  “Oh that. That was nothing. I was only doing what any normal person would do given the circumstances.”

  Devon shook his head. “Not in my world. Most would’ve saved their own asses first. So thanks.”

  Layden sat down next to him and motioned Asher to come on over and start the fire.

  “What are you guys talking about?” Abraxas’s voice boomed behind them as they both turned around simultaneously.

  “I was just thanking Layden here for saving me.” Devon tucked a strand of hair behind his ears.

  “Oh, well I guess I’d better say thanks, too, since he did prove to be quite the little hero today.”

  Devon caught the intense stare Abraxas gave Layden as he spoke the words with a smile. There was definite chemistry between the two of them. Were they a couple? Had they been a couple? He wasn’t sure.

  Figures. All the good ones are always taken.

  “I’d rather you not thank me. I much prefer you being a cynical, uncaring asshole.” Layden abruptly stood and stormed off, heading toward Cerilius and Druis.

  Abraxas sighed. “I can never do anything right with him.” He moved to sit down next to Devon.

  “Maybe you should just try to talk to him. My brother always told me communication was the key to having a successful relationship. Although I can’t actually attest to its effectiveness since I have never had a successful relationship…” He trailed off, realizing he was beginning to babble again.

  Abraxas cocked a half smile. “You are amusing, human, but I think it’d take a lot more than talking for me and Layden to ever work things out. Besides, there’s someone else he likes now.” His eyes shifted to Devon’s as he raised his eyebrows.

  “Oh! I–uh–that’s not necessarily true,” Devon stammered as Abraxas’s grin widened.

  “There’s no point in denying it. I saw you holding his hand the other night, and I see the way he looks at you when you’re not looking.”

  Devon’s lips thinned as he paled.

  “You were spying on us?” he asked incredulously.

  Abraxas shrugged. “Not spying, per se. I just went looking for Layden when I realized he wasn’t in his tent. That’s all.”

  Devon wasn’t buying his innocent act. “That doesn’t mean he likes me.” Devon’s gaze narrowed in on Abraxas’s rugged, handsome, and slightly irritating expression.

  “Sure it does. I’ve known Layden far longer than you, and I know when he likes someone.” There was a long pause as his expression became somber and he stared intensely at the now-blazing fire. “Besides, there’s someone else I like as well.”

  When Abraxas turned back around his eyes were filled with such intensity that Devon’s breath hitched.

  “There is?” His voice was barely a whisper.

  A wicked grin spread across Abraxas’s face. “Yes, and I wanted you to know my intentions before you made up your mind. I like you, Devon Avalon, and at the end of this journey I want you to think about your options.”

  He stared at him, speechless for a moment. He couldn’t believe, not one, but two gorgeous men were interested in him. Never in his entire life had he been the center of so much attention. There had to some ulterior motive. This just didn’t make any sense to him. Maybe they really did want to become king that bad, so bad in fact that they would resort to seducing him.

  “I’m flattered, but well, I’m leaving at the end of the two months. I don’t think it’s such a good idea to even let myself think of starting a relationship with either one of you. Besides, if you guys want to become king that bad, I don’t mind choosing one of you. You don’t have to pretend to like me for that.”

  Devon stood up with a forced smile on his face as he tried to hide the hurt. “I’m going to go and see if the camping gear is all right. I’m pretty exhausted from today’s events and would like to go to bed soon.”

  “Devon, wait. That’s not what I—”

  But he didn’t stop to listen. Devon couldn’t hear Abraxas’s denial, because deep down inside he knew he was lying. No man that gorgeous had ever been interested in his bookwormy self. He just prayed that he could hold out on his desires for both men for two more months. Then he could go home and put all this behind him.

  * * * *

  Well, that was smooth. Abraxas chided himself as he watched Devon walk away from him. He sighed in frustration as he stood and made his way after him.

  You’re following him, the voice in the back of his head taunted, and he shrugged. No. I’m hungry and the food just happens to be in the same direction, he responded without thinking. Great, now I’m talking to myself.

  “I’m sorry, Devon, but it looks like your tent was destroyed in the downpour earlier. I’m guessing one of the camels probably brushed it against the rock when they tried to get under the trees and it tore the canvas,” Druis said apologetically.

  “Damn it. That’s just my luck. I really wanted a nice dry change of clothes, too.” Devon sneezed as he shivered from the chill of the breeze.

  “Just what I was afraid of, you’ve caught a cold,” Layden said as he wrapped an arm around Devon. Something about the gesture pissed Abraxas off. He found himself oddly jealous of both of them.

  “Here, I’ll fix you some tea,” Ezekiel offered as he stood and made his way over to the fire with his pot and some water.

  “No really, it’s fine. I just need to rest a little.” Devon smiled, causing Abraxas’s heart to skip a beat. God he was beautiful and he didn’t even realize it.

  “Well, since your tent’s destroyed, you can take mine. I don’t care.” Layden’s thoughtful tone was really starting to irritate him now.

  “Really? But I couldn’t possibly take your bed. I could sleep on the floor or something. I wouldn’t mind.” Abraxas watched as Layden smiled at Devon with a tenderness he’d only ever reserved for him, and he clenched his fists in frustration.

  “That’s okay, love. I’ll take the floor as long as you don’t mind sharing a tent with me.”

  Love? He has a nickname for him now? That’s it.

  “Hey now, I don’t think it’s right you two sharing a room. For all we know you could just be trying to seduce him for the crown. Isn’t that right, Devon?” His tone was harsher than he’d intended, but he was just so damned pissed off by the entire situation.

  How dare he accuse Abraxas of having an ulterior motive for liking him and then turn around and bat his eyelashes at Layden while he sweet-talked his way into his pants. It was bullshit.

  His temper flared as he tried taking deep breaths to calm himself. Logically, he knew Layden really was just being a gentleman. He was always like that, thinking of others. That was one of the things Abraxas liked most about him when they’d first met. So why did his actions all of sudden bother him? Was it just because they were directed at Devon instead of him? Could he really be that jealous? The last thought that entered his mind made him stop. Maybe he was overreacting.

  “Abraxas is right.” Cerilius’s agreement caught him off guard as he did a double take at the green dragon
. They had never seen eye to eye. Never.

  “I am?” He blinked incredulously.

  “He is?” Devon stated, perplexed by the sudden turn of events.

  Cerilius nodded his head. “Yeah, I think the dark one over here makes a valid point.”

  Abraxas snorted at the nickname and glared.

  “Maybe he’s right,” Druis said as he intervened to keep the peace. “Why don’t Abraxas and Layden both share a tent with Devon? That way you can keep an eye each other and we don’t have to worry about dealing with the fact that your tent had also been ruined, Abraxas.”

  Abraxas glared at Druis, certain he was doing this on purpose.

  “Why don’t I just sleep out here, since it’s going to be such a problem?” Devon offered and all the men turned to look at him like he was crazy for even suggesting the idea.

  “You’re joking, right?” Dru bluntly stated as he raised his eyebrows at him. “We can’t leave you exposed to the elements, unprotected. What kind of men would be if we did that? No, your only options are to share a tent with Layden and Abraxas since Layden’s is really the only one big enough to hold more than one person or to take my tent and I’ll sleep out here on the ground. You decide.”

  Abraxas watched as the human shifted uncomfortably, unsure about what to pick.

  “Fine,” Devon said at last, his bottom lip pouting in protest. “I’ll share a tent with Layden and Abraxas. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to go drink my tea in peace and try to get rid of my headache.”

  Devon turned, taking the tea Ezekiel was holding out for him, and headed toward the fire. Layden glared at Abraxas for a long moment before following Devon.

  Abraxas grabbed one of the drinks from the cooler and followed after them, annoyed at the entire situation. Sleeping with Layden was the last thing Abraxas wanted, but Layden’s tent was the largest and it didn’t really make sense to ask one of the others to give up their space if what Druis said was true and his tent had also been ruined.

  * * * *

  “So why did you agree to Abraxas’s obviously jealous outburst?” Ezekiel asked suspiciously as he raised an eyebrow in Druis’s direction. Dru grinned from ear to ear and shrugged.

  “You know as well as I do he and Layden need to work through their problems. They used to be best friends when they were younger. I just hate to see them grow apart because of their families.” He smiled innocently, but Ezekiel wasn’t buying it.

  “Uh-huh. Sure, and what does Devon have to do with your reconciliation plans?” He took a sip from the bottled water as he leaned against the cooler and watched the three sitting around the fire as Asher played a bit of his violin.

  “I think they may need a little push is all.” Dru shrugged.

  Ezekiel shook his head. “And you think Devon will be that push? What happens when they start fighting over him? You ever think that far ahead in your scheme? You know dragons are jealous creatures by nature.”

  Dru just grinned. “See, Zeke, that’s why you got to always look on the bright side of things. I simply don’t think that’ll happen, and it won’t. You know I’m a bit of a romantic. Besides, it keeps Cerilius off my back. He’s paranoid one of them is gonna seduce Devon to become king. As if Abraxas and Layden are that underhanded.”

  Ezekiel snorted. “You’re a mess, Dru. An absolute mess. I think your optimistic attitude is going to cause nothing but trouble. I like Abraxas and Layden just as much as you, but I worry about Devon. You know as well as I do that the dragon nature is always close to the surface. I’d hate it if something bad happened.”

  “Yeah well, that’s why I have you. You’ll keep an eye on ’em for me, won’t ya?” He winked, and Ezekiel rolled his eyes.

  “I don’t have time to be playing games. I do have a kingdom to worry about, you know,” he said with a false sense of seriousness.

  Dru just smiled. He knew him too well. They had been best friends too long not to know each other inside and out.

  “All right, all right,” Ezekiel agreed. “I’ll keep an eye on them for you.” There was no way he could ever really tell Dru no.

  “That’s what I thought. Now, help me put up the tents, blondie.”

  * * * *

  “I don’t understand. Things should be progressing at a much faster rate. Why aren’t they consumed with jealousy by now?” Maeva demanded for no one but herself to hear as she stared into her magic mirror. Tapping her fingers lightly against her chin, she began pacing her study.

  The spell had worked, she was sure of it. The attraction between them was obvious, but still they ignored their emotions and desires. She needed something to amplify her spell. Something that was sure to make them consumed with desire and jealousy.

  Looking at the stock shelf, she began sifting through her potions and herbs. Her gaze fell upon the Dragon Ambrosia, an elixir made for the gods, and she reached for the vial carefully. The potion was powerful, and there was no known cure for its effects. This would ensure that the other dragons would no longer be able to resist the temptation.

  She made her way to the mirror, summoning their sleeping quarters. One drop was all she needed and Devon’s pheromones would be completely and utterly irresistible to Layden and Abraxas. Their dragon instinct would take over. There would be no more control. She lightly tapped out a single drop and watched as it fell through her portal onto the pillow reflected in its glassy surface. Now all she had to do was wait for them to sleep. Come tomorrow, her pawns would be exactly where she wanted them.

  “Let the madness begin…”

  * * * *

  Devon moaned as he felt Abraxas’s hot breath against his flesh. He could feel his desire coursing through his own body as though they were one. His lips moved closer to Devon’s exposed nipples, teasing them with his tongue. He gasped at the sensation.

  “Easy, love. You don’t want to spoil all the fun just yet.” Layden’s low, husky voice from above caused Devon to open his eyes. He was greeted with the sight of Layden’s naked form, staring down at him with a devilish grin planted on his lips.

  “I’m not spoiling all the fun. I’m just getting started.” Devon could hear the amusement in Abraxas’s voice as he returned to trailing kisses along his abdomen. Lower and lower.

  “Abraxas, I—” he panted just as he reached the hard cock nestled between Devon’s legs. Unbelievable pleasure wracked through his body as Abraxas didn’t pause. His tongue danced across his mushroom-shaped head, sending a jolt of desire through Devon. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as Abraxas took him deeper into his mouth.

  “You like that, love?” Layden asked as he reached for Devon’s erect nipple.

  “Yes.” His voice was breathless as the feel of Abraxas in between his thighs sent shivers down his spine. He licked and sucked every inch, sliding Devon’s cock in and out of his mouth, driving Devon to the edge before he pulled back. Devon looked down and was met with Abraxas’s mischievous, lust-filled gaze.

  “Now comes the fun part.” He grinned as he pushed himself up. “He’s all yours, Layden.”

  Devon glanced up at Layden, unsure of what torturous pleasures he had in mind.

  “Go on, Layden. Fuck him.” There was no teasing, no easing into it. Layden slicked his hard cock with some lubrication and positioned himself in between Devon’s legs. In one swift moment he shoved his dick deep inside. Pain and pleasure from the sensation nearly sent Devon over edge as Layden began pounding in and out of his tight hole.

  “Open your mouth,” Abraxas ordered.

  Devon did as he was commanded. Abraxas’s thick cock pressed inside his mouth, and Devon eagerly took him deep inside his throat until he couldn’t take anymore. He pulled back and swirled his tongue on the head of Abraxas’s dick, lapping at the traces of pre-cum that had begun to form. Devon moaned at the taste of him and reached for more, working Abraxas’s balls and thick shaft to bring him more pleasure.

  “Fuck,” Abraxas groaned as he entwined his fingers in Devon’s hair an
d forced his cock back down his throat.

  Devon loved the feel of both men moving in and out of him at the same time. His muscles tightened as Layden hit his sweet spot, threatening to make him come. Layden wrapped his hand around Devon’s hard dick, stroking it in rhythm with the pace he’d set. Devon moaned against the cock stuffed in his mouth. He was close to coming completely undone.

  “That looks tasty. Can I have some?” Layden asked as he ground his hips, driving himself deeper inside Devon.

  Abraxas pulled from Devon’s mouth, and Layden leaned in closer. He’d never had a threesome before, but he found himself oddly attracted to the idea of watching both men touch each other.

  His gaze fixated on them as Layden bent down and took Abraxas’s cock into his mouth. Layden slid his cock back inside Devon, sending another rush of desire straight to his cock.

  The sight of Abraxas fucking Layden’s mouth was enough to drive him over the edge. Devon threw his head back as he came, his muscles tightening uncontrollably around Layden’s cock. Two thrusts later and he joined him, filling Devon full with his cum.

  Abraxas shoved Layden from his dick and growled. “I want to be inside him when I come.” He panted as though he were trying to control himself, and Layden flashed him a wicked smile.

  “Be my guest.” He pulled out from inside Devon. His legs were already shaking from the orgasm. He felt Abraxas shove two fingers deep inside his tight hole before pulling them back out and licking every inch of Layden’s sticky seed off.

  “You both taste divine.” Abraxas’s voice was velvet as he pressed himself against Devon’s entryway.

  Abraxas rocked his hips, setting a rough and hard pace.

  “That’s it, Abraxas. Harder.” Devon’s encouragement must’ve done him in because his two thrusts later, Abraxas came, his cock buried deep inside Devon. Abraxas collapsed on top of him as Devon tried to catch his breath and slow his erratic heartbeat.


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