Red Hot Candy (22 All-New Delicious Romance Books by Best-Selling Authors about Alpha Males, Billionaires, Cowboys, and More for Your Summer Reading) (Red Hot Boxed Sets)

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Red Hot Candy (22 All-New Delicious Romance Books by Best-Selling Authors about Alpha Males, Billionaires, Cowboys, and More for Your Summer Reading) (Red Hot Boxed Sets) Page 37

by Dani Dundee

  “Yeah, he’s the kind that would charm the clothes off you.”

  Truthfully, I would love to meet a decent guy tonight and do a little fooling around. Maybe even help each other out mutually without having full-blown sex.

  Sarah stands next to me and looks at me in the mirror. “That dress leaves little to the imagination. Your red hair goes perfectly with the green color too. If you put on some lipstick, I’m pretty sure I’ll have to beat them away tonight.”

  “I could use a few guys giving me some attention.” I sound desperate, and I am.

  “Okay, grab your purse and let’s go.”

  Sarah heads to the door and we’re off to her favorite bar, Over the Cliff. Tourists are seldom found there, so it’s guaranteed we’ll see the locals gathered around the place. Since Sarah makes friends when someone comes within two feet of her, I’m sure she’ll know everyone there.

  As soon as we walk into the open-sided bar, people start saying hello to Sarah. I recognize a few of them from when I was here a few months ago, and hope my former state doesn’t scare them away from me. I was the total definition of a hot mess after the wedding fiasco. I should have worn a sign that said, jilted bride.

  “Hey Patty.” Sarah addresses a woman a little older than us sitting at a pub table by herself. I’d guess she’s around thirty-years-old. “I want you to meet my best friend, Mallory. She’s here for the summer.”

  “Hi,” Patty moves her tote off the chair next to her and we sit down around the table. “Welcome. The summer is the best time to come here. Less touristy. You’ll get a better feel for the island.”

  “It was crawling with people when I was here last Christmas.”

  “That’s the highest of the high season. It’s much more chill here now.” Patty gives me a lazy smile that matches her words.

  “It felt different today. Even the airport was practically empty.”

  I really like how easy Sarah’s friend is to talk to. I’m not the most social person, especially at bars when I’ve not had a drink yet.

  Damn, the word airport reminds me of that handsome jerk. I shake my head and look to the side and see what I hope is a lust-inspired mirage. However I’m pretty sure it’s Mr. Cheater himself.

  “What’s wrong Mallory?” I ignore Sarah’s question, mostly because I am too shocked to move. “You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.”

  I break through my paralysis and grab Sarah’s arm. “He’s here.” I move my head a couple times in his direction. “Over there.”

  “No way.” I hear Sarah’s shock though it mixes with what sounds like the beginning of a laugh.

  “Yes, and he’s even hotter now.” I said that last part out loud, dammit. I loosen my death grip on Sarah’s arm, and pull my hair over my face to hide. “Do you think he saw me?”

  Half of me wants Sarah to say yes. The other side, which is clothed in a too tight dress, hopes he didn’t.

  “I’m not sure.” I glance over at Sarah and she’s narrowing her eyes. “Patty do you know that tall, handsome guy over there? The one with the dark hair and baby blue t-shirt plastered to his pecs.

  I peek through the strands of my hair to see what his pecs look like. Yep, they’re outstanding, the bastard.

  “I’ve never seen him before, but the guy he’s standing next to is some hotshot investor here to build a resort,” Patty sounds none to pleased with the cheater’s companion. They’re both likely here to plan, party, and quickly depart. I’ve been here for five years and their type isn’t new.”

  “Mallory saw the tall one take off his wedding ring and stash it in his pocket. He definitely plans on partying. I bet he flew here for the weekend just to get a quick fuck.”

  “He’s looking over at our table now,” Patty shares the play-by-play with me and I’m itching to see what he’s doing. “He’s got his friend turned our way too.”

  Just as I’m about to tell Sarah I needed a drink like five minutes ago, a rum punch suddenly appears in front of me on the table.

  “Your drink. Courtesy of David Lawson.” I flick my eyes to the just-following-orders server. He takes a step back when he sees the snarl on my face, because I have a hunch who this David character might be.

  “Care to point him out?” I ask with a raised brow.

  “He’s the gentleman in blue at the end of the bar,” says the server. Poor guy is just doing his job and didn’t realize he was entering a blasting zone.

  I straighten up in my chair and turn toward the so-called gentleman. What a gigantic mistake it was to look over at him, because now I’m having trouble breathing.

  He’s sporting a different smile than the one earlier at the airport. This one’s more a sexy smirk. The kind you might see on the devil himself. Maybe the two of them are brothers? It would make perfect sense if they were.

  I pick up my drink and put it back on the server’s tray. “I can’t accept it from him.” I hiss the last word and the poor server appears confused.

  “What do you want me to do with it?” His question baffles me. Surely someone has turned down a free drink here before.

  “Dump it down the sink for all I care.”

  “Or dump it over the a-hole’s head,” Patty pipes in.

  The server moves after Patty’s suggestion, and scurries away to the bar. I put on my best smug face and direct it toward David. He definitely witnessed me rejecting his “free” cocktail. I would bet he thought it would get him to at least third base with me. Instead he struck out and appears crestfallen. Odd since every other woman in the bar is likely panting over him.

  “Wow,” Sarah says. “He looks as if you kicked his puppy.”

  “He’s just looking for a chase. Once he has someone caught and bedded, he’ll move on to the next conquest,” Patty sums him up perfectly. “I’ve seen his type for years down here. They think it’s an adult spring break.”

  “He’s still staring at you, Mallory.” I glance over to see him looking peeved. I have hurt his delicate ego. I smile to myself and sit up proudly, even though there’s a part of me that wants to go comfort him.

  I am totally sick to even think those thoughts.

  “Would you mind if we went to a different place?” I pout and put on my best puppy-dog eyes, because I don’t know if I can stand being in the same small space with him any longer. I am here to escape stress not feel so wound up.

  “I think it’s a good idea. He’s really into you and he’s the last man on earth you need to get involved with.” Sarah reaches across the table and gives my hand a soft squeeze as she turns to Patty. “Her last boyfriend was just as bad.”

  “I’m sorry,” Patty says. “I’ve had some bad luck with love myself.”

  “Men,” Sarah’s tone says it all. “They’re almost not worth the trouble.”

  “True.” I push off the pub stool and grab my purse. “Let me visit the Ladies before we go.”

  “Wanna join us Patty? The night is young.” Sarah gives Patty a wink. “I’m still hoping my friend gets lucky tonight. Look at her damn dress.”

  “Both sound good,” Patty turns to me and winks. “Mercy’s Child is playing at Cane Bay down the road.”

  “You all can figure out our next move. I’ll be right back.” I pull the dress down at the hem and up at the top’s edge. I want the fullest coverage before I walk across the bar to the restroom, because I can still feel his burning gaze on me.

  After walking to the back of the bar without turning his direction, I do my business and start to exit through the bathroom door. What I don’t expect to see is David standing like a giant directly in front of me.

  I bring my hand to my chest and simultaneously gasp. “What are you doing here?”

  “I want to talk to you.” He’s moving his gorgeous full lips to speak and I can’t help imagining what he tastes like. I’m guessing whiskey because he smells like a mix of Jameson and spice.

  He’s placed one hand on the top of the door’s frame, which makes his body lean forward
even closer to me. I hear the door’s handle click behind me and I press against the wood for strength.

  At this point there is barely a foot separating me from this man and his half-quirked smile that makes my knees almost give way. I should pray for help from on high with him so close, but he’s likely scared all the angels away.

  Staring up into his lust-filled eyes, I’m pulled into his sexual thrall. And since I’m a weak, sex-deprived woman standing in front of a godlike demon of a man, my body doesn’t want to retreat. Nope. It wants to attack, pounce, and ride.

  Yes, I went there, or would like to go there with him. It makes me feel sick to admit this truth, and I need to remember the truth about David.

  He’s married.

  I chant these words over and over in my head, and picture a sweet young woman about my age dusting off a wedding picture. She gazes at it longingly while wishing David was at home with her. Add a small child or two and I’m back to where I should be. Disgusted!

  “Well, I want to tell you this first.” He leans even closer to me as he waits for me to speak. He bites his lip and gives me a sly smile. It’s going to be so fun to cut him down to size. “You. Are. Repulsive.”

  David appears stunned by my verbal attack and removes his hand from the door as he stands up giving me some needed personal space. I exhale a deep breath and prepare for a little show and tell. I want him to know why I’ve come to this conclusion about his character. I grab his left hand and bring it up between us.

  “See this tan line on your ring finger.” He drops his eyes down to look with me and brings them back up to mine. “It’s missing something very important. A gold band.”

  I drop his hand like he’s carrying a plague and, knowing his behavior, he might have a sexual one.

  “I saw you take off your wedding ring on the plane. So let me introduce myself. My name is Mallory O’Connor, and on behalf of all the women on this planet, this is for you.”

  I reach my right hand up high and slap him across his jawline. He steps back and with eyes wide, rubs his jaw. A hand-printed, razor sharp jaw on a beautiful cheating face. Damn him.

  He starts to speak but looks at my chest and smiles his trademark scoundrel grin. My eyes continue down and I see the reason he’s smirking. I’ve had a major wardrobe malfunction thanks to my barely there dress. My right nipple is exposed and ready to cut glass.

  I spin around while reigning in my top and what dignity I have left. I speed walk to Sarah and Patty, because I need to leave this place stat. Forget a drink, I need a bottle.


  Chapter 4

  “Sarah.” I hear a knock at the front door, or maybe it’s the pounding in my head. I indulged in way too many Pain Killers last night. I quit counting at four.

  Boom, boom, boom. The noise continues from somewhere, so I yell out to Sarah again. “I think someone’s at the door.”

  I see a wild-haired Sarah walk by the guest room I’m sleeping in. I push back the covers and look down to discover I’m still in the green dress from last night. However, it’s more like a belt leaving everything exposed.

  Exposed. That word is the reason I drank a gallon of rum. David saw my nipple. A turned on, needing his immediate attention one too.

  Kill me.

  I swing my legs over the bed and wobble on my two feet. I think I’m still under the influence. I manage to find a pair of shorts and a t-shirt in my suitcase and quickly change. I’m tempted to burn the dress on Sarah’s barbeque outside.

  “Mallory. Look at this.” I finish adjusting my shirt and see Sarah at the door holding a large vase of roses.

  “What the heck are those?” I walk toward her and she holds up an envelope with my name on it.

  “I bet I know who these flowers are from.” I shake my head at Sarah and assess the flowers. They’re gorgeous bright yellow roses with a sherbet orange on their tips. I look up at Sarah in shock. “Over the top right?”

  “I don’t get it. I slapped him hard. Why would he send them after that? And how the hell did he find me?”

  “I know the answer to the last question. It’s a small island. Everyone knew you were with me. Some probably remember you from Christmas. I want to know the why. Open it.”

  I take the envelope from her and consider burning it along with the dress, but I’m too curious. The seal breaks easily and I expect to find a card but instead it’s a couple sheets of paper. Strange.

  “What does it say?” Sarah buzzes around me like a bee. I’m more worried at how I’ll feel if it’s truly from David.

  I straighten out the sheets of paper and see that they’re written in long hand not typed. His handwriting reflects him, strong and polished. He’s written a ton of words, so I dive in.

  Dear Mallory, (He’s used a term of endearment. I guess that’s okay.)

  Please hear me out. There has been a big misunderstanding and I want to clear up one major thing. I’m no longer married. I was married for four years to a woman who left me six months ago for her best friend, Margot. If you Google my name and my ex-wife, Anna, along with the word divorce, I’m sure you can verify what I’m saying. Our breakup made the headlines in the Miami Herald.

  My divorce was final yesterday afternoon. My attorney called me with the news as I traveled to catch the flight to St. Croix.

  Yes, you saw me remove my wedding band. I was told by my attorney to leave it on until the last paper was signed. I thought about my freedom from my ex during the entire flight and decided I needed a fresh start. I saw the ring on my finger right before we touched ground, and knew it was the first change I wanted to make. So off it went.

  (Wow. I stop to catch my breath. If what he wrote is true, I’m in a bad Caribbean version of Pride and Prejudice. Help me Jane!)

  Now to you. I’ve always had a thing for red heads and beautiful women. When I saw you standing in your white dress across from me, you looked like an angel.

  (How sweet his words, and here I called him the devil’s brother. What a judgy bitch I turned out to be, and he’s so damn hot.)

  We started off on the wrong foot and there’s something about you I can’t seem to shake. You’re the first woman since Anna left me that has made me want to know more. Who you are? Why you’re here on the island? What movies do you like to see? How your lips taste when I kiss you?

  (I might need to read this in private. I’m sure Sarah is watching me squirm and turn red.)

  Even this misunderstanding has left me intrigued because I loved seeing the fire in your eyes when you confronted me. It makes me wonder what other passions live within you.

  (Holy hell. This man has written me into a panty change.)

  If you can look past our beginning, I would like to take you out to dinner this evening. Text me at 202-555-0131, if you’re interested in joining me. I have dinner reservations tonight for seven o’clock at Kendrick’s.

  I hope you give me a chance. I want to see more of you…

  (Oh, he does have a bad side, because I’m sure he’s referring to the nipple sneak peek.)

  Yours truly,


  I sit back in the over-stuffed chair that I somehow ended up in while I was reading David’s letter. The steamy tone has me now using the sheets of paper as a fan. What an idiot I was for jumping to the wrong conclusion about him.

  Now I need to verify what he outlined about his marriage, I didn’t want to answer with a text until I was certain he was telling the truth.

  I ponder that I might be a rebound for him. It’s not even a question really since he’s only been officially divorced for twenty-four hours. I am a rebound.

  It’s not like I’m looking for a relationship, so I am not going to worry about it. I prefer to think of him as a tropical diversion below my equator, and a hot as hell one too.

  I hand over the letter to Sarah. There’s no need to keep it from her, she’ll ask me a million exhausting question if I don’t.

  “Here.” I dangle the papers in front of Sarah
. “I need to search the Internet. Can I use your computer?”

  She grabs the letter from my hands and points to the dining room table. I have a few seconds before she starts in so I hurry to the chair in front of the computer and fire it up.

  I type these words into the browser. David Lawson, Anna Lawson, divorce, and Margot. I press enter and wait for the results. Within seconds I see link after link tagging David and his ex-wife. I click on the first Miami Herald article in the search results and begin to read.

  “Hotel heir and former playboy, David Lawson and his wife, Anna, are calling it quits after four years. The cause of their breakup seems to be his wife’s best friends Margot. It appears they will be sharing a closet. Good thing they both wear a size 2.”

  Ouch! David doesn’t appear to be battling low self-esteem, but I can’t imagine how publicly humiliating this ordeal had to be for him. It makes me want to comfort him and give him a hug. One that includes my legs wrapped around his waist tightly, which reminds me that I should do some grooming prep for tonight.

  “You better text his hot ass.” Sarah sounds like she’s finished the letter, and I answer her with a quick nod.

  Now I’m off to find my phone. I have a dinner reservation with a walking, talking sex god to confirm.


  Chapter 5

  I am trying to relax and forget the nagging remnants of my hangover as Sarah fusses with my hair and makeup. She keeps telling me that less is more with the island humidity, but she hasn’t finished working on me yet. I’ve tried on every outfit in her closet at least twice. I may need a nap before David arrives because I’m exhausted.


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