Lucky Christmas: A Novelette (The Possessed Series Book 4)

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Lucky Christmas: A Novelette (The Possessed Series Book 4) Page 3

by KL Donn

“Yeah, it would have been.” His words confused her. “But I have new plans now.” The warmth from his kisses on the back of her neck made her shiver with anticipation as he spun her around to sit in his lap. His growing erection was hard to miss as he captured her lips in a searing kiss filled with love.

  Gigi realized in that moment that for as long as she had hungered for love, for as much as she had craved for a man’s acceptance of who she was, she finally had it.

  For once, she was not only lucky in love, but she was getting a lucky Christmas as well.

  “Oh my god!” Gigi’s scream rung his ears as he tackled her to the ground in the snow. They’d been housebound for three days now, and the weather finally broke, and the sun shone radiantly. Before long, the snow would be completely melted.

  Instead of staying on the roster over the holidays, James spoke to his captain the day before and told him he was taking a few personal days to spend with Gigi and surprise her with a trip to his sister’s. He knew his girl needed to get out of town and put some space between her and her brother.

  With encouragement from James, she’d called Jack and told him how she felt about being treated like a nuisance whenever Nadia’s parents were around. And that they were the only family she had, so she shouldn’t have to bow out because of that.

  Nadia happened to agree, and his buddy was left between two angry women with nowhere to hide. There was no doubt in James’ mind that Nadia and Jack were going to have a nice long talk with her parents about their treatment of Gigi.

  When James had informed Jack of his intentions with the other man’s sister, they didn’t get the reaction they were expecting. They’d both thought he would be angry or even skeptical. It turned out quite the opposite. Jack was thrilled for the new couple. He was glad that Gigi was going to begin her own family in time with a good man like James.

  Jack and Gigi’s parents had died long ago, and they were raised by grandparents that passed not long after James met the duo, so he knew they treasured their relationship with each other. That wasn’t something to be pushed away, having Jack on their side was a relief to them both.

  “I’m wet, James.” Gigi tried to look at him sternly, but his mind went elsewhere quickly.

  “I can help with that.” Wiggling his eyebrows up and down, she burst into such a fit of laughter that she had tears in her eyes. It made him happy to watch Gigi behave more like her true self around him instead of the character she puts on for others.

  Any time he recognized that she was getting nervous and would begin fidgeting, he’d pull her into his lap and distract her. Whether it be by tickling her just so he would hear her soothing laugh or kissing her, which quickly turned heated and they would wind up naked and panting.

  “Christmas Eve is tomorrow,” she said as he was descending to kiss her.

  “It is.” He nodded, licking the seam of her lips.

  “You’ll be able to leave tonight, probably. The snow is melting quickly.”

  “I could,” he confirmed, and her smile dimmed.

  “I’d like you to stay.” That time she whispered her words, as though she were afraid to say them.

  “I’d planned to.” Gigi brightened up at that. Her eyes lit up like the Christmas tree in her living room. “But you need to pack a bag.”

  “Okay!” Pushing him off and jumping to her feet, James was left to eat the snow she was kicking up behind her while running into the house.

  “Damn, woman.” Shaking his head, James followed her inside—to her now box-free home—and watched as she fluttered around grabbing things, even though she had no idea where they were going.

  They spent the better part of the previous day unpacking the rest of her things and what she didn’t want to keep, she was donating to a local shelter. Seven boxes were loaded in the back of his SUV for them to drop off before they left in the morning.

  “You don’t want to know where we’re going?” he asked, walking in behind her.

  Stopping her movements, Gigi looked up with a huge grin on her face. “I trust you.” He froze at her words. Just like that, she trusted him. He was a dick for years, and she easily gave him everything he wanted in a matter of days.

  Striding towards her, James wrapped his arms around her bent waist, leaning down, he grazed the side of her neck and ear with light kisses before murmuring, “I love you, Georgina Grant. I love the way you look at me, the way you trust me. But mostly, I love the way you let me love you.”

  He could feel her holding her breath from the first word that passed his lips. Rising to her full height, she turned in his arms, eyes closed, hands resting on his chest. “I’ve waited so long to hear those words.” When her lids opened, happiness radiated back to him. “I’ve loved you for so long, James. I never allowed the feelings to bloom. I didn’t want to wonder if they’d ever be reciprocated, so I tried to move on. You, James, have always been such a Grinch, and now, I think this is my lucky Christmas. I couldn’t ask for anything better.”

  Never in his life had James been left speechless, but right then, what she said, rendered him mute. The passion and open honesty in her words matched the emotion in her stare as she held his gaze while they spoke. A grinch he might have been, but lucky was what he was.

  By the time they’d woken up, the snow had all but disappeared for the drive down to Golden. Gigi watched James the entire trip. His strong hands gripping the wheel, flexing when he’d catch her staring, was a weird turn on, but one she felt strongly.

  He had such masculine fingers. Powerful, long, full of tenderness that he only shared with her. His fingers could play her like the most skilled pianist. He knew where to touch and how, with precision. Even she hadn’t known her body could react in the ways that he extracted from her.

  Now, as they were pulling into the mountainside cabin of his sister, Pepper, Gigi recognized some nerves making their presence known. She and Pepper had been friends for years, but they’d never discussed Gigi’s hidden feelings for her brother. Even though she was certain Pepper knew how she felt.

  “You’re here!” They could hear Pepper’s excited yell from the front steps where Nick was holding onto her hips, so she didn’t take off down the steps.

  “Hi!” Gigi waved nervously as she stepped out of the SUV. James came around the front to grab her hand as he walked them towards the couple on the step.

  “Damn, Pep, you look about ready to explode.” James laughed as he leaned down to kiss his sister’s cheek.

  “Shut up, you big jerk.” Pepper smacked his chest lightly before turning her attention to Gigi. “Georgie, I’m so glad you came!” As the other woman hugged her, Gigi was stiff with worry. “Relax, I’m so happy for you two,” Pepper whispered in her ear.

  “Thank you,” she replied back as they pulled apart and Pepper drug her into the house.

  Their dog, Roxie, barked excitedly as she walked in. While Gigi had never met the animal, she’d heard all about her from Pepper and knew she was the sweetest thing.

  “Hi, sweetheart.” Gigi bent down to pet the dog and was taken to the ground and filled with dog kisses all over her face and neck.

  “Roxie!” Ace’s sharp voice had the dog backing off and sitting obediently beside her.

  Laughing, she accepted James’ hand as he helped her to her feet. “It’s fine.”

  “This her?” An older man, she guessed to be Jake from Pepper’s tellings, walked in from the back room. “Well, bring her over here. Let me take a look at you, girl.”

  “Pops,” Nick tried to reprimand, but his grin broke through and ruined it.

  “Hi.” Gigi reached out a hand. “I’m Georgie Grant.” Unexpectedly, he eyed her critically, and she began to squirm. Her mind began to wander, and her hands started to fidget as she drew the offered appendage back.

  Booming laughter startled her as the old man pulled her in for a hug. “You’re too good for that man over there, girlie. How about you and I go for dinner?” His wink as James growled let her know that he
enjoyed teasing the man.

  Looking back and forth between them, she couldn’t help joining in. “Well, dinner would be fabulous.”

  “What the hell!” James boomed, pulling her from Jake’s hold and into his own. “Stay away from my woman, Pops!”

  Everyone else laughed while James tried to contain his frustrations. “Calm down, boy. I’m sure I couldn’t handle her anyways. Damn hip.” He grumbled the last part as James pulled her further away as the group burst into hysterics at his antics.

  “I wouldn’t leave you, James.” She looked up to him, and there in his eyes, for all to see, was the love they shared. New or not, she reconciled in her heart of hearts that they were meant to be, forever.

  The Following Christmas

  “You’re sure?” James’ eyes ping-ponged between his wife and the stick in her hand repeatedly, fully expecting the results to be different. His girl kept on surprising him and everyone else in their lives. After six months of constant negative tests, they’d gone to a fertility specialist and found out that Gigi had a low ovarian reserve. Which basically equated to insufficient egg production when she ovulated.

  “I’m positive, James.” Her voice was choked up as she handed the wand to him so he could see and feel it.

  “We’re pregnant.” The doctor had encouraged them to keep trying but not be alarmed if it took years to happen. “You’re pregnant.”

  “Merry Christmas, husband.” Gigi melted into his arms as the test fell onto the counter and he picked her up, placing his lips over hers. He kissed her deeply until they fell into bed together.

  “I love you,” he murmured as he pulled her robe open, sinking balls deep into her sweet heaven. Lost in their own world, they momentarily forgot that they had a house full of family, but they didn’t care.

  All that mattered was them. Their connection to each other and the precious gift they were going to receive in the months to come.

  Babies crying could be heard from downstairs, but it didn’t stop James from loving his wife. Their gazes stayed connected until they came together in sweet harmony.

  “I thought we were lucky last Christmas,” he said as they panted for breath while he rolled to the side to hold his love close.

  “I think this year outbeats it all.” Gigi kissed James’ chest over his heart.

  Happiness had never felt so good.

  The End!

  Merry Christmas!

  Lost & Found

  Possessed Series Book 3


  “Stop, oh God, stop!” He wouldn’t listen.

  It was then that Pepper Wallace knew he was out to kill her. She’d finally summoned the courage to leave after days of him trying to force her into going further than she was ready for. Only, he’d rather beat her to death. Not for the first time, she feared this might be the end.

  His grip in her hair was punishing.

  “Where do you think you’re going to go?” he growled against her cheek, biting the flesh. The sting of ripping skin made her whimper.

  “Please,” she begged again. Hope was dwindling. Blood dripped down her chin from the bite he just took out of her cheek and the bloody nose he’d given her.

  His laughter rang loud in the otherwise empty chalet they were staying at. A supposed romantic weekend to get to know one another. She knew she shouldn’t have let her best friend, Tami, talk her into going. She should have trusted her gut. He was Tami’s brother’s friend, though, so she should have been able to have confidence in that.

  “You’re mine, you fat bitch!” Grabbing the front of her sweater, he tossed her against the wall. The crack and vibration of her skull bouncing off it made her dizzy. Nausea rolled through her gut, and her vision blurred. “I’ve had my eye on you for longer than you know.”

  Shrinking into the wall, she had no other option than to give into his demands until she could escape or die right then and there. She wasn’t ready to die.

  For as long as Pepper could remember, she had always longed for a love so strong and so consuming that she couldn’t breathe. She wanted the love she read about in books. Unfortunately, as his boot came towards her face, she knew she was never going to experience that. Pain sliced through her skull like a thousand jackhammers. The nausea in her stomach became full-fledged vomiting, and the dizziness turned to black.

  The last thing Pepper remembered was icy coldness.

  Blinking her eyes open slowly, she watched as a heavy snow fell onto her, enveloping her in whiteness.

  She didn’t even remember being moved outside.


  About the Author

  Krystal is a proud Canadian girl, hailing from Sherwood Park, Alberta. She has a strong dislike for the winter, and a love for spring. Married to her husband Steve, for 13 years, they have 4 beautiful red headed spawns ranging in ages 6-13. She has a strong love of coffee, sarcasm, and wine. (Not necessarily in that order either.)

  Krystal loves to write about instalove between couples looking for love. She has a passion for contemporary romance and springs into menage as often as she can.

  For in the moment updates you can join her reader group – KL’S FIGHTERS.

  Subscribe to my website to stay up to date – MENAGE QUEEN

  Also by KL Donn

  Timeless Love

  Once Upon A Time (Feb 14,2019)

  Happily Ever After (Feb 28 2019)

  The In His Arms Series

  Safe, In His Arms

  Coached, In His Arms (2019)

  Bullied, In His Arms (2019)

  Those Malcolm Boys

  Obsessive Addiction

  His (2019)

  Rough Hands (2019)

  Daniels Family

  Until Arsen

  With Kol (2019)

  Before Noah (2019)

  Love Letters

  Dear Killian

  Dear Gage

  Dear Maverick

  Dear Desmond

  Boxset W/Dear Lena

  Dear Steele (2019)

  Coming Soon

  Mr. & Mrs. (Jan 15, 2019 previously titled Anonymous Bride)

  Unraveling Love (Jan 2019 in Susan Stoker’s Special Forces World)

  Until Hale (October 2019 in Aurora Rose Reynolds Until World)

  Task Force 779

  Missing in Action (Coming Late Spring 2019)

  Completed Series

  The Adair Empire

  King: 13 Little Lies

  Luther: 2 Truths and a Lie

  Castiel: With Lies

  Atticus: Secret Lies

  Carver: Past Lies

  Grasping For Air

  Hogan Brother’s

  One Chance

  One Choice


  The Possessed Series

  OWNED by Dominic

  One Dance for Case

  Lost & Found

  Lucky Christmas

  The Protectors Series

  Keeley’s Fight

  Emily’s Protectors

  Kennedy’s Redemption

  Brantley’s Way




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