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Everpure Page 4

by Michelle Areaux

  Asher and I were left alone.

  “What now?” Asher asked, after what seemed like forever of standing there in silence.

  “We take this day-by-day and one-step-at-a-time. When I decide to call you, I expect you at my house, ready and prepared to explain all of this to the Shifters. And…” My voice trailed off and as I watched Asher, he seemed to be eagerly anticipating my next words. “I expect you to introduce me to your family.”

  “Whatever you desire,” Asher said, as he began to form a smile on his tense face.

  Without saying another word, I followed Maddox and allowed my body to shift into a large wolf. Running, I sped away from Asher and sought the only normalcy I could imagine: the safety of the forest.

  Chapter 5

  Time is a funny thing. It had been nearly two weeks since I had learned what and who Asher really was. It was enough that he was just a Vampire, but there had been more. Enough to cause my mind to spin into a wild oblivion of thoughts and emotions I just hadn’t been prepared to handle. Thankfully, Asher had respected my wishes for separation, but my own curiosity had gotten the best of me.

  The night that Asher disclosed everything to me, I began conducting research to learn more about this boy who I was madly, deeply, and irrevocably in love with. I had learned that his family originally resided in the foothills of North Carolina in the early 1700’s. The internet, and especially Google, became my best friend and ally. Newspapers, old estate records, high school yearbook photos, all pinged on Asher’s name, and I was able to sift through the thousands of items to find the magical treat I so desired. Photos over the years revealed a family that had transitioned with the changing years to new locations. Their names seemed to change slightly as well, allowing those that found them, to consider them descendants of the original family. During the 1940’s Asher had been given the last name, Michaels. In the 1970’s, he was part of a family known as the Thomas’s, and in the early 1990’s, he was referred to as the Long’s. I was mesmerized by how his names changed, but his face seemed to stay the same, preserved in time. Asher and his family had fooled people for centuries--well, they had until now.

  Each day after school, I would return home to a note or an object left from Asher. He never left his name, but I always knew the gifts were from him. It was his way of respecting my need for space, but still letting me know he loved me. It was one particular note that he left that caused my heart to jump back to life. Returning from a dreadfully boring day at school, I rushed to my room for peace and quiet. As I made my way to my bed, a note was sitting on my comforter with a black rose across it. Picking up the writing, I began reading the words as tears filled my eyes.

  "Though still in bed, my thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved, be calm - love me – today – yesterday -what tearful longings for you – you – you - my life - my all - farewell. Oh, continue to love me - never to misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved. Ever thine. Ever mine. Ever ours." - Beethoven to his “Immortal Beloved”

  - Always remember, you are my immortal beloved, regardless of what happens.

  Realizing what I needed to do now, I picked up my phone and began typing information.

  Me: I’m ready.

  Asher: Great.

  Me: I received your gifts and your last letter.

  Asher: I meant every word and every sentiment.

  Me: I know.

  Asher: Good.

  Me: Pick me up at 7pm.

  Asher: Ok

  While the words were short and simple, the monumental effect they would have would soon change my life forever. I knew I had to make a decision-- forgive and forget or lose Asher forever.

  And with that mental strain weighing heavily on my mind, I sat and prepared myself for meeting Asher and his family. I would soon learn more about an unknown world. You would think by now that I would be used to learning new information, but surprises still shocked me.


  A few hours later, I found myself face-to-face with Asher as we stood underneath the growing moonlight of the night sky. I could sense tiny movements all around me of the small, wild animals who hadn’t left the area for warmer weather or hibernation. Watching me, Asher kept his blue eyes glued to mine. Without warning, he took another step forward.

  “I have missed you,” he blurted out.

  I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face, as I realized how much I had missed him too.

  “I’ve missed you, too,” I stated.

  A sense of relief washed over him as he took in my words. “What now?” he asked anxiously. I could see him rocking on his feet, afraid to move as if he might scare me away.

  “We go talk to my family and then yours,” I demanded.

  Sighing, Asher nodded his head. “I have been preparing myself for this since I first told you I was a Vampire. I have also notified my family, too.”

  Taking the lead, I inched closer to him allowing the distance to close in. I took his hand in mine and suddenly felt the familiar spark that ignited so much emotion inside of me, burn.

  “Come on Asher, it’s time for you to officially meet my family...as a Vampire,” I stated, as I began to lead him out of the woods and into the spotlight of the world.

  Chapter 6

  As we walked into my house, both Asher and I removed our coats, boots, and thick gloves. A bright orange and red fire was burning in the fireplace of our den. My parents were nestled on the sofa as they watched the evening news. Watching us enter the room, my mom and dad sat up straighter and a curious gleam was spotted on mom’s face.

  “Mom. Dad. There is something Asher and I need to talk to you about,” I began, as I led Asher further into the warm room.

  I couldn’t help but notice the knowing glance they gave each other as we walked into the room. Sitting opposite them on the other sofa, Asher and I both took a deep breath.

  “What is it, Elle?” my dad asked.

  I expected him to seem concerned. I mean, I just walked into the house with my boyfriend and said I felt like I needed to tell him something. Most parents would be freaking out about now, but not mine.

  Pausing, I wasn't sure who should lead the conversation. “Well…”

  Before I could think of something to say, Asher broke in and cut me off. “Elle has been very honest with me about everything...especially being a Shifter. However, I am afraid there is something I haven’t been honest with you all about. Recently, I just disclosed to Elle that I am a Vampire.”

  I held my breath as I waited for the loud cries of outbursts that never came. Instead, both of my parents sat there unfazed by the news that had just been dropped on them.

  “Did you hear what he said?” I asked, as there wasn't any response.

  “This isn’t a joke,” Asher reiterated.

  Glancing at one another one last time, a smile appeared on my dad’s face. “Elle. Asher. I am afraid that this really isn’t news to us,” he stated.

  I felt my stomach drop as Asher squeezed my hand next to me.

  “What are you talking about?” I blurted out.

  “Elle, as Shifters, it is part of survival to detect when there are others like us, or who may be different in their own kind of way,” he finished. “We sensed Asher was about to tell you something, so we invited the rest of the pack over. They have been in contact with Asher’s parents for a few months now.”

  “So, you have known all of the time, yet, you never said anything?” I asked again, this time my voice raising. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Lies and deceit seemed to be the common theme around here. “When I first started dating Asher you were so hesitant-- almost like you didn't approve because he was human, or at least we thought he was human. Now, I learn this?”

  Asher just sat next to me stunned, his face pale. Well, even more pale than it should be for a Vampire.

  “What did you expect?” my mom said softly. “We understood that your connection to Asher was strong and we began looking into his family on our ow
n. It took time, but we soon realized Asher’s family was different from ours, but they were definitely not human,” she said.

  “And you didn’t expose him?” I asked, looking at Asher who was just as confused as I was.

  Frowning, my mom gave me a sympathetic smile. “It wasn’t our place. Elle, no one knows as much as we do the importance of keeping your differences secret from the outside world. Once we discovered that they were hunting animals and not humans for blood, we realized they were more like us than imagined. We have co-existed with them for years and never knew it. That makes them safe. Once you and Asher became serious, we just assumed you would find out on your own. This isn’t something that was easy for us to handle,” she said.

  As we all sat there in awkward silence, taking in the information we all had received, I heard my front door open and the rest of the men and women from our pack arrived. Maddox’s parents filed in closely behind with an angry looking Maddox, too.

  As Asher watched everyone with a strange fascination, his eyes began to grow wide with what this all really meant. His life was now in the open. His secret unraveled. Once everyone finished filing into the living room, Asher decided to speak up, but not before grabbing my hand and squeezing it for support.

  “Does this change anything?” Asher asked with a gulp.

  “Not with us,” my dad said.

  “We don’t discriminate against anyone else. In fact, at times, Vampires and Shifters have united for survival and to help one another when needed. We aren’t sure why your family is here, without your clan, but we hope that one day you will offer that insight to us,” mom added.

  “I guess…” Asher’s words trailed off.

  Turning to face him, I offered a light squeeze of my hand to let him know I was still here to support him.

  “It’s ok, Asher. You can tell us on your own time,” I said for support.

  Shaking his head, Asher looked down. “No, it’s time that I stop hiding, and my family, too. We have been running from our clan for centuries. We did not agree with their lifestyle nor did they with ours. We ran and have been hiding for years. When we moved to Shady Oaks, it was because the small town seemed safe. I guess we were right since your clan decided to move here too. We haven’t been in contact with the others for years.

  “What do you mean it doesn’t change anything?” Maddox yelled.

  “Maddox, you will refrain from lashing out,” his father scolded, as he turned to face Maddox.

  After Asher’s confession, it seemed as though any truce between he and Maddox had dissolved into nothing.

  I heard a faint knock at the front door and we all froze in place.

  Slowly, the door began to open again, and I could feel myself bracing for a fight. Without warning, Asher’s dad and mom walked through the front door like they had been here a million times, only, they never had. His dad’s dark hair and piercing blue eyes stared at us intently. Asher’s mother with her glorious blond hair and long, lean frame smiled as she took us in.

  “Dad?” Asher questioned with wide eyes. “Mom?”

  “What are your parents doing here?” I whispered. “How does he even know where I live?”

  I had only met Elliott, Asher’s dad and Gloria, his mom, a handful of times; and while they had always been pleasant and kind to me, just knowing he knew where I lived and felt he could just walk in to my home without warning, gave me a cold chill.

  “Now that your secret is finally open to all of us,” he said as he waved around, “I think it is time that we contact the Vampire council and let them know that the Hunters have emerged again and are after not just the Shifters, but the rest of the otherworldly creatures too.”

  “You can’t call the council,” Asher yelled. “They will discover who we are-- where we are.”

  “We are here to protect you, but we can’t fight them alone this time. They have a new and stronger army,” my dad stated.

  Shaking his head in agreement, Elliott glanced at his son. “It is true, Asher. We have lived in hiding long enough. The council must be called. They will deal with us, I am sure, but more importantly they will want to join forces with others to save all of our lives and secrets. Sometimes, we must do what is difficult to make things right,” he finished.

  Asher just stood there looking solemn. I could tell he wanted to argue more, but there was nothing else he could say. You just can’t argue with logic.


  Asher tried to argue, but his dad cut him off before he could continue. “Asher, enough. We ran once, I will not do it again. The council will hear us. The end,” he spoke.

  I watched in amazement at how sure he was that everything would be alright. I only wished that I had that same type of security.

  Chapter 7

  Everything in my life changed at lightning speed. One day I was a teenage girl, then the next day, I am a Shifter living in a world full of Vampires, Witches, and Hunters. Now that everyone was aware of who and what we all were, life seemed to go back to normal.

  Laying on Asher’s bed with our hands intertwined, we listened as his bedroom television played a movie. Asher’s bedroom was pretty bare. He only had a television, desk, bed, and one picture of me. He told me once he didn’t bother with a lot of decorative items since they went out of style so fast. He preferred to live a more simplistic life. Lying next to him was pure bliss, but the silence between us was deafening and we needed to talk. I could feel Asher’s eyes gazing me and I decided to take the leap.

  “Asher, what is wrong?” I asked, as I sat up.

  Sitting up too, Asher sighed. “I just wish things were different for us sometimes,” he said.

  “Me too, but we can’t change who or what we are,” I stated.

  “I understand that but being near you sometimes is difficult. I want to share so much of myself with you, but at the same time, I want to preserve your innocence.”

  I knew what he was talking about. Ever since we had discussed the possibility of one day having Asher change me, he had been careful with me.

  “Asher, you have to get over that. I am a shifter and have been through danger and hurt. You just have to continue to trust that I can handle whatever you tell me,” I said, as I prompted him to talk to me.

  Whenever we had time alone, it was difficult for us not to just want to spend that time silently. So much of our lives was talking and sharing and devising plans that just being next to one another was sometimes enough.

  Leaping off the bed, Asher flew across his room like he was floating in the air. “Elle, sometimes at night, when I fly up to your bedroom and watch you sleep, I see your face cringe and I know you are having nightmares. I wish that I could take that away,” he admitted, as he looked down at his hands.

  Getting off the bed, I walked over to where Asher now stood next to his bedroom window. Lifting his hands, I forced him to look at me. “Asher, I do have nightmares at times, but that is expected when you live like we do. However, when I am around you, all of that fear goes away,” I said, as I looked into his blue eyes.

  Running my hand through his black hair, I felt the coolness of his skin on my hand.

  “There are times that I want to just throw you on my back and fly us away from here and never look back. But, I know that is not possible. We both love our families too much to do that,” he confessed.

  I had to admit, the possibility of living a life hidden with Asher did sound delightful, but that could only be a dream. “Asher, that sounds wonderful, but you know that can’t happen. At least not now,” I prompted.

  Asher’s eyes rose to meet mine. “If and when we decide to change you, please understand that the transition will be painful. Much more than when you shifted. It will be dangerous, but once it occurs, you will have to leave Shady Oaks forever,” he stated.

  Searching my eyes, I could see that he was trying to make sure I was sure about what I was saying. Eternity couldn’t be reversed. Once I agreed to the change, it was forever- with Asher.<
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  “We have a long time to discuss that, Asher. I am only a teenager. But, I understand what it all means,” I said as I leaned in and placed a soft kiss to his lips.

  Pulling me in for a hug, Asher embraced me, and I could see a big smile forming on his face. I loved my Vampire and knew one day, our love with be forever.


  Later that evening as I stood wiping down the counter at the coffee shop where I worked, I was lost so lost in thought that I didn’t hear the door chime alerting me of a customer arriving.

  “Miss are you alright?” an older gentleman asked, as he stood in front of me.

  I had my World History textbook out on the counter as I stared at the page. I was supposed to be reading a chapter about the Roman Empire for Mr. Finkle’s history class, but I had been on the same page for an hour and hadn’t read a single word.

  Shaking my head, I tried to force a smile. “Yes, sorry, I guess I was daydreaming,” I admitted.

  “No problem,” he chuckled. “Probably thinking about some boy,” he teased, as he glanced at his wife next to him.

  Their names were Edgar and Eloise Miller and they were weekly regulars at the coffee shop. Eloise simply smiled like she was reminiscing on being young and free. Well, if they only knew what I was really thinking about, they would probably back out of the shop slowly and never come back.

  “Something like that,” I responded as I took their order and handed them their coffees.

  As they sat down at a small table next to a window overlooking Main Street, I went back to busying myself until my shift was over. It wasn’t bad working here. In fact, it was almost ideal. I worked only a few hours a week and the owners were always willing to work around my track schedule. Right now, though, the season was on hold since it was winter. I still trained though; being a Shifter lends itself to running, so I stay in shape.


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