Pocket Pair

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Pocket Pair Page 2

by Carol Lynne

“Do you know where Homer’s is on Magnolia?”

  “Sure. I go there a lot.” Forgetting himself, Trey bounced on his toes, wincing as pain shot through his stomach.

  “Maybe thirty minutes?” Cole asked.

  “Thirty’s good.” Trey looked down at his clothes. He’d barely have time to make his excuses and get changed, but it was worth it.

  “Great. It’ll be good to see you again.”

  “Yeah. Me, too.” Me, too? Trey rolled his eyes at his incredibly stupid self.

  He hung up the phone and grabbed Marco a beer out of the fridge. He was so excited, he didn’t stop to think what the guys might say.

  Handing over the cold can, he addressed his friends. “Who’s going to get mad at me if I skip out for awhile?”

  “Something wrong?” Bobby asked.

  Trey shook his head. “I’m just going to meet someone for coffee.”

  “Where and who?” Zac asked, in that protective older brother way of his.

  Trey’s first instinct was to be hurt. “Do you really think I haven’t learned my lesson?”

  Zac had the decency to look properly sorry for his remark. “I just worry.”

  “Well, it’s with Cole, and we’re meeting at Homer’s.”

  Zac’s expression brightened. “Yeah?”

  Trey nodded. “I need to get changed.”

  “Wear something sexy,” Zac told him.

  Trey put his hand on his hip. “I don’t know that leather pants and a see-through shirt would be the proper attire for a coffee shop.”

  “You have leather pants and a see-through shirt? Fuck. Why haven’t I ever seen you in that?” Marco asked.

  Trey shook his head and threw up his hands before retreating to the guest room. He was sorry he’d mentioned the club outfit he’d purchased in a moment of insanity. He pulled a pair of khaki shorts out of the dresser. His T-shirt matched, and he didn’t want to look like he was trying too hard, so he went with it.

  Trey felt a little lighter on his feet as he made his way down the stairs. “See you guys in a little while,” he called out as he went out the door.

  During the drive to Homer’s, Trey continually chastised himself. Just because Cole asked him for coffee didn’t mean he wanted to date him. Cole was the principal, his boss for crying out loud. The man probably just wanted to make sure the little girly-man that worked for him wasn’t emotionally or mentally damaged.

  Trey knew he was both those things, but he didn’t have to let Cole know. He could suck it up for a few hours and pretend everything was right as rain. Thanks to his grandfather, he may not need his job financially, but he loved every minute of teaching. He couldn’t imagine what his life would’ve been like had he followed in the family’s footsteps and used the law degree he worked so hard to acquire.

  He pulled his white Volkswagen Eos in front of Homer’s and turned off the engine. He sent up a quick prayer that he wouldn’t make a complete fool out of himself in the next few hours.

  Ready or not, here I come.

  Chapter Two

  Cole tapped his fingers on the table beside his cup. He still didn’t know what he’d been thinking when he’d opened his big mouth and invited Trey for coffee. He’d tried for the last several years to keep their relationship strictly professional. His job depended on it. Then what’s he go and do, but ask Trey on a date.

  He couldn’t beat himself up too bad. After his discussion with Zac earlier in the day, he’d wanted nothing more than to race over and make sure Trey was okay. He’d actually been quite proud of his self-control. It had lasted until he picked up the phone and heard Trey’s cute little stammering on the other end.

  Cole glanced around the nearly empty diner and reached under the table to adjust his hardening cock. Just the thought of Trey’s voice had given him an erection. It was the main reason he’d always tried to communicate with the slight man in emails.

  The brass bell over the door jingled, drawing Cole’s attention. He licked his lips as Trey stepped inside. Trey glanced around the room and gave a low-key wave when he spotted Cole.

  Cole signalled the waitress when Trey neared, instead of doing what he was dying to do, and pulling the man into his arms. “Coffee?”

  Trey nodded, and Cole addressed the waitress. “One for my friend, and I could use a refill.”

  “Comin’ up,” she said.

  Cole studied Trey for a few seconds as the small man turned over his cup. “So, what’ve you been up to this summer?”

  As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he wanted to crawl under the table. “Shit. Sorry.”

  Trey tried his best to smile, but the gesture fell flat. “It’s okay. I helped a friend restore a boat. That was fun.”

  “Really? I didn’t know you knew how to do that sorta thing.”

  Trey started to lean forward, but jerked back when the waitress appeared and began to pour their coffee. Once she was gone, he leaned forward once again. “I didn’t really know what I was doing. Bobby would give me a chore, and I’d do it. Mostly using the sander and painting the hull.”

  Cole automatically leaned forward towards Trey. “Beats the hell out of spending your summer doing research.”


  “I’ve been trying to finish my doctoral thesis for several years now. I’m hoping this summer to get it done.”

  “At least you’re going for it.” Trey picked up three sugar packets and poured them into his cup.

  That reminded Cole of another thing he couldn’t believe he’d done. Why had he confessed to Trey that he knew how he took his coffee? That had been plain stupidity on his part.

  He thought he heard a noise coming from Trey. “Was that you?”

  Trey’s head lowered as he rubbed his flat stomach. “Yeah. Sorry about that.”

  “Wanna go somewhere and grab some dinner?” Cole asked with no regard to self-preservation.

  Trey chuckled. “We’re in a diner.”

  Cole glanced around and leaned in even further, putting his face inches from Trey’s. “Yeah, but even though the coffee’s good, I’m not much on their food. It’s a little too greasy for me.”

  “What did you have in mind?” Trey asked.

  Taking you back to my place and making a meal of you. “Doesn’t matter. There’s a pretty good Italian place just down the road.”

  “Mmmm.” Trey licked his lips, nearly sending Cole up and over the table.“I love Italian.”

  Cole pulled out his wallet and threw some money on the table. “You’ll like this place. Friends of mine own it. A nice couple.”


  Trey stood and Cole followed him out, barely suppressing the urge to put his hand on the small of Trey’s back.

  “I’ll follow you,” Trey said, walking to his car.

  Cole nodded and headed for his pickup. Even Trey’s little car was as cute as he was. God, I’m screwed.

  * * * *

  On the way to the restaurant, Trey called Bobby.


  “It’s me. Cole asked me to grab dinner with him, so I’ll be later getting back than I thought.”

  “Take your time. You deserve a nice evening out. Besides, Eric showed up and is beatin’ the pants off everyone. It’s better to spend your money on dinner, than hand it over to our resident card shark.”

  Trey chuckled. He loved to watch Eric clean-up at the table. The way that vein in Kent’s forehead started to pulse when he got upset was priceless. “I’ll catch you later.”

  “Have fun,” Bobby said before hanging up.

  Trey pulled into the parking lot beside Cole’s truck and joined him by the bumper. “I’ve driven by this place before, but never stopped.”

  “Well it’s your lucky day.”

  I’ll say. Trey walked beside Cole, noticing their size difference.

  “How tall are you?” Trey asked.


  “Dang. I guess I never realised how much difference seven inches co
uld make.”

  As soon as he said it, he was mortified. “Well, you know what I mean.”

  Cole laughed and actually touched the small of his back when they entered the cosy little restaurant. “This is nice.” The hand idly rubbing his back was even nicer. Trey stopped short. It suddenly dawned on him that this was the first time someone had touched him since the attack and he hadn’t flinched back out of range.

  “Something wrong?” Cole asked, a concerned expression on his gorgeous face.

  He started to tell the truth, but stopped himself at the last moment. “No. Everything’s fine.”

  “Cole!” a man called as he ran over to hug Cole.

  “Hi, Allan.”

  Allan stepped back and looked Trey up and down. “And who’s this?”

  “A friend of mine, Trey Huggins. Go easy,” Cole warned with a smile.

  Allan started to reach for Trey, but he automatically flinched and stepped back. Allan stopped and glanced from Trey to Cole.

  “Sorry,” Trey mumbled.

  Cole stepped in to save the day. “Trey’s just had surgery. He’s still tender.”

  Allan’s face brightened. “Oh. Well then, let’s get the two of you seated.”

  Before following Allan to their table, Trey gazed up into Cole’s big brown eyes. “Thanks.”

  Cole grinned and leaned down to whisper in Trey’s ear. His lips were so soft, Trey almost moaned as they brushed against his skin. “It’s okay. Allan comes on too strong at times.”

  Trey could tell by the look in Cole’s eyes he knew that wasn’t Trey’s problem, but he nodded his head anyway, and followed Allan.

  Allan took them to a quiet booth in the corner. Trey sat down, and Cole slid in beside him, bumping Trey’s hip in a sign for him to scoot in further. Trey complied, feeling almost giddy at the thought of sitting so close to his crush.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” Allan asked.

  Cole turned to Trey. “Would you like a bottle of wine?”

  Trey shook his head. “Iced tea would be fine for me.”

  “Make that two.”

  Trey waited for Allan to walk away before opening his mouth. “If you’d like some wine, that’s fine with me. I just have this weird body thing with red wine. I can drink white fine, but red tends to make me act stupid and get all jittery.”

  “Probably has something to do with the tannin. Some people are sensitive to it. No big deal. I like tea.” Cole smiled.

  Trey almost lost himself in the genuine gesture. He felt his body starting to lean towards Cole, when Allan appeared with their drinks. Trey sat up straight and unwrapped his straw.

  “Have you decided?” Allan asked.

  Trey reached for his menu. He hadn’t even taken the time to look at it.

  Cole put a hand on Trey’s thigh. “Trust me?”

  “Uh…yeah. Sure.”

  “We’ll take the special. Will you ask Ramon to add an extra layer of cheese to the top of the lasagne for us?”

  Allan nodded. “And the garlic sticks? Do you still want those?”

  Cole looked at Trey. “If you’ll eat some, I will, too.”

  Trey nodded. No way could he eat Italian without garlic bread. He handed Allan his menu and waited for Cole to take his hand off his thigh. When it didn’t happen, Trey’s heart started a rapid beat. God, I’m pathetic.

  Cole must have noticed the change in Trey’s breathing. He moved his hand slightly, rubbing a small circle against Trey’s bare thigh. “Does this bother you?”

  “Bother? No.” Despite the new development happening before his eyes, Trey knew he wasn’t ready for a sexual relationship. He still had a lot of crap to work through.

  “Will you tell me how it makes you feel?” Cole asked.

  “Excited. Scared.” He knew Cole didn’t know the truth of what had happened to him, but Trey wasn’t sure he could bring himself to tell the man he’d had a crush on for years.

  Cole averted his eyes for a few moments. Trey got the strong impression he was arguing with himself over something. Trey held his breath. Did he know? Had Zac told him?

  “I like you,” Cole admitted. “I’ve liked you for a long time, but…”

  When Cole didn’t continue right away, Trey prompted him. “But?”

  “I could very well lose my job. It’s all I’ve known for the past twenty-five years. But…I’m tired of ignoring the way you make me feel.”

  Trey blinked several times. Was he hearing Cole correctly? “You mean you want to date me?”

  “I’d like to. I never thought I’d ask this of a lover, but I’d need our relationship to stay between us.”

  Trey covered the hand that still rested on his leg. “I’m not sure if I’m ready to get involved with anyone right now, but if I were, I couldn’t keep you a secret from my friends. They’re my family.”

  Cole took a sip of his tea as Allan arrived with large plates of lasagne, spaghetti and garlic bread sticks. “Looks good. Tell Ramon he’s outdone himself.”

  Allan winked. “I’ll do more than that.”

  “I know you will,” Cole chuckled.

  Trey unfolded his napkin and placed it on his lap. Cole removed his hand to do the same, and Trey felt the loss more than he cared to admit. He knew if he ever had a chance at seeing Cole romantically, he’d need to come clean with him.

  He surgically sliced into the thick slab of lasagne, trying to work out the best way to start. “Zac said he told you I was attacked,” he began.

  Cole swallowed his food and nodded as he wiped his mouth. “He said someone came into your house.”

  “Did he tell you that I let that person in?” Trey gave up pretending he was going to eat and set his fork down.

  “No.” Cole’s eyes never strayed from his plate, but his hand moved back to its comforting position on Trey’s thigh.

  Trey picked up several sugar packets and began sweetening his tea. “It was a man I met online. We talked and stuff for a couple of weeks before I agreed to meet him. We were supposed to hook up at a club downtown, but he emailed that day and said he was broke. He wanted to know if he could just bring over a bottle of wine and we could stay in.”

  Cole set his fork down. Trey could tell by the contractions in the man’s jaw he was pissed. Was he disgusted with him? Trey opened another packet of sugar. He wasn’t sure if he should go on talking, or shut his mouth and wait for the fall-out.

  He watched Cole’s Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallowed several times before speaking. “You weren’t just attacked, were you?”

  Dang. Trey wished he could read Cole’s facial expressions. He suddenly felt very self-conscious and started to move away, sliding further around the table.

  A strong arm reached out and grabbed him by the wrist. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  Trey started to panic, being restrained, even by Cole, freaked him out. He tried desperately to shake off Cole’s grip. “Let me go. Please.”

  Cole released him, sliding over beside him instead. “I’m not the bad guy.”

  “Really?” Trey asked as he rubbed his slender wrist.

  Cole had the decency to look remorseful for his actions. “Sorry. I just didn’t want you to run away from me. But your reaction answered my question.”

  Trey’s eyes roamed the restaurant. Had anyone seen his mini-tantrum?

  Cole exhaled as he shook his head. “Did you go to the police?”

  Trey let out a snort. “The guy stabbed me twice and left me for dead. What do you think?”

  “Sorry,” Cole apologised. “It’s just that some men would be too…”

  “Embarrassed?” Trey added for him. “Yeah, well, I might’ve been, but the choice was taken outta my hands when the neighbour called 9-1-1.”

  “Thank God they did.” Cole turned and cupped Trey’s cheek, turning his face so they were looking at each other. “I can’t imagine what you went through, but anything’s better than dying alone in your house.”

sp; Trey closed his eyes, unable to maintain eye contact. “They haven’t caught the guy. He just keeps doing this over and over to desperate, lonely men like me.”

  “Look at me,” Cole whispered, against Trey’s lips.

  Trey opened his eyes.

  “May I kiss you?” Cole asked.

  Trey could see the sincere desire in the man’s brown eyes. Instead of answering, he touched his lips to Cole’s. The kiss was tender, given their location, but no less erotic. Trey parted his lips to let Cole’s questing tongue inside.

  For the first time since the attack, Trey felt his cock begin to stir. He broke the kiss, but kept his face close to Cole’s. “That was nice.”

  “That was better than nice,” Cole whispered.

  “Something wrong with the food?” Allan asked.

  Cole grinned and leaned back. “Not a thing. We just had a few things to work out first.”

  Allan’s blond brows rose. “Well, eat, or Ramon will be hurt.”

  “Yes, sir.” Cole saluted and picked up his fork. He gestured to Trey’s plate. “You heard the man, eat up.”

  Trey licked his lips. He was still able to taste Cole. He hated the thought of replacing it for the lasagne, but he really should eat something. Maybe if he was lucky Cole would kiss him again before the night was through.

  * * * *

  Cole finished his meal and pushed his plate away. How he managed to eat at all after what he’d learned was a miracle. As angry as he’d been with the man who’d attacked Trey, the emotion was quickly replaced by guilt when Trey basically admitted how lonely and desperate he’d been.

  Cole knew if he’d acted on his feelings for the small man sooner, the attack wouldn’t have happened at all. After one brief kiss he wanted more, but now he was afraid to push Trey’s comfort zone. He couldn’t imagine how someone even began to deal with being violated in such a cold-blooded way.

  One thing he did know was that he wanted more time with Trey. With a good deal of luck and restraint on his part, maybe they could continue seeing each other after the school year began. He’d just have to continue to treat Trey like he always had. Other members of the faculty and staff didn’t need to know, right?


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