by Kristi Gold
Balancing Sam in one arm, Adan leaned over, retrieved the diaper bag from the basket behind the stroller and slipped the strap over his shoulder. “We are accustomed to the heat, but this humidity is excruciating, so I will gladly accept your offer.”
Once he stepped into the foyer, Piper showed him into the small living area and gestured toward the floral sofa. “Have a seat, as soon as you give me the kid.”
After he handed Samuel off to her, he claimed the end of the couch and set the bag at his feet. “This is a very comfortable yet quaint abode.”
“A nice way of saying small,” she said as she sat in the club chair across from him and gently bounced the baby in her lap. “But the rent is cheap. Actually, it’s free. My grandparents live in the main house and this is the guest quarters.”
“Yes, I know. Your grandfather greeted me as soon as we left the car.”
Great. “Not with a shotgun, I hope.”
He laughed. “Actually, he wasn’t armed. In fact, he was quite cordial. He’s still very pleased that he’s been granted the water conservation project, and that’s going quite well, by the way.”
“So I’ve heard,” she said. “I spoke with Rafiq a few days ago.”
“He never mentioned that to me.”
“He had no reason to mention it, Adan. He’s well aware that once I met the terms of our arrangement I’d go back to business as usual.”
“And I presume you’ve done that?”
“Actually, I’m giving a few private art lessons, and I’m looking for a place to open a small gallery. Interestingly enough, my grandfather is willing to invest in the venture.”
“How did you convince him to let you leave the company?”
“I told him that it was high time I had a life of my own that included pursuing my personal aspirations. And then I bribed my grandmother into taking up the cause by helping her with a fund-raiser. Between the two of us, he finally caved.”
“I’m glad you’re happy, Piper,” he said, a solemn note to his voice.
She could think of one other thing that would make her happy, but that was only a pipe dream. “I am, for the most part. Are you?”
He rubbed a palm over his jaw. “I’m happy that I have a son and a fulfilling career. Aside from that—”
When Sam began to fuss, Adan withdrew a bottle from the tote, uncapped it and handed to her. “It seems he’s getting hungry more often these days. The books I’ve read clearly state that an increase in appetite in an infant signals a growth spurt.”
“Spoken like the consummate father,” Piper said, bringing the return of Adan’s smile.
“I am certainly trying my best.”
“And you’re succeeding,” she said as she laid the baby in the crook of her arm and watched as he downed the formula with gusto. “He’s definitely grown. Before you know it, he’ll be riding a bike. I can’t wait to see that.” The statement left her mouth before she’d considered how unrealistic she sounded.
“Perhaps he should learn to walk first.”
That drew her attention back to Adan. “Yes, you’re right. Time is too short to wish it away.” After a bout of awkward silence, she added, “How is Elena these days?”
He leaned back against the sofa and draped an arm over the back of the cushions. “She is doing well. We’ve had several discussions about my father. She insists he was proud of my accomplishments, and claims he had difficulty expressing his emotions. I’m going to endeavor not to do that with Samuel. He deserves to know that his father supports him at every turn.”
“And I’m positive you’ll manage that just fine.”
“You always have had more faith in me than most.” He studied her eyes for a long moment. “I didn’t realize how much I would miss your company once you left. But I have missed you. Very much.”
She had no idea what to say or how to react. She certainly knew better than to hope. “That reminds me. I never saw where you released the statement outlining the reasons behind my departure.”
His gaze drifted away. “That is because I never issued that particular statement. We led the press to believe you were on a sabbatical in the States, visiting family.”
That made no sense to her at all. “What was the point in delaying the truth? You’re eventually going to have to explain why I left and never came back.”
Finally, he brought his attention back to her, some unnamed emotion in his eyes. “Perhaps that will not be necessary.”
She put the now-empty bottle on the side table and set Sam upright in her lap. “You’re hoping that if you sweep it under the rug, everyone will forget I ever existed?”
“I am hoping after you hear what I have to say, you will realize my mission entails alleviating that necessity.”
The man insisted on speaking in riddles. “By all means, continue. I’m waiting with bated breath for clarification.”
He pushed off the sofa and stood before her. “And I pray I have not waited too long to do this.”
As if she’d been thrust in the middle of some surreal dream, Piper watched in awe as Adan fished a black velvet box from his pants pocket and lowered to one knee. She couldn’t catch her breath when he opened that box to reveal a massive princess-cut diamond ring. “Piper McAdams, I have never met a woman quite like you, and I have never been in love until you. I probably do not deserve your forgiveness for my careless disregard, but I sincerely believe we both deserve to be together.” He tugged the ring from the holder and held it up. “Now, will you do me the honor of being my real wife, and a mother to my son?”
Heaven help her, the cat that had dragged her into the garage now had hold of her tongue. She could only stare at the glistening diamond, awed by Adan’s declaration of love and the knowledge the fairy tale could soon come true. But then came the questions. Should she take this leap of faith? Could she trust that he really wanted her as his wife, not only as a mother for his child? Or was she overanalyzing everything? Then suddenly the baby reached back, grabbed a wayward tendril of hair at her nape and tugged hard, eliciting her involuntary yelp and Adan’s scowl.
“That was not the reply I had hoped for,” he said gruffly.
She laughed as she extracted Sam’s grasp and offered him her pointer finger. “Apparently he was tired of waiting for my answer.”
“And I am also growing impatient.”
She pulled Sam up from her lap and turned him to face her. “What do you think about this whole thing, little boy? Should I say yes?”
When the baby squealed in response, Adan said, “I do believe he agrees that you should.”
She turned Sam around in her lap to face his father and held out her left hand. “I do believe you’re right.”
After Adan slid the ring into place, he stood and motioned for Piper to join him. Then with baby Sam nestled between them, he kissed her softly and smiled. “I do love you, Piper. More than my MiG-20 jet.”
He could be such a cad. A very cute cad. “And I love you more than my purple fluffy slippers that you always found so comical.”
His ensuing smile soon disappeared. “On a serious note, as soon as we are wed, I want you to legally become Samuel’s mother.”
“I would be honored,” she said. And she would.
His expression remained overtly somber. “He has a right to know about Talia, although I am at a loss over what to tell him.”
“That’s simple. When he’s old enough to understand, we’ll say that his mother loved him enough to give him up because she felt it was the best thing for him. And if I’ve learned anything at all, I suppose in some way that’s what my own mother did for me and Sunny. She wasn’t equipped for parenthood.”
“But you are,” he said. “And I’ve come to realize that not knowing about Elena did not discount the fact she was always the best mother a man
could ask for. She’s also a very good grandmother, and she is dying to have you as her daughter-in-law.”
Piper couldn’t ask for more. “Any idea when we’re going to take care of the wedding business?”
“As soon as possible. Perhaps before we return to Bajul.”
“We could always hold the ceremony in the family backyard. I provide the groom, and my grandfather provides the shotgun.”
Adan laughed as if he didn’t have a care in the world. “No need for that. I am a willing participant in establishing a future with you.”
And very soon she would no longer be his pretend wife. She would be the real deal.
If a woman wanted to live in a palace, the gorgeous guy standing a few feet away could be just the man to make that come true. And three months ago he had—in a civil ceremony surrounded by her grandparents’ lush gardens, sans shotgun. Now Piper McAdams was more than ready to legitimately assume her role as his princess during the elaborate reception held in their honor.
For the past twenty minutes, she’d been schmoozing with wealthy strangers while shamelessly studying her husband’s assets. He wore a navy suit adorned with military insignias, a pricey watch on his wrist and a wedding band on his left hand. His usually tousled dark brown hair had been neatly styled for the occasion, but it still complemented the slight shading of whiskers framing his mouth. And those dimples. She’d spotted them the first time she’d laid eyes on him six months ago in the Chicago hotel bar.
And as it had been that night, he was currently speaking to a lithe blonde wearing a chic red sparkling dress, only she didn’t see this woman as a threat. In fact, she saw her as simply Madison Foster Mehdi, her sister-in-law and recent addition to Piper’s ever-expanding gal-pal club.
Speaking of expanding, a woman dressed in flowing coral chiffon that didn’t completely hide a baby bump stood at the ballroom’s entrance. She’d come to call her Maysa while most called her queen, and aside from the duties that came along with the title, she served as Sam’s stellar doctor and Piper’s confidante. The man on her arm, also known as the king, hadn’t been as easy to get to know, yet he’d been warming up to his youngest brother’s wife, slowly but surely.
All in all, Piper couldn’t be happier with her new family. And she couldn’t be more pleased when her husband started toward her with that sexy, confident gait that threatened to bring her to her knees.
Once he reached her side, he leaned over and whispered, “I have another gift for you.”
“Giving it to me now would be rather inappropriate, don’t you think?” she whispered back.
He straightened and smiled. “I’ll reserve that gift for later when we are safely ensconced in our room. But this particular present is totally appropriate for the occasion.”
Piper took a quick glance at her left hand. “I really think the boulder on my finger is quite sufficient, and so was the wonderful honeymoon in Naples.”
“Have you forgotten our time on the beach?”
She faked a frown. “All right, that thing you did to me on the beach was very unforgettable.”
“I thought you enjoyed that thing.”
She grinned. “I did!”
He pressed a palm against the small of her back and feathered a kiss across her cheek. “Remain here while I retrieve your surprise.”
As he headed across the room, Madison came to Piper’s side. “Where is he going in such a hurry?”
“He says he has a gift for me.”
“Oh, that,” Madison replied. “I was beginning to wonder when he was going to get to that.”
Piper’s eyes went wide. “You know what it is?”
“Yes, I do. In fact, I assisted in acquiring it. And don’t look so worried. You’ll love it.”
Knowing Adan, she probably would. “I’m counting on it.”
Madison momentarily scanned the crowd before bringing her attention back to Piper. “I haven’t seen Elena yet. She promised she’d come down once she had the babies put to bed.”
“She told me she wanted to read them all a book.”
“Good luck with that,” Madison said, followed by a laugh. “I’m not sure year-old twins and a six-month-old will fit in her lap.”
“She enlisted Kira’s help,” Piper added. “And believe me, Kira is amazing. I’m not sure there’s anything she can’t do.”
“Except hold on to a man,” Madison said. “At least according to her.”
“A worthless man, maybe. She told me all about her broken engagement. Too bad we snatched up all the Mehdi brothers. She’d make a great sister-in-law.”
Madison grinned. “Maybe there’s one hiding in the closet somewhere. Of course, there is their cousin, Rayad, although he’s all into the military thing.”
Piper still had a lot to learn about the family. “You’d better hope there’s not a secret Mehdi hiding out somewhere. That means you’d be in charge of handling that scandal.”
“True.” Madison pointed at the double doors to her left, where Adan now stood. “Your husband is about to reveal your surprise, so wait and watch and get ready to be wowed.”
Piper kept her gaze trained on the doors, wondering what might actually come through them. A new sports car? A pet elephant? Maybe even a...sister?
The minute Sunny caught sight of Piper, she practically ran across the room and engaged her in a voracious hug. And as if they’d been propelled back into the days of their youth, they momentarily jumped up and down until Piper realized exactly where they were and who she now was.
She stopped the girlish celebration, but she couldn’t stop her smile. “Sunny McAdams, what are you doing here?”
“Answering your new husband’s invitation.”
She noticed they’d gained the attention of a room full of dignitaries. “Thanks to our boisterous show of affection, these people are now convinced the new princess is nuttier than a squirrel’s nest.”
“If the glass slipper fits,” Sunny said as she stepped back and surveyed Piper from head to high heels. “You clean up good, sugar plum. Aqua is definitely your color, but I’m clearly underdressed.”
Piper smoothed a hand down the bling-embellished satin strapless gown and grinned. “If you’d walked in here wearing something other than black slacks and a white silk blouse, I’d be asking you to return to the mother ship and give me back the real Sunny McAdams.”
They shared in a laugh until Adan interrupted the camaraderie. “Did I succeed in surprising you, fair lady?”
She gave him a grateful hug and an enthusiastic kiss. “An excellent surprise, good sir. I do believe you’ve thought of everything.”
“He wanted to make up for me not being at the wedding,” Sunny added.
“That’s okay, dear sister. You can make it up to me by staying here a few days.”
“Unfortunately, I’ll be leaving tomorrow. I’m meeting up with Cameron in Africa to cover a few of the most recent uprisings.”
Piper hated how her sibling insisted on putting herself in danger, but she was pleased that she seemed to have found her match. “So how’s it going with Cameron the cameraman?”
Sunny shrugged. “We’re hanging in there. He wants to settle down in suburbia and have a few kids, but I’m not ready for that.”
“Take it from me,” Madison began, “you can balance career and motherhood. I’ve managed it with twins.”
“And a very accommodating husband.” All eyes turned to Zain Mehdi as he slid an arm around his
wife’s waist. “It’s good to see you again, Sunny.”
Piper momentarily gaped. “You two have met?”
“Briefly in Nigeria,” Sunny said. “But I didn’t know who he was until much later, since he was traveling incognito at the time.”
Must run in the family, Piper thought when she considered how Adan had concealed his identity. They’d come a long way in a very short time.
As casual conversation continued, Piper noticed a man standing alone a few feet away, his attention focused on the group. “Does anyone know who that man is to my left, holding up the wall?”
“What man?” Adan asked.
“The one who keeps staring.”
Sunny glanced over her shoulder before focusing on Piper again. “That’s Tarek Azzmar, a corporate investor who hails from Morocco and a billionaire probably ten times over. I met him in Mexico City a few years back when he was opening an orphanage. He’s a man of few words and rather reclusive. An enigma wrapped in a mystery, as they say.”
“And Rafiq invited him,” Zain added. “Apparently he’s building a mansion not far from the palace. We’ll be able to see his estate when we’re standing on the west-facing veranda.”
“So much for privacy,” Adan muttered. “And with that in mind, if you fine people will excuse us while I have a few moments alone with my wife?”
“By all means,” Zain said. “The courtyard outside provides enough protection to begin your honeymoon, if you so choose. My wife will attest to that.”
Piper caught a glimpse of Madison elbowing Zain in the side, earning quite a bit of laughter as her husband led her away.
Once in the corner of the deserted vestibule, Adan turned her into his arms. “How does it feel to be an honest-to-goodness princess?”
“Unreal. Surreal. Wonderful.”