Awakening A God (Demon Boys Series Book 1)

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Awakening A God (Demon Boys Series Book 1) Page 14

by Troy Snyder

  Odin sat himself down while the rest in the group stood, frank took a place standing by the president’s side and the two other Franks stood outside the door. The president stared at the ragged group unsure what he was seeing or how to start off the conversation. Apparently, Alexander thought, he would have to do this too.

  “Mr. President, I am sure you have heard of me, Lance Corporal Alexander Grayson Cooper of the Demon Boys,” Alexander said trying to ease the tension. The lack of stating he was not ‘United States Military’, as was supposed to follow his rank, was not lost on the two behind the desk. “I am here on behalf of the Craxi people to negotiate a peace. This here,” He gestured toward Odin, “Is their leader, Odin. He has given me permission to negotiate on his behalf in this situation. However, he will add to the negotiations as they proceed.”

  “I know who you are, Mr. Cooper, and I know your reputation. Frank here tells me the mission I signed off on was a failure, and that instead you come here with nothing to offer but words of peace. In case you forgotten boy,” Emphasizing ‘boy’ as if talking down to Alexander. “We are at war with these aliens not only for what they did to Mexico City, but throughout the world.”

  Alexander took a deep breath, stress and exhaustion made his mood very touchy and he wanted to slap the president for the insult and the sheer lack of knowledge regarding the situation. “Then you have failed to be informed that these in fact, are not the ones who destroyed Mexico City. These ‘aliens’, no, the Craxi, came to try and stop him from escaping, however, were too late. When they entered atmosphere, we fired on them; they defended themselves. They cannot be held accountable for simply fighting back in a war we started.”

  “Why is it then, that they are only now coming to us trying to negotiate a peace?”

  “Because, Mr. President, they were going to just leave. A war with us is pointless as we could not follow. They could annihilate us and we could do nothing to stop it. It was only because I said something that stopped them from leaving. I wanted us to form an alliance in hopes of capturing the one responsible for Mexico City’s destruction and to push humanity further, both intellectually and technologically.”

  “I think they will find humanity will not lie down so easily, so threats will not work.”

  “That was no threat Mr. President. That is a simple fact, they can destroy us easily. However, I see you have failed to acknowledge that a peace offer is on the table. Do you honestly wish to fight a war?”

  “I’m sorry I have not had much rest since the alien thing started. What is it you wish to negotiate for?”

  Alexander placed his hands in his pockets and began to think. He felt something, dog tags. They must be Antonio’s he thought. He must have the same feeling that Alexander did. “The Craxi wish not only to come to peace and end the war, but to form an alliance that would benefit both parties. Specific technologies would be shared with humanity and protection against outside forces will be provided. In exchange the Craxi ask that we aid them with man power to build what they need in order to properly defend earth and also to pursue and capture the one responsible for destroying Mexico City.”

  The president sat back in his chair and contemplated his next move. “What “specific technologies” would these be?” He questioned.

  “Non-militaristic of course. Humanity as a whole is not ready to enter deep space, nor to fight in a galactic war.”

  “Why? When given military technology humanity could protect itself, and given time, aid in the capture of the one responsible for starting this war.”

  Odin stood up from his chair. He looked menacing as he rose to his full height. “Mr. President, correct?” Odin asked and the president nodded surprised the giant spoke his language. “Perhaps you do not understand the situation, nor the feebleness of the human race as a whole. Tell me, Mr. President, do you know how to last in hand to hand combat? On average, how many of your people do?”

  “I… I’m not sure. Not many I suppose.”

  “If you wished to join us in battle your projectile weapons must be destroyed, or at least decommissioned in battle, for good. That is one of the many rules of engagement we follow. That ALL races follow. Additionally, the human race is not yet ready to join us. Many of you do not possess the energy needed. Energy is what makes the entire galaxy move. Humanity has not yet evolved enough to maintain and control energy, some have,” He gestured to Alexander, “But humanity as a whole has not.”

  “Do not underestimate humanity. We are strong, stronger than you think.”

  Odin looked at the small man in his chair and pitied him, he had no idea what was out there in the universe. “My stance is firm in this situation. If we are to form peace and an alliance than you must agree to take a noncompetitive role and accept that the technologies we would give would not be militaristic.”

  “I cannot do that. Humanity has the right to defend itself from outside forces as much as you do. We are ready. I am asking you to trust us.”

  Odin was shaking his head before the little man even finished. “Then I am sorry Mr. President. We will leave humanity in peace. I will not continue negotiations with someone who will not see the truth in the words I speak.”

  “Then leave this planet now and never return here. We will fire upon any vessel entering our atmosphere.” The president said with heat in his voice.

  Alexander stepped forward near the president’s desk and all eyes looked to him. “You are a fool for not accepting the terms, Mr. President. As of this moment,” He said ripping off his dog tags and pulling Antonio’s out of his pocket. He slammed them down on the president’s desk and looked straight into the man’s eyes. “Consider this as Antonio and I leaving your armed forces. I had the utmost respect and loyalty for you before I realized how much of a fool you are.”

  As Alexander finished speaking someone came up beside him. He looked and saw Trent at his side laying down his dog tags as well. They looked at each other and nodded, the brotherhood they felt was not just being in the same unit, but the simple fact that no matter what they would stick together. Alexander looked toward James who seemed lost in confusion.

  Alexander walked over to James and put his hand on his shoulder knowing full well the man’s consternation. “This is not your path my friend,” He said. “You have a girl here, a life ahead of you. You will always be a Demon Boy.” He shook James’s hand and the party walked out the door heading back toward the ship.

  James stood there a moment. He knew what Alexander said was true, but since he had come to know the man he felt duty bound, no, he felt that this was the only leader he could follow. The turmoil of emotions overwhelmed him and he had no idea what to do. James fell to his knees accepting Alexander’s words against all he felt inside, he had to stay for the woman he loved.

  Alexander and the party exited the doors back into the rain. He felt Odin’s eyes on him and knew the giant wanted to say something, but felt it was not the right time. He was correct; Alexander had just decided to leave behind all he knew for this vast and unknown world. There was no knowing if he was going to live or die, but in his heart, Alexander knew this was the right decision to make.

  As they approached the ship Alexander noticed there was no one around. It seemed oddly quiet. They would not have simply left, but he saw no tracks or signs of where the people were. Odin opened the ramp with a minor ping of energy and it began to make its way to the ground. As they reached the top of the ramp everyone stood still at what was awaiting them.

  Antonio sat atop an Abrams tank eating pistachios. A pile of shells had formed under him, but he seemed not to notice. As he saw the party arrive he smiled to them and jumped off the tank. “Welcome back,” He said.

  “How did you get here and where did that come from?” Alexander asked pointing toward the tank.

  “This here is Lucy. After my fall I was wandering the streets tired and hungry. Got some snacks from a store and when I left that’s when I saw her. We stared at each other and it was as
if the world went into slow motion. Love at first sight. So, I relieved the people that were inside and she became mine. When I found the ship it was surrounded, but they were easily knocked out and tied to a tree. So, how did the peace talks go?”

  Alexander stared at his friend who for some odd reason seemed happy, still insane, but happy. “Well we’re no longer part of the military. They wanted weapons and such which we would not give.”

  “Idiots. Don’t touch that!” Antonio barked at Raixo. “Lucy is a very sensitive girl, she hates being dirty.” He said scrubbing off the spot where Raixo had placed his hand.

  The bay door shut behind them; surprisingly Odin let Antonio keep the tank without even a tiny objection. Perhaps it was because they had nowhere else to go and Odin took pity on them Alexander pondered. Either way he intended to make the most of the situation. He climbed on top of the tank next to Antonio who had reclaimed his perch. Antonio made no effort to ward him off as he had the others, but instead offered him pistachios. The two sat on the tank in silence and contemplated the things to come and eating the delicious snack.

  Chapter 13:

  Quetzalcoatl’s eyes began to tear as he saw his home planet from orbit. It had been so long since he had been home it felt as if he were in a dream. Gabriella had taken over flying most of the time while he lounged in the chair next to her telling her stories of his past and history of his people and teaching her customs and ways of the galaxy. She listened intently to every word and had come to look upon him as not just a god, but a father figure. He treated her mom and her very well and was always polite and kind.

  Graciana however saw through the façade. She knew he was a monster but had no idea how she was going to stop him. In one of his many displays with the brace he wore, she learned, could protect him from almost any harm, a gift from someone called Loki. A shiver went down her spine at the thought of what a failed attempt to kill him would bring. She knew her daughter could fly them away in this ship, but she needed a way to get rid of the snake.

  As they neared the planet, Quetzalcoatl looked at the child. He was still surprised a human could have as much energy as she possessed. It easily flowed with the ship and she could fly it almost nonstop, while he himself, needed breaks. He had yet to ask her if she would like to be adopted by him. For some reason in his stomach he felt something he had not in some time, doubt. What if she said no? He could not bring himself to harm someone who he had grown to love as a daughter, nor could he toss her aside to fend for herself.

  Also, her mother, Quetzalcoatl thought, looking at her from the corner of his eye. There was not a moment that went by where she did not look at him with barely concealed hatred. He could not understand why. He had protected and provided for them and treated them with kindness, how could she hate him? There were times when he was teaching Gabriella something where he felt as if there was a knife at his back. He was not afraid, but if she tried to strike him down he would have to kill her. Would Gabriella side with him or her?

  Quetzalcoatl was so deep in his thoughts he did not realize the ship began to enter the atmosphere. The serene peaceful planet, one full with the colors of luscious green and blues became a fiery red. He was about to move Gabriella from the flight chair, but he relaxed his muscles as he saw the girl put down the shield for the front window and ease the ship through. She surprised him more and more every day with her quickness of learning and her natural ability.

  The ship finally broke through and the window was opened. Quetzalcoatl’s heart sank as he saw the dismal surface below. They had entered right above a now small city and the once grand structures his father had built were dilapidating. As they drew close, all around he could see poverty and destruction. Had he been away so long that his people had fallen so low?

  Gabriella looked to him, a slight fear in her eyes. She did not see the beauty and magnificence he had spoken of with such zeal. Curiosity overwhelmed her and she had to ask, “What happened?”

  “War,” he said. His eyes stared blankly at the destruction. “From the looks of it, it happened quite some time ago. My father most likely went to all-out war due to my imprisonment. They did not stand a chance. My father is strong, but he is no leader of soldiers.”

  “What do we do?”

  “We go to the capitol city, Ssconos. Hopefully there we will find answers.” He told her to point the ship north, it would be only a short distance, but he asked her to use haste, he did not want to stare at this dismal place longer than he had to.

  As the ship continued northward the signs of desolation decreased, it appeared whoever was in charge chose to live in relative luxury while the rest suffered. Quetzalcoatl’s anger began to rise, someone would pay for this.

  The capitol came in sight and now they could see the humongous step pyramids towering above the ground. Many of the snake like people stopped and stared as the ancient dwarf shipped passed over them. The pyramids varying in size for different uses glowed with gold, much of it stolen from earth. Quetzalcoatl set his sights of the largest and grandest of all, the palace.

  The palace towered above all others. It was lined in gold and precious jewels larger than any had seen. At the base two enormous statues guarded the pyramid, which Quetzalcoatl had not seen before. He told Gabriella to go in for a closer look. The statues held spears and were dressed in the full military uniform of the snake people, the Stallassians. He noticed too that they looked a lot like him, only to be confirmed when Gabriella asked why there were statues of him. His father must have erected them after his imprisonment.

  At the base of the palace pyramid were several landing areas. Quetzalcoatl guided Gabriella to one and the ship touched down. It seemed surreal to him that he was finally home, but he had made it. He gave Gabriella and her mother the order to stay in the cockpit until he returned to ensure their safety.

  Graciana waited until the snake man had left and the hatch locked behind him before approaching her daughter. She sat in the chair next to her and eyed the many buttons and things that controlled the ship. In the end she realized she had no idea what to do.

  “Gabriella my dear now is our chance. You must fly us out of here and back home.” She said in a gentle tone on the verge of pleading.

  “Why would we leave?” Gabriella questioned staring at her mom incredulously.

  “This is not our home, Gabriella. That snake beast is nothing but a monster. We must go before it is too late.”

  “He is not a monster. He has only been nice to us and taken care of us. You don’t see that?”

  “You are only twelve, too young to understand what is going on here. He is using you. You must trust me, daughter.”

  “No, we’re staying here. I want to help him.”

  Graciana could see there was no changing her daughters mind and she knew she could not fly back to Earth without her. She took a breath and walked back to her room. As she sat on the bed she contemplated how she was going to kill the snake man.

  Quetzalcoatl opened the bay door of the ship. By now the prisoners had realized it was best to stay put unless they wished to incur the snake man’s wrath. As the door opened Quetzalcoatl saw he was surrounded by his own people. They were in full battle dress, much like the Craxi they wore no armor, but their uniforms were made of leather that was strong enough to hold off several slashes of even the toughest blades.

  Each of them wore dark brown layered skirts with thick tunics. All were equipped with varying weapons, but all made of the same jet-black metal Obsidium. One stepped out from the group. The silver necklace he wore along with his translation torc indicated he was an officer. His green ‘hair’, shaped like Quetzalcoatl’s own, but much longer, bobbed as he moved. His skin was darker green and his eyes carried the same steely look Quetzalcoatl carried, this man has seen much death.

  The green officer snarled at Quetzalcoatl, “Who are you and what the hell are you doing flying around here in an outdated Dvergar ship?”

  Quetzalcoatl’s anger flared up again.
One of his metallic tentacles shot from his back, a blade protruding from the tip bit into the officer’s throat. Blood began to trickle from where the blade pinched at the shocked officer’s throat and when Quetzalcoatl spoke he began to tremble.

  “Don’t you dare speak to me in such a tone, weakling! I am Quetzalcoatl, ruler of this planet and make no mistake, I will kill you.” Quetzalcoatl’s voice struck the man with such force he flinched as if struck. His once steely stare turned to fear.

  “I-Impossible…” The officer stuttered. The men that had been closing in to strike down the offender to their leader hesitated at the name. “Quetzalcoatl has been dead for ages now. You can’t be him.”

  The blade bit deeper into the snake man’s throat drawing more blood. “You will speak to me in the proper tone, lest you wish to die here. I am Quetzalcoatl and if you don’t stand your men down and take me to whoever is currently in charge, all of you will die.”

  The officer swallowed hard. His mind was conflicted; he could not believe he was put in such a situation. If he brought this man to his superiors they would surely have him killed along with the imposter, but if he did not surely this man was not bluffing about killing him. Then again, what if this man spoke the truth and he was Quetzalcoatl returned? His blood chilled at the thought.

  Coming to a decision the officer raised his hands in a defeated gesture. “Stand down men,” He said. “I will take you to them, follow me.”

  “Glad you saw reason,” Quetzalcoatl smiled his evil grin showing razor sharp teeth.

  Quetzalcoatl closed his ship, he knew Gabriella would be safe on board. A ship could only be flown or even opened by the one who is dialed into it unless they give permission, or their power is enough to overwhelm the pilot’s. He doubted anyone on this planet had the strength to overwhelm him and he was certainly not going to give them permission to enter the ship. With that knowledge safely tucked away he followed the dark green officer inside an opening in the pyramid.


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