Maybe for You--A Whiskey and Weddings Novel

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Maybe for You--A Whiskey and Weddings Novel Page 11

by Nicole McLaughlin

“You’re good, Alex. Promise. I don’t mind sleeping on the pull-out.” She watched him head for the bathroom. “I’ll try to hurry, but I’ll admit, I’ve been dreaming about a long hot shower.” The grin he sent her over his shoulder made her stomach clench.

  “Take your time,” she said.

  Standing in the middle of the room, she looked around. What now. Slowly she walked toward the bathroom and spoke through the door. “Hey, uh, want me to go find some breakfast nearby?”

  “I was thinking maybe we could find those beignets you mentioned yesterday. If you want to.”

  She sucked in a breath as she heard clothing hit the floor with a whoosh. Was he completely naked? “Okay. Sure. Yeah, that sounds good. I’m excited.”

  I’m excited?

  His chuckle filtered through the door. “I’m excited, too.” Oh jeez.

  She quickly rushed back to the bed, her heart pounding. Here she was, a grown woman, freaking out about a naked man on the other side of the wall. She’d seen men in many states of dress throughout her years in the Army. But now she was here. With Jake. Single.

  And attracted to him. Yes, it was official. She found him incredibly attractive. There was no more ignoring that fact that had been niggling at her mind. He was insanely handsome. Sweet. Charming. A good listener. Sexy.

  Shit. He was so, so sexy. With that little swoop in his hair, the crinkles near his eyes. Even the large masculine bones in his wrists had caught her eye more than once.

  She closed her eyes and blew out a breath as the shower came on in the bathroom. “It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s going to be okay,” she whispered.

  Picking up her phone she glanced at the time. Nine. Were they in a different time zone? She thought about it for a minute. No. She opened her calling app and found Charlotte’s number.

  “Good morning,” Charlotte answered.

  “Hey, how are you?”

  “I’m good.”

  “Just good? You having fun?”

  “Yeah, actually it’s been more fun than I expected.” She gave Charlotte a very quick overview of the past five days.

  “I’m so glad you went. Sounds way better than editing photos. By the way, Fernie says hi.”

  “Oh, I miss him.”

  “He misses you, don’t you Fernando?” Charlotte crooned, obviously nuzzling her dog. “So what are you doing right now? Where’s Jake?”

  “He’s, uh, in the shower.”

  “Oooh,” Charlotte said and then laughed. “So besides the fun stuff you’ve been doing, how has it been hanging out with him?”

  “It’s been good. After talking so much over the past year through messages, it’s fun to hang out. And surprisingly, he’s just as good of a listener in person. We’ve had a lot of fun together.”

  Alex’s comments were met with a long silence. Finally Charlotte spoke. “Alexis?” she said quietly.


  “Is it possible that you could be into Jake?”

  She considered the question a moment, because wasn’t that what she’d just been thinking about?

  “You are, aren’t you?” Charlotte whispered. “You were thinking about it.”

  “Oh my God, I don’t know,” Alex whispered back. “I’m definitely not into him in a relationship sort of way. Not a chance I’m interested in anything like that.”

  “That’s fair. But that’s obviously not the only option.”

  The thought terrified Alex.

  “Has anything happened?”

  “No! Certainly not,” Alex said. Then again, there had been the dance, and the sleeping in the same bed. And that kiss on the head. But all of that could be considered innocent. Right? Friend stuff. Maybe.

  “Do you want it to?” Charlotte asked.

  “I’m not sure,” Alex said, going for honest.

  Charlotte let out a little squeal on the other line. “I’m sorry. Ignore me, I just find this a little exciting.”

  Alex laughed. “Why?”

  “Because you deserve it. And let’s be honest, Jake is kind of hot. Right?”

  Alex squeezed her eyes shut. For the past year, his looks had been a nonissue. He’d been the caring ear on the other end of a screen. But now, in person, watching his eyes as he listened, and feeling the warmth of his body as he held her … “Yes. He is,” she said. “But admitting that out loud sort of makes me want to throw up.”

  “Oh sweetie,” Charlotte said. “Don’t feel that way. Listen. There was no way in hell you were going to go the rest of your life not being attracted to another man. It’s normal, and it has nothing to do with how you felt about Nate. You understand that, right?”

  Alex nodded, realizing how much she’d needed someone to remind her of that. “You’re right. Of course, I’d have to be attracted to a total playboy.”

  Charlotte laughed. “True, but maybe that’s for the best. You know?”

  “How so?”

  “Well, it can just be for fun. Maybe you need a fling to ease yourself back in. What better way than to do it with someone safe.”

  “What if he’s not into me?”

  “Only one way to find out, but I don’t think it will be a problem.”

  “Do not repeat this conversation to my brother,” Alex said, listening to make sure the shower was still going. It was.

  “Alex, trust me. As long as you’re not in any harm, it is never my place to share your business—especially in regards to your sex life—with your brother. You have my word.”

  “Thank you. This conversation makes me feel better and worse at the same time.”

  “Oh no, don’t feel that way. Don’t stress it. But if the moment presents itself, you know, let it happen. Follow your instincts.”

  “My instincts are out of practice.”

  Charlotte laughed. “They’ll come back. I promise. And no matter what, remember—Jake is a good guy.”

  “He is. You’re right.”

  “So right now, focus on what makes you feel good. You deserve it, Alex.”

  “I agree somewhat, but then it feels selfish, to even consider it.”

  “Sometimes selfishness is necessary. Especially when it doesn’t affect anyone else. That’s called self-care.”

  Alexis smiled, picking at the bedsheet. “I’ll think about it. Thanks for listening.”

  “Hey.” Charlotte stopped her. “One thing, though. I adore Jake, but don’t do this if you’re going to fall for him. I don’t want him to hurt you. Even by accident.”

  “I know better than that. I’ve got too many plans to think about that,” Alex said. “Love you, Charlotte.”

  She wasn’t sure what Charlotte would say to that because they’d never spoken those words to each other. But it was true.

  “Love you too, Alex. Call me again if you need to talk.”

  When they got off the phone, she heard the shower turn off. Alex flopped back on the bed. What would it be like to touch Jake? To have him touch her? God, she wanted to know. Was she crazy for even considering it? What if he didn’t see her that way. Yeah, they’d had a few tense moments. Occasionally she’d look up and find him watching her, but maybe she was imagining it. He may very well laugh at the idea.

  Just then the bathroom door opened, letting out a furl of steam. Through the mist came a half-naked man, only a towel around his waist to cover his body. She’d seen his chest before, but damn. The only difference was this time it was beet red.

  “Shit,” he said, grinning. “I think that’s the hottest shower I’ve ever taken. I might have overdone it.”

  “You know a shower that hot is actually not good for you.”

  He shrugged. “If it makes you feel good, how bad can it be?”

  Funny, she’d just been thinking the same thought.

  *   *   *

  There was no better way to spend an evening on Bourbon Street than in an open-air jazz bar, enjoying the carefree vibe and the buzz of people as they walked past on the street. Jake had the added bonus of wat
ching Alex dance with an elderly black man on the dance floor. Five minutes earlier, he’d been killing it on the piano, and then he’d come over and asked her to dance in the smoothest southern drawl Jake had ever heard.

  Alex’s head flew back with laughter as she and her partner moved around the dance floor and Jake couldn’t help grinning as he took in the sight. Today she’d worn a gray tank top with a black skirt. The kind that had a tight band around her waist but then flared out with lots of pleats. Every time she spun around in her black sandals, it showed off her thighs. Almost indecently, and yeah, he’d looked.

  Her dance partner, who called himself Mr. Stan, had weather-worn skin and a puff of white hair haloing his head. It was comical to watch him trying to teach her the steps—what dance it was, Jake had no idea. Something that seemed too fast for a little old man in suspenders to be able to do, but hell if he wasn’t pulling it off with the grace of someone half his age.

  Alex, not so much, but it was amazing watching her try. Jake guessed the two-foot-tall hurricane daiquiri she’d been sipping for the past hour probably hadn’t helped, but the happiness on her face was worth it. And she was safe here with him watching over her. Yeah, he’d sent a couple of leering guys warning looks, and so far that seemed to do the trick.

  The jazz band ended the song with a dramatic flourish, and Alex clapped and cheered before making her way back to the table.

  “That was impressive,” Jake said.

  “Oh my God, I can barely breathe!” She held a hand to her chest. “And I thought I was in shape. Did you see that guy?”

  “I almost couldn’t see his feet moving he was so fast.”

  “No kidding, I think he could have gone all night. And I had no idea what I was doing.”

  “Looked like you were having fun, though.”

  “I was.” She smiled right up at him, and that was when he realized how close she’d sat next to him. “And to think, when he asked me, I almost said no.”

  “Oh yeah? Could have fooled me. You jumped right up.”

  She took another sip of her daiquiri, then turned back to him. “I’m trying to force myself to do things that will make me feel good. Even if they’re scary or … embarrassing.”

  He nodded. The band had picked back up, the trumpet carrying the tune rather loudly, so he leaned down closer so she could hear him. “Sounds like a good plan.”

  “I hope so.”

  That was an odd thing for her to say, he thought. They sat a while longer, listening to the music and watching couples dance. The bar was busy enough to be entertaining but not so much that it was annoying, considering it was only a Tuesday. Either way, relaxing here was nice since they’d both complained that their feet had hurt after walking through town visiting bars and offering free sample bottles of Stag Signature Bourbon.

  But it had been worth it. Jake felt pretty solid about three contacts he’d made today, and one place had served them a free dinner, so that had been a bonus. He’d even let Alex lead on a couple of the stops, and not surprisingly, she was a natural. Tomorrow they had a booth at a liquor convention back at the hotel, and then after that they’d head down the Gulf and stop in bars along the way to Panama City.

  He glanced over at her, their chairs side by side, their arms touching. “You want to hang here for a while, or walk around?”

  “Let’s walk,” she said, taking the last sip of her giant drink. “And can you believe I finally finished that?”

  He chuckled. “Honestly, no.”

  When they stepped outside it was full night, although the street was well lit from the bars, shops, and street lamps. The crowd had also thickened. It was a gorgeous August evening, obviously warm because it was Louisiana, but there was the slightest breeze in the air.

  “This really makes me miss Europe. This might be as close as I’ll get here in the U.S.”

  “You think?” He asked, looking around. The most interesting place he’d been to was London in high school with his family, but honestly, he hadn’t appreciated it as much as he should have.

  “Yeah, the buildings, the art, the people walking around. The amazing music. There’s so much culture here. You have to admit, this isn’t like other cities in the country.”

  “I’ll definitely give you that. It’s special.”

  “Very special,” she said, smiling up at him.

  As they headed down another street, they came upon what appeared to be a folk band. Three male musicians and a young woman playing a banjo. He glanced over to Alex, and sure enough she was into it, if the smile on her face was any indication. After listening to her music all day yesterday, he knew this was right up her alley.

  Apparently, it was a lot of people’s jam, because they’d attracted quite a crowd, which had congested the roadway. Plenty of people were still trying to funnel through, though, creating a tight fit.

  As they moved closer and bodies crushed into them, Alex reached out and grabbed his hand, grasping his fingers. He held on back, pulling her hand in front of him to keep them close.

  “Let’s stop a minute, they’re so good,” she said, leaning up toward him. He nodded, moving in behind her when she positioned herself to get a better view of the singer. She was right, they were talented. Not something he’d play at home or anything, but live, with the fiddle, ukulele, washboard, and banjo, it was really something.

  The woman switched to a guitar, and they started another song. This one he recognized as an Indigo Girls song—because he wasn’t completely without culture. Alex began to sway gently back and forth in front of him, her ass brushing against his dick.


  Before he could step back, she leaned into him, her shoulder blades pressing into his chest. He took a deep breath. She’d been drinking. Wasn’t thinking. He could be cool about this. Had to be. When she began to sway again, he cursed silently. Their left hands were still joined down at their sides, and she obviously had no intention of letting go.

  Her backside pressed against him harder, and he wrapped his right arm around her waist to keep them in sync. If she was going to sway, he needed to sway also to lessen the friction on his nether regions. If not, he’d be stiff as hell in no time.

  She didn’t miss a beat when he pulled her in with his hand, wrapping their clasped hands around the front also. Her swaying intensified, obviously thinking he was getting into it.


  There were worse ways to avoid an erection than dancing with a beautiful woman. Suddenly she pulled away and lifted their hands, spinning in a circle to face him. She was beaming, her eyes lit up by the lights of Royal Street. Wrapping her hands around his neck, she continued to move her body to and fro.

  “This is the best song!” she yelled over the music.

  There was no fighting the grin that spread across his face. She was absolutely stunning right now, so full of life and absolute contentment, it was contagious.

  “Closer I am to fine,” she sang dramatically, dropping her head back, because she knew he wouldn’t let her go. And he didn’t.


  Alex felt like she was floating, leaning back, Jake holding her tight. She knew she could lean back like this forever, just letting the perfection of the moment carry her away. One of her favorite songs, a beautiful city, lovely people, and a strong, handsome man pressed against her.

  She lifted her head and stood upright, once again letting the melody carry her, her body swaying. Every word of this song was as if it was dragged out of her soul. She leaned into Jake and rested her head against his chest, just how she did that evening on the boat. It felt warm and safe, his scent enveloping her. This city, with its sights, sounds, tastes, and diverse and interesting people, was like magic, and she never wanted the moment to end.

  They continued to move their bodies against each other until the band ended the song with a dramatic guitar strum and the crowd around them clapped loudly, a few whistles filling the air.

  Looking up, Alex found Jake staring down at
her, his lips quirked. That was all she needed to see to know exactly what would make this moment better. Her hand slipped up the back of his neck until her fingers touched his hair. She pulled gently on his head at the same time she went up on her toes, until her lips were barely pressed into his.

  She froze, their lips touching. He didn’t move. Not a breath. Lowering her feet slowly, she met his eyes, which were wide and wary. He swallowed.

  “Alex,” he said. Although she could barely hear his words with the noise surrounding them, she’d felt the rumble of his speech in his chest, which was pressed against her breasts.

  Oh God, she’d made a horrible mistake. Misread this entire situation, because obviously he hadn’t wanted that at all.

  She parted her lips the slightest bit, trying to think of how to apologize, her face on fire. But before she could take a breath, his lips were back on hers, but for real this time, kissing her firmly. Her entire body sighed with relief as she pressed her lips onto his. Her arms tightened around his neck as he angled his head and took her mouth again.

  He continued with gentle nips and soft presses, and not once did he try and take it too deep, only small swipes of his tongue against her bottom lip as he tugged at it ever so gently.

  She could die from the pleasure of it. The gentleness of his touch and the ecstasy of having his hands travel up her back, lock onto each side of her face, and tilt her to his preference as he tasted every inch of her mouth.

  When his tongue finally dipped past her lips, she tasted strawberry daiquiri all over again, mixed with bourbon and vanilla. It was the sweetest thing she’d ever tasted. Right here in the middle of the street, surrounded by people and serenaded by beautiful music.

  When they finally each took a breath and locked eyes, she giggled, suddenly shocked with what had just happened. Pulling an arm from around his neck, she touched her lips lightly.

  Jake didn’t take his gaze off her, but he didn’t look nearly as enraptured as she felt. More … nervous.

  Before she could figure out the right thing to say to make this less awkward, he took her hand and led her off the street and onto the sidewalk. When a car drove by she realized why.


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