Cum For Bigfoot 6

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Cum For Bigfoot 6 Page 3

by Virginia Wade

  “Oh…God…oh…my-fucking-God!” I rubbed against him in such a way that my engorged clit buzzed with urgency. My breasts bounced with the motion of my hips, the milk continuing to douse Rusty; tiny droplets glistened in his fur. The horny Bigfoot didn’t care at all, his hips thrusting upwards, filling me, over and over.

  “Good, Porsche! Rusty likes Porsche!” Leonard growled at this announcement.

  I wasn’t going to be able to hold off the orgasm, because it had already gathered the necessary energy to boomerang, flooding me with sensation. I threw my head back and gasped, “Oh, shit! Oh, holy-fucking-shit!” I shuddered over Rusty, compressing his young cock with the walls of my vagina. Waves of euphoria crashed over me, the pleasure so intense, sparks exploded behind my eyelids. “Ooohhh…”

  “Cum all over me!” shouted Zelda. “Fuck me with that cock!”

  I collapsed on Rusty, exhausted and blissfully sated. I could feel his heart pounding against his ribcage. His penis was wedged inside of me, throbbing and hard. He squirmed his way out from under me and grabbed my hips, bringing me to my knees. With one thrust, he was buried deep, his balls brushing against my pussy.

  “Good…good!” he cried, and plunged. “Rusty likes Porsche.”

  Leonard mumbled his objection through a haze of marijuana smoke. I gripped the pelt, bracing myself, as a horny Sasquatch used me for his pleasure. The young buck fucked with a stamina that was exhilarating and awe-inspiring. I struggled to keep up; the rutting was sharp and repetitive.

  “Oh, wow!”

  The raw power of the lovemaking had me gasping and panting, my boobs swinging back and forth and crushing together violently. With each thrust, he seemed to ram my cervix, which in turn brought fresh bursts of arousal to my throbbing and swollen pussy. How much longer would he be able to keep this up? It shocked me, but I could feel another orgasm building. The tingling edges of release drew near, and as I clutched the fur, I held on for the ride of my life.

  “Porsche!” groaned Rusty, his voice sounding pained.

  “Omigod! Fuck me, you dirty boy! Fuck me!” The incessant pounding brought me to the brink. My body strained with tension. My nerve endings screamed from the abuse, yet they wanted more. “Harder! Fuck me harder! I’m so close.”

  “Whoooaaarrrr…” Rusty roared, sounding like the beast he was, while his fingers dug into my hips, his cock slamming into me.

  “Oh, no, oh-God-oh-fuck-me-God,” I cried, the pleasure so intense, I nearly bit my tongue. He stiffened then, jetting his cum into my pussy, the fluid so abundant, it poured down my inner thighs. The smell of semen lingered in the air, tart and musky. “Oh, God.” The orgasm seemed to ebb and flow yet never end. It was like a rolling earthquake, rising and falling, over and over. He drove in and out, allowing me to enjoy every second of the bliss that he’d incited. I collapsed onto the pelt, utterly spent.

  Rusty lay next to me, his hand on my back, rubbing gently. “Good, Porsche. Me like you.”

  Leonard’s growling forced him to move away, for fear that the older Sasquatch would pound his head in. I glanced into the fire, watching the flames flickering, blue, orange, and gold. Another set of hands touched me. It was Dale. His cock dripped with arousal.

  Oh, God. I was exhausted. It was going to be a long night.

  Chapter Four

  Lendal’s crying brought an end to the orgy, and, after I had washed up in the creek, I crawled into the shelter and pressed his hairy body to my boobs. He suckled himself back to sleep. Leonard and Dale joined us, one Sasquatch on either side, cocooning mother and son in their warmth. I drifted into a deep sleep, lulled by the gentle sound of their snoring.

  Lendal, who nuzzled my breast and latched on, sucking greedily, woke me the next morning. Dale’s hand was on my hip, warm and comforting. Leonard’s foot twitched, as did his jaw. He was in the middle of a dream. I gazed at my son and felt a burst of tenderness. He looked exactly like a miniature version of his father, but I fancied that his eyes were like mine. Most Sasquatch irises were nearly black, but Lendal’s had patches of lighter brown. The rarity of his looks made him stand out among the tribe.

  He sensed my attention and glanced up at me, droplets of milk spotted the fur around his mouth. “Me have to make poo,” he rasped.

  “Oh, Lendal,” I sighed.

  A furry hand pushed me. “I go.”

  “Be careful.”

  “Yes, mamma.” He crawled out of the shelter.

  The snapping of branches meant that someone was making a fire. I snuggled into Leonard and went back to sleep. An hour later, we were up and packing our things into the cart. They wanted to hike further into the Western Cascades, where, even in the summer months, it was cooler. We would have to wear warmer clothing, although the Sasquatches didn’t mind the plunging temperatures. They were on the hunt for elk. Our journey began with a torrential downpour, which necessitated waterproof gear. The apes enjoyed trudging through the mud, the dirt coating their legs past the knees. The smell of wet dog lingered around us, as we headed further into the forest of Douglas-firs and Western hemlock. Leslie and Zelda looked miserable, their faces hidden under their parkas. Bubba Jr. and Lendal were caked with mud, the little ones running ahead and eating berries off bushes. The fur around their lips had turned purple. By midday, the rain finally let up, and streams of sunlight filtered down between the leaves. A mist surrounded us, heavy and cool, the forest taking on a surreal and mysterious quality. I loved the unpredictability of the region and its raw beauty.

  We left the cart and our things near the path and wandered into a moss and lichen covered ravine. The Sasquatches seemed to know where they were going, this area being frequented by them for centuries. Leslie and I loitered towards the back of the rank, trudging along tiredly. We’d hardly had a break for lunch, because Bubba had wanted to continue. A little path emerged, between the rhododendron and huckleberry, opening up to reveal a small pond, with tendrils of smoke drifting from its surface.

  “Oh, how awesome,” murmured Leslie. “They know where all the cool hot springs are.”

  Lendal and Bubba Jr. jumped into the water, splashing and grunting happily. They had learned to swim early. This was a necessary survival skill. They had also learned how to catch fish with their hands and find berries.

  Zelda discarded her dress and joined them. “Oh, God. This is nice.” She swam to the center.

  I divested myself of my shorts and t-shirt, leaving them hanging over a branch along with my jacket. The edge was rocky and slippery, forcing me to hold out my hands for balance. If I thought getting in would be a gradual descent, I was wrong. There was a sharp drop and then nothing. This was a deep spring. Once submerged, my feet thrashed back and forth, finding only water. Dale and Leonard and the rest of the Sasquatches jumped in and bathed.

  One by one the apes emerged and shook themselves out like dogs after a bath, the water flying around them. It felt wonderful to be warm and clean. Leslie and I dressed and stepped into our shoes, while Zelda wrung out her hair. Rusty and Leonard wandered off. They stood staring at something on the ground.

  I approached them. “What is it?”

  Leonard pointed to a large indentation in the shape of a foot. “Ts’emekwes.”

  “Is it from us?”

  He shook his head, his nostrils flaring. “No. Other tribe.”

  “Oh.” I glanced around. “But they’re not here.”

  “Footprint fresh,” said Rusty.

  His glossy black stare roamed over me, and I tingled from the appraisal, remembering how I had deflowered him last night. “It means trouble, doesn’t it?”

  Leonard shrugged. “We watch out.”

  My tummy rumbled, reminding me of how hungry I was. “Can we eat?”

  Bubba, having come up behind us, grunted in agreement, uttering in a raspy voice, “Food.”

  After eating, we marched single file into the forest for hours, until the sun set and the shadows expanded, darkening our surroundings. The apes se
arched for the perfect spot to make camp, and after having found it, they wandered off to hunt for supper. They left Rusty behind to watch over the women and children. I needed to feed Lendal because my boobs ached, but nature called, and I found myself wandering through the trees to have a pee. After I had squatted and pulled my shorts up, a twig snapped behind me. I turned expecting to find Lendal, but instead I was face to face with a Sasquatch I had never seen before. His fur was darker, his eyes were pitch-black, and his nostrils flared, smelling me.

  “Oh, shit.”

  He grabbed me and tossed me over his shoulder, knocking the air out of my lungs. I had wanted to scream, but I could barely breathe. He sprinted through the forest, leaves smacking me in the face. Everything was a blur of green in those terrifying moments of my abduction. We had stumbled into another tribe’s territory, and I would be made to pay the price. When I finally regained the power of speech, I screamed at the top of my lungs, but I suspected it was too late. He had raced away from our camp at such a clip; I doubted anyone had heard me.

  “Put me down!” I kicked and hit him, pulling at his fur, and bringing out clumps of silky dark hair. “Oh, my God. Leonard! Leonard!”

  The grunting of the animal beneath me was pronounced, his exertions taking a toll on him, but he was determined to bring me far away from my tribe. I kicked and punched, with little effect, while he continued to pound the ground on sturdy legs. He smelled pungently of animal hide, the odor so strong, it wrinkled my nose. When at last he felt he was at a safe distance, he set me on my feet, but grasped my hair, holding the messy strands and forcing me to walk alongside him.

  “Ouch!” I struggled to break free, but his grip was overpowering. “Fuck,” I muttered. Leonard would find me. The apes were exceptional at following the scent of other Sasquatches and humans. Once they did this, there would be a huge fight. Oh, God. What a disaster.

  It was dark by the time a light appeared in the distance, signifying the rival camp. I stumbled on, my feet feeling like lead, and my head screaming with pain at the rough fingers holding my hair. To my relief, there were only two other Sasquatches at this fire. Their eyes lit up when they saw me.

  After I was released, I massaged my throbbing scalp. “Thanks, asshole.” A brief conversation ensued, dark eyes roaming over my body, lust flaring within their depths. I had seen that look before. Oh, great. They all want to fuck me. To make matters worse, my breasts were so full of milk they began to leak, wetting the outside of my t-shirt. This did not go unnoticed, and one ape in particular flicked out his tongue, wetting his black lips in eager anticipation. He waved to me, beckoning me to come. I hesitated, worried, yet curious as to what he wanted. Like, duh, Porsche. You know what he wants.

  He seemed less severe than the one who had kidnapped me; his eyes were warmer and his face softer. He made me kneel before him. I shivered slightly, since the wetness of my chest had made me cold. The other Sasquatches continued grunting and gesturing, while this one ran fingers through my hair, marveling at the color of the strands. He brought the hair to his nose and inhaled, closing his eyes. Tingles of arousal registered, and forced them away. I didn’t want to be turned on by these women-stealing pigs. But, then again, that was how I had ended up with Leonard. He had stolen Leslie, Shelly, and I from a camping trip. The rest had been history, although Shelly had decided not to stay with the Sasquatches.

  Inquisitive fingers roamed over my chest, feeling the wetness of my shirt. His nostrils flared at the scent of my milk, and he purred. I was accustomed to this sound, which was an indication of an ape’s affection. My pussy clenched with need, wetness dripping to my panties. He pulled on my shirt, clearly wanting me to remove it. I lifted the material over my head, baring my breasts. I was so full of fluid; I ached and throbbed. I was nearly desperate for release. He eyed my nipples, which strained from the pressure, little droplets of white emerging and falling to the ground.

  His lips closed over a nipple, and the floodgates burst open, showering him. He groaned and sucked, while his hands massaged my engorged flesh.

  “Oh, my…”

  The other two suddenly quieted, watching, their expressions excited to the point of rapture. Pink cocks emerged from tufts of noxious fur, the state of their excitement on full display. My ape took the second aching nipple and sucked, initiating a spray of milk. It was such a relief to have them expressed, that I sighed, my shoulders dropping and a heady lethargy relaxing me. I knew Leslie would feed Lendal, and he would be satisfied. Both of us produced far more milk than we needed.

  The low timber of a growl caught my attention, bringing me out of my let-down stupor. The black Sasquatch seemed unhappy that a subordinate was taking liberties with his stolen property. My ape grabbed me suddenly, hauling me onto his lap, as I continued to spray him, wetting his fur. They argued in an ancient language punctuated by grunts and gestures. I had picked up on several words, although the dialect was different. The black ape was the leader, and he wanted me first. The one who held me begged to differ. I sat on his lap, topless and leaking, and wondering what would happen next. I assumed my Sasquatches were following the scent. They would find me sooner than later.

  The black ape got to his feet, his face a mask of anger. The hostility radiated out of him in waves. He clenched his jaw, the sound of teeth grinding. The argument continued, with grunting and hand gesturing mixed with their vernacular. The one who held me, refused to let go. He vibrated with rage, his fur standing on end. The foliage around us shook, and several Sasquatches appeared, all of whom I recognized. Bubba, Leonard, Dale, Rusty, and several others, snarled with their teeth bared.

  The one who held me, clutched me even tighter. “Oh, shit.”

  “Whoooaaarrr…” roared the black ape. He flung himself at Bubba, the Sasquatches crashing together and pounding each other viciously.

  Dale and Rusty attacked the other ape, sending him to the ground in a loud crash. Leonard sank his teeth into his neck with an audible crunch.

  “You don’t have to kill them!” I yelled. I wanted to join the fray, but strong arms held me. I struggled to break free. “Let go!”

  The wounded ape, lay on the ground, holding his bleeding neck, and moaning. Bubba stomped on the black ape, rendering him unconscious. The violence perpetrated by Sasquatches was always shocking to witness. They could be the most loving and caring animals, but when provoked, they were fierce and just as lethal as a grizzly bear.

  Leonard drew near, snarling with his teeth bared. “Don’t hurt this one. He just wants me. He’s a lover.” Dale and Rusty joined him, growling and standing over us threateningly. The ape holding me refused to let go. Did he have a death wish?

  He uttered something low and guttural. I understood bits and pieces. He wanted to mate with me, and he was asking permission. Leonard hissed, spittle dripping from his pink gums. Dale also appeared less than happy with this request. I could feel the tip of a hard cock pushing against my ass. The arms that held me were wet with breast milk. The nipples had squirted until the pressure had eased, halting any further release.

  The quarrel was ongoing, but there seemed to be some sort of a resolution emerging. They were negotiating the terms of my ravishment, which I found amusing. If I were to be given to him, he and his tribe would have to leave the area immediately. This seemed more than reasonable to the horny ape, who continued to press his erection into me.

  The wounded Sasquatch sat up, holding his neck, while blood oozed from his injury. It was more than likely superficial, and it would heal on its own. The black ape was still unconscious; his breathing was low and raspy. Leonard, tired of arguing, sat on a pelt and glared at me.

  “Don’t look like that. It’s not my fault!”

  “You mine, Porsche.”

  “I know.”

  “He want you.”

  “I can’t help that.”

  He snorted unhappily. “He take you.”

  “He will?”

  “Yes.” His expression revealed his dista
ste for this event.

  Strong hands pulled on my shorts, bringing them down my hips. Leonard, Dale, and Rusty watched as I was pushed to my knees. My panties were suddenly at my ankles, and a hard cock prodded my pussy. “Oh, my God…” This had happened awfully fast. I hardly had a moment to regain my composure. “Oh!” He slid in far too easily, revealing the state of my excitement, which was shameful.

  This mating wasn’t gentle, and, as the Sasquatch hammered me, I grasped at the pelt under my fingers, holding on for dear life. He reminded me of Rusty the night before, the eagerness, and the animalistic need was punctuated by deep guttural groans. The sharp driving of his cock pounded against my cervix, exasperating the buzzing that had begun.

  “Oh, shit, Leonard!” My mate growled unhappily in response.

  I didn’t want to enjoy being taken like this by a strange Bigfoot while my lovers watched. Was it really my fault that these creatures found me irresistible? “Oh…oh…no…” I was mortified, but my body enjoyed the rough sex, far more than I could have ever imagined. The lengthy phallus massaged my honeyed walls, making the swollen lips of my labia drip with my own juices.

  The ape rasped, his breathing harsh, while his grunts increased. He was reaching his end, and I would join him. To my shame, I could feel the storm gathering, the pressure mounting, and the tingling climbing to the threshold of pleasure. I was an erotic powder keg about to burst.

  “Oh-my-fucking-God!” I shuddered, the intensity of the orgasm forcing my head forward, my hair spilling to the fur. The beast behind me stiffened, emptying himself, the wetness pouring out over my inner thighs. Together we moaned and shuddered, the pleasure so intense, I thought I might lose consciousness. “Ohh…ooohhh…shit…”


  I glanced at Leonard. He looked unhappy. “Don’t be mad at me,” I whispered. He grunted in reply and crossed his arms over his chest. When the Sasquatch released me, Leonard grabbed me and hauled me to him, anger flaring in his look. “I’m sorry. Was I not supposed to like it?” He grunted and gave me my clothes. “T-thanks.” I dressed quickly, while nervous bundles of energy had me worrying over my own safety. He grasped me none too gently and threw me over his shoulder, which was something he hadn’t done in years. Oh, he’s pissed.


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