Masters of My Desire

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Masters of My Desire Page 7

by Jenna Jacobs

  You’re here now. Bask in every sensation while you can.

  I nuzzled Nick’s chest and closed my eyes. I inhaled his masculine scent, branding it into memory. I threaded my fingers through Dylan’s hand, still resting on my hip. I imprinted the feel of his gentle and reassuring squeeze to my soul. I may not have been able to live this fairy tale forever, but I could take these memories with me and pray they’d be enough. Tears seeped from my eyes once again. I couldn’t hide from the fact that they’d changed me. Freed me. Opened me to something magical. Forced me to see that the parts I’d tucked away were beautiful and natural. With a clarity I’d never known before, a veil had been lifted. I was a submissive and it was pointless for me to deny it ever again.

  I had six days…six short days, to learn all I could about submission from these two amazing Doms. And I had no intention of wasting a single moment. I sniffed and inhaled a ragged breath, welcoming the sudden calm, centered feeling washing over me.

  In a tangled web of arms and legs, we talked for a long time. My plague of insecurities gone, at least for the moment, I found it easy to confess all the curiosities I yearned to experience. My list wasn’t long and their eager remarks made it clear they were going to take immense pleasure in introducing me to the joys of paddles and bondage. Their gentle words, wicked chuckles and reassuring mien filled me with nervous energy. A flash of anticipation tore through me at their promise of testing my limits. I was anxious to being the journey.

  It was several hours before we ventured from the bed. I peeked out the window as they slipped back into their jeans. Snow had drifted half way up the large rectangular window “Unbelievable,” I muttered, in awe of Mother Nature’s frenzy. “You guys have got to see this.”

  As they peered out the window, Nick shook his head chuckled. “Guess we’ll have to find a way to occupy our time while we’re snowed in.”

  “I bet we can come up with something fun.” Dylan winked then flashed a sordid grin. “Like dishes.”

  “Oh yeah, that was the first thing on my list,” Nick quipped with a sarcastic roll of his eyes.

  They were shirtless and virile in their low-slung jeans, making it was pure torture to join them in cleaning up the breakfast dishes. The desire to glide my tongue over every inch of their sharp, defined muscles was driving me insane. Catching the glimpse of heated desire in Dylan’s azure eyes, I spread my legs and bent at the waist while stowing the frying pan and grinned as he cursed under his breath. That was all the encouragement I needed. Teasing and tormenting with overt poses as I put the clean dishes away, their playful swats and broad-handed gropes made my hormones zing from head to toe.

  While wiping down the stove, I noticed Dylan dash down the hall only to reappear a few moments later with a large black duffle bag slung over his shoulder.

  “Excellent idea,” Nick drawled with a mischievous smile.

  “What’s that, Sir?” I asked.

  “A good Dom is like a boy scout, kitten. They always come prepared,” Dylan replied as he plopped the bag down on the dining table. “And trust me, girl. We’re damn prepared.”

  “Prepared for everything,” Nick chuckled in agreement. “Even curious pets stranded on the side of the road. When did you bring that in?”

  “Yesterday when I unloaded the groceries. I hoped we might need it,” Dylan’s eyes twinkled in devilish delight.

  “Why do I have the feeling there’s something dangerous inside?”

  “Is that how you address us, little one?” Nick’s brow arched.

  “I mean, Sirs,” I amended with a grimace.

  “Only dangerous for kittens who forget to show proper respect,” Dylan chided.

  “Yikes,” I gulped. “I promise to do better, Sirs.”

  “Then nothing in there is dangerous for you, little one…only fun.”

  I inched close to the table as Dylan took his time pulling back the heavy-duty zipper. The tick of its teeth filled me with anxiety. I couldn’t bring myself to attempt a peek inside.

  He reached into the bag and pulled out several thick bundles of white cotton rope. My heart sped up as a smile formed over my lips.

  “Dylan is a master in the art of Shibari. Have you read about it, little one?”

  I shook my head. “No, Sir.”

  “It’s Japanese rope bondage. It’s quite lovely to look at and even more impressive for the sub that’s bound and trussed up beneath its knots.”

  A quivering sigh fluttered from my lips as I stared at the innocuous bundles. Dylan unwrapped various lengths of rope and draped them over the table. With a crook of his finger, he smiled. “Spread your legs and raise your arms out to the side.”

  He wrapped the soft rope around my waist, lacing the smooth cotton under my arms and beneath my breasts while Nick helped cinch the braided cord in place. The combination of gliding coils and their warm hands grazing my flesh lulled me into a place of peace. Dylan worked silently, threading rope beneath lines already established and tying knots at various intersecting intervals. He continued to wind the rope around my torso and between my breasts, securing me in stunning diamond pattern. They worked in tandem, trussing me up in ties and lines. A trail of neatly aligned knots extended down my body, each one constricting me tighter. Each precisely placed strand forced my flesh to bulge and as he wrapped the rope firmly, I exhaled, closing my eyes, lost in the splendor of being bound. The lack of mobility wrought by the restraints induced a state that felt like being drugged. As I surrendered to their masterful hands and the soft reassurance of the rope, I was soon floating in a silent corner of my mind.

  My eyes fluttered as a strand slid between the cheeks of my ass then up my center, pressing a fiery kiss upon my clit. Dylan mumbled something about my wet pussy, but I was too far gone to piece his words together. Suspended in an ethereal cloud of tranquility, I sailed free, never wanting to touch back down.

  A sturdy tug on my nipples caused me to flinch before warm mouths engulfed my breasts, and sucked my steepled buds. Their soft slick tongues pressed each one to the roof of their heated mouths before they nipped and laved my pebbled areolas. Issuing a sultry moan, I rolled my hips as a provocative burn blossomed beneath my clit. The knotted rope strategically placed atop my pearl burnished like a lover’s thumb, chasing streaks of lightning through my veins. Pressure surged as I ground against the cluster.

  A sturdy slap landed on my ass. I squealed as my eyes flew open and their persuasive mouths abandoned my breasts.

  “Welcome back, kitten. I take it you’re enjoying the ropes?”

  “Mmm,” I purred. “Yes, Sir. They’re amazing.”

  “I think you like this knot the best, little one,” Nick teased as he reached down, giving a tug on the rope that bisected my core.

  “Ahhhh,” I hissed. “Especially that one.”

  My admission brought a smile to their faces.

  “Are you doing okay? Tell us what you’re feeling,” Dylan’s hypnotic blue eyes studied me with an intense gaze.

  “I’m doing wonderfully, Sir. I feel like I’m floating in clouds. The ropes are tight but they don’t hurt, in fact, they feel incredible. I’d always dreamt of being bound, although not in this way. I never imagined I would feel so safe and whole.” I sighed in frustration. “It’s more than that, but I can’t find words to describe how blissful I feel right now.”

  “In what way had you dreamed about bondage, little one?” Nick asked with a leering grin.

  “Just the regular, Sir. You know, tied to the bed.. that sort of thing.”

  “You’re doing a fine job, kitten.” Dylan smiled. “Are you brave enough for me to bind your arms?” I nodded in anticipation of even more rope encasing my flesh.

  “No more stimulating your clit, Savannah, that’s our job. You do it again, and we’ll cut the rope between your legs. I’ll personally see to it that you suffer a good long while in orgasm denial. Do you understand?”

  “What’s orgasm…oh,” I amended as a mental picture of his
threat filled my mind. “I don’t think I’d like that, Sir.”

  He laughed. “I’m sure you wouldn’t, but it’s a very effective tool, little one.”

  “I think edging might be more effective,” Dylan interjected as he guided my arms down in front of my body and pressed my wrists together. “Hold your arms like that and don’t move, kitten.”

  “I won’t, Sir. What is edging?” I asked as he began to wrap my wrists and looped the rope between them.

  “Edging is a bit more sadistic than orgasm denial.” His cerulean eyes sparkled as he glanced up at me. “It involves taking you to the brink of orgasm then bringing you back down, over and over, until the combination of frustration, delirium, and need has you all but pulling your hair out.”

  “Oh,” I whispered. That didn’t sound enjoyable at all. “Don’t either of you implement fun punishments?”

  “Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of a punishment, little one?” Nick grinned. “But there are times when a punishment backfires on a Dom. Like your spanking earlier.”

  “How did that backfire?” I asked as Dylan’s hands secured a tight, exact row of stunning knots from elbows to wrists.

  “You enjoyed it,” Nick growled.

  The ropes felt incredible but I found that engaging in conversation kept my mind from floating back to that ethereal place I’d visited before.

  “This isn’t the type of Shibari I’d put you in for a suspension scene at Genesis, but I wanted you to get a feel for the ropes, kitten.”

  “What is Genesis?”

  “It’s our BDSM club back home,” Nick responded as his gaze trailed up and down my snugly bound body. “You look absolutely gorgeous.”

  “Damn, I wish I had a lift for you here. It’s amazing how fast you fly to subspace with the few things we’ve tried so far. I would love to watch you float away, suspended high in the air.”

  I blinked at Dylan. Subspace? Was that the dreamy feeling I kept experiencing?

  He must have read my mind, because he smiled and combed his fingers through my hair.

  “Yes, kitten. We can tell by the way your eyes get all glassy and unfocused. You wear subspace well.”

  “It’s peaceful. My mind goes quiet and I just…feel what you’re doing to me. I like it.”

  “That’s how it’s supposed to be, little one,” Nick nodded soberly.

  A shy smile curled on my lips. “So, now what am I supposed to do? You’ve got me trussed up like a turkey.”

  “Greedy, aren’t we, little one?” Nick teased.

  “Yes. I am. We’ve only…” Dylan arched his brow. I didn’t want to remind them about the disquieting amount of time we had. Like a sponge, I wanted to absorb every sensation and emotion they were willing to share, in our limited days. “I’m anxious to learn is all, Sir.”

  Nick swatted my butt and growled. “Honesty, girl. This all stops if you can’t be totally honest.”

  A gasp of shock filled my lungs. “We only have a few short days, Sir. I want to learn it all.”

  “Much better. Thank you, little one.” Nick’s voice held a disquieting edge and a blind man couldn’t miss the dismal look they exchanged. “We’ll teach you as much as we can in the time we have, girl.”

  My heart clutched as my eyes stung. With a solemn nod, I lowered my head. Drawing attention to the scant number of days we’d share, I’d inadvertently given credence to the elephant in the room. And with it, the disquieting realization that I’d allowed them to bind not only my body, but my heart. The realization sent a rolling rush of panic through me.

  “I’m sorry to ask this after you’ve gone to all this trouble, Dylan Sir, but I need to use the restroom. Could you please untie me now, Sir?”


  It was a cowardly way out, but I needed a few minutes to gather my thoughts…to cordon off my heart and set some desperately needed internal boundaries. As they released the ropes, I closed my eyes. My freedom was bittersweet. With each snug line they peeled away, a layer of my submission went with it.

  The slap of reality was far too harsh. I wasn’t equipped to handle this. They’d stolen my heart so fast—even after I’d vowed not to let them—that the need to reclaim it was essential. The power they wielded was more persuasive than I’d ever dreamed possible. I never imagined drowning so easily into submission.

  As the last rope slid from my flesh, I had to force myself to walk, not run, to my room. I closed and locked the bathroom door then sat on the edge of the whirlpool tub. I scrubbed a hand over my face, desperate to compartmentalize the swirl of emotions.

  I’d not sorted a damn thing before the door knob twisted and rattled.

  “Open the door, Savannah.” Nick’s deep voice thundered on the other side.

  “I’m almost done,” I choked out as I lurched to my feet and flushed the toilet in ruse.

  “You’ve just earned a round of edging, pet. Open now or you’ll be racking up even more torture.”

  I swung the door open and was met by two faces etched in blatant disapproval. My stomach twisted into knots, and not the fun Shibari kind. “What did I do?”

  Dylan walked to the edge of my bed and pointed to a spot on the floor. “Not another word, kitten. On your knees… over the bed,”

  “But, I…”

  “You were told not to speak,” Nick interrupted with a paralyzing scowl.

  Somehow I managed to assume their instructed position even as my body trembled and my knees felt like Jell-O. Spying the black duffel bag on the floor near the end of my bed, I was certain it contained a plethora of wicked devices for unruly subs. But I wasn’t unruly… I was just confused and desperate for some alone time to sort out my feelings. Why couldn’t they understand that?

  Because you didn’t tell them, dumb ass.

  “Arms above your head and keep them there. I don’t want to see a pinky twitch, pet” Nick’s voice teemed in command, and my tunnel contracted in arousal.

  Pressing my forehead against the mattress, my hair shrouded my face as I placed my arms above my head. Trepidation galloped through me and I battled to contain my fear.

  A heavy foot slid between my legs, nudging my knees apart once, twice, three times, until I was wide open to accept my punishment. Cool air wafted over my exposed pussy. I had no doubt they’d see how wet I was.

  A broad hand splayed over the small of my back as the bed dipped. Nick’s scent surrounded me as his warm breath danced over the shell of my ear.

  “You shut down on us like a light switch, little one. You have ten seconds to explain what trigger flipped in that beautiful head of yours.”

  His terse demand had my pussy oozing like sweet, thick honey.

  No. They could use soothing words, pull every deviant trick out of that little bag of tricks, but I would not confess I’d lost hold of my heart. I might as well have pathetic looser tattooed on my forehead. I’d take their punishment then find a way to recapture my heart.

  With unyielding pride, I pressed my lips together.

  “Nothing to say, kitten?” Dylan prodded.

  I shook my head without uttering a word. Every muscle in my body tensed in anticipation of eminent pain.

  I jerked with a start as two fingers plunged inside my slick core. A masterful thumb began to strum my clit.

  “Oh, God,” I moaned.

  “No, kitten, we’re not gods, just two tenacious Masters determined to tear down your walls. You can’t escape us, girl. You’ll tell us what’s bothering you, if we have to keep you here all night.”

  There was no malice in Dylan’s tone, just a buttery promise. Validation that they intended to prod, gouge, and split me wide open, at least emotionally. Decadent fingers toyed with my pussy, setting me on a collision course with the stars. Trying to force aside the rising tide of desire, something cold and slippery slid over the puckered ring of my ass hole. All prospect of rejecting their pleasure went up in a cloud of elusive smoke.

  “No,” I cried out in fear, trying to r
ise up from the bed. Nick’s splayed hand held me in place, like an anvil atop a fly.

  “Shhh,” Nick murmured in my ear. “It’s lube. Your ass is virgin, isn’t it, little one?”

  “Yes Sir,” I gasped squeezing my eyes shut, counting the seconds before an invasion of pain.

  “How did you think you’d be able to accommodate both of us at once?” Nick pressed.

  “I didn’t,” I lied.

  The sinister fingers withdrew from my pussy. Morass with need, my hips writhed and a moan of despair seeped from my lips. A buzzing sound filled my ears then someone pressed a cold vibrator mercilessly against my clit.

  “Simmer for a bit, kitten,” Dylan chided. “Then maybe we can get some straight answers from you.”

  Within minutes, I was on the cusp of orgasm. Squirming, I tried to escape the vibrating demon. Desperate for release or reprieve, my limbs grew numb and my tunnel expanded. The orgasm was barreling down on me like a freight train. I keened in panic as I clamored to hold back my release. The vibe was pulled away and I slunk to the mattress as a groan of frustration bubbled in the back of my throat.

  “Why did you shut down earlier, little one?” Nick pressed in a deep, honey-sweet voice.

  So, they wanted to play twenty questions with my arousal again. Dammit, I sucked at this fucking game. Sucking in a deep breath, I was determined to hold out even as my clit screamed in demand.

  “I had to go to the bathroom,” I hissed. Why wouldn’t they let me have just one little white lie? We could move on to bigger and better things…like the gargantuan orgasm clawing inside.

  Nick let out a humorless chuckle as the buzzing vibrator whirred to life. “You don’t have permission, little one.”


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