Masters of My Desire

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Masters of My Desire Page 20

by Jenna Jacobs

  After returning to the bedroom, I stood in silence, drinking it all in. There wasn’t an inkling of masculinity to be found in the room. It was bright and airy and gossamer, as if I’d stepped through a door to heaven. Pale peach and sage green accents highlighted the bedspread and curtains. Cream polished tables were tastefully arranged in the cozy seating area and butted both sides of the big bed. Each elegant table was adorned with a crystal vase overflowing in peach flowers. The room was both functional and aesthetically soothing. Tears stung my eyes as I gazed at the overstuffed ecru couch positioned in front of the fireplace, exactly like the couch in the barn.

  “What do you think, little one?” Nick asked, breaking me from my reverie.

  “Oh, Master. It’s… magical,” I whispered with a soft sniff.

  “You’ve not seen the best part yet, kitten.” Dylan grinned as he breezed past me and stood before a massive mirrored armoire.

  “What’s in there?” I asked, having presumed it was a closet.

  “It’s where we keep the fun toys hidden, kitten.” He laughed and pulled the doors open.

  “Oh my,” I gasped, gazing over the oasis of floggers, paddles, cuffs, gags, whips and vibes. Spying several sizes of butt plugs, I quivered. “You’ve got a lot of stuff there, Sirs.” I gulped.

  “Not near as many as we have in our room at Genesis, little one.” Nick smiled as he pulled me to his side. “Think of this as the continuing education equipment.”

  I giggled and brushed my fingers over the soft thick falls of a heavy flogger. My clit throbbed and I sucked in a shaky breath.

  Nick plucked my turgid nipple then leaned in close to my ear. “I think our toy closet turns you on, pet. Is your pussy wet?”

  “And then some, Master,” I exhaled on a wistful sigh.

  “Good. That’s how we like to keep you, girl. Wet. Ready. Needy. And longing to please us in every way possible.”

  “Oh, I’m there, Sir. All the way.” I trembled as I peeled my attention from the luscious assortment of toys to stare into his dark, dangerous eyes.

  The smile fell from his lips as he spun me to his chest, trapping my lips in a torrid kiss.

  “If you start this now, bro, we’re never going to get any sleep,” Dylan warned from behind me.

  I felt Nick’s lips curl in a smile before he pulled away. “Who needs sleep?”

  “We all do if we plan to go to Genesis tonight.”

  “Genesis?” My eyes grew wide and an excited smile spread split my mouth. “But why do you need a club when you’ve got so many toys here, Sir?”

  “We have toys but it’s more fun using the equipment there, kitten. Plus you need to feel the vibe in the air, hear the erotic sounds, smell the leather and the sex, meet the people who share the same kink.”

  “But I don’t have anything to wear. I mean, I don’t own fetish wear.”

  “We’ll take you out later this afternoon, after we’ve had some sleep,” Nick explained. “We’ll get you some new clothes. Not just club wear, but dresses and whatever else you might want.”

  “I don’t want anything except you, two, Masters. You’re all I need and want.”

  For the first time, I’d confessed what was in my heart without fear of rejection. It was freeing to feel so safe.

  Dylan swirled me from Nick’s arms and ushered me into an stunning bathroom. I grinned when I spied the oversized whirlpool tub, much larger than at Kit’s. Elevated against one wall there was a tier of marble stairs skirting its edge. Sprawled along another wall was a rainforest shower with crystal doors. Against the third wall was a long wide marble vanity. Three ebony marble wash basins with glimmering silver faucets sat poised beneath the biggest mirror I’d ever seen.

  “The toilet is in here,” Nick stated, opening the door to another large room with not only a stool, but a bidet.

  The suite was bigger than my entire apartment. Hell, it had to be larger than mine and my neighbor’s unit combined. I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that Nick and Dylan lived in these lavish surroundings.

  No wonder Nick had Paige sign a pre-nup. Probably a damn good thing, too.

  “Oh, and there’s one important rule for the master suite, little one.”

  I could already figure out what rule Nick was talking about by the mischievous twinkle in his luscious eyes. “No clothes. Right, Master?”

  Both men chuckled. “You’re catching on quick, kitten,”

  “I just want to make you the happiest Masters on the face of the earth.” I sighed.

  “You already make us happy, little one, but pushing your limits will no doubt make us even happier. And finding a way to keep you here forever…that would make us ecstatic.”

  Forever. I wasn’t foolish enough to think it would last forever. All good things came to an end, eventually. And though I didn’t want to start thinking about it, the day would come when I’d be forced to leave. Walk away from the two men who brought more joy in my life than I’d ever thought possible. Leave their magical castle and go back to my boring existence. But until then, I would live out this fairy tale as long as I could.

  It wasn’t like I could turn my back and walk away from the responsibilities that waited for me at home. I had a job and a lease on an apartment. The only saving grace was this time. Now, I had months, not weeks, to spend with them. Maybe it would be easier to say good-bye once I finally got my fill of submission.

  And maybe you need to pull that hose out, ‘cause sugar, you’ve never blown that much smoke up your ass. Ever.

  I was once again thwarted by that pragmatic inner voice of reason.

  Even if I’d tried, I couldn’t candy coat it. No matter how many months I spent with them, it would never be enough. I’d fallen hopelessly in love with them both, but eventually I’d have to find a way to live without their abiding love. The gaping hole they’d leave in my heart would never heal. I sent up a silent prayer that somehow, in some way, this fairy tale might have a happy ending. But for the life of me, I couldn’t envision that ever becoming a reality.

  “Savannah,” Nick interrupted my wayward thoughts. “What’s wrong? You have that look again.”

  “What look, Master?” I grinned, attempting to mask my worries. Nick’s warning expression and the sound of Dylan’s disappointed sigh had me lowering my head and casting my eyes to the floor.

  “That ‘I’m going to try like hell to pretend everything’s all right and hope they don’t notice’ look,” Nick growled as he ate up the distance between us before gripping my chin and tilting my head back up. “You know how we feel about this game, girl.”

  “It’s not a game, Master,” I whispered as Dylan swooped in behind me.

  “Then what the hell do you call it, kitten?” I gasped as Dylan snarled in my ear then sunk his teeth into the side of my neck. A million pinpricks exploded beneath my flesh and my tunnel clenched in want.

  “I don’t know how to do this… how to tell you both every thought that flutters through my brain. I’m not used to confessing the mass of crap that consumes my every waking hour.”

  “Then you’d better get used to it, little one, because that’s exactly what we expect.”

  Nick’s eyes were ablaze with reprimand and disappointment. Glancing over my shoulder, Dylan’s reflected the same. God, I hated to let them down. Their palpable displeasure felt like a spike through my heart.

  “I’m worried about having to leave you two again, in a few months.” I confessed it in a tiny voice.

  “Hopefully you won’t want to,” Nick replied with furrowed brows.

  “I already know I don’t want to, but I’ll have to, Sir.”

  “Do you want some popcorn?” Dylan snarled in my ear.

  “Huh?” I asked whipping my head around, feeling my face wrinkle with confusion. “No, I’m not hungry.”

  “That’s not what I was insinuating, kitten. It seems to me you’ve already plopped your ass in the theatre and started projecting the worst. I just thought you mi
ght want some popcorn as the movie plays in your head.”

  Dylan’s tone was snarky and condescending, and it pushed a big honkin’ button inside. Spinning to face him, I let out a low growl and placed my hands on my hips.

  “I’m not projecting the worst. I’m simply stating the facts. I have a job, an apartment and responsibilities to--”

  “To whom?” Nick smirked.

  “To Myron, my boss. I do work from the office at least one day a week so I can check up on him.”

  “It’s Myron a grown man, kitten?”

  “Yes, but he’s old and--”

  “And you mother him?” Nick asked with a patronizing smile.

  “Stop belittling me. Both of you,” I huffed.

  “There she is,” Nick smiled.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked, still fuming at their demeaning remarks.

  “You,” he glowered. “Ever since you realized it was us that you beat the shit out of yesterday, you’ve been acting like a Stepford sub. It’s about time the real you emerged again. You know, the girl with spunk and fire? Trust me little one, she’s a whole lot more erotic than the mousy Miss Perfect we rode up here with.”

  “I’m not perfect and I wasn’t pretending anything. I was trying to please you two, if you must know.”

  “You honestly don’t think you please us, kitten?” Dylan asked in amazement.

  “I do in bed, but outside of sex, I honestly have no fucking clue.”

  “Strip,” Nick growled as he stepped next to Dylan.

  I exhaled a mighty sigh and tore away my clothes. “Kneel as well, Masters?” I asked in a snippy voice.

  “No. March your sexy bare ass to the kitchen, pet.” Dylan grinned.

  “I don’t remember how to get there. Sir.” I hissed.

  “Follow me,” Nick instructed with a wicked smirk before he turned on his heel and walked away.

  I knew better than to ask what they had in store for me, and I was certain it probably wasn’t anything I’d enjoy, at least not at first. With a heavy sigh, I followed Nick out the door and down the stairs, well aware of Dylan right behind me.

  When we reached the sparkling bright kitchen Nick opened a cupboard and pulled out a box of rice. I watched as he sprinkled the white pellets onto the pristine ceramic tiled floor.


  “Not one sound, little one. And if you slip with another curse word, it will be a mouth full of dish soap for you, as well. On your knees, hands behind your neck.”

  I blinked as Nick pointed to a spot on the floor thick with dry rice.

  I clenched my jaw, laced my fingers behind my neck and knelt upon the rice. I’d barely gotten into position before the hard granules bit into my knees with a savage sting. The longer my body weight bore down on the tiny specks, the more painful it became. Trying to reposition myself was futile. The more I wiggled, the more potent the agony became. Both men leaned against the counter, their ropey arms crossed over sculpted chests, watching me as I fought the urge to cry out.

  “You please us more than any woman we’ve ever known. Yet you don’t believe that. Not in your heart at least. Do you think we’re lying to you when we praise you, little one?”

  “No, Sir.” I whispered.

  “You’re not giving us a chance to succeed, little one. It’s unfair to our entire relationship. You have to communicate your feelings with us. If you harbor the tiniest doubt about how much we love you, we need to know. Closing yourself off, anticipating good-bye, will only promote negativity. Pessimism will destroy our relationship. If you want us in your life then you’ve got to give us a chance. None of us know what the coming months will bring. But I can tell you this, neither Dylan or I want to lose you. We will find a way to make this work. We love you, girl. I can’t be any clearer about our feelings. It’s up to you to decide if you’re going to believe us or not.”

  I closed my eyes and sighed as my shoulders slumped. “I do believe you, Master, and I love you both so very much. I want to stay, honest I do. I can’t help but worry. This is all too perfect. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.” I sucked in a hiss as pain radiated from my knees. “Is my punishment over?”

  “No, kitten. Think of the rice as another way we want to drill into your soul everything we’ve already explained to you. We’ve been crystal clear from the very beginning what our expectations are. We’ve coddled, edged, denied and talked. Maybe a little torture will make you finally realize that your trust, honesty and communication isn’t something we can take. You have to freely give it to us, girl.” Dylan squatted down, eye level with me. “Don’t let your worries deny you the chance at happiness, kitten.”

  Tears stung my eyes. They’d talked to me about releasing my control until they were blue in the face, but I still clung to it. Not only that, I’d tried to slam a door in their face before I’d given them a chance to keep my fairy tale alive.

  “They’re all I know, Masters. They protect me from getting hurt,” I sobbed. My heart was aching ten times worse than my knees.

  “Did it hurt when you ran away from us?” Nick asked, squatting next to Dylan and leveling me with a tormented gaze.

  I nodded as fat tears slid down my cheeks. “More than I’d ever thought possible, Sir.”

  “We don’t want you to hurt, little one. We want you to grow. To feel safe, protected and most of all, loved.”

  “Then help me off this da…painful rice, please Master?” I begged with a loud sniff.

  “We need a promise, kitten,” Dylan warned. “No more keeping destructive and negative fears locked up inside you.”

  “I’m trying, Master, I really am. It’s not easy for me.”

  “We know, kitten. We know. But you don’t have to handle everything alone anymore. You have two strong Masters who can’t wait to shoulder your fears. We’ve been over this time and again.”

  “I know. I know.” I nodded, wishing I could find the magic key to unlock my fucking insecurities. “I promise I’ll work on it, Masters. I’ll work hard for you both.”

  “Work hard for all of us, sweet girl. This isn’t just for our benefit, it’s for yours too.” Nick brushed the pads of his thumbs over my cheek, wiping away my tears, then stood. Rice crunched beneath his shoes. The sound struck me with a wave of déjà vu. It reminded me of the gravel beneath their car tires as they left Kit’s, and the beastly grief that had consumed me. I never wanted to feel that unholy despair again.

  Nick’s stout arms banded around my waist and lifted me off the rice. Still crouched next to me, Dylan reached out and brushed the embedded bits from my knees.

  “I’m sorry I disappointed you, Masters.”

  “You’ve not disappointed us, kitten,” Dylan reassured as he stood and tangled his arms around us. “Frustrated us? Yeah. There’s still a lot we need to teach you. But laying this groundwork is more important than anything else.”

  “I understand. Honestly, I do.” I leaned my head against Dylan’s shoulder as his fingers threaded my hair. “I don’t like the rice lesson, Masters. I’d much rather take edging.”

  They both chuckled. Nick kissed the top of my head. “Come on, little one. Let’s get some sleep. I think we’re beyond exhausted.”

  When I climbed into the enormous bed, their naked bodies surrounded me, infusing me with their familiar warmth. As I drifted off to sleep, I smiled at the soft snores coming from the two men who owned my heart.


  Dawn was breaking when I opened my eyes to find Nick’s mouth teasing my hardened nipple. A soft purr rolled from the back of my throat and I stretched, arching into his mouth with a silent plea. Dylan lay snoring with a leg wrapped around mine in possessive claim. Nick tugged the turgid tip between his teeth. My needful moan stirred Dylan awake. A wicked smile played over his lips when he rolled to his side to watch.

  “Does his mouth feel good, kitten?”

  “Mmmm, yes, Master.”

  “Is your pussy wet for me, sweet slut?” D
ylan taunted.

  “Ahhh,” I gasped. “Yes, Master. Wet and so hot.”

  “That’s what I like to hear, kitten. Spread your legs for me. I need your sweet honey on my tongue.”

  Dylan crawled between my splayed legs. Without his usual teasing or torment, his insidious mouth captured my folds and his tongue plunged deep in my core. The tip of his nose burnished my clit, chasing desire through my veins. My soft whimpers of delight floated through the air. Nick eased back, his dark eyes scrutinizing my every response.

  “I love to watch you climb, little one. You’re expressions are so pure…so innocent…so fucking erotic,” he whispered, plucking and pinching my distended nipples.

  “Please Masters, make love to me,” I begged, writhing beneath the growing inferno.

  “I love hearing you beg, little one,” Nick growled before he straddled my chest and brushed the slick tip of his swollen crest over my lips.

  I stared at his refined, sharp features. His tawny smooth flesh. His seductive dark eyes. His long sleep-tousled hair glistened midnight-blue from the early morning light streaming through the parted curtains. He was beyond stunning. A dreamy sigh escaped my lips as I dropped my gaze to his pulsating cock. I breathed in his heady masculine scent, my mouth watering for a taste of the potent pearl blossoming atop the sensitive slit. Dylan eased away and I whimpered at the loss of his decadent tongue bath.

  “More, Master Dylan. Please.”

  “Easy, pet. He’ll be back. He’s just running to get some condoms. Now open those plump lips for me, my sweet slut. I need to feel your wicked mouth around my cock.”

  I parted my lips, engulfing Nick’s glistening crown, savoring his potent spice exploding over my tongue. Dylan’s hands gripped my hips before he speared deep into my core. My entire body bowed, sending Nick’s thick, vein-threaded cock deep down my throat.




  Sensations swamped me. Suffused with their potent and intoxicating force, I wanted to scream to the heavens. Their tandem rhythm ensured I remained anchored to them every sinful second. My tunnel clutched, milking Dylan’s surging shaft. His crest scraped over that magic spot deep inside lighting me up with each decadent pass.


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