Masters of My Desire

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Masters of My Desire Page 23

by Jenna Jacobs

  An extremely large woman and her Master stepped up to a tall, unoccupied wooden frame. As she began to shed her clothing while her Master assembled his toys, I felt the heat rise over my cheeks. She was what was termed, in lifestyle jargon, A Big Beautiful Woman. Soon she was standing naked, awaiting her Master’s instructions. Her ankles were almost the size of my thighs. And her pitted flesh sagged in rolls that resembled bread dough. But I found myself awed by her grace; floored by her self-assurance, and envious of her bravery. It shamed me to realize that I lacked the confidence she readily displayed.

  The crack of a whip drew my attention to the other side of the dungeon. I blinked in surprise when I recognized the couple. It was Mistress Ivory and her sub, Dark Desires. Tethered to a cross, Dark held his head high. Pride radiated from his posture. Mesmerized, I watched Ivory coil the long leather whip into the air then land it with a deafening whack against his narrow ass cheeks. A bright red stripe bloomed before my eyes and his loud cry of anguish chased gooseflesh up my arms.

  “It’s okay, kitten. Dark enjoys pain.” Dylan assured, trying to alleviate my angst.

  “I don’t think I’d ever enjoy something that brutal, Master,” I confessed, feeling my face pinch in a pained expression.

  “There she goes,” Nick murmured. A hint of admiration resonated in his tone.

  I turned to see what had captured his attention. It was the large woman cuffed to the tall wooden frame. Her Master’s hand trailed up and down her overabundant flesh as he whispered in her ear. He gripped a long, leather flogger in his fist and when he stepped back and began brushing the leather falls over her back and butt, a wistful smile curled on her lips. Her eyes were glassy and her body glowed in an ethereal serenity. I realized beauty had transcended her physical form; lost in her submission, she was the most breathtaking woman I’d ever seen.

  “Oh, wow,” I marveled.

  “Remember when I told you submission comes in all ages, little one?” Nick paused as I nodded. “Well it also comes in all shapes and sizes. I wanted you to watch so you would understand. It’s not the body that makes the submissive, but rather what’s inside their heart. That’s where the true beauty lies.”

  Nick’s words contained an almost magical cadence. The woman had touched not only her Master, who wore a blatant expression of satisfaction; but emanated her gift of submission to my Master, as well. Caressing his fingers over my cheek, Nick and I continued to watch the woman as she sailed. Her expressions were enthralling. Every clip of the flogger seemed to send her deeper into that silent white space that I’d experienced at the barn. The same surreal place that I longed to be again.

  “I’d love to be free like her, Master,” I sighed.

  “Do you feel brave, kitten?” Dylan asked with a sly smile.

  “How brave, Master?” I gulped, realizing I’d just opened a dangerous door.

  “Would you like to soar again?”

  “If I can keep my clothes on, then yes, Master.” I bargained.

  “What makes you think you get to make the rules, little one?” Nick’s brow arched, his eyes flashed in warning. “You’ll need to take your skirt off,” he laughed as he no doubt saw the look of terror dancing across my face.

  “Technically you’ll be covered, kitten. You’re wearing that sexy black thong,” Dylan growled, then snapped his teeth together like a hungry wolf.

  “I don’t know if I can get up in front of all these people,” I confessed in a thin voice.

  “We’ll be right there with you, kitten. Just close your eyes and pretend we’re all alone. Can you do that for us?”

  Dylan’s expectant look rocked me to the core. The need to represent them in an outward submissive fashion swarmed me. It was their duty as my Masters to push my limits. I would stagnate if I only submitted to the things I enjoyed. And they had bestowed so much enjoyment on me, granting their desires seemed the only logical way for me to reaffirm my dedication to them.

  “Yes, Master. I would love to.” The words spilled from my lips before I could think better of it. But when I saw their eyes light up in delight, I realized there was no way I could take back my words; nor did I have any desire to. These were our roles. They defined who we were and what we strived to fulfill. Courage spiked. I eased off the bar stool.

  “Hold on a minute, little one,” Nick chuckled. We need to discuss the scene first. But your eagerness pleases me, girl. Pleases me immensely.” His lips crushed upon mine and I swallowed his growl.

  Long minutes passed and I drowned on the taste of his unadulterated happiness. When he released me, his expression turned solemn and his Dominant expression set my blood ablaze.

  “You will be cuffed to the St. Andrews cross, similar to the equipment Dark is tethered to. We will flog your backside. The entire time, the club members will only be able to see your back. We intend to only use our hands and the flogger. Your safe word is still ‘red.’ Do you accept the type of scene I’ve described?” Nick’s words were quiet yet firm.

  I had no idea where the sudden shot of bravery came from, but without hesitation, I nodded. I smiled when pride flash in his sexy, dark eyes.

  “Very well. I’ll be right back,” Nick announced as he stood and hurried past the bar then down a long corridor.

  “Where is he going?”

  “To our private room to get the flogger, kitten.” Dylan winked.

  “Can we play in there, instead?”

  “We will. Later. When we’re ready to sink balls deep into your hot little body, kitten.”

  Dylan leaned in and dusted a slow, sensual kiss over my lips. His tawdry words chased a sizzling visual to my brain of him thrusting his hard cock into my pussy while wearing that intense, focused expression on his face. My body began to hum. As he pulled back, I sighed.

  “I think we should start there, now, Master.”

  “We want you to fly first, my greedy little slut.”

  Dylan plucked the drink from my hand, drawing me back from my daydream, then stood. “Come on, kitten. Nick’s got a spot for us. It’s time to go to paradise, my love.”

  As I eased off the stool, my heart thundered in my chest. My knees shook and I wondered where my bravery had run off to. Dylan secured me against his side, in a commanding hold. Looking across the room, I saw Nick standing next to a cross. His hands were behind his back, his legs were set apart and his shimmering black hair draped over his broad shoulders. I couldn’t help but shiver at the palpable command oozing from his every pore. I darted a glance at Dylan as we made our way to the station. He held his head high in regal pride. Everything about him reflected in a powerful Dominant air. When he released me, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Nick, their faces beamed in a potent reflection of privilege and pride. And I belonged to them.

  My Masters.

  My guides.

  Make them proud, Sanna. Trust them. For once, just trust them without one reservation.

  I squared my shoulders and raised my head, hoping to exhibit the courage Dark displayed representing Ivory. They’d selected me to be their submissive. And now it was time to prove that they’d made the right choice.

  Nick drew me to his chest, his warm breath skimming over the shell of my ear. “Our brave, beautiful slut, you are a sheer treasure. You fill us with such joy. Words can’t express how special you are to us. Now take off your skirt.”

  Staggered by the euphoria and fear his words prompted, a part of me wanted to sing with joy while another part wanted to run and hide. My fingers trembled as I inched the black ruffled skirt from my hips. Dylan stood behind me, protective as promised, shielding my bare ass from prying eyes.

  “I think this will help you, little one, at least until we send you soaring.” Nick pulled a black satin blindfold from behind his back.

  “Thank you, Master.” My voice cracked as he placed the soft shield over my eyes.

  “We are with you kitten, and will remain the entire time.” I shivered as Dylan’s breath wafted over my neck. “Rem
ember, your safe word is red. Use it if you need to. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master. Red. I understand.”

  “That’s our girl. Just relax, baby and we’ll set you free,” Nick promised in a soothing voice.

  They worked in tandem to secure my wrists in downy-lined cuffs. I felt the eyes of the members on me and heard them whispering Dylan and Nick’s names. A tremor rippled through me then stilled as a broad hand pressed against my lower back, urging me to lean into the cold wooden frame.

  “We’re going to warm you up, little one,” Nick announced. “Fly as high as you desire, my love. We’ll be here to catch you and glide you back to earth.”

  As soon as he stepped back, I mourned the loss of his body heat, the reassurance of his words and the safety of having him near.

  Their hands slapped and squeezed my supple flesh, and their words of encouragement fluttered over me like snowflakes. The first strike of the heavy, soft flogger drew a yelp of surprise from my throat.

  “Easy, kitten,” Dylan soothed. “Absorb the tranquil rhythm.”

  Though the blindfold blocked out all light, I squeezed my eyes shut and focused on the tempo of the floggers, landing in supple thuds. It wasn’t long before I began to drift away from my apprehension, sliding past the buzzing voices that had filled my ears. Surrounded in peace, all the chaos in my head silenced

  Time ceased and conscious thought melted away. I soared in clouds of white light. The lulling rhythm stalled from time to time. The soft leather falls were replaced with the warm, broad hands of my Masters. They soothed my tender flesh as their rich, commanding voices bathed me in praise. Their rugged, hot bodies meshed against mine in affirmation that I was anchored to their chain of Dominance.

  Something tugged at my torso, pulling me back from the clouds. Confusion began to sully my brain. Their hands were all over me; up my stomach and arms, down my legs and over my throbbing butt cheeks. And still, the ebb and pull against my back persisted. Suddenly, the constricting corset fell from my body. Long seconds ticked by and the realization that I was naked, except for the tiny scrap of fabric over my mound, crashed over me. Gripped in icy terror, I tried to run but was imprisoned to the wooden cross. Trapped. Captured. Confined.

  Obliterated beneath an onslaught of panic, I thrashed, trying to break free.

  “RED!” I screamed, jerking impotently against my shackles in a futile fight to cover my breasts.

  “Savannah!” Nick’s thunderous voice resonated in my ears. “Stop, pet. We’re here. It’s okay. You’re okay.”

  But I wasn’t okay. I was lost in a haze of terror that gripped my heart and stole my breath.

  “Back away, Nick. You too, Dylan. You guys know the rules.”

  Who was that? I had no clue. Someone was issuing instructions to my Masters to leave me. A new wave of panic consumed me and tears filled my eyes.

  “No!” I cried, struggling with such force, the cuffs bit into my skin. “Don’t leave me! Please don’t leave me, Masters!”

  “We’re right here, little one,” Nick reassured, then issued a whispered curse.

  Suddenly, the blindfold was removed. A man I’d never seen before was there. He’d stepped behind the cross and had his hands wrapped around my cheeks.

  “Don’t touch me.” I cried. “I don’t know you.”

  “Shhhh, calm down, girl.” The stranger’s black eyes reflected understanding, but it did little to alleviate the frenzy of emotions that had taken control of me.

  “Don’t look at me,” I sobbed, as tears spilled down my cheeks. “I’m naked.”

  “I’m not looking at anything except your beautiful eyes, pet.” He replied in a soft, calm voice. His gaze remained fixed on mine. “My name is Tony. I’m a dungeon monitor. I need you to relax and listen to me. I’m not going to hurt you and you have my promise that I won’t look at anything but your eyes, okay?”

  I nodded and tried to suck breath into my lungs. “Where are my Masters?” I mewled.

  “We’re right here, baby,” Dylan responded from somewhere from behind me. “You have to talk to Tony right now, love. Just breathe, everything is okay. We’re not going anywhere, I promise.”

  “See. They’re right here with you…Savannah, is it?” Tony asked, never breaking eye contact.

  “Yes,” I nodded. “Cover me up, please.”

  “We’re working on that, girl. I need you to focus on me for a minute. Can you do that?” His voice was so serene, yet I couldn’t grasp onto any semblance of tranquility.

  “Tony, can you hurry? Please?” Nick’s appeal was fraught with anxiety.

  “Hold on, Nick. You know I have to assess.”

  “Fuck,” Dylan spat.

  “Dylan,” Tony warned, flashing a look of irritation over my shoulder.

  “What do you need to know?” I sniffed, trying to wrangle my scattered emotions. I was anxious to for my embarrassing fiasco to end.

  “I need to know if you’re physically or mentally hurt, Savannah. I have to find out if either Dylan or Nick overstepped their boundaries as Masters.”

  “I’m not hurt. They’d never hurt me. I’m just being stupid,” I hissed, certain that everyone in the club was watching my childish melt-down. “Can you let me go now?”

  A broad smile spread over his lips. “In a minute, girl. You’ve hit a limit and we’re here to help you through it.”

  Suddenly, a soft cotton blanket draped over my bare shoulders.

  “Thank you, Emerald,” Nick replied, as he pressed his warm body against the blanket, swathing me in his heat and a blessed protective barrier. “Relax, little one. We’ll get you back to our room as soon as we can, okay?”

  I turned my head and looked into Nick’s sad eyes. “I’m so sorry I failed you, Master.” My vision blurred as hot tears spilled down my face.

  “Oh, pet. You didn’t fail us.” He buried his lips against my neck, whispering his reassurance. “We weren’t going to expose you to the club, baby. We’d never push you in public like that. Not your first time. I’m so damn sorry we didn’t discuss it first, baby.”

  His anguish tore my heart to shreds. He was blaming himself for my insecurities. “It’s not your fault, Master. It’s not.”

  Dylan moved in beside me as Tony began releasing my wrists from the cuffs. “We’ll talk it through in a few minutes, kitten. But baby, you didn’t fail. You did everything right.”

  “No, Master. I didn’t,” I whined. “It’s all my fault. I failed you both.”

  “Pet, you could never fail us,” Nick assured, wiping the trailing moisture from my cheeks.

  “We need to have a chat, you two.” Tony issued a heavy sigh as he fixed a serious gaze on each of my Masters.

  “We know,” Nick growled and pulled a key from his pocket. “Emerald, will you please take Savannah to our room. We’ll be along in a couple of minutes.”

  “Of course, Sir,” Emerald replied as she accepted the key. Stepping up to the cross, her smile was filled with understanding.

  “But I want to stay with you, two.” I prayed they weren’t in trouble because of me.

  “This is only going to take a couple minutes. We’ll meet you there, pet,” Nick pressed with a grim nod.

  “Come on sis, they really won’t be long, I promise.” Emerald smiled, tucking the blanket around me before she slid her arm around my shoulder and began leading me away.

  I cast a frightened glance over my shoulder. Both my Masters looked decimated by guilt.

  “Hurry, please?” I begged.

  “We will, kitten. We will.” Dylan nodded.

  I kept my head down as Savannah escorted me through the dungeon. I couldn’t bear to look at any of the other members as my embarrassment blazed. She led me down the same long hallway I’d watched Nick take earlier.

  “One sec and we’ll be inside, sis.” She shoved the key into the knob and turned it. Flipping on the lights, we advanced into the big, bright room.

  Seeing my Masters’ private
chamber for the first time wasn’t the experience I’d envisioned. I was led in by another sub and blubbering like a loon. No, that’s not at all how I’d pictured it would be.

  “Here, sweetheart. Put this on.” Emerald held out a white silk robe with the word “Genesis” embroidered on the breast pocket.

  “I feel like such a fool. Oh my God, how can I face anyone here again?” I sobbed, wondering if I’d ever gain control of myself or my fears.

  “Stop that. You didn’t do anything wrong,” Emerald scolded as she tied the silky sash at my waist. “Come on, sit down. Let’s talk.”

  She plopped down on a huge bed, patting the mattress beneath her long slender hand.

  “They’ll never want to bring me here again,” I groused, wiping my eyes.

  “Savannah, honestly, stop. You did exactly what you what you were supposed to do, you safe worded out.”

  “But they didn’t hurt me. I only called my safe word because I was embarrassed.”

  “You hit a limit. It doesn’t have to be a physical limit, honey. It can be a mental one, as well. Hell, we all have limits and triggers and buttons that bring up ugly feelings inside. It doesn’t mean you failed, and it certainly doesn’t make you a bad submissive. It makes you human.”

  “But I got them in trouble with that dungeon manager…Tony.”

  “Dungeon monitor. And they’re not in trouble. They just have to explain to him what happened. By the looks of both of them, they’re kicking their own asses and drowning in guilt about it.”

  “That’s what I don’t want them to do. It’s not their fault, it’s mine,” I huffed as guilt and insecurity continued to swirl out of control.

  The fear of them rejecting me, of deciding I wasn’t capable of submitting to them; at least not the way they needed, swamped every cell in my body. I knew that Emerald was trying to help, but until Dylan and Nick walked through the door and held me in their arms, nothing on the planet was going to erase my panic.

  “Listen to me, Savannah. I would never lie to you or anyone else. You’re not the first submissive to use their safe word and I can guarantee you won’t be the last. Safe words are there for a reason. Sir Dylan and Sir Nick will be proud you weren’t afraid to use yours. Too many subs don’t. They end up getting hurt or making their Doms not trust them. Your Masters are just going through the safety precautions that Genesis has in place. Without them, none of us would be able to play in a safe, sane and consensual environment.”


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