Masters of My Desire

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Masters of My Desire Page 26

by Jenna Jacobs

  “What kind of fucking holiday spirit got into you two?” Mika laughed.

  “Don’t laugh at him, Mika Sir. Santa will give you horrible gifts. Like a nasty whip,” I cautioned, nodding to the single tail Dylan held gripped in his fist.

  “Got tons of them. But I would like to see if Santa brought me a bottle of Glenfiddich. Whatcha got in that bag for me, man?” Mika asked, peering into Drake’s satchel.

  “Well, even though you’ve been a bad boy, I think there’s something in there for you.” Drake wrapped Mika in a tight hug. “Good to see ya.”

  “I’m always a bad boy.” Mika grinned as he sloughed off his coat to my waiting hand. “Thank you, Savannah. You’re such a good girl, regardless what Santa thinks.”

  I laughed and began to hang up Mika’s coat when the doorbell rang yet again.

  “I’ve got it,” Trevor announced with a happy grin as he danced toward the door.

  “And you’re such a good little elf, I’ll have to see what’s in my bag for you, dear boy,” Drake praised, scratching at the white faux beard adorning his face. “Damn thing itches like it’s full of lice or something,” he muttered.

  “Gross, and I fucking hugged you, dude. What the hell?” Mika laughed.

  Sammie crossed the threshold, her arms burdened with gifts.

  “Let me help you, Mistress,” Trevor offered as I dashed to help him relieve her from the packages. “Under the tree, Sirs?” he asked Dylan and Nick.

  “Please, dear boy.” Nick nodded.

  “What tree?” I asked in confusion, trailing after Trevor.

  “The one we put up in the study this morning, kitten,” Dylan called out behind me. “Next year you’ll have to get your sexy ass out of bed and help us.”

  “A Christmas tree?” I squealed in delight, racing past Trevor.

  With the love of my Masters and their entourage of friends, I’d not been consumed by the magic of the holiday since my parents were alive. Christmases spent with Mellie were cozy but subdued. They didn’t compare to the level of excitement I felt in the air. And although Enrique had taken Mellie to South America, I wished she was in Chicago to celebrate with me. When we’d chatted on the phone the day before, she was nervous. Enrique had made mention that he was anxious for her to meet his parents. She’d never been introduced to any of her other lovers’ families. I wondered if it might be a precursor to something more permanent. By the tone of her voice, I suspected Mellie might accept a ring…if Enrique offered.

  I skidded to a halt in the study, staring at the massive, beautifully decorated Christmas tree. A mound of presents lay stacked beneath the twinkling lights.

  “Here, please take these, Trevor. I’ll be right back.” I stacked more presents in his arms before I turned and ran.

  Racing to the media room, I grabbed the gifts I’d hidden from my Masters and hurried back to the study, where I placed them under the tree. Trevor and I arranged Mistress Sammie’s gifts as the Doms assembled into the room.

  “It’s a beautiful tree, Masters. Thank you,” I gushed, wrapping them both in a powerful hug.

  “Glad you like it, princess.” Dylan kissed the top of my head.

  “Is Emerald spending Christmas alone?” Mika asked Drake. A hint of anguish flashed over his amber eyes.

  Drake tugged off his beard with a shake of his head, then peeled off the bright red Santa suit and sat down. “No. She’s spending it with George and Leagh,” he replied solemnly.

  I watched as Trevor lowered his head, an unusually pensive look lining his fair complexion. There was a hell of a story between Mika and Emerald; I just didn’t know what it was. Out of all the people assembled in the room, I had the sneaking suspicion I was the only one left in the dark. Trevor’s expression seemed so forlorn, I fought the urge to reach out and hug him. Emerald was his best friend, and it was evident that he missed her.

  “Savannah, Trevor, would you two please go to the kitchen and bring in the coffee and sweet rolls for us?” Nick asked, breaking the awkward silence that had settled over the room.

  “Right away, Sir.” I smiled, dragging Trevor out of the room in a tight hug.

  Once safe inside the kitchen, I pulled him next to me. Giving a cursory glance around the room, I leaned in. “Okay, what the hell is up with Mika and Emerald?”

  “Nothing and don’t ask me anymore about it, please,” Trevor begged in a tiny whine.

  An immediate rush of guilt slammed me. “I’m sorry. It’s none of my business. I shouldn’t be prying.”

  “No, don’t be sorry. It’s just…I can’t even talk to her about it. Master is the only one I can discuss it with.”

  “So there is something going on,” I whispered.

  “No. Dammit, sis. Leave it alone, please.” The pained expression on his face pierced my heart.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I won’t say another word.” I hugged him tight.

  “It’s better that way.” Trevor replied after our hug, but the sorrow in his eyes remained.

  “Come on, before they come looking for us,” I insisted with a reassuring smile. “Last one in the study gets to serve.”

  “Hell no, I’m not racing you. I’ll drop something.” Trevor shook his head in mock fear. “Are you trying to get my ass whipped?”

  “Like you wouldn’t enjoy it?” I scoffed, lifting the heavy silver platter weighed down with mugs, sugar, creamer, spoons, and a large carafe of coffee.

  Making it back to the study without dropping the tray, I served Mistress Sammie and the other Doms seated upon the long leather couches. Trevor knelt at Drake’s feet and I followed suit, settling in between Dylan and Nick’s legs. Immersed in their loving caresses, they trailed their strong, warm fingers over my face, shoulders and hair.

  Hands down, it was the best Christmas I’d enjoyed in all my whole adult life.

  I listened as the Dominants discussed every topic from toy techniques to politics. The tone became quite heated when religion was broached. Trevor held up his hand.

  “What is it, boy?” Drake thundered after a long rant about zealous, homophobic hate groups hiding under the guise of religion.

  “Can we open presents now, Master? Pretty please?”

  “Are you trying to circumvent our discussion, boy?” Drake scowled.

  I eyed the two men, worried Trevor was getting into serious trouble.

  “Indeed I am, Master. It’s Christmas. I don’t want you to stroke out on Jesus’ birthday,” he railed with an impish grin.

  “I’m going to fire up your ass, you insolent brat,” Drake teased with a broad smile before gripping his mighty paw through Trevor’s hair. Pulling his boy’s head back, Drake planted a sizzling kiss on Trevor’s lips.

  Trevor beamed with a heated grin after Drake released him. “Oh, good. Santa got my Christmas list, after all,” he snickered.

  “And therein lies the problem with pain sluts,” Drake sighed. “The only way to punish them is to ignore them.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh as Drake scowled in feigned annoyance, though it fast became a wicked smile. “You may ask permission to distribute the gifts my sweet, mouthy slut,” he ceded.

  Trevor launched from the floor, wiggling his slender butt right in Drake’s face. A giggle of delight tore from his throat as we all laughed. Drake pulled his hand back and landed a hard, echoing slap over Trevor’s ass.

  “I sure do love you guys,” Mika laughed, shaking his head at their antics.

  Sobering quickly, Trevor somehow managed to hold his exuberance inside and placed his hands behind his back. Lowering his gaze in a stunning display of respect, he cleared his throat.

  “Master Dylan and Master Nick, if it pleases you, may I have permission to hand out the Christmas presents?”

  “He does know how to be a good slut, after all,” Drake sighed with teasing exasperation. His words may have been fraught with sarcasm, but no one could miss the absolute pride that filled the burly man’s eyes.

  “Trevor, sweet lad
, you may.” Dylan smiled with a nod.

  As soon as Dylan issued permission, Trevor’s protocol flew straight out the window. He let out a squeal of excitement then grabbed my hand, yanking me from the floor. “Come help me, sister. There’s so many presents! It’ll take me hours to get them handed out.”

  “Boy!” Drake bellowed in a scary, feral cry.

  Trevor froze. All the excitement drained from his body and the jubilant smile fell from his lips. He turned toward Drake and cast his gaze to the floor. You could have heard a pin drop, as everyone waited for Drake’s next words.

  “Did you have permission to touch Savannah?” Drake asked in a tone slathered with reprimand.

  “No, Master. I’m sorry. I let the moment carry me away.”

  “It’s fine, Drake. I appreciate your concern on our behalf, but I could never be insulted by anything your Trevor does. He never disrespects and is a treasure to us all. Plus, we love him,” Nick lauded.

  “Very well. Thank you, Nick. Trevor?”

  He raised his head and issued a soft smile at Drake. “Yes, Master.”

  “Enjoy yourself, boy.” Drake beamed.

  Trevor’s entire body lit up brighter than the tree. “Thank you, Master,” Trevor jumped up and down like a kangaroo on crack. Spinning around, he flashed a wide grin. “Thank you also, Master Nick.”

  “Okay, you two, let’s get this show on the road.” Mika smiled, waving us away with his hand.

  The next hour was a whir of ripping paper and flying bows, as everyone unwrapped the mountain of presents. For the first time in ages, I felt like a child again.

  My Masters were speechless when they opened the custom-made floggers I’d ordered for each of them. And their eyes lit up at the matching boxes of pervertibles I’d scoured long and hard to find. Dylan held up the innocuous wooden pasta paddle I’d found at a gourmet foods store, then flashed a smile filled with the promise of a red ass.

  “I wanted to give you each something to remind you of our time at the barn.” I smiled shyly.

  “It means the world to us, little one. Those days were the catalyst of where we are now. Thank you, my love.” Nick smiled. He leaned down and captured my lips in a poignant kiss.

  Mika stood and pulled a stack of envelopes from his back pocket. He began to pass them out to the Dominants. “Please wait and open them together, if you don’t mind.” He asked as he wove his way around the couches.

  When all the envelopes had been handed out, Mika smiled and nodded.

  “Oh holy hell,” Drake blinked, reading the message on the small square of parchment.

  “What is it, Master?” Trevor asked, easing up and tilting his head toward Drake’s hands.

  “Oh, Mika,” Sammie giggled. “This is going to be a blast!”

  Craning my neck, I tried to see what was on the paper that Dylan and Nick held in their hands.

  “A fucking kinky cruise?” Nick choked as he stared up at Mika.

  “I’ve rented the whole damn boat. So keep the week of August fifteenth open, because we’ll be spanking our way through the Caribbean. The club members are invited as well, but you all will be my honored guests.” Mika announced with a broad smile then started to laugh. “But all that’s going to get you is the biggest rooms on the ship.”

  My heart skittered with excitement and died in a grip of despair. As everyone began to chatter with enthusiasm, I sat in silence. A fake smile spread across my lips and I focused to keep my body relaxed. I was determined not to let reality spoil this special gift for my Masters and their friends.

  August was a long way off, and I would be a distant memory. The odds of me accompanying my Masters on the cruise were between slim and none. Blinking back the tears that prickled my eyes, I sensed someone watching me. I looked up to see Trevor staring at me, his brows drawn together in question. I issued a subtle shake of my head and flashed him a look of plea, hoping he wouldn’t say anything to draw attention to my struggling emotions. A bright happy smile quickly spread over his mouth as he gave me a short nod.

  “Oh, I almost forgot. You have one more present, little one,” Nick announced as he palmed my nape. “Climb on up here, love.”

  I couldn’t imagine another gift as I took inventory of the presents spread out before me. There were nipple clamps and sexy lingerie, various vibrating toys that came with strict warnings to never be used without my Master’s presence--and a scary-looking set of butt plugs that made me blush. I turned and gazed up to both he and Dylan, wondering what I’d missed.

  Climbing onto Nick’s lap, I watched as Dylan reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a square velvet box. My heart drummed steadily in my chest as he placed the soft red box in my hand.

  “We love you, girl. No matter what the next few weeks hold in store for us, we always want you to remember how deeply you’ve captured our hearts.” Dylan’s smile waivered as he spoke about our uncertain future. He claimed me with a kiss suffused with such love, it stole my breath.

  As Dylan released me, Nick gripped my hair and turned me to face him. Déjà vu flooded back of the day they’d come to my apartment and held me in this same way.

  “We’re going to find a way to make this last, little one. Make no mistake about that,” Nick vowed before he, too, captured my lips with an equally beloved kiss. I fought back tears as I returned his potent kiss. Try as I might to cling to his words of hope, they slid through my hands.

  Ending the kiss, Nick nodded toward the box. My fingers trembled as I carefully eased it open. Tears filled my eyes and I blinked, sending them to spill down my cheeks as I gazed upon a necklace of three golden hearts, intertwined.

  “This is us, kitten. Connected. Joined together, no matter what.” Dylan whispered.

  “Wear this always, little one. Wear it and think of us no matter where you are or what you’re doing. Will you do that for us, girl?”

  I nodded as tears continued seeping down my cheeks.

  “Good girl.” Nick whispered.

  Those magical words tossed all my fragile emotions to the four corners. Sobs rent from my throat as my Masters worked together, clasping the delicate chain around my neck.

  “Thank you, Masters. I love you both so much.” I choked through the coil of emotions that pulled me under.

  “Who’s ready for Christmas pizza?” Trevor exclaimed, wiping tears from his own eyes.

  “Christmas pizza?” I choked out a laugh.

  “Yeah,” Dylan smirked. “We don’t expect Rachel to work on Christmas. And we sure as hell don’t want to cook a big huge dinner for our little perverted group. So it’s Christmas pizza for everyone.”

  “They’re heathens,” Sammie denounced with roll of her eyes. “But I humor them. After all, they’re just men.” She couldn’t maintain her sarcasm any longer and let go with a long, loud belly laugh.

  “You could always cook for us, dear,” Mika countered Sammie’s insult.

  “Oh for shitsakes, Mika, you know I can’t boil water. Me, near a kitchen? That’s a recipe for disaster.”

  I wiped my cheeks and stared at the beautiful necklace nestled between my breasts. Suddenly, the doorbell rang again and the room fell silent.

  “I’ll get it,” Dylan said as he launched off the couch.

  “Are you expecting anyone else?” Mika asked Nick. His sudden worry was palpable.

  “It’s not anything to be concerned about,” Nick replied in a cryptic tone.

  All eyes turned expectantly toward the study’s double doors. A moment later, Dylan reappeared carrying an envelope. Fighting back a smile, he held it out to me.

  “It’s for you, Savannah.”

  “Me?” I blinked and took the large manila envelope. There was no return address, just a label with my name on it. “What on earth is this?”

  “Open it and find out, baby,” Nick whispered as he wrapped me tightly in his arms.

  I tore open the seal and pulled out a handwritten letter. I immediately recognized the handwriting; it w
as from Myron. As I began to read, my heart lodged in my throat.

  My dearest Savannah,

  Words can’t begin to describe how thrilled Helen and I are that you have found two young men to fill your life with love. While it’s outside the conventional ways, I applaud you for sharing your heart with two upstanding young men. All I have ever wanted for you, dear, is to find love--the kind of love Helen and I have shared all these years.

  When I received calls from both Mellie and your young men, Helen and I nearly jumped for joy. Both Dylan and Nick explained their longing for you to stay and build a life with them in Chicago. They sung your praises for hours, Savannah. Since I hadn’t heard a word about either man from your own lips, I placed a call to Mellie to make sure they were on the up and up. Once she confirmed that you were head over heels, I knew it was time to make some decisions.

  That leads me to the reason for this letter. Dylan, Nick, and I had several conversations, and in turn, Helen and I have spent long hours discussing the company on a personal level. Our wish is that you build a life of love and happiness with both men. So I’m writing to let you know that I’ve decided to retire, sweetheart. I’ve put off closing the company for years, mainly, because I couldn’t in good conscience leave you high and dry; unemployed. Although Helen has been pestering me for years to retire and travel abroad, I could never find it in my heart to shut the company down. Your two young men assured me that if you wanted to find a new job in Chicago, they would support your decision one hundred percent. Their reassurance helped me make my decision. I have one condition that is non-negotiable. We expect an invitation to your wedding. If you need anything… anything at all, dear Savannah, we are just a phone call away.

  Best wishes to you three and may you find as much happiness as Helen and I have been blessed with.

  All our love,


  I sat dumbfounded for several long minutes, re-reading the letter over and over again.

  “Nick? Dylan?” I mumbled in a whisper of confusion as the paper trembled in my hands.

  “I know you’re probably upset with us, little one. But it was the only solution we could think of to keep you here. I know we broke your trust and weren’t honest with you when we went behind your back. We understand if you’re mad, but…we couldn’t let you go. There’s no way in hell we could let you walk away from us, again.”


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