Christian (The Protectors Book 1)

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Christian (The Protectors Book 1) Page 16

by L. Ann Marie

  He rolls his eyes. “I mean you Christian, not the whole fuckin’ department.”

  I put my hands up. “I’m good Brantley.”

  He’s got Holly in his head telling him I looked upset yesterday. Before he asks I throw to him, ‘It had nothing to do with anything you’re thinking. Things hit me and I’m not always going to wear a smile.’

  “If this starts getting to you, find me. No matter when or where. Yeah?”

  “I will Brant. I’m happy where I am right now. The visions don’t stop, but I’m still a long way from when I first got here. I’m never going back to that. I’ll talk to you first.”

  He goes through what I said again and nods. I see his worry isn’t me, but how people treat me. It’s something he’ll have to see himself and it’s so new that I don’t have anything to give him for that. He’ll see soon enough. “I checked you out, go see your girl.”

  I smile. “On my way. I need to get Hawk in the tunnels.”

  He starts typing. “Taylor has trainees on patrol, but Hawk’s clear to go down.”

  “Thanks Brantley.” We walk toward the door and I’m thinking about Dean. I’ve looked in on her all day long and she has been happy, but I want to feel her hand in mine. I hope it’s the same as last night and this morning. I don’t want Dakota to have to show every fuckin’ day. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want more, but I can do slow if I get what my Brothers have in the end.

  I get Hawk in the tunnel and reset the sensors then hit my watch so Security knows I’m on my way out. Aaron is sitting behind my bike when I hit the lot. “Protector service. If you go out tonight I’m your shadow.” He thinks I’m going to argue.

  “You want fish or the deli?”

  He laughs. “Fish.”

  I nod thinking Dean will like going out. I see Serenity laughing with Aaron, but it isn’t yet. I push it away and get to the school so I can let Hawk out of the tunnel.

  * * *

  “Tell him to sit here,” she says looking toward the bar.

  “He won’t. His job is Security for me.”

  She doesn’t understand. I keep the smile off my face and let her go on. “There is a guy outside watching us.”

  “He’s your Security and Aaron’s eyes outside. If Security wasn’t high, he would sit with us, but he needs to be where he is to see the whole place. He’s not watching us. Just relax.” I’ve been shielding her since we walked in. Crowds are a problem for her and I hope what I’m doing works.

  She’s going to keep going. “All my life I’ve been with Security. I get that it’s new for you, but we’ve been doing this for a long time. You saw why he’s here. We have to take the precautions so what you saw doesn’t happen. It’s always worked for us. Relax. This is our first date and I don’t want to spend it talking about Security or the Club.”

  She’s fuckin’ funny, but I don’t smile or react to what’s going through her head. “Since you know everything about me and I know about you; what exactly is there to talk about?”

  “How do you like your new job?” That surprises her and I smile.

  Her face lights up and I see her happy. “I love it. The kids are a trip I’ll tell ya. I love them all already and they like me too. Holly is so easy to work for. I’ve only ever worked with the police and they weren’t like bosses because I volunteered.” I nod. That’s how she ended up losing her parents and running for her life. She pushes that away and focuses on the school. “I want to take the rest of the online classes and finish school. Now that we’re here, can I do that?”

  I look for why she’s asking me. “You aren’t in jail here. If you want classes take classes. Online will make Security happy, it’d be a pain in the ass for them to follow you around campus.” I’m thinking she’d never make a campus if she can’t block.

  That makes her happy. “I’m going to. Holly said I don’t need to, but the kids are so damn smart.”

  I laugh. “They are. Stella is something else, but the boys aren’t too far behind. She lets them figure things out for themselves. Soon she’ll widen that gap, but she’s happy right now working at their pace.”

  “Why won’t she wear the glasses? I don’t get that?”

  “The glasses will be important later, but the boys sign and throw to her. She doesn’t need them right now. They’re good about including her in everything they do. Sometimes I see the glasses on her when she goes out with Sheila and Jax.” I throw her the picture.

  “Sheila is funny. I like her. I haven’t met anyone yet that I don’t like.” She’s thinking it’s like Disney World.

  I laugh. “We’re just people like everyone else. The difference here is there are a lot of us and we’ve found a way to promote good while keeping us safe from the lunatics outside our borders.” She’s going to argue it and I hate to do it, but she isn’t seeing the bigger picture. “Take your parents. They sheltered you keeping bad away your whole life. They found a way to work around you reading that left you happy and content with your life. We’re no different. There are just more of us. The MC is over five hundred members and we’re close to them. That’s a lot of strong concentrated on good and keeping us safe.”

  I see the pain hit her, but she pushes forward. “That is a lot of good. Has it always been like this here?”

  I wait until our order is in and the waitress walks away. “We grew up in the MC. They weren’t as big as they are now, but they’ve always been about keeping women and kids safe. They got bigger and worked for the community then the towns they took over. They weren’t set up like we were when we started, but they control the PD in three towns and the City. Even the towns with real PD are trained by the MC.”

  She’s fighting through pain and I want it away from her. “Why didn’t my parents move us here?”

  “No one knew about the readers until Prez threw energy while cameras were running. He pretty much outed us then and decided he wouldn’t hide the readers, but that wasn’t that long ago. They may not have heard of us or were afraid of the biker thing. Not everyone accepts bikers like our towns do.”

  She nods and I see her put it away. “I love the job and kids and keep wondering how you can leave a job like that. You’re really smart like the kids. You must miss them. Do you like your new job?”

  While I read her easily she can’t read me unless she’s touching me, even then it’s very little. “I love the new job and miss the kids, but I see them every day. I miss watching them figure things out, but I can see them through the visions all day if I want to.”

  She doesn’t understand the visions, but she isn’t going to ask. “I’m out.”

  I laugh. “Don’t you want to know about my family or tell me about Serenity?”

  Her sister’s face passes through her head. “Holly tells me all about your family. They’re amazing. I can’t wait to meet Joey and your mom. She says they’re just as intent on doing good as the guys.”

  I nod letting her see what I do thinking about them. She smiles. “They are. I’m so proud of my family and what they do for the community and the kids. My parents are fuckin’ saints. They raised every one of us to be who we are today.” I don’t tell her what a fuck-up I was.

  She’s nodding with that smile. “I heard. They must be incredible. I feel like that about Serenity. She sacrificed everything in her life to keep me safe and hidden. She even moved here without asking a single question. She loves her new job, but she gave up everything for me.”

  She did too. She had a good job and walked away. She took as much money as she could out of her account via ATM, but hasn’t touched the account or her credit cards since they’ve been on the run. Brantley helped me get the cards paid, but she still hasn’t used them and Darren is talking to Serenity about the life insurance from her parents. Her sister is like us. “She’s a good sister. Maybe she’ll find her happy here and life will be easier.”

  She laughs, I memorize that sound and the smile on her face. She’s beautiful. “She already loves it here. Now th
at she’s not worried about money and I’m working to help pay the bills, life is easier. She loves the house too.” We move so the server can drop our plates. “This looks good. You have the best seafood here.”

  I smile. “We’re kind of known for it.”

  She smiles and I see her question, but wait to see if she’ll ask. After a couple of bites, she looks at me. “Do you date a lot?”

  “Never been on a date.” She thinks I’m lying. “There are things I can’t tell you, things I’d rather not talk about and things that could get people killed if I talked about them. One thing I won’t do is lie to you. I’ve never been on a date because I couldn’t touch anyone without seeing the men before me. It’s not something I want to see on a first date.”

  She nods. “So, you only date virgins?”

  I laugh. “I’ve never been on a date Dean. I grew up in the Club, whores and Club chicks are everywhere. I’ve never been with a virgin. No.”

  Her face falls. Fuck, she thinks I’m laughing at her. I reach for her hand and try to figure out a way to say this. “I shouldn’t have laughed. I’m sorry. Being with women requires a level of intimacy that I can only handle a certain way. Without the details, I can’t touch or hold anyone the way that should happen naturally. You are the first woman I’ve ever held like last night and I didn’t want to let go. I don’t want to fuck this up so you’ll need to ask me if you want to know something. I promise I won’t laugh.”

  She nods and goes back to eating. I liked her hand in mine and try to figure a way to get it back while she eats. A waitress comes toward us with boxes and I look at Aaron. He swings his finger around and I pull money out throwing it on the table. “Have them deliver fresh meals to the Compound. Christian Blackhawk.” I hold my hand out for Dean. She looks confused. “Sorry babe, but we need to go now.” She’s up and following me without question.

  “Mr. Blackhawk?” The waitress calls, I stop and turn. “Is this going with Mucimi’s order?”

  I laugh and nod. “Sure.”

  Aaron meets us at the door and I see we have vehicles tagged and being tracked coming toward us. Since we’re just off the highway that’s not unusual, but with Security high, Dean needs to be away from the threat. I shouldn’t have been blocking them. As soon as we’re out the door I feel it—then see it. Aaron steps closer to me. “Truck green, two men paid like mercs.” I throw to get the old ladies covered. He nods. “Babe, I’ve only run Ops on this bike once. I need you to hold on and move with me. No matter what’s happening around us, keep your arms around me and don’t let go. Yeah?” I say as I’m pulling my gun.

  She nods and I see she’s scared to death. Fuckin’ great. Aaron nods, he’s tag and will keep my six. I smile at him thinking it instead of saying it and wait for Dean to move up. When her front hits my back I nod to Security and follow him out. The truck is coming up on us fast. I throw the picture to Dean. “Hold on baby.” I speed up and pass Security throwing to Aaron. ‘I’ll drop her and get to Prez’s office.’

  “Roger Guardian.” He repeats what I said to Jacob.

  “Guardian, we have a truck just south of the gate. Ghost is closest at five out.”

  “I don’t have five Lightfoot. I’m two out. The green truck is headed for the Compound.”

  “Roger Guardian.” He has Jessie moving toward the truck.

  I fly around the corner stopping everything in our path and Dean holds on tighter. “Lightfoot, they have snapshots of Prez, me and the kids in the truck by the gate.”

  “Jesus. Roger Guardian. Prez and VP are coming from behind. They’re one out.”

  I see the vision; the pussies get a call. “There’s a watcher giving them Prez coming their way.”

  “Guardian hit them. I’ll keep one breathing from the other truck,” Jessie says.

  “Roger Ghost.” Like I’d let them hit Prez.

  ‘Hold on Dean.’ I throw and feel another watcher. “Black Chevy, Lightfoot. I just passed it. They know I’m coming.”

  “Roger Guardian. Coder is coming through the gate.”

  I see the gun and shoot. Dean screams, but quiets right down. ‘We’re good.’ I hit the passenger and fly by then into the gate. “That truck has paper in it Lightfoot.”

  “Roger Guardian,” he answers in between giving Jessie and Aaron directions. I feel Prez and I’m glad he goes right by us to the watcher in the black car. Darren already has Clean-up picking up the other pussy. At Brantley’s, I pull Dean into the house. “Holly I need to leave Dean here for a while. She isn’t going to be safe outside the gate tonight.”

  When I turn Jess and Serenity are here. “Good, girls’ night in. I need to go. Oh yeah, Mucimi ordered food from the seafood restaurant.”

  They all laugh. Holly’s shaking her head. “He didn’t want pork chops?”

  I shrug and turn Dean to me. “Sorry babe. We’ll try for a better second date. You did great. I’ll be back as soon as I can and we can at least eat.”

  She nods, but is still scared. “I’ll be here.”

  I kiss her and get it back. Fuck, of all the times for her to open her mouth. I smile putting my forehead against hers. “We’ll finish that too.” I turn before everyone can see how that worked for me. Jesus, like I’m a fuckin’ kid.

  At the gate, I ask Jacob where I’m going. “Prez wants you at the Chevy.”

  “Roger Lightfoot.” I ride the two blocks and pull up alongside the car.

  Brantley is here with Prez. “Took you long enough.”

  I look at my watch. “Seven minutes. He wasn’t armed.”

  He smiles. “Just fuckin’ with you Christian.”

  I look at the pussy Prez has against the car. His mouth is taped and hands are cuffed. “He’s been here for about four months. That’s before Dean moved here. He has detailed information he’s been gathering. The truck had a copy, but I didn’t get this one. His laptop is in the car with everything on it.” I see a vision of the man dying. I can’t say I’m sorry. “He’s been looking for someone to pay him for the information. He has a tie to the MC.” I look for more and the guy starts moving. Prez punches him and he stops. “He’s got Elizabeth, Aubrey and Harley’s pictures. He’s looking to hurt VP.” Prez looks at me and I throw him what I have.

  “Lightfoot get Eagle Eye to the meeting room when this one comes in. Tell him I want this fuckin’ asswipe in pain.”

  “Roger Prez.”

  Jacob answers Aaron then Jessie. He’s got shit going on everywhere. “Where do you need me Lightfoot?”

  “Clean-up is clear at the truck. Eagle Eye is in Ops. Unless you see something I can’t, I’m clear Guardian.”

  I look at Prez. “Dakota will handle holding again. You’re clear to go finish your date Brother.”

  I nod. “We have the laptop.”

  Brantley opens the car door. “I need to get everything off it. It will take some time to get it on a hologram board.”

  “Go Brother. We got this,” Prez says.

  I look, but don’t see anything to concern me. “Thanks, Prez, Brantley.” I throw chin and get back to Brantley’s.

  Parking at my house I get Hawk and walk over to Brantley’s, going in through the slider. The women are laughing in the living room, but Mucimi comes running to me.

  He’s throwing pictures of the truck. Jesus. “They’re dealt with little man. Prez and Dakota will handle it.” He nods.

  I pick him up and walk through to the front when I hear the knock. “I got it,” I tell Holly. She sits until the bags come in. I put Mucimi down and he runs to the hallway. I hold my laugh in, but I’m smiling. Fuckin’ kid is too much.

  “Mucimi!” Holly yells and starts hunting him down.

  Jess, Serenity and Dean help get the bags in the dining room. We’re all smiling. “Guess they didn’t have enough pork chops.” They laugh.

  “Christian he’s hiding again!” Holly yells and they laugh more.

  I pick up Chance, “Let’s go get your brother out of trouble.” In Muci
mi’s room Holly is looking in the closet. “I got him. He ordered for everyone and the Brothers.”

  She throws her hands up. “He can’t just order food everywhere. How is he paying for this?”

  I look and take a second to make sure I don’t laugh. “Brantley’s allowance account. He has money in his own account if you want him to use it you have to tell him.”

  “Mucimi has an account?” She’s shocked.

  I look the other way so I don’t laugh. “All the kids do. When they’re born, birthdays and holidays the MC and Princes deposit into the accounts.”

  “I thought they got gift cards?” She’s thinking so I wait. “I’ve never seen the gift cards.”

  “Joey takes care of it for them. They all have their own IDs. Just tell him to use his own number.”

  She walks out disgusted and I laugh. Chance puts his head on my chest. “Let’s get your brother.” I walk out of Mucimi’s room and into the office. When I open the closet door, he looks up at me. “I think you’re losing dessert little man.”

  He nods looking sad and puts his arms up. I lift him and take him into the dining room. When they’re both sitting Mucimi looks at Holly. “Sorry.”

  “You can’t keep ordering food happy boy.”

  He looks down. “I pay,” he says without looking at her again. I clench my jaw and look away. Holy shit he’s fuckin’ funny.

  “It isn’t about you paying. You should ask me and wait for my answer. Maybe I wanted Italian.” She smiles.

  Mucimi looks at her. “You want fish.”

  Brantley and Prez walk in to us all laughing. I throw to them what happened and Brantley’s smiling. Holly glares at him and Prez laughs. “Worse than keeping up with Jeremy,” he says catching my eye. He throws Dakota getting information and Terry will have my boards updated in the morning. I nod. Dean is watching everything around the table. Prez looks at Serenity. “I need you on the Compound tonight. With a threat to Dean you’re on high alert. You’ll have Security with you off the Compound. Yeah?”

  She nods. “Thank you. Where am I staying?”


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