Christian (The Protectors Book 1)

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Christian (The Protectors Book 1) Page 28

by L. Ann Marie

  Mitch walks in and I groan. “I can’t do more.”

  She smiles. “I don’t have to touch you to do this. If you can sit you can pull the Velcro yourself.”

  She’s so happy I smile at her. Mase and Jeremy help me up. She explains and Jeremy lays the brace out for me. When she moves to check the band, Jeremy stops her. “No. I’ll do it.” He checks and tightens it. “It’s good.”

  Mitch nods, but isn’t smiling anymore. “What do you need?”

  “Healing and time. Too much today,” Jeremy tells her.

  She gives him a look. “If you’d show me how you heal I might be able to help.”

  He shrugs and I see his concern, but I’m feeling dizzy. “I need to jump. Nekanis come.” I feel him beside me and lay back.

  I open my eyes on the chopper. “Fuck.”

  Jeremy is sitting in the chair. I try to sit up to ask what happened, but I can’t push enough to sit. ‘Relax. Mitch’s hand was on your leg. Didn’t see it.’

  I look for it and see everyone in the locker room then Jake and my dad moving me on a board to the chopper. When I see everyone pissed, I push it away. All the fuckin’ shit I’ve done and her hand on my leg just showed everyone how weak I still am.

  ‘How the fuck do you figure that? It’s our job to watch out for you. We didn’t do that. You shouldn’t have jumped knowing Amanda was cutting off the cast. All the fuckin’ Officers and no one thought to keep watch while you were already drained.’ Prez is pissed, but I tune him out. He can yell at me in person.

  The chopper lands at the Compound and Taylor and Dakota get me in my truck bed then home.

  * * *


  “What the hell happened this time?”

  “Mitch made him a brace so he can still walk while healing. Amanda cut the cast off then Mitch was talking with her hand on his leg. It wasn’t noticed until he was out,” Taylor says and Christian closes his eyes.

  “How long?” Don’t these people watch for stuff like that? My mom and dad were all over stuff like this.

  Taylor looks at Jeremy. “Couple minutes. Maybe four, five.” I just met him a few days ago, but he’s supposed to be the healer. He looks away. “Sorry.”

  I walk out of the bedroom and go for a ride to the woods. Someone is following me, but I ignore them and drive. He keeps doing everything to help everyone else, but he’s got no one making sure he’s okay. I turn toward home and hope the nutty Brothers are gone.

  When I walk in they’re all here. Jessie, Darren, Aaron and Taylor are at the table. “He isn’t awake yet?” I ask.

  “Prez was pissed so we came down here,” Aaron says.

  I look at him trying to get this straight. “Why is he pissed?”

  “The Officers didn’t watch over him when they knew Amanda was cutting the cast.” Taylor takes the fight right out of me. They understand and Prez is mad. This is good. I nod and go up to the room.

  I hear Prez talking and slow my steps. “You shouldn’t have jumped with them.”

  “I had to. Pres is just getting what all this means and he needed to see we have his back. I would have been fine, but Mitch was touching me. After Amanda took the cast off I needed a minute to get it together. I couldn’t move her at that point.”

  “Jeremy isn’t a guard for you. Someone should have been watching out.”

  I like Prez, he’s right, someone else should have been watching out for him. I step through the door and they stop.

  Prez looks from me to Christian. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Call to me if you need me.”

  “Thank you,” I tell him as he walks by me. When I turn back Dakota is holding his arm. Christian watches me like he’s worried. “Another one of those days.”

  He smiles. “It was. I got my new brace though. I can bend my knee and even run with Nekanis once I get used to it.”

  “This is good.” I climb on the bed and lay my head on his chest. “If this keeps up I’m quitting the school and watching over you myself.”

  He laughs and squeezes me tighter. Then I fall asleep.

  Chapter Twelve

  One week


  I’m taking Dean to all the places she hasn’t seen that mean something to me. At the church, we stop in and see the Pastor. “Christian! I haven’t seen you lately. You’re looking good and rested. Who is this with her hand in yours?”

  “Pastor this is Dean, my girl.”

  Dean smiles and steps back when he moves to take her hand. “I’m sorry, but touch affects me.”

  He smiles like it’s no big deal. “Like Christian and yet you can touch each other?”

  I laugh. “Go figure.”

  Pastor shakes his head. “The Lord and His mysterious ways.”

  Dean is looking around at the tables.

  “Is Gus around?”

  Pastor nods. “We put a table in the back corner for him.” He doesn’t point, but jerks his head toward the right.

  “Thanks Pastor. Let me know if you need anything.”

  “We’re doing good right now. Plenty of help and food.”

  I take Dean over to Gus’s new table. “Christian. How are you and how is Taylor?”

  I pull a seat out for Dean and sit beside her. “I’m good and Taylor is Taylor. Nothing keeps him down Brother. This is my girl Dean. We’re riding the circuit today checking on my friends. How are you doing Gus?”

  He smiles. “I got me a job.”

  I’m surprised and smile. “Good for you Gus. Where are you working?”

  “Eleven to four a.m., at the manufacturing plant. I’m loading trucks in shipping.”

  I laugh. He’s proud and should be. “Fuckin’ nice Brother. I’m happy for you. If you need anything get it to Jessie or Taylor at group or have Pastor call.”

  He nods and I see he’s done with company so I stand and guide Dean out. “He’s a Vet with PTSD. Not the friendliest guy I know, but he tries.”

  “I saw. That’s a lot to deal with, I mean the crap in his head. I was surprised he got a job. I’m happy for him too.”

  The shit people live with always amazes me. “He’s getting help and goes to Jessie’s meetings. It’s been good for him for a while now. Not everyone is as lucky as Taylor and Gus, but we’ve been at it for two years and it’s getting easier for a lot of them. Next is the homeless neighborhood.”

  When we get off the bike at the neighborhood Alex and Prince pull up on the side of us. “Brother.” He’s excited, but trying to hold it in. Prince jumps off and waits on the side of the bike.

  “Hi Dean. I’m glad you’re here.” He moves to hug her and stops. “I won’t hug you so you don’t get hurt.”

  Dean smiles at him. “Thanks Alex. I’m glad you remembered. I always feel bad telling people.”

  He shakes his head no. “A lot of people can’t do hugs. They are the best, but hurting people isn’t good. We know how to be good Brothers and don’t hurt people. Right?” He looks at me and I nod.

  “That’s right Alex. We promote good and do everything we can to help people.” He’s so excited he’s ready to float away. I smile waiting for him to tell us.

  He smiles big. “I have good news for the neighbors Christian!” I tell him in his head to spill. “The dog food company is giving food free. It’s the good food too. We get to order for the dogs on the computer and they deliver the food to town three’s loading docks. The Mayor said he will deliver to the houses and neighborhoods. That’s big news, right Christian?”

  I slap his back. “That’s the best big news I’ve heard all day Alex.”

  He beams. He’s so fuckin’ cute. “I’m telling the Supers so they know. They need my email too so I can order. Right now, I just have to know how much.”

  “I’m just showing Dean around and checking in. See if they need anything while you talk to the Super. Tell me in your head like we practiced.”

  He bobs his head up and down. “I will Christian.” He walks away and Dean giggles.

nbsp; “They’re so fuckin’ cute. Ally will have to top this one. She does the same things Alex does so everyone is treated the same.”

  She squeezes my fingers. “That is so nice. I love how everyone is treated the same here.” We walk down the first row and I say hi to some of the residents. Dean stops and looks back at the rows of houses. “This is like the MC Compound.”

  “It is. Uncle Danny made each neighborhood a theme. This is Mass. We also have a Rhode Island, Key West, Eastport, Boston and the new one Seattle. I think he was getting bored.”

  She laughs. “He’s amazing. It’s so clean and the people look happy.”

  I nod. “They are for the most part. This is what they can manage, so we keep them small. The building has food, mailboxes, showers and lockers for them.”

  She nods taking it all in. “Let’s get to the Vet house. Last year Prez moved the teens to the side of the Vets here and in town two.”

  She nods looking sad. “There shouldn’t be such a need, but I’m glad the Princes are helping with it.”

  I wait to start the bike. “The neighborhoods are being picked up more and more. Providence, two towns right outside of Boston, Connecticut has four that I know of. They’re popping up all over the country. Lily put a book out on how to do it, so people are doing it.”


  “It is.” I get us to the Vets and feel something is off. Taking a minute I look, but I’m not seeing anything yet. Pulling shields, I open so I can get anything coming at me. I stand still while I’m slammed with shit all at once. Jesus. Holding Dean’s hand tighter I go through everything, but don’t see why I’d have the feeling that something is wrong. I hit my mic. “Guardian to Ops.”

  “Protector Ops this is Mimer, Guardian,” Terry answers.

  “Mimer something is off. I’m not seeing it, but I feel it. Can you get my Security to the Prince Vet house?”

  “Roger Guardian.” He pauses and I know he’s talking to Brantley. “HS can be there in fifteen. Coder can be there in five.”

  “I can wait for HS Mimer. I don’t have a threat just a feeling. Nothing is seen.” Dean looks up, but doesn’t seem fazed by this. Easy.

  “Roger Guardian. HS is fifteen out.”

  “Roger.” I start walking to the house. “These are homeless Vets. Most have jobs or go to training at the church. They get moved from here into apartments when they’re ready. Brothers check in with them at least once a week and update progress on the Prince website for the other Brothers. We do the same for the PTSD Program, but this isn’t as closely guarded. The PTSD forms are watched pretty close and Jessie monitors that everyone is doing their part. This is pretty broad and only one or two contacts a week are made.” She nods and I love that she’s genuinely interested in the programs and how they work.

  Inside we talk to the RA. They have a Vet moving out this week. Everyone is in high spirits. Aaron comes in and talks to a Vet he’s been watching out for. He has PTSD and is from an MP unit. I tell Dean and she watches them while I talk to another that started working at the market down the road. He’s excited about the job.

  “You call me when you’re ready and I’ll come have cake with you.” I’m referring to him moving out and he’s happy. Every time someone makes it out they get charged up thinking they can make it too. It’s fuckin’ awesome to see.

  “I’ll call you Christian. Can I still do the teen mentor if I leave?”

  I love hearing this question and we hear it a lot. “We would hope you would. It takes all of us to make it work Bryan. Getting out doesn’t mean forgetting those behind you.”

  He nods happy he can still take a kid fishing. I hold my laugh because some of the best conversations happen fishing. I slap his back and take Dean toward the door. ‘We’re waiting inside. Take your time Brother.’ I throw to Aaron.

  We talk with a couple of guys about the new training they signed up for. After a couple of minutes Aaron comes in and I give a wave pulling Dean out. I’m hit again with a feeling that something isn’t right.

  “Where to Brother?”

  I’m weighing the options. “I think Security until I figure this out.”

  Dean looks up at me. “Can we stop at the Reader house? Just one. We don’t have to stay long.” She has a hopeful look on her face.

  I look across the street and think. I’m not getting anything, but a bad feeling. No one is throwing shit at me. A few minutes with the readers can’t hurt. “To the Reader house Brother,” I tell Aaron.

  He laughs. “Whipped.”

  I smile. “I fuckin’ am.” I kiss Dean before she gets on behind me.

  Aaron shakes his head. “I would be too you lucky bastard.”

  Dean giggles and we’re off. At the Readers’ house, we talk with a few of the residents and Dean makes plans to come with me for a class on shielding Thursday. I can’t wait. She’s interested in the paperwork and helping at this house. I’m fuckin’ stoked to have the help, but with her here I have another reader that can see more than the words we’re told. I kiss her and she laughs.

  “I’m so excited. I can do this after work or at night and it’s not too far from home.” She’s holding my hand tight so I give it a squeeze. This is going to be so good.

  Before I get on the bike I’m looking around. “Get her back to the house Brother.”

  Neither one asks questions as Aaron takes her back. As soon as I hear the shot I see the pussy aiming for Dean and spin. I’m hit in the back and the wind is knocked out of me.

  “Christian!” She turns.

  ‘Get her in the fuckin’ house!’ I throw to Aaron.

  I shoot the pussy aiming at me again. Sonofabitch. I’m leaning on the bike and look for the other pussy. As soon as I see him I know he’s covered from here. I turn and throw a shield around Dean. She’s fighting Aaron, but he picks her up and carries her up the stairs. Another shot hits me in the arm and one hits the shield. “Motherfucker!” I switch the gun to my other hand and find the pussy shooting at Dean. He’s moving closer, using the parked cars as a shield, but I throw him fuckin’ pain like he’s never had and smile when he screams. A bullet just misses me and I’m looking for the pussy. Aaron is shooting and talking to Ops. I throw him the pussy on the ground and move to the side as a shot is fired my way again. Sonofabitch! I see it and throw to Aaron. The second-floor window across the street explodes and I pull the sonofabitch out. He screams until he hits the ground.

  Taylor pulls up with Tag. “Are we clear?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t see me, but I fuckin’ hope so.”

  ‘Yeah Christian.’ Jeremy says. ‘Good job.’

  “Jeremy says we’re clear,” I tell him and look around. The warning I’ve been getting is gone. “They set up right in front of the fuckin’ Reader house.”

  Taylor looks at Tag. “Take two and check out the apartment.” Looking at me he says, “Jessie is on his way with Jax.”

  “I need to check on Dean. Aaron had to pick her up to get her in the house.” I walk toward the door.

  “Is she okay?” Aaron asks walking toward me. He’s worried because he touched her.

  “I can’t read her. I’m checking now.” I walk in and I’m instantly pissed. “Get away from her! Touch affects her.”

  The two women jump and pull their hands away. “We didn’t know. She just passed out and we were trying to help,” the big woman says. She’s afraid she’s going to get thrown out.

  I shake my head kneeling by Dean. “She had to be carried back in. She was probably feeling that. You touching her would have put her out.”

  “I’m sorry. We didn’t know.”

  I lift my Little Pixie. “I’m here babe.” Standing I look at the women. “She couldn’t tell you. Touch for her is like getting zapped. It scrambles her brain. She’ll be okay with some rest.” I turn and walk out knowing they have questions, but my girl is fuckin’ out. “I need a ride,” I tell Aaron.

  He talks to Brantley and I sit on the steps holding Dea
n to my chest. ‘Dakota, can you help Dean from there?’

  ‘I will try Brother.’

  I watch her, hoping she wakes up. I want to jump, but there is too much happening.

  ‘In the truck. Jump in the truck. I can help from there Christian,’ Dakota says.

  Fuck. I look at Aaron. “I need to jump in the truck for Dakota to help.”

  “I’m sorry Brother. I didn’t know how else to get her in.”

  “She’ll be okay. Dakota can meet me and help.” I hope. Jessie and Jax pull up and talk to Taylor. I see the SUV coming down the road and walk toward it.

  “Take my bike to Security. I got the truck,” Aaron says opening the driver’s door. A Security Brother takes his keys smiling.

  I get in and Jessie stands at the door. “You need to get to Nick’s. Prez’s orders.”

  “I need to jump so Dakota can help her.”

  “Then jump on the fuckin’ way. You got hit in the back and your arm is dripping blood every-fuckin’-where,” he growls and I nod. No point pissing him off. He slams the door and I jump.

  “We got this baby.” I fly above the lake and see Dakota in his tree. “She hasn’t woken up Dakota.”

  He nods holding her hand. “She will be fine, but she needs to learn to shield and command so touch does not incapacitate her. She will never be safe if she is this sensitive and has no way to stop it.”

  I have no idea how sensitive she is. I’ve seen the kids touch her. I shake my head. I need to get on the fuckin’ ball and teach her more. At this point it doesn’t matter how much she can take. I look at her and think he’s right. She’s tiny and touch has her out and unresponsive. Anything could happen to her like this. I hold her tighter.

  When he steps back I look up at him. “She will sleep. I will check on her when I come in later tonight.”

  “She’s okay though right?

  He nods, but he’s not happy. “She needs the lessons Christian. Touch is worse for her than you. Her body cannot take so much energy with no way to get rid of it.”


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