Must Love Pets: A Romance Box Set

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Must Love Pets: A Romance Box Set Page 23

by Theresa Weir

  “Remind me again what you do for a living?”

  “Mergers and acquisitions, and occasionally purveyor of lawsuits and murder raps.”

  “Gee, I’m feeling better by the moment here.”

  “There are layers I haven’t tapped yet.”

  “So that buttoned-down thing does add credence to the still-waters-run-deep thing.”

  He squeezed gently where their fingers joined. “You are a rock, Brooke. I know you can handle everything that’s going on in your life right now. If anyone can make it turn out right in the end, it’s you. I respect you more than anyone else I’ve ever met in my life. Or I wouldn’t be here. I am not your knight in shining armor, or your hero. I’m just a man who wants to be with you. I want to help you out any way I can.”

  He lifted their joined hands and dropped a kiss on one of her knuckles, then another.

  “You sure you’re not a white knight?” she said, trying hard to focus on the conversation.

  “Nope, I’m the Phantom. If I remember correctly, he’s not exactly the good guy.”

  “No, he wasn’t. He was just too much in love to see straight. Kidnapping is not a good way to begin a love affair.”

  He chuckled. “We have enough problems as it is. We’ll avoid that.”

  Her lips curved, just a tiny bit. “Well, if you kidnapped me to a white sandy beach, I guess I wouldn’t protest too much.”

  “I haven’t had a vacation since I went skiing with my parents when I was seventeen.”

  “My parents weren’t big on the family stuff. I don’t think they even took me to the zoo. I can’t remember the last time I had a vacation. Running a business takes up a lot of time.”

  “You’re also too indispensable to other people.”

  “What? Like who?”

  “The homeless shelter, your neighbors of the casserole and dry cleaning, your employees. You need someone to make you relax more.”

  “You don’t relax me.”


  His fingers tightened slightly around hers, and the warmth of his body, the strength that poured effortlessly out of him, doing nothing more than lying here, wrapped her in a dangerously seductive cocoon of safety. And she wanted to savor it, just for a moment or two, just long enough to draw strength from it and get her bearings back.


  “Much too sexy.”

  He laughed.

  “Don’t laugh. You have those eyes, and that curly blond hair, and,” she smoothed her hand over his six pack abs, and the indentation of hard muscle right at his hip bone which was one of the sexiest places on his body, “all this.”

  “Keep that up and no one will be relaxing.”

  “I have to say that I’m surprised. I’m not exactly your type. Harper would be more your type.”

  “You offer plenty.”

  She snorted. “A stressed-out person who is more comfortable when she’s helping others and is in a serious amount of trouble. Yeah, I’m a real catch. Any man should be so lucky.”

  He grinned. “There it is. That blistering honesty, absolutely no artifice. When I was pursuing the out-of-court settlement, you kept doing that kind of stuff.”

  “What kind of stuff?”

  “You talked to homeless people like they were your best friends, and genuinely meant it. Charmed an old man just to see him smile and wink, put up with two gay guys when they hit on me, make the best-smelling muffins I’ve ever tasted, and were there for your sick dog. All with so much confidence and gentleness.”

  He used their joined hands to stroke his knuckles down the side of her face, and his voice softened further. “You goad me, you make me wonder about things I’ve never wondered about, or at least have forgotten. You entice me and I think about you all the time. I’ve only just met you, and yet I find myself wondering what you’d think about this or that. I’ll want to get your reaction on something I’m mulling over, because I know you won’t snow me. You might candy-coat it in your unique way, but you’d be real about it. I know you’ll give a thoughtful, well-reasoned response without caring if it’s what I want to hear or not. I’ve never met anyone like you.”

  “You’ve been holed up in your office much too long.”

  He barked a laugh at that, and when Roscoe woofed, they both laughed. Then his gaze grew quite serious. Which was pretty terrifying, because he meant a lot to her, too.

  He kissed her knuckles again, then leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose. Something about that simple gesture, sweetly innocent in its promise, so at odds with the man she was coming to know, made tears spring to her eyes. “Drew,” she whispered, her insides quivering. “Thank you for being here. No one has ever been there like that for me until now.”

  “What about your friends? They seem pretty tight.”

  “They are. It’s just that…things are changing…and I feel out of sorts about it all. Should probably not come as a shock, but I like to take care of people and don’t really expect it in return.”

  The room had lightened by degrees as they talked, and now were silent, while the warmth, the sheer sweetness of lying here naked with him after the hot, out-of-control sex lulled her to sleep.

  When her alarm went off at its usual hour, she moaned and slammed her hand down on the off button.

  She cracked an eyelid to find him smiling at her.

  “Oh, God. Don’t tell me you’re one of those people who wake up in the morning all cheery. I need coffee.”

  He grinned and kissed her. As morning kisses went, it was heavenly.

  “Mmhmm, maybe I could learn to be a morning person.”

  That obviously pleased him, which made her smile. It felt good to smile. “I’m not a complete hardass.”

  He grinned and nudged her with his hips. “I happen to think your ass is damn near perfect.”

  She bumped him back. “You should know.” Then her smile grew. “Are you blushing?”

  “I never blush. I’m pretty sure it goes against the guy rules.”

  “I don’t know,” she said, tilting her head to see his face in better light.

  He leaned over and had just caught her in a fast kiss when she heard her front door open and close, then, “Brooke?”

  It was a measure of how far she had sunk into this budding relationship that, even with the sudden intrusion of the real world, it took her a few more lingering moments to end the kiss and surface.

  She identified the intruder. It was Callie. Callie who had a key in case of an emergency and had used it.

  They both tensed.

  “I tried calling you, but got no answer.” Her boot heels clicked on the hardwood floor. Oh, no. She was headed for the bedroom. “So I came up and let myself in. I brought bagels, but really was hoping you had one of your world famous muffins—oh, shit.” She materialized in the doorway, looking windblown, a brown paper bag in her hand.

  Callie stared at them in bed, and her mouth dropped open, but no words came out. She finally closed it, swallowed hard, her eyes stormy. She cut Drew a very unfriendly look and said, “I’ll be in the living room.”

  Drew threw off the covers. “I’d say she doesn’t approve of me. I’ve got to get going anyway.”

  “Don’t let her run you off.”

  “Believe me. I’m sure I’m not at the top of your friends’ list, unless it’s their shit list. And, when it comes to women and their…discussions, I’d rather be a million miles away. You get my drift. I’ll call you later.”

  She smiled slightly. She bet Callie was more worried than surprised to find her tangled up with Drew.

  Drew touched her face with the back of his hand and kissed her before he left. She belted a robe around her waist, emerging from the bedroom as the door closed after him.

  “I hope he didn’t leave on my account.”

  Any other time, she’d have been mortified to have been caught in such a compromising situation. But the real world had returned with a vengeance, and she wasn’t prepared yet.

bsp; Brooke put her hands on her hips and tilted her head. “Does being rude come with the bagels instead of the cream cheese?”

  Callie sighed and crossed her legs, leaning back into the sofa. “That guy is bad news.”

  “He’s helping me.” Brooke turned and went to the kitchen and grabbed the carafe out of the coffee maker and filled it at the sink tap. Callie plopped down the bagel bag with a rattle.

  “He’s heading up another suit. It was on the news. What were you thinking sleeping with him?” Brooke’s stomach tumbled over itself. She was on the news? Oh, God, this was so bad.

  She poured the water into the well, and pushed the brew button. “I didn’t know who I slept with was your concern.” She wished the coffee would hurry up. She needed the boost of caffeine. She turned away to grab some half and half out of the fridge.

  “Brooke? What is wrong?”

  “Besides being charged with murder and having one of my best friends think I’m an idiot and a pushover?”

  That quieted her for a moment. The silence didn’t soothe her rapidly fraying nerves.

  Callie’s voice was gentle when she finally spoke. “I don’t think you’re a pushover. I’m just confused. I thought that guy was trying to bamboozle you.”

  Brooke shook her head and sighed. “Bamboozle? No. Yes. At first he was, but he changed. And for your information, he took the wrongful death suit because he was trying to make sure no one else is assigned to it. It’s a stalling tactic.”

  “Oh. Well, I’m sorry. I’m just concerned about you.”

  “I know you are, but you’ve been so busy with Owen.”

  Callie frowned. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Just that you’ve been…absent. Especially from the dog park. That’s our time together.”

  “I’m getting married to him.”


  “I just had to miss a couple of times. Look, we’re friends. Friends are there for each other.”

  “Then where were you when I was going through all of this?” The words came tumbling out of her mouth before she could stop them. Callie looked like she’d been slapped.

  “Brooke, are you mad at me?”

  And suddenly it was clear what was wrong with her. She was afraid Callie was moving on that she would eventually drop of out her life, just like her parents. It was inevitable.

  “Mad? Why would I be mad when you didn’t even call me to let me know either time? I thought we were friends. I’m your maid of honor.”

  “We are friends. Do you think things will change when I get married to Owen?”

  Brooke shrugged. “Things have already changed, Callie. I don’t blame you. We’re just four women. We’re not family. We each have our own lives, and things change.”

  “Brooke, it’s more than that. I’m sorry I haven’t been around. My life has been very hectic. Integrating someone else into my life takes time and energy. I’m just trying to help.”

  “It’s not helping. Don’t say bad things about Drew. You don’t even know him. I’m in serious trouble here, and he’s been here for me. I could go to jail for murder. I’m sure you, Harper and Poe will wear your finest fashions when you visit me in Sing Sing, if you do at all.”

  With a hurt look Callie walked to the sofa and picked up her coat. She shrugged into it. “I’m going to go. Harper wanted me to tell you she’ll be by at ten with the limo for your appointment with the lawyer.”


  “No matter what you think, Brooke, we’re all here for you. Alienating us isn’t going to help.”

  “I’m sure I’m just tired. I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  “Well, with that man in your bed, who would?” With a wry look she left.

  Brooke picked up her cup of coffee and took a sip, the hot liquid filling her body with a soft warmth. She sighed.

  It was unavoidable. One by one she’d lose her friends. It was just the way it happened.

  She should be used to it, but this time she just wished it didn’t hurt so much.

  * * *

  Pushing through the sea of reporters was much easier with Harper’s chauffeur leading the way. The big man knew how to clear a path through a crowd.

  As she hurried inside the posh car, Harper shouted. “Leave her alone, you animals.”

  Brooke adjusted her coat and her hair as the car pulled away from the curb.

  “That’s some media circus going on out there. But what I want to know is what’s going on in there?”

  Harper tapped Brooke’s head.

  Brooke looked at her friend’s perfect face and stylish clothes and she wondered if she’d ever had a bad day in her life. “Why are you asking me that?”

  “Callie said you and she had a fight. I don’t think that’s ever happened in our history. She says you’re worried about losing us. She also said you were in bed with Drew Hudson.”

  “Callie talks too much,” Brooke groused.

  “You know there are no secrets among friends.”

  Brooke leaned her head back. “It’s my own emotional baggage. I’m sure that I’ll get over it. Right now, what’s important is to work out a defense and hope they don’t convict me of the murder.”

  “If it’s any consolation, Adam is one of the best defense lawyers in the city.”

  Brooke reached over and grasped her friend’s hand. “I can’t thank you enough for doing this for me. I would be lost without you. All of you.”

  Harper put her arm around Brooke and squeezed.

  “We would never abandon you. You have to know that. Callie is just trying to find a happy medium between Owen and us. She’ll work it out. You’ll see.”

  Brooke nodded, but she knew better.

  They stopped by Pawlish to pick up Rachel. Adam wanted to question her about the incident that triggered the whole Kristen-out-for-revenge story. After that quick stop, they pulled up to a limestone-clad building on Fifth Avenue. Reporters had tried to follow them, but Harper’s chauffeur was a master at ditching the press.

  Inside the mahogany and glass offices of Adam Sanderson, Brooke, Rachel and Harper were offered refreshments in one of the conference rooms.

  “Good to see you ladies again,” Adam said as he entered the room, splendid in a grey pinstriped suit, his dark, close-cropped hair gleaming in the overhead lights. “Who do we have here?” he said, his eyes flowing over Rachel.

  “This is Rachel Chandler. My employee.”

  He nodded and finally pulled his eyes away from Rachel. Brooke gave Harper a knowing look and she smiled back.

  “Okay,” he said as he sat down and opened her file. “I got a copy of the police paperwork. According to the report, the maid called the police shortly after eleven thirty yesterday morning.”

  Brooke’s stomach knotted up and turned over. “That’s about the time I left.”

  “Well, the police put you directly at the scene of the crime. And with the lawsuit that was costing you business, and could have put you out of business, they also have a pretty strong motive.”

  “So what are my chances at trial?”

  “It could go either way. It really is the maid’s word against yours, but the circumstantial evidence is strong, although the forensic evidence is nil. People have been convicted with less.”

  “Adam, that isn’t comforting.”

  “I understand, but I’m being honest.”

  “So there is a real chance I could be convicted and go to prison.”

  He nodded. “Rachel, why don’t you stay and give me your statement so I have the facts straight.” He turned to Brooke and Harper. “I’ll make sure she gets back to work.”

  Brooke left the office in a daze, trying to remain optimistic while Harper did everything she could to bolster her.

  After escaping the press finally, they had lunch and went shopping for the bridesmaids dress fabrics afterwards. Going to her office was out of the question. It would be swamped with reporters, and her being there would make it
even more difficult for her employees to conduct business. If there was any business to conduct.

  Brooke chose a terra cotta red for the maid of honor dress and mango for the other women. The color would set off both Poe’s dark coloring and Harper’s creamy skin tones.

  Poe was going to meet them at Brooke’s apartment, and Brooke found herself really regretting her fight with Callie this morning. They didn’t really need her for the initial fitting, but they had decided she would get to see them wearing the finished products. Still, it felt…wrong…without Callie, especially when she remembered her harsh words this morning.

  After rushing into the building with Harper’s chauffeur’s help, they discovered Poe waiting by Brooke’s door.

  Her long hair was streaked with red today and she wore a red poncho.

  “Hey there, Little Goth Riding Hood.”

  Poe smiled, just finishing up a text. She tucked her phone in her red clutch.

  “Hello, ladies. How are you holding up, Brooke?”

  “I’m hanging in there, thanks.”

  Poe nodded. Brooke let her friends in and Roscoe was overjoyed to see them. He wagged his stub of a tail so hard, his whole body shook. After giving Roscoe some kisses and petting, they hung up their coats. Leading them down to the second bedroom where she kept her sewing machine and all her craft stuff, Brooke said over her shoulder, “I’ll need to take your measurements first.”

  “This will be my first wedding as a bridesmaid,” Poe said.

  “Really?” Harper replied. “I’ve been in dozens.”

  “I find it all so exciting.”

  “Arms out,” Brooke said as she measured first Poe and then Harper.

  “You should. The wedding will be spectacular with Brooke at the reins. And we’ll all look fabulous. Maybe you’ll meet yourself a man.”

  “As long as it’s not an IT guy. Or an engineer. What’s with all the engineers? I’m so tired of them. I dated an IT guy last week who was much more into his computer than he could ever be into me. Unless I turn into R2D2, he can’t be bothered.”


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