Must Love Pets: A Romance Box Set

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Must Love Pets: A Romance Box Set Page 36

by Theresa Weir

  The two walked to the front door, so into each other and how to handle the logistics of two sets of wheels, they barely said good-bye to Ninna. Within moments, Ian had backed down the driveway and driven off with her best friend.

  He was like a heavy north wind. Blew in, picked up what he wanted and blew right back out again. A perfect match for Jane.

  Ninna, on the other hand, saw herself as more like a warm summer breeze. She wafted in, checked things out and wafted back and around again. Stuart was more like her. At least she hoped he was.

  The phone rang while she served up dinner for the dogs. It must cost him a fortune to feed this many animals. She checked the caller ID and picked up.

  “Hi, Stuart.”

  “Hey, how’s the day been, and where are you? Your place or mine?” Instantly, that suggestive phrase went through her. For all his brother’s debonair devil-may-care, let’s-live-while-we’re-young attitude that had caught Jane’s interest, it had left Ninna cold. Stuart, on the other hand, was making her insides melt.

  “I’m at your place. Your brother just blew in on his own and blew out again with my friend Jane on his arm.”

  A shocked moment was followed by a bellow of laughter. “That’s a perfect description of him. Jane’s just his style.”

  Ninna walked to the living room and curled up on the couch to visit. “True enough. Where are you?”

  “At the airport. With any luck, I’ll be home tonight. I’m not counting on it yet, not until the plane actually takes off.”

  Excitement bounced around her insides. She’d see him tonight. “And if all goes well, what time do you think you’ll get here?”

  “A couple of hours—three at the most.” His voice sharpened. “And, no, I don’t want you feeling like you’re not needed there in the meantime.”

  She had to laugh. “How’d you know I was thinking that?”

  “I think I have a good idea of who you are inside. I’m hoping to see you tonight. They’re calling passengers for my flight. I have to go.” He hung up. Ninna stared at the phone in her hand. Happy butterflies danced in her stomach.

  Oh, brother. Are you going to moon around after him now? It’s walk time, you know.

  Even the nudge from Mosey didn’t distract her from the joy welling in her heart. She might actually have met someone who liked her as much as she liked him. Wouldn’t that be a nice change? Checking out the food dishes, she realized all had been emptied already. The lab was apparently happy to lick the last bits from each bowl. She’d take them back to the park, on the other side this time. Maybe even pick up a coffee… And if a baseball game was happening, she’d sit outside for an hour or so. She snagged up the leashes and the dogs came running.

  She could get used to this.

  Chapter 6

  Ninna fell asleep on the couch around ten, with the TV still on and the dogs at her feet. She hadn’t intended to do that. Something woke her. She lay still for a moment, trying to reorient herself. As the dogs never moved, she decided the noise was on the street. She stretched out and contemplated making the shift to her bed upstairs. She had to smile. Tiny had moved to curl up on the back of the couch. He looked so cute.

  Knowing there couldn’t be anything wrong if the dogs were so unconcerned, she decided to stay where she was a little longer. The dogs got up and sniffed the doors and wandered around the house. They didn’t bark, but they did rumble. Just not very hard or for very long. However, as she’d only spent one night here, she wasn’t sure what normal behavior was for them.

  She got up and checked out the window. As far as she could see, there was nothing outside. The dogs continued sniffing. When they were near the garage door, the lab and the boxer, started growling, deep harsh sounds that scared her almost as much as the possible reason for them. She pressed her ear against the door but still couldn’t hear anything. Mosey curled his lip and a deep growl ripped out of his throat. Ninna checked that the door was locked before returning to the kitchen. She closed the drapes and stayed away from the window just in case someone was watching.

  Where was Stuart? He’d thought he’d be back by now. She wanted him to return, and soon. She hated this. She ran to check the locks and set the security system—something she’d set hours ago. With her heart pounding, she whipped through the various checks and only after the last one did she breathe a sigh of relief. Turning away from the security panel, she realized every dog and cat had followed her on her journey. Now they sat, not a growl or curled lip among them, just patiently staring up at her. What were they waiting for? Oh, yes…

  “Last trip outside, then bed.” They all looked up at her, innocence on their faces. She turned off the alarm on the back door, and let them out.

  The backyard was in virtual blackness. She found the light on the inside wall and clicked on a large spotlight that lit up the bulk of the yard. The dogs welcomed the chance to sniff around, and scattered to find their favourite patches and a last chance to lift a leg. Not one growled or barked. She relaxed slightly until she realized there was no sign of Mosey.

  “Mosey? Where are you? Damn, I don’t need this.” She was standing on the deck, with her back to the kitchen when she heard him.


  Like I do. Not telling me we’re going out like that is just mean. You owe me. A second dinner should take care of it.

  Relieved, she spun around and glowered at him. “Ha, fat chance. Where were you, anyway?” She watched as he waddled through the doorway like he owned the place. “You’re supposed to be on a diet, remember?” She gave the dogs a couple more minutes, then called them back inside, did a head count and locked the door up tight. Then she made sure she reset the alarm.


  “You had dinner.” She refused to give in.

  She wanted a hot bath. That would make her feel better and help pass the time…although she didn’t want to be soaking in the bath when Stuart arrived. That would be a little too suggestive.

  With the dogs calm, she headed to the Jacuzzi to relax. She’d hear Stuart well before he made it upstairs, surely.

  She ran the warm water into the huge tub. She thought she heard the dogs barking, but when she went out into the hallway to check, they had quieted again. Crazy.

  Back in the bathroom, she added bath salts from a jar sitting off to one side. The scent of lavender filled the room. Inhaling appreciatively, she undressed and slipped into the warm water. “Oh, what a slice of heaven,” she whispered to the empty room. She couldn’t help loving the decadence of this house. Compared to her tiny nest, this was ultimate luxury.

  Wallowing in the warmth, she could feel the tension and stress slip off her shoulders and wash away in the water. Sleep beckoned so strongly she almost drifted off.

  It was only as the water cooled she realized how much time had passed. Pulling the plug, she struggled to get out of the water, feeling more tired than she could believe. Her limbs were heavy as lead. There was a spare robe hanging on the back of the door. She wrapped herself up in it and used the second towel to wrap around her head.

  As she went to open the door, she heard it.

  Something heavy moved beyond her bedroom. Too big to be the dogs. Stuart? No, he’d have called out to her. What could it be? Uncertain, she stood still and silent. Damn, this would be a good time for Mosey to hear her thoughts.


  There was almost an answer. Mentally, she called him again, getting a somewhat fuzzy response. She didn’t understand it. Fear slammed into her. Something was wrong. But what? She stared at the closed bathroom door in horror. Then she heard a sound that made her blood freeze. A door closed.

  Her bedroom door. Oh, shit.

  She was stuck in a bathroom wearing nothing but a robe, while something she wasn’t going to like waited for her in the bedroom. Her clothes, where the hell where they? Dumped in a pile at the door. She got dressed as quietly and as quickly as possible, her mind frantically sorting through her options. She searched for her cell p
hone. Yes, it was in her pants pocket. She quickly texted Stuart, telling him something was wrong. Then she texted Jane.

  Turning her phone to vibrate, she waited for a response. She kept her fright in check, just barely as her gaze zeroed in on the door. Shit. It wasn’t locked. How could she lock it and not have someone on the other side hear? She had no choice. She reached up and turned the bolt.


  She held her breath. Then released it. So far so good. Now what could she find in a bathroom to use as a weapon? She stared around the small room, her panic building. The only window was too high up to reach. There were no aerosol sprays. Outside of a skin loofah—like that was going to help—she couldn’t see anything of value. The towel, but what could she do with it? She was no martial arts expert. She’d often thought of doing some self-defence courses, but hadn’t gotten that far…unfortunately. Now she desperately wished she had.

  Her phone vibrated in her hand. She quickly read the text. Stuart. He was only blocks away, and he’d contacted the police. She read his text: ‘Stay hidden. I’ll be there in a few minutes.’

  “Oh, thank God.” Keeping her head down, she sat down, her back pressed against the door. Whoever was on the other side had to know she was here. There was no other place for her to be. The draining bathwater had probably alerted him. Shit.

  Ninna? Where are you?

  She straightened. Mosey! Thank heavens. I’m in the bathroom. Who’s in the bedroom?

  I don’t know. I just woke up. I’ll come upstairs and see.

  Ninna winced, wanting to scream out for help. No, I don’t want you to get hurt. Stuart’s on his way.

  Good. Almost there. Uh oh.

  She spun around on her bum to stare helplessly at the closed door, wishing she knew who was on the other side. Uh oh? Uh oh, what? Who’s there?

  I don’t know him. He doesn’t look dog friendly. He looks mean.

  Oh, shit. Get out of the way. Don’t let him see you. He might hurt you. Where are the other dogs? Why aren’t they with you? She didn’t want anything to happen to him or the other animals.

  I’m not going to get hurt. Still, this is not a nice man. The dogs are sleeping downstairs in the front room. He sprayed us with something. Stay in there. Uh oh!

  What? Mosey, what? Her breath caught. She closed her eyes as fear stole her breath.

  He’s coming to the bathroom door.

  Oh, shit. Ninna shuffled her bum to the door. With her breath caught in her throat, she waited.

  “Ninna? Is that you?”

  The guy in the bedroom, a voice she didn’t recognize, called her by name. Horrified, she stared into the full-length mirror on the opposite wall. She didn’t recognize his voice. But he knew her name.

  The male voice, lighter, younger than Stuart’s, spoke again. “Ninna. Sorry, didn’t mean to surprise you. Come on out and let’s talk.”

  Talk? Was he nuts? There’s no way she was going out there.

  “I’ve been admiring you from a distance for weeks now. Saw you by accident when I walked past your little house. You’re gorgeous, you know that?” He paused. “I just want to get to know you better.”

  She barely held a small scream from breaking free. Silence was her best bet. She hugged her knees, rocking back and forth. She stuffed a corner of the towel into her mouth to keep the small panicked squeals from coming out. Texting didn’t work with her hands shaking so bad. She was almost paralyzed by her terror.

  Stuart…someone, please hurry!

  “Ninna, come on out. You don’t have to be scared of me. I just want to talk to you.”

  How the hell had he gotten into the damn house? As if he could read her mind, he answered the question himself.

  “When you came back after letting the dogs out the last time, I crept in through the garage. Got a great spray a friend of mine made up. Put the dogs out quick. Don’t worry though, it won’t hurt them none. Came straight upstairs and went into the master, expecting to find you there. It made me feel good to know you weren’t sharing his bed. You were waiting for me, weren’t you?” His voice became louder and she could barely hear his footsteps but sensed he walked right up to the door. Her heart pounded so heavily it was hard to hear his next words. She strained to hear.

  “You should have stayed home. That little house is perfect for you. For us.”

  Her eyes widened. Oh God, Mosey. He’s crazy.

  Yeah, he doesn’t look too good. He’s got a mess of ropes and things in his hands, too.

  Oh, God. Oh, God. Stuart, where are you? Please let the police get here soon. How long could it take to drive a few blocks? Ropes. Oh, God. Mosey, you stay away from him. He’ll hurt you. You can’t run that fast.

  Mosey sniffled, but it sounded too close to a real snicker for her peace of mind.

  Oh ye of little faith. You never did believe in me.

  I mean it. As much as I may not have had anything to do with pets before this last week, I have to admit that you’ve all grown on me. I don’t want anything bad to happen to any of you.

  Just then the doorknob above her head turned. She swallowed hard.

  The lock held—but for how long?

  “Ninna. Come on out. I don’t like this door between us. I don’t want to break the door down, but I will if I have to.”

  Any decent-sized male could break down the puny door in a few minutes. She stared at it in dread.

  “I just want to visit for awhile.”

  Like hell. If that was the case, there was no reason to have brought ropes.

  Just then sirens approached. Her heart jumped. God, please let the police be coming to help her.

  “Did you call the cops, you bitch? You know you’ve been teasing me all this time. Inviting me in. This is your fault. What a fucking bitch. Don’t worry, you’ll get yours.”

  He kicked the bathroom door hard. She shuddered as the wood rippled against her back from the force. She could hear him running toward her, then smash, he hit the door again. The lock almost gave way. With the next try, it probably would. What could she do?

  Stay quiet.


  “What the fuck was that?”

  The voice yelled right on the other side of the door. She freaked out.

  Mosey, what are you doing?

  Screams from the bedroom had her jumping to her feet. She cried out, “Mosey, stop, you’re going to get hurt.”

  “Get it off me! Get it off meeeeee!”

  Then all hell broke loose.

  Barks, howls, yips added to the yells and roars that filled the bedroom and more sirens filled the night. Ninna huddled lower to the floor and waited, whimpers caught deep in her throat as sounds of chaos washed over her.

  Then everything went silent.

  A tentative voice called out, “Ninna? It’s Stuart. It’s okay, you can come out now. We’ve got him.”

  She closed her eyes in relief. “Stuart?”

  “Yes, it’s me. Unlock the door. It’s safe now.” Then Mosey’s voice filled her mind.

  It’s good ole Stuart. That bad guy isn’t walking so good anymore. I bit him in the ass. Blech.

  “Oh my God.” Ninna was half laughing and half crying by the time she had the door unlocked. Opening it, she collapsed into Stuart’s arms. He held her close. “Shhhh, it’s all right now. Everything’s going to be fine.” A few long moments later, he drew back slightly. “The police are here. I think they’re going to need to talk to you. “

  She sniffled but let him lead her over to where several officers stood. Wiping her eyes on her sleeve, she smiled tremulously at the female deputy. “Thank you so much for coming to my rescue.”

  “We’ve been after this guy for a long time. We were afraid his behavior would escalate. We’re just happy we caught him before he did anything worse. If you feel up to it, we need to take your statement.” The deputy led her downstairs and into the kitchen.

  There, with a cup of bracing tea, and the dogs milling about in the excitement, Ninna
told them what she knew. From the break-ins to finding the picture frame to tonight’s frightening experience, she tried to give a coherent retelling of events. Stuart stood behind her, one hand on her shoulder for support.

  She withheld the Mosey information. They’d just think she was crazy.

  Speaking of Mosey, where was he? He deserved a big hug and a huge bowl of gravy. She glanced around, but with all the cops and the animals, she couldn’t see him. She turned her attention back to the deputy. “Where’s the intruder? Please, may I see him? I’d like to have a real face to put on that monster.”

  Stuart started to protest, but she cut him off. “No, it will help. Better to have a face, than a thousand imaginary ones to haunt me.”

  The deputy left for a moment then came back, a laptop in her hand. She brought up a picture. “This is a good likeness. He’s got a long rap sheet, including sexual assault.”

  Swallowing heavily at the last words, Ninna took a look at the man. He was a stranger. She didn’t think she’d ever seen him before. “How is it that he’s been stalking me, yet I’ve never caught sight of him anywhere?”

  The deputy sighed as if she’d observed too much in life and nothing surprised her anymore. “Unfortunately, that’s all too common.”

  Stuart squeezed her shoulder gently. “Where is he now?”

  “He’s been taken to the hospital to have that bite looked after, then he’ll spend the next few years in jail, if not longer this time, thanks to you.” The deputy closed the laptop and stood up. “Try to get some rest. Be sure to consider getting professional help if you find you’re having trouble dealing with tonight’s events.”

  With a quick smile, Ninna said, “I will, and thank you.”

  Ninna stood and walked to the front door, Stuart at her side, his arm firmly wrapped around her shoulders as everyone prepared to leave. Glancing at the clock, she realized it was three in the morning. They stood on the doorstep until the vehicles pulled away.

  As they walked back inside, she said, “So much for coming home early and getting some sleep. You might have been better off staying at the conference.”


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