Exile: Ghost Academy (YA paranormal adventure, book 4)

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Exile: Ghost Academy (YA paranormal adventure, book 4) Page 16

by K. E. O'Connor

  Lauren nodded and stood up, testing her stability. She still felt a little weak, but definitely stronger than before.

  “Take your time,” said Charlie. “The professors said things may take a while to get working properly. You doing okay?”

  “Definitely better.” She breathed a sigh of relief. “Do you know what happened to Theo?”

  Charlie’s eyes tightened but then he nodded. “Yeah, I guess I owe the guy a favour since he got me out of the portal.”

  “What happened to him? Did the professors manage to help him too?”

  “He took a hit of energy from the portal and he wasn’t doing well for the first few hours, but he seems better now,” said Charlie. “Last I heard he was in one of the cells. We can visit him after we’ve heard from Professor Templeton.”

  Lauren frowned, not liking the thought of Theo being imprisoned after he’d done so much to help her and Charlie.

  Charlie held out his hand. “We’d better go if we want to hear what Professor Templeton has to say.”

  “What about my pyjamas?”

  Charlie shrugged off his hoodie and handed it to Lauren. “Wear this for now. I don’t think people will be too worried about what you look like, they’ll just be happy to have you back.”

  Lauren pulled the dark blue hoodie over her head, took hold of Charlie’s hand and they walked slowly towards the main library.

  “I’m so glad to have you back,” said Charlie.

  Lauren leaned against his arm. “Glad to have you back too.”

  As they entered the library they both stopped. Lauren was surprised to see so many students visible. It must be the whole of the Academy. She didn’t know most of them but spotted a few familiar faces, including the group’s mentor, Spencer. The professors sat at the front of the room, facing the students.

  Professor Templeton stood up from his seat and Professor Granville joined him. He saw Lauren enter and gestured to some spare seats for her and Charlie. She nodded to him and they both hurried over to the seats and sat down in front of Esmee and Alex.

  “I believe we are all here,” said Professor Templeton. “I wanted to begin by thanking everybody for taking part in the recent incident surrounding the portal. I do not think I have ever encountered a portal that has malfunctioned so badly. A combination of age, tampering and misuse has meant that the portal will no longer be able to take in any new ghosts.”

  Professor Granville stepped forward. “We do, however, have some good news. Another portal has been identified on the west coast of Ireland that we believe will be suitable to establish a new Academy next to. It is not quite as old as the one that we used to house here, but is strong and stable and will be able to take in new ghosts for many years to come. It seems like the perfect location for us to build a new Academy. A fresh start for us all.” She turned to Professor Templeton.

  Professor Templeton nodded. “We have also decided, after much discussion, that we need some changes within the Academy. For many years, we have been running this establishment in a particular way, without taking into account changes in the world around us.” His gaze lingered on Lauren before he continued. “Once the new Academy is opened I will be taking a sabbatical from my role as Head of the Academy.”

  A murmur of conversation flooded the room, silenced as Professor Templeton held his hands up. “Professor Altman will be leading the new Academy in my absence. She is a strong and extremely capable Professor, and talented in all things related to the portals. She is the ideal person to lead the new generation of students at the Academy and will ensure we can maximise our effectiveness when it comes to protecting humans in the future and ensuring the portals remain safe.”

  Professor Altman stood up from her seat at the front of the room, her gaze sweeping across the students. “I am very happy to accept this new position and want you to know I have a number of new ideas for the Academy, one of which we are already implementing.” She spread her arms wide. “I would like to begin by encouraging you all to interact more. For too long we have kept you protected from each other, aware that we did not want to overwhelm you when it came to your new studies and assignments.” She looked over at Professor Templeton and he inclined his head.

  “I have perhaps been too keen to keep you as safe as possible. Becoming a ghost here is no small undertaking, but I believe this is a good change,” said Professor Templeton.

  Professor Altman smiled. “As of today, if you so wish, you may all remain visible to each other. We believe you all have a lot to learn from the experience and skills that you carry and we want to make sure that you share and interact with each other as widely as possible.”

  Esmee groaned as she leaned over towards Lauren from the row behind her. “That means I’m going to have to fend off even more girls now Alex can see everybody.”

  Lauren stifled laughter as she looked back at Alex’s pained expression.

  Professor Altman continued. “I would also like to welcome the return of two former students to the Academy.” Her gaze settled on Lauren and Charlie. “They have both shown extraordinary courage and tenacity with their work and their loyalty to their friends and family. Lauren was important in the recent retrieval of her colleague and close friend Charlie, who we thought was lost in the portal. If they are both willing, we would like to welcome them back as students of the Academy with full graduation privileges.”

  Lauren looked at Charlie and they both shrugged in unison.

  “What do you think?” Charlie leaned in close to Lauren.

  “Now that Professor Altman’s going to be in charge of the Academy, it doesn’t seem like such a bad place to be,” she said.

  “Can I take your enthusiastic response as a yes to my offer?” Professor Altman arched a perfectly groomed eyebrow at them both.

  Lauren smiled and nodded. “I’d be happy to come back.”

  Charlie nodded as well. “Sounds good to me.”

  “Welcome back both of you,” said Professor Altman. “I shall look forward to working with you.”

  “Excellent.” Professor Templeton stepped forward. “Our work begins immediately, and each student will be assigned to a specialist team in the short term to assist with our new Academy as it is being created. I want you all to be working on your allocated tasks and also spending time getting to know each other. As Professor Altman rightly pointed out, you can, and will, learn from each other and I think that is an important part of being at this Academy.”

  “I am overseeing the allocation of these tasks,” said Professor Granville. “Some of you will be assigned to Professor Mackintosh for the remaining clean-up operation.” This comment elicited a number of groans.

  Lauren looked over to see Professor Mackintosh glowering in his seat, his arms folded over his chest. He caught her gaze and gave her a brief nod.

  “Others will be investigating the remains of the portal to see if we can learn anything more about it,” said Professor Granville. “And I will be asking a number of you to focus on the current issue with the malfunctioning portals. This is still an ongoing issue and we need to tackle that as a top priority.”

  “That is everything for now,” said Professor Templeton. “Thank you all for attending. Please remain here and Professor Granville will sort you into your work teams. Here’s to a new era for the Ghost Academy.”

  The students shuffled in their seats as Professor Granville started dividing students into their relevant teams.

  “Wonder what we’ll be assigned to do,” said Esmee. “Hopefully no more remedial classes.”

  “No, we’ve proved we’re reliable,” said Alex. “We helped out when they needed us and Esmee and I worked the line with the other students when we had to get the escaped ghosts to safety.” He tapped Charlie and Lauren's heads. “Not sure about these two jokers, though. They spent all their time messing about inside the portal.”

  “I sort of had no choice about the whole portal thing. If it weren’t for that Deviant guy, I’d be history,” s
aid Charlie.

  “I still can’t understand why he helped you out in the first place,” said Esmee. “It's not like the two of you are friends.”

  Charlie’s gaze went to Lauren and she blushed. “I can think of a reason,” he said.

  “Maybe he’s looking for a new home,” said Alex.

  Lauren kept her head down, not wanting to get involved with the conversation.

  “Shall we go and check in on Theo before we get assigned to a team?” Charlie asked Lauren.

  Lauren nodded. “Sounds good. If we miss anything let us know,” she said to Alex and Esmee.

  “We aren’t your skivvies,” muttered Esmee.

  “No, you’re not, you’re my friends.”

  Esmee’s cheeks coloured and she turned away towards Alex, who winked over her head at Lauren. “Don’t worry about her, I don’t think she’s ever been told she’s someone’s friend before.”

  “Shut up, loser, let’s go see what Professor Granville has in store for us.” Esmee yanked on Alex’s arm as she stood up.

  “As you desire, my lady.” Alex looped an arm around Esmee’s shoulders and they walked away.

  Lauren reached the door to the library and felt someone watching her. She turned and met Professor Mackintosh’s gaze.

  “Give me a minute,” she said to Charlie.

  Charlie noticed who Lauren was looking at. “Are you sure?”

  “I need to make sure everything is okay between us. He wasn’t too pleased about me coming back.”

  Charlie shrugged. “I’m happy just keeping out of his way.”

  Lauren nodded but then walked over to Professor Mackintosh, determined to get things sorted with him.

  His gaze followed her across the room until she reached his chair. “You’re back,” he said.

  “Looks like it,” replied Lauren. “Is that going to be a problem?”

  Professor Mackintosh narrowed his eyes. “Storm doesn’t seem to think so.”

  “And you?”

  Professor Mackintosh sighed and rocked his chair back. “I don’t have a problem.”

  “You won’t stop me from being here?”

  Professor Mackintosh scrubbed his stubbled chin. “This life is not an easy one. We all suffer to some degree by being a part of the Academy. Sometimes I believe it’s easier not to be here. To let go and just move on.”

  “You’re saying you were trying to help me and Charlie by getting us kicked out?”

  Professor Mackintosh gave a wry smile. “Not so much, but you’ll change the longer you stay here. People change.” His gaze moved to Professor Granville. “Sometimes it’s hard to adapt to that.”

  “I’m willing to give it a try,” said Lauren. “But it will be easier if you’re helping me.”

  Professor Mackintosh righted his chair and stood up. “I won’t get in your way, how’s that for a compromise?” He held his hand out. “I might even teach you a few things to make your time here a bit more enjoyable.”

  Lauren widened her eyes, it was about as close to acceptance as she was going to get. She shook Professor Mackintosh’s outstretched hand. “That will do.”

  Professor Mackintosh nodded and walked over to join Professor Granville.

  Lauren returned to Charlie, feeling a little lighter now she knew she’d no longer have to do battle with Professor Mackintosh.

  “Well, he didn’t stomp on you, so I guess it went okay,” said Charlie.

  “We have an agreement,” said Lauren. “Don’t think he’ll be quite so mean anymore.”

  “Good to know.” Charlie led the way out of the library and they walked to Jeremy’s laboratory, and as usual, found the doors unlocked. They discovered Jeremy standing amongst a pile of equipment, scratching his head.

  He looked up when they entered. “Nice to see you up and about.” Jeremy smiled at Lauren. “Everything on the mend I trust?”

  “Just about.” Lauren stretched out her arms. “I still feel a little tired, but that’s probably usual?”

  “Well, it’s not unusual, given you were down to about five percent of your energy when we released you from the containment box.” Jeremy plucked a box from the pile in front of him and looked it over. “It took all the energy I normally reserve for the cells to get you back to your current strength.”

  Lauren looked over to the open door that led to the cells. “What’s keeping the ghosts inside their cells if you used all the power on me?”

  “Nothing and they aren’t in there anymore,” said Jeremy.

  “You let them all go?” asked Charlie.

  “It’s another of Professor Templeton’s new initiatives,” said Jeremy. “All the ghosts within the cells were given the option to be freed and stay here to be rehabilitated or cross over.”

  “What if they didn’t like either of those options?” Lauren looked around the room, half expecting to see some angry ghosts launching themselves at her.

  “You would be surprised by the number who did want to cross over. It was almost half, the rest are currently under the supervision of Professor Mackintosh, so I can’t see them doing too much harm whilst he is keeping watch over them.” Jeremy scooped up a pile of equipment and placed it on a workbench.

  “What about the Deviant, Theo?” asked Lauren. “What did he decide to do?”

  “He is still here,” said Jeremy. “I don’t believe he is staying at the Academy, but his energy is stable now. He has been meeting with Professor Templeton whilst he was recovering and they have been making plans for the future of the Deviants.”

  “What did they talk about?” asked Lauren.

  “Why don’t you ask him yourself?” Jeremy pointed over Lauren’s shoulder and she turned to see Theo in the doorway, a smile on his face.

  Lauren returned his smile and hurried over to him. “You survived your experience in our portal?”

  “Thanks to you getting me out.” Theo stuffed his hands into his jeans pockets. “This place has been amazingly good to me.”

  “Don’t sound so surprised.” Charlie joined them. “The Academy is basically decent.”

  Theo nodded. “I know, it just didn’t work out for me when I was here. But I’m glad to see things are changing.”

  “What things? What have you been talking about with Professor Templeton?” asked Lauren.

  “Ah, now that’s a secret.” Theo grinned and then held his hands up as Lauren began to protest. “I’m joking, he’s been talking to me about the future of the Deviants and how there may be a way for us to work together rather than constantly fighting over the portals.”

  “Do you think they will want that?” Lauren struggled to believe the Deviants would be so willing to join up with the Academy after so many years of fighting.

  Theo shrugged. “We don’t think it will be easy, and I can see a few leaving and setting up a splinter group, but I think most of them will be interested. It’s early days, but I’m willing to give it a try.”

  “Are you the go between?” asked Lauren.

  “I’m their new leader.”

  Lauren’s eyes widened. “You said you weren’t interested in that.”

  “I also said stranger things have happened.” Theo’s grin widened. “Besides, it’s just a trial. Someone else more suitable might step up and offer to lead, but until they do the Deviants are stuck with me. I’ve been to see them and they don’t seem to mind. Honestly, everyone over there is still in shock after the attack by the ghost hunters and Maggie going crazy and then abandoning everyone. They just seem to appreciate a familiar face who will guide them. And like the Academy, we are also looking for a new base of operations, a safer one, where the ghost hunters won’t find us.”

  “Maybe we can share a base,” said Lauren.

  Theo laughed. “One step at a time. Even I don’t think I could handle sharing the same space as Professor Mackintosh for too long.”

  Charlie rocked back on his heels. “I owe you thanks, for getting me out of the portal.”

��s gaze cut to Lauren. “Have to keep you safe, otherwise, Lauren will never smile again.”

  Lauren opened her mouth but then snapped it shut. Theo was right, she would not want to be without Charlie.

  Theo gave a bow. “You are both welcome.”

  “You’re still here.” Professor Mackintosh loomed behind Theo, a scowl on his face.

  “I’ll be leaving today.” Theo turned to face Professor Mackintosh. “Unless you were planning on asking me to stay and we can hang out together.”

  Professor Mackintosh grunted. “Lauren and Charlie, you’re wanted. Professor Templeton needs to see you.” He turned and walked away, without waiting to see if they would follow.

  “Guess some things never change.” Lauren turned to Theo. “Will we see you before you go?”

  “Probably not, got to get back soon and start setting out plans with the rest of the Deviants,” said Theo.

  “Maybe you could start with a new name for the group,” said Charlie. “Something a little more positive, like the Friendlies or the Regulars.”

  Theo laughed. “Maybe, that’s not such a terrible idea, although not sure about either of those alternatives.” He leaned forward and kissed Lauren’s cheek, his lips lingering for a second too long. “Take care of yourself, Lauren Cole. I’ve had a lot of fun chasing you.”

  “It’s been an adventure,” she replied.

  Theo stepped back and then shook Charlie’s hand. “Time to go. See you around.” He blinked out of sight.

  Lauren looked over at Charlie, noticing the tightness around his jaw. “Let’s go and see what Professor Templeton has in store for us.”

  Charlie nodded, his head down as he followed Lauren.

  “You know nothing ever happened with Theo,” said Lauren. “When we were together we spent most of our time fighting.”

  “He likes you.”

  “And I like him, some of the time. But he’s too complicated for me.”

  “You like simple guys?”

  “Yes, I love simple guys.” She nudged him with her elbow.

  Charlie’s face brightened. “I never got the chance to finish my education. I reckon that must make me pretty simple.”


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