Julia's Second Collection

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Julia's Second Collection Page 2

by McAvoy, Bridy



  “A few inches higher and it’ll be hot and wet.”

  “Stop it!” She frowned at him in the near darkness as the lights dimmed even further. The tables around them had filled up and there were more people dancing on the strobe-lit dance floor.

  “Come on. I’m ready to work off that excess energy you were complaining about earlier.”

  “Coming, honey, coming.”

  They made their way to the dance floor and found a space. Max had never been the best mover, but he tried. Julia, though, was in her element as she danced in front of him to the heavy beat of the rock song currently being played by the DJ. She moved with liquid grace, her hips rolling to the beat, her arms above her head as she swung her shoulders in counterpoint to the music. Max’s gaze was downward, watching the movements of her hips as she started to undulate her flat stomach. Julia’s face split with a grin. She knew what her husband was thinking—just how that movement would feel under him as they made love when they got home. She felt wanton, almost heady with desire, as she danced for him. Max was hardly moving, just giving some half-hearted foot movements in front of her as he watched her.

  Looking up, and looking around, she could see he wasn’t the only one watching her. The flash of her tanned legs under the blue of the denim, the way the white buttons on her skirt and, above all, the near transparent top all caught the eyes of other men in the room. She swallowed hard but kept her smile as she danced, knowing they were watching her, but couldn’t have her. She was Max’s and spoken for. There were a couple of women watching her too, younger women, and they seemed jealous. She could see one of them nodding her head in time to the music as if she was trying to learn Julia’s moves.

  She laughed to herself. No chance, not in a million years, girl.

  The music switched to a slower track and she lowered her arms, surprised to find little beads of perspiration forming on her skin already. Max stepped forward and, wrapping her arms around the back of his neck, she pulled him in tight. Her body melted against her husband’s and she could feel the beginnings of an erection pressing against her stomach as her breasts squashed against his chest.

  His mouth found hers as they started to move in a circle, her hips swaying as she ground herself against the growing bulge in his pants. They broke the kiss, both breathless, and she lowered her head to rest her cheek on his shoulder. Her hands tightened their grip around him, and he responded in the same fashion almost squeezing out what little breath she still had. She knew her smile would tell everyone just how happy she was to be right there, right then.

  The slow track came to a halt and Max led them both off the dance floor, holding her hand as they weaved between the tables toward their own. They’d almost made it when Max suddenly stumbled and yelped. He did, however, remain upright but as she turned to him, his face was a rictus of pain. Wrapping one arm around his waist, she helped him to his seat and then leaned over him.

  “What happened?”

  “Tripped.” He tried to straighten his leg and stopped with a gasp.

  “Is it your ankle again?” Her heart was in her mouth. He’d badly fractured his ankle months earlier and she knew it was still weak.

  “No, other leg.”

  “Ankle or knee?”

  He winced again. “Both, I think. I wrenched them as I tripped. Don’t think it’s bone—feels like muscle.”

  “Come on. Let’s get you home.”

  Max shook his head. “No, let me sit for a bit. It’ll go off.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah. Listen, honey, get us another beer, will you?”

  She forced a smile. “Are you sure about that? You won’t be able to take any pain killers when we get you home.”

  He bit his lip but smiled back. “Already had too much to consider them, anyway. Fetch us the beer, okay, and give me the chance to relax.”

  “One problem.”

  “Which is?”

  “You, you misogynistic caveman, wouldn’t let me bring my purse, so if I’m going to fetch a beer, you need to give me the money. I’m not washing glasses for it.”

  “In this place, they’d put you in a go-go cage rather than have you wash glasses.”

  “They don’t have any of those.”

  At least his sense of humor seemed to have returned and, leaning to one side, he fished out his wallet, handing her a twenty.

  “Bring a couple each. I think I’m going to have to sit out the dancing for a while.”


  “About the beer, yes. About the dancing, definitely, but you can dance if you want to.”

  “Like that’s going to happen. Mr. Caveman made damn sure his territory got well marked.”

  “It will be if you don’t get me that beer.”

  He mimed slapping her butt as she fussed over him, but he seemed in less pain than he had been a couple of minutes earlier. Still, she was preoccupied as she headed for the bar, picking her way between the tables until she arrived at the chrome monstrosity that lined one side of the room.

  “What’ll it be, sweetheart?”

  “Four Buds.”


  “Yep. Save me coming up twice.”

  The guy standing at the bar had his back to her, but when he heard her voice he turned toward her. She watched his reflection in the mirror as he did a classic double-take, his eye-line raking up and down her body, taking in the transparent blouse and the very short length of her skirt.

  “Where have you been hiding all my life?”

  She turned toward him, immediately noticing he was drunk, swaying as he stood there. He was a cute enough guy, but he was twenty-one if he was a day, so she just smiled. “Probably walking down the aisle before you went to Senior High.”


  “Don’t worry about it, fella.”

  “I hope I meet a woman like you one day, one I can claim as my own. You’re beautiful.”

  “Thank you, but let me give you one piece of advice.”


  “Nobody claimed me. I’m my own woman, and so is every other one of the women in this place.”

  He straightened up, almost rearing away from her. “I meant no offense.”

  She laughed. “None taken.”

  “I take it a dance is out of the question.”

  “Probably, yes.”

  “Are you with your husband?”

  She nodded.

  “Would he take offense if I asked?”

  “Probably not.”

  “Then I just might do that.”

  She laughed again and walked away, carrying her four beers.

  As she sat down, she spotted the college guy weaving his way between the tables in her wake. She frowned. She hadn’t really been encouraging him.

  “Excuse me, ma’am.”


  “You left this.” He dropped her change onto the table and Max laughed. “An honest man. I like that.”

  “Well, I was going to ask your wife for a dance later, but as I’m here…”

  Max tapped his leg. “Seeing as I’m hors de combat right now, I don’t have any objection.”


  “We came here so you could dance, so go on and dance.”

  Grinning like a lunatic, the guy turned his attention back to Julia. “I’m Dieter, by the way.”

  “Julia.” She was a little bit annoyed that Max wanted her to go and dance with this younger guy. She’d rather stay and fuss over him.

  “Would you do me the honor of dancing with me?”

  “I haven’t been asked like that, ever. That’s so…what, nineteen-fifties?”

  He chuckled and held out his hand to help her from her chair. “I guess it’s the German background. Even though he’s third generation, my father still insisted we learned our manners, especially around a beautiful woman.”

  With a glance back at Max who was making a shooing motion, she a
llowed Dieter to lead her toward the dance floor. The section closest to Max was currently occupied by another group of noisy college girls, so Dieter led her several yards to one side before they stepped onto the floor. A little bothered by the fact she was possibly out of Max’s sight, she forced herself to relax.

  Dieter turned out to be quite a good dancer, especially to the soul set the DJ was currently playing. They swayed and moved around each other and Julia found herself relaxing.

  “You like to dance and he doesn’t?”

  “No. He had a bad fall at work a few months back. Left his ankle weak.”

  He nodded. “Know what that can do to you.”

  “You broke yours sometime?”

  “At high school, senior year. I was first string quarterback, good too, but ankle got smashed. Football no longer a career choice.”

  “Ouch, that must have hurt.”

  “The ankle or the loss of football?”

  She chuckled. “Both, I guess.”

  “Yeah, scuppered my chances with the cheerleaders too—until I met you.”

  “Me? I’m no cheerleader.”

  He didn’t seem as drunk now as he had seemed at the bar. “Oh? Bet you were in school?”

  She shook her head. “Nope. I was the gawky one at the back in braids and glasses.”

  “I do not believe you.” He grabbed hold of her arms, holding her still, and swept his gaze up and down her. Something about the heat in his eyes fired her already lingering arousal. “Nah, don’t believe you. Definitely cheerleader material.”

  She shook her head as he let go of her arms and started dancing again. “Seriously, no. Didn’t even try out for the squad.” She brought her hands up to the sides of her breasts and squeezed them together. “Not big enough here.”

  “Not all football players want big tits. Yours look like they’re perfect.”

  She let go quickly. She’d forgotten for a moment she was wearing a see-through blouse. Her actions had almost pushed her breasts out of the top of her bra cups. His view would have been spectacular. The music changed to a slower, more sensual song, and he moved closer, his hands on her flanks, not far below the line of her breasts. She was still a bit embarrassed about what she’d done so didn’t pull away, not wanting to upset him after he’d been so nice. She recognized he was trying his chat-up lines on her, fully aware her husband was in the club. She guessed he was practicing in the knowledge that it didn’t matter if he struck out.

  He started to touch her as they danced and, rather than push him away, she turned and danced with her back to him, pulling his hands down from her flanks to her waist. Unsurprisingly, he moved right up behind her and started to push his thighs against her butt. She let him do so for a minute then turned around again, finding him close enough that her stomach brushed against his erection. She hadn’t intended to get him hard, but he was. She shivered at the contact, which only made it worse.

  The sensual song played on and he continued to hold her, keeping their dance sensual with long smooth movements. She extended her leg to the side, intending to pivot around it to break the contact in a gentle way that wouldn’t seem like rejection, but he seized on the opportunity she’d presented him, albeit without intending to. His thigh moved into the gap, pressing against her mound. She tried to bring her legs back together, but it was too late. She only succeeded in trapping his leg between hers.

  Julia gasped as he pressed his leg against her, his muscles evident under the thin material of his pants. He was right on target, oppressing against her mound through the denim of her skirt and the tight lace of her panties. Before she could really counter what was happening, she felt her outer lips start to swell, her pussy moistening as her body reacted to the stimulation. Her breathing quickened and she knew he could see the flush start to spread to her cheeks—and this time it wasn’t from embarrassment. His hands slipped around her waist to hold her and a moment later he pulled her against his body. Of course, that just increased the pressure of his leg on her pussy. She was almost panting as he manipulated her.

  Luckily for Julia, the track ended and she took the opportunity to break away from him. She was about to say she’d had enough and wanted to return to her husband when she felt someone close behind her.

  “What’s up, bro?”

  “Hey, Phil… Phil, meet Julia. Julia, meet Phil and Hayley.”

  She turned and smiled at the guy standing behind her. “Hey.” Next to him was a tall blonde. Hayley must have had seven or eight inches on her. Indeed, she was probably taller than Karen at work, and Karen was the tallest woman Julia knew.

  “Want to swap for a track?”


  Julia opened her mouth to say something about stopping so she could check on her husband, but it was too late. Phil pulled her toward him as the music started again, although at least this time it was a rock track. Hayley brushed past her and started to dance with Dieter. Julia smiled up into the face of her previous partner’s friend. He wasn’t the smooth mover that Dieter was, and clearly wasn’t such a conversationalist. In fact, as soon as they started to dance, he didn’t say anything at all. At least it gave Julia the chance to clear her head and stop the nagging thumping that came from her loins. Dieter had turned her on way more than she’d intended to let him.

  As the track ended, she smiled her thanks and left the dance floor, picking her way once more toward the table where Max sat waiting for her.

  Kissing him on the cheek, she sat down and wrapped his hand in both of hers. “You okay?”

  “Pain’s easing off.”

  “Are you sure? You’re not just saying that?”

  “No, I’m good. Did you enjoy dancing with your new boyfriend?”

  “He’s not my boyfriend. I’m no cougar. He’s way too young for me.” They both laughed, and Julia told Max how he’d gotten a little fresh with her on the floor, and how her body had reacted to it.

  “That’s your fault.”

  “My fault?”

  “Yeah. If you hadn’t greeted me like that at the door earlier, I wouldn’t have felt so damned turned on.”

  “So, he did get you turned on?”

  “Yeah, he did. Thanks to you, I’m wet.”

  “All the better.”


  “He’s coming over, with a couple of friends.”

  “What?” Julia looked up as the three students closed on the table.

  “Could you use some company? No tables left, and you’ve got some spare chairs.”

  Max smiled a welcome and gestured to the seats. Dieter sat down next to Julia, with Phil next to him. Hayley sat down next to Max as introductions were made all round.

  Hayley leaned in close to Max. “I hear you’ve hurt your leg?”

  “Just a strain, I think.”

  “Let me have a look.”


  Phil laughed. “Hayley’s about to qualify as a physiotherapist. Let her have a look, mate. She’s good at what she does.”

  Max shot Julia a look but she smiled and nodded, and the tall girl moved around and knelt down in front of Max. All three leaned over to watch, and Julia felt Dieter’s arm slip around her back to brace himself on her chair as his shoulder touched hers. Julia gasped as Hayley bent forward. Her top was loose fitting and the neckline gaped as she bent over Max’s legs, giving an impressive display of cleavage. Looking around, she could see all three men, including her own husband, had their gazes locked on the opening.

  Hayley looked up at Phil and Dieter. “What?”



  Julia was pretty sure Hayley knew what she was doing to the male libidos around the table, but she bent back to her task.

  Max grunted as she probed his ankle with knowing fingers and, after a couple of minutes, the tall, but in no way gawky girl rose to her feet. As she sat down at the table, she gave her diagnosis. “Nothing broken, and I don’t think you’ve torn anything. Just pulled the musc
les. Give it a couple of days of rest and you’ll be fine. Stay off work ʼtil after the weekend.”

  Max groaned. “Tell that to the slave-driver. She’s got a list of chores for the next four days. We’re both off work ʼtil Monday. That’s why we came out tonight.”

  “Ah, right.”

  Phil looked at his girlfriend and mouthed the word ‘beer’. Before anyone could respond, Max chimed in. “If you fetch them, they’re on me.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “And while he fetches the beer, I’ll whisk your wife back onto the dance floor.”

  Julia didn’t really want to dance again so soon, and certainly not with someone she was pretty sure was trying to get into her panties, despite Max’s presence, but it would have seemed churlish to refuse.

  * * * *

  For the next hour Julia found she was hardly off the dance floor. If it wasn’t Dieter dancing with her, it was Phil. Hayley seemed content to sit and chat with Max and whichever guy wasn’t dancing with her. Julia did manage to sit out the slower songs. Phil seemed to come out of his shell a bit more and was now chatting to her as they danced, as well as on the few occasions she sat out a dance. Max seemed to be enjoying himself too. Dieter bought a round, and so did Phil, despite Max’s objections on the grounds they were students and he was earning.

  Halfway through another soul track, Dieter dragged her back out onto the dance floor. Once again, the side of the floor nearest their table was busy. They had to circle almost half the floor before they could find a space to step into. Julia wasn’t too pleased about being this far out of Max’s sight, but she knew they’d had no choice. It wasn’t like Dieter was doing it on purpose.

  As soon as they started dancing, Dieter rubbed his leg against her, his thigh grinding into her mound. She tried not to overreact to it, but the constant dancing and the two guys’ constant touching was having an effect on her. With several more beers inside her, her inhibitions were lowering and, instead of pulling away, she ground back at him. Fire ignited deep down and she started to pant for air as she felt her pussy moisten and her outer lips start to unfurl inside her panties.


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