Julia's Second Collection

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Julia's Second Collection Page 37

by McAvoy, Bridy

“What about it?”

  He mimed being upset. “So soon, and she’s already forgotten about our honeymoon.”

  She thumped him on the arm and frowned at him and he rubbed his arm as if she’d really hurt him. Then he laughed. “What did you say about that cabin?”

  She shrugged. “Not a lot. I seem to remember we were busy most of the time we stayed there.” She could feel herself blushing at the memory. “I remember we loved the lake setting, but we didn’t exactly leave the cabin very often for the entire week.”

  “Only when we needed food, if my memory serves me right.”

  She nodded. “Oh yeah, I loved that cabin, but we didn’t exactly strain its facilities much.”

  “Other than the bed. I doubt that mattress will be the same again.”

  “Max!” She hit him on the arm again. “There again, neither will the shower, the kitchen, the carpet or the couch…”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “Or the dock at three a.m.”

  She shivered at that particular memory, her hand fishing down the gap between their bodies to find and hold his hardening cock. “That feels good. Are you ready already?”

  “Soon. It’ll feel even better soon. Do you remember what we vowed as we left the cabin?”

  “I think it was along the lines of…One day we’ll own one of these.”

  He grinned but didn’t say anything. She stared into his eyes, seeing the twinkle of amusement lighting them up. She gasped and tried hard not to scream. Could he be saying, did he really mean…?

  “Max...? Max…?”

  “Happy Christmas, honey.”


  “I know it’s early, but that was Frank on the phone, from the agent’s. My bid on that cabin was accepted. I couldn’t talk to him ʾtil we landed. We now own our very own honeymoon cabin on the lake.”

  “That cabin?”

  He pulled her into his arms and rolled over onto his back, pulling her on top of him. For balance, her legs fell to the bed either side of him. She could feel his hard cock pressing against her stomach.

  “The very same cabin. The one we honeymooned in. In six weeks’ time, we can head up there and recreate our three a.m. special.” He chuckled. “We can recreate every moment if we want, again, and again, and again.”

  “For real?” She was almost breathless as she waited for him to confirm what he’d said. She wiggled against his erection, knowing that would drive him wild.

  Although he gasped, his grin remained in place. “For real, honey. I know it’s only September, but Happy Xmas.”

  Julia’s Yacht

  As they turned off the main road onto the narrow single track road that led to the lake, Julia grabbed her husband’s arm and squeezed.

  “Whoa! Excited, honey?”


  “Well, I hope you don’t squeeze any tighter when we’re closer. I think my arm will drop off if you do.”

  She let go and then rubbed his biceps. “Sorry, I’ll kiss it better later.”

  “You can kiss any part of me, honey, anytime.”

  “I’ll kiss every part of you although I am still a little pissed at you.”


  She watched as he turned his head to look at her then jerked his attention back to the road, his expression quizzical. They’d had the conversation a couple of times already and she didn’t really want to have it again, not wanting to spoil the mood.


  “Liar! Talk to me, honey. Don’t hold it back ʼtil we get to the cabin. I have great plans when we get there.”

  “Oo…Tell me more.”

  “Not until you tell me what I did to piss you off.”

  The road was getting noticeably bumpier so Max slowed down. He wasn’t that used to handling the big Lexus four wheel drive yet, but his experience handling trucks out in the field stood him in good stead. As he slowed, the bumps decreased and she felt she could talk again without distracting him, or risking a scratch to his new prized possession, still less than three weeks old.

  Not that she was complaining. Even her boss was envious of her equally new Lexus.

  “I’m still pissed at you…because you bought this place without saying a word.”

  “Because I wanted to surprise you.”

  “But…it’s just so much money, for such a gesture. I just don’t know when we’re going to get to use it.”

  “It was a surprise. Call it an early Xmas present.”

  She snorted. “So just what am I going to buy you for Xmas to match it?”

  He reached across and squeezed her hand. “There’s nothing that I want in the price range, honey.”

  “But I’ve got to get you something to match it, and I just don’t know what.”

  “The money is in the bank. You have equal access to it.”

  “But it would feel like I’m spending your money on you. That’s not fair.”

  “You’re the one not being fair, honey. You’ve put up with a lot for the last seven years, me being away so much. Now relax, live a little.”

  She fell silent, still battling her demons on the subject. Max didn’t seem to understand. Before she could start brooding, he spoke up.

  “I’ll tell you what.”


  “Buy me that sailboat for Xmas.”

  “You want a yacht?”

  “No, honey, a little smaller than that—a sailboat. Like the one we looked at online.”

  “I’m not sure, but if you really want one…?”

  He chuckled. “It’s what the dock is for. Unless of course it’s three a.m.”

  She snorted with laughter at that. “Don’t even think about setting the alarm for that time in the morning tomorrow, buster. I am not waking up to be dragged out into the cold for that. It was May then, it’s late October now.”

  “I have no intention of setting the alarm for three a.m.”


  “I don’t intend to let you sleep.”


  “I intend to keep you awake all night, just like we did that night.”

  She shivered then grinned. “Don’t make promises your body might not be able to keep. You’re not as young as you were then.”

  “True, but what I might lack in youthful enthusiasm I can compensate for in experience.”

  Julia patted his arm. “Okay, stud, I’ll hold you to that.”

  “Good idea. So as soon as I’ve carried you over the threshold…”

  “You are doing no such thing.”

  “Sure am, honey. And you won’t be able to stop me. As soon as I carry you over the threshold and drop your delicious body onto the couch, you can get nekkid while I fetch the stuff in from the car, and we’ll start the evening as I intend to carry on.”

  “You will not. I’m helping you with the stuff. This is not the nineteenth century.”

  “Good job too.”


  “Because you’d be wearing a hell of a lot more clothes and I’ve enjoyed the drive up here looking at those long luscious legs of yours.”

  She frowned at him but inside she felt the warmth, her earlier dark mood burning away in the light from her husband’s clear adoration of her.

  * * * *

  “Here we are.”

  Max pulled up next to the small cabin and hopped out of the car as Julia just sat and stared at it. Memories flooded back. It certainly didn’t seem like seven and a half years since they’d arrived here the day after their wedding.

  Tears stung her eyes as she undid her seatbelt. Then Max was there, opening her door, almost pulling her from the car, hugging her as tightly as only he could.

  “Oh, Max!” She desperately didn’t want the tears to fall, but she couldn’t help it. Her vision blurred as she looked around at the tiny log structure. The graveled area in front was weed-free, the front porch, accessible by three steps, ran the whole width of the cabin. She felt tears trickling down her cheeks as he leaned bac
k against the car, wrapping her in his arms from behind as she looked around. The towering tree next to the cabin was still there, its huge limbs shading half the roof despite all its leaves having deserted it for the winter. She could see the sloping path leading down past the cabin to the dock, and then beyond that, the lake. Despite the overcast skies, it still seemed the same limpet blue as it had been that day, seven and a half years before.

  “Oh, Max. It’s so…so…”

  “Beautiful. Beautiful like you.”

  “Stop it. You’ll make me cry for real.”

  He laughed, hugging her tighter. “As if those tears aren’t real.” He planted a kiss on her cheek and then stepped to the side. Before she could say anything, he swooped, stooping low, sweeping one arm behind her legs, the other across her back. When he straightened up, her feet were a foot from the ground and she had to wrap an arm around his back for balance.

  “Max! Put me down.”

  “Not yet, sweetheart. Not yet.”

  He strode across the graveled forecourt and then straight up the three steps to the long wide porch. She shivered at the memories of what they’d done, not only inside the secluded cabin but also all around it too. He wasn’t even out of breath from carrying her as they reached the front door.

  “The key is in my shirt pocket, if you wouldn’t mind doing the honors.”

  He’d even remembered those were the same words. She looked at him suspiciously, or maybe it was just coincidence. Back then she’d worn skinny jeans for traveling. Today she was wearing shorts, despite the colder weather. Now the heat from his arm touching her bare legs radiated through her entire being.

  “I seem to remember a kiss first.”

  He leaned his head forward, puckering his lips as she tilted her head for a kiss, at the same time as her fingers delved into his shirt pocket, coming up with the front door key. She had to twist in his arms to reach the keyhole, and it was obvious he wasn’t going to put her down until he’d carried her over the threshold. Desire was building in her, stoked by memories of that stolen week of pure bliss. Memories. She wondered how many they could relive in a single weekend. Then she smiled. This was theirs now. They could have many, many weekends, each of them firing ever more memories.

  The lock clicked open and the handle turned under her hand. Max stepped over the threshold. “Welcome home, honey.”

  Just inside the door, he slowly lowered her feet to the floor. She spun around in his arms and kissed him, far more soundly than she had just outside the door. She wrapped her arms around his neck, grabbed the short hairs at the back of his neck and pulled him in as her body molded to his. She could feel his erection growing as it nudged against her stomach. Smiling to herself, she thrust her tongue into his mouth and ground her pelvis against him, feeling his cock grow and lengthen as it hardened.

  “Whoa, honey. Let’s get the stuff in.”

  “I seem to remember you wanting me nekkid as soon as you got me over the threshold.”

  “I seem to remember you saying you’d help. Okay. You fetch the grocery box and start sorting out the kitchen. I’ll bring the luggage.”

  For the next fifteen minutes, they emptied the car and put stuff away, working efficiently and smoothly. Every time they passed each other, though, there was a little touch here, a caress there, a stolen kiss, and above all, a smile for each other.

  Once they’d stowed everything, Max grabbed her hand and led her back outside.

  “What are we doing?”

  “It’s almost sunset and I seem to remember you loved to watch the sun go down from the dock.”

  Hand in hand, they walked down the path from the cabin and then out onto the floating timber of the dock. Max was being careful, though. He checked each board, nodding to himself before he’d let her follow him.


  “No. It’s just that I know it stood empty for a few months. Wanted to make sure it was sound.”

  “Ah. Ever the engineer, mister practical.”

  He turned back to face her, hands on hips, a stern look on his face, but even in the gathering twilight, she could see his eyes were still twinkling. “If you want to go for an impromptu swim, it can be arranged.”

  She shuddered. “Too cold.”

  “Then behave or you’ll go over my knee.”

  “Promises, promises.”

  He lunged toward her. She squealed and made as if to run but didn’t actually move. Max grabbed her, swept her into his arms, and the earlier kiss repeated itself.


  “What, honey?”

  “Stuff the sunset. Take me inside now.”

  “My thoughts entirely.”

  * * * *

  As she opened her eyes and stretched, Julia became aware of two things—the sun streaming in through the bedroom window, and the smell of someone frying breakfast in the small kitchen not far beyond the open bedroom door.

  She smiled and arched her back then slowly sat up. Despite it being the second cold night in a row, they’d slept nude, and the bedding was a tangled mess underneath her. She could feel a couple of the creases digging in. She reached for where she normally kept her robe, only to find it wasn’t there as memories of them being elsewhere, of being in what was now their second home, flooded back to her.

  As she stood up she grabbed the T-shirt she’d worn the night before, pushed her feet into her loafers and looked out at the view over the lake. Although it was late October, the sun was strong in a bright blue sky, a contrast to the weather of the day before, and the lake looked, if anything, more beautiful than it had years before. She smiled. They hadn’t spent much time looking at the lake then, and they hadn’t last night either.

  She tried to count the number of times they made love the night before, lost count at three, but knew there was at least one more. She giggled to herself as she quietly padded toward the door. Despite his promises, Max hadn’t been able to stay awake long enough to take her down to the dock to make love at three a.m.

  The T-shirt just about covered her butt as she walked into the kitchen.

  Max looked around from the stove. “Good morning, sleepyhead.”

  “You could have woken me.”

  He shrugged. “I thought you’d want breakfast first.”

  She laughed and moved up behind him, wrapping her arms around his stomach and kissing the back of his neck. “No, silly. I wanted you and a shower first.”

  “You can have the shower after breakfast. It’s nearly ready.”

  He quickly split the bacon between two plates and added an egg each. A spoonful of mushrooms followed. She could smell the coffee already sitting on mugs on the table.

  “Thank you, sweetheart.”

  She let go and let him carry the two plates to the table. She moved over to one chair as he pulled the other back to sit down. As soon as he’d done that, she changed course, bearing down on him. He wasn’t looking, wasn’t expecting it as she placed one hand in the middle of his chest and pushed him down into his chair. Before he could say anything, she swung one leg over his lap and sat on top of him, pressing her breasts against his chest and silencing his protests with a long lingering tongue kiss.

  Max’s arms went around her, his hands finding her back, and he held her to him as the kiss intensified. She shivered at his touch as his hands started to slide over the top of the thin T-shirt, then slowly down. The shirt had rucked up when she’d sat down, so it wasn’t long before he encountered naked flesh. She broke the kiss at his grunt of surprise.

  “I told you I wanted you and a shower before breakfast. You only told me to wait for the shower.”

  She ground her naked pussy against the front of his jeans, feeling his cock harden underneath them.

  “Breakfast will get cold.”

  “Fuck breakfast, Max. Better idea, fuck me!”

  His hands moved out to the sides and started to tug the shirt up. She lifted her arms above her head, allowing him to draw it clear, but instead he only dre
w it half way, leaving her head and arms entangled in it as he bit down on one of her nipples. She squealed and wiggled as he continued to torture her nipples with his mouth, switching from one to the other as fast as he could, and she felt like he was leaving teeth marks each time. She knew he wasn’t, but it felt deliciously naughty. One of his hands stayed above her head, twisting her shirt, making it nigh on impossible to free herself from its confines. His other hand roamed down between them, undoing his fly and caressing her slit.

  She moaned as his knowing fingers found her clit and pinched it hard, at the same time as he continued to torture her left nipple with his teeth.

  “Max…” It sounded muffled and, in any case, he wasn’t paying attention. He moved his hand around to her butt, gently easing her upward until she was standing straddling him. Max didn’t let go of her shirt though, holding her pinned instead as he used his other hand to free his cock from his pants. Then he put his hand on her waist and pressed down. She knew what he wanted, her breathing quickening as she slowly lowered herself. Once she was moving, his hand left her skin and dropped between them again to guide himself in to line with her slit. She shuddered as she felt his end touch her opening and her legs were trembling as she slowly sank down further, impaling herself.

  “Good girl.”

  “Max…” Once again, he ignored her muffled sounds of protest and taking his hand away from his cock, put his arm around her back and continued to guide her down. She could feel her outer lips parting, allowing him entry, then her inner lips, and she groaned at the feeling. A few seconds later she felt her pussy try and close behind the ridge and shuddered again at the way her husband filled her.

  His lips returned to her nipple. No biting this time, just a gentle sucking on the sensitized flesh. Her legs were really trembling now, and he brought his hand down from above her head, placing both hands on her waist to steady her. He’d let the shirt go and she took a deep breath then pulled it clear of her head and tossed it to the floor. She looked down into his smiling face and scowled at him. Max’s response was simply to pull her down, sliding further into her. She gasped then, wrapping both arms around his neck, pushing her body down to fully impale herself on his hard cock.


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