Julia's Second Collection

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Julia's Second Collection Page 42

by McAvoy, Bridy

  Steve was next to her as he danced with Samantha. “Are you having trouble?”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  He was still grinning as their movements took them away from each other. She hadn’t stopped dancing throughout the little near accident, and the song changed with no gap. This time it had an even slower, sultrier beat. She raised her arms above her head, determined to dance and enjoy herself, although she was a little more circumspect in her movements. Chris stepped closer, putting his hands on her waist, and danced with her. He was a good dancer, one of the best she’d danced with at this kind of thing, and she allowed him to take the lead, spinning her around and then dancing with her back to him.

  “You’re a sexy little minx, you know. I wish I was ten years younger.”

  She chuckled and looked back over her shoulder. “Only ten?”

  He moved closer and growled in her ear. “You’d already be outside if I was twenty years younger.”

  “Cheek. You seem to have forgotten I’m married.”

  “And you seem to have forgotten Casual Friday.”

  She gasped as color flew to her face. That was one incident she wasn’t going to forget, although nobody at work referred to that particular day. She’d hoped he’d forgotten about it. She knew her boss hadn’t, although he was enough of a gentleman not to mention when the two of them had bent her and her best friend, Josie, over the boardroom table.

  His hands swept up her sides, reaching the top edge of her dress and then back down again. She wriggled as his actions tickled her and she turned, facing him once more. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Samantha and Steve much closer too, and Samantha was laughing as she danced with their mutual neighbor.

  Samantha had her back to her when she felt something tug on her dress. She looked down and watched as Chris tugged again, his finger tip inside the sweetheart hole between her breasts.


  “What? I just wanted another look at that fabulous pair of tits of yours.”

  He pulled the elasticated fabric away from her breasts a bit further then let it spring back. It seemed to have got darker on the dance floor and nobody seemed to be looking in her direction.

  “No more.”

  He grinned. “I bet you say that to all the guys.”

  “Probably, yes. A bit of teasing, a bit of flirting, but no more. Okay?”

  He grinned. “Then there’s no problem. I was just teasing.” His hand rose again and she breathed a sigh of relief as it rose past the level of her breasts, settling on her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. “I’ll behave myself if you do. Deal?”

  “Yes. Deal.” She glared at him, but it seemed to just bounce off. Chris could be arrogant in some ways, but at work he was always quite sweet. Except for the spanking he’d given Josie in her presence that particular Friday, he’d never made any kind of aggressive move toward anyone on their staff. As they continued to dance, she decided to forgive and forget, putting it down to a little too much to drink.

  His hand, though, had returned to her shoulder and then traced its way across to her armpit.

  “That tickles.”

  “Sorry.” He grinned. He wasn’t, and she knew it.

  His hand moved and suddenly his finger had dipped under the top edge of her dress rather than the sweetheart hole. Without hesitating, he pulled the dress away from her skin as he stepped in close. From her angle, she could see the whole of her breast and its ruby tip. The view would be even better from his angle.


  “I told you I wanted to see those tits of yours again.”

  Julia was seething and was about to yell something at him she might well regret, but certainly felt he’d earned. Then everything seemed to happen at once. He let the dress go and it seemed to sag around her. She grabbed the top of the dress crushing it to her bust then squealed as she felt the side give way. Something had happened to the tight zip, and the dress seemed to be unravelling around her. Chris could obviously see something was wrong as she grabbed the two sides of the dress with one hand, trying to hold them together. The zip unraveled all the way down and she felt it let go completely. She was helpless. The dress had converted from a sexy little number to just a plain sheet of fabric in a matter of seconds. She clutched the top to her with one hand and maintained a tight death grip with the other on the two parts where the zip had been.

  The zip had held the entire side of the dress closed. There was no way her hand could do the same. Below her hand at her waist, the dress split open all the way down to the hem. She knew anyone looking at her leg would see the top of her stocking, and the very obvious fact she was commando. She froze. If she moved, the dress would swish open and expose either her ass or her pussy to anyone looking. Above her hand, the dress fell away, exposing the side of her breast almost as far as the hand clutching the remains of the top of the dress to her.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She panted out an answer as panic rose like bile in her throat. “Zip’s broken.”

  “Ah. Major or minor wardrobe malfunction?”


  “I hope your underwear’s clean then?”

  “What fucking underwear?”

  He did a double take. It had been obvious to her dance partner that she didn’t have a bra on, but clearly he hadn’t suspected her total lack of lingerie. Chris looked down at her side and raised an eyebrow. “Fuck. You weren’t kidding, were you?”

  She saw him turn and look around, then gesture to another couple. Relief flooded through her as she realized it was Samantha and Steve.

  “What’s up?”

  Chris gestured to Samantha. “Wardrobe malfunction. Her dress has had it.”

  Steve seemed to grow a couple of inches and squared off at Chris.

  “What did you do?”


  “Steve!” Julia tried to get his attention without drawing a crowd. “Steve!”


  “He didn’t do anything. The zip’s given way. The dress has had it.”

  “Oh, not good.” He turned back to Chris. “Sorry. Natural instinct, I guess.”

  “No problem.”

  The last thing Julia had wanted was two men facing off and creating a scene, attracting attention to her predicament. She was glad nothing had come of it.


  “Sorry, Julia, how can we help?”

  “Get me out of here. Sorry, but get me home.”

  “Did you come in your car?”

  She shook her head. “No, Steve drove. He’s our designated driver tonight.”

  Chris seemed to take charge. “Samantha, you want to go collect your husband and your purse, and Julia’s purse? Steve, where’s your car?”

  “About a block down the road.”

  Chris shook his head. “Too far. With the breeze out there, she’s already at risk of flashing everyone in the street and causing a traffic accident.”

  Julia rolled her eyes. “Thanks very much.”

  “You don’t want to be explaining to the judge in the morning about the zip, do you?”

  “I guess not.”

  “My car’s closer, almost right outside the door, so I’ll run you home.”

  “Not on your own.”

  “Fuck, man, I work with her. I’m hardly likely to drive her into the country, rape her, kill her and dump the body, am I?”

  “You said it, not me.”

  “Kill the testosterone, guys. Look, I trust him, Steve. Okay?”

  “Well, if you don’t mind, we’ll be following behind to make sure you’re okay.”

  “Fine.” Julia really didn’t want the two of them getting into some kind of pissing contest over her. “Look, I’m just sorry to spoil everyone’s evening.”

  “Not your fault, sweetheart. Now let’s get you out of this embarrassing situation.”

  She’d seen heads turning and people starting to notice but, before too many noticed, Samantha arrived with R
yan in tow. He took one look and had to choke back a giggle. Julia just glared at him which simply made him laugh.

  “You have stunning legs, Julia, absolutely stunning.”

  “Eyes where they belong, you.” Samantha, though, didn’t look that upset with her husband. “Come on, sweetie, let’s get you out of here. Ryan, you and Steve form up on her right. Chris and I will cover her left side. I can use my skirt to shield her more that way.” She winked at Julia then leaned in close and whispered. “It’s not a look that everyone can carry off, but you can.”

  “Stop it.”

  “I’ve got your purse, so let’s get you out of here.”

  The four people formed up around her and they all moved off toward the exit. She doubted many people could see between her four escorts, but Julia could still feel the heat of embarrassment flooding her face with every step. When they reached the steps down to the outside door, she almost tripped but somehow regained her balance, still keeping hold of the remains of the dress.

  “I’ve got you.” Steve grabbed her elbow and helped her down the short flight. She smiled a thank you and then they were outside. No immediate audience. The wind whipped at her dress, but she managed to hold it down. Unlike Samantha. Her much lighter dress blew up as she shrieked, exposing not only her stocking tops but her panties as well. She grabbed her skirt, forcing it down as Ryan openly laughed at his wife’s predicament.

  Chris, though, was true to his word. His car was just one away from the door and they hustled her over to it, the three men standing around in a semi-circle, forming a sight screen as she struggled into the car. It wasn’t easy, and she was sure all three guys got a flash, but at least as the door closed she could breathe a sigh of relief. She was pretty safe for now, although she’d have to struggle at the other end as well. Chris couldn’t even pull into her garage because both her’s and Max’s cars would be in there.

  Chris climbed in and fastened his seat belt. “Are you going to belt up or am I going to help you?”

  “I can’t. So I’ll ride without.”

  He chuckled. “Don’t blame a guy for trying.”

  “I’m not, and thank you for helping.”

  “I think I need your address?”

  After giving him the address, he programmed it into his satellite navigation and they pulled away. On the way, they drove past Steve’s car and she watched as his headlights came on and he pulled out and followed them.

  Chris chuckled as he glanced in his mirror. “I don’t think your friend trusts me.”

  “He’s my neighbor and when Max was called away he entrusted me to Steve’s care. I guess he takes his responsibilities seriously.”

  “Or he wants to get at what’s under that dress for himself.”

  She nodded. “That too, probably.” She decided that might have sounded wrong so quickly added. “He is a man, after all.”

  “Ah, so you’re not surprised that I want to get at what’s under that dress too. Or at least, a good look.”

  Now the embarrassment about being so exposed in a public place was draining away, Julia felt more relaxed than she had been.

  “I’m sorry I spoiled your evening.”

  He laughed. “If that’s building up to an offer to make it up to me, I’ll say yes, please, and wag my butt like an eager puppy.”

  The image that brought to her mind made her snort with laughter.

  “Stop it. I was going to offer you a drink, and nothing more. Let you help yourself while I changed into something more comfortable. In this case, it would be more comfortable, and one hell of a lot less revealing.”

  He laughed and, reaching over, patted her knee. He didn’t linger—it felt more like a friendly reassuring pat than a sexual advance. “I bet your neighbor would object if I stayed and you didn’t get changed, letting him watch through the window as we clinked glasses, your dress slowly unfolding and dropping away to expose your beautiful naked body.”

  Julia shivered. She could picture that scene very easily. Chris, of course, didn’t know Steve could get his kicks from watching as much as from participating.

  Chris, though, continued. “There again, you did say I could help myself as you got changed. You didn’t actually say you meant drinks. I might prefer to help myself to those wonderful tits I caught a glimpse of earlier, or those long luscious legs of yours topped by that perfect taut butt, or even that juicy little slit you flashed as you climbed into the car.”

  “I did not flash you my slit, as you put it.”

  “Sorry, honey, you did.”

  “And you took your own look at my breast, which was out of order. You know I meant the drinks.”

  He laughed. “You should see your face right now.”

  The conversation finished as they pulled onto Julia’s drive. Five seconds later, the car was bathed in headlights as Steve rounded the final corner, and then they were in darkness again as he peeled off to park in his own drive.

  Within a minute, her three neighbors were clustered around the door on her side of the car. “Are you going to be able to manage to get out on your own without major embarrassment?”

  Julia bit her lip. “I don’t think so.”

  Chris smiled. “We’ll see to that. He opened his door. “Samantha?”

  She heard her neighbor reply and then she moved around to Chris’s side of the car. She guessed he’d leaned over the top of the car and beckoned her.

  “She’ll need someone to hold the dress while she swings her legs out. The three of us will act as a sight screen for her, but I guess she’d prefer it if we turned our backs to her, so you’ll have to hold the dress until she’s ready to stand up.”

  “No prob.” Samantha climbed into the car and smiled at her. “You okay, sweetie?”

  “I’m fine. I’m sorry about ruining—”

  “Don’t be. Ryan was getting a bit uptight about the attention Steve’s been giving, so it kinda prevented a problem. The two of them didn’t say a word to each other in the car.” She rolled her eyes. “Men! Now, let me lean over the middle and hold the dress. When they open the door, make sure they do as Chris said and turn their backs, then swing your legs out.”

  “Are you sure you’re not flashing anything with you lying across the car like that?”

  Samantha shrugged. “They’re on the other side of the car, and I’m wearing underwear, so stop fussing about me.” She raised her voice. “She’s ready.”

  Chris opened the door and then stood there holding it, but facing away into the darkness. Ryan stood next to him also facing away, but Steve completed the semi-circle facing her, a grin on his face.


  “Can’t blame a guy for trying.”

  She watched Ryan’s shoulders tense and guessed he was getting ready to lamp Steve.

  “Just turn around, Steve, and everybody lose the testosterone. Okay?”

  Steve winked at her and turned his back. She took a deep breath and for the first time in twenty minutes, let go of the side of her dress. Her fingers felt stiff and cramped after clutching it like that.

  “Got it.” She felt the dress tighten around her as Samantha grabbed it from her. Taking a deep breath, she swung her legs out and turned around to face the doorway. Julia flexed her hand and planted her heels firmly on the driveway and then took control of the dress again. “I’ve got it now, thanks.”

  She made it to her feet without stumbling and then looked down to make sure she was still covered. The three men were still looking out into the darkness. She smiled and then politely coughed. “Thank you, guys.”

  They all turned back and smiled, although she noticed all three took a glance down toward her chest and then further still at her legs. She guessed she couldn’t complain. Chris was smiling the widest, and she wondered if he’d been taking a sideways peek into the door mirror as she emerged from the car. Not that he could have seen much from that angle. Samantha probably got the best view.

  Her neighbor pushed past her own husband,
clutching Julia’s purse. “Come on. Let’s get you inside.”

  The men stood aside and she was sure they were watching as she slowly followed Samantha toward her front door. As they started to step up onto the porch, a gust of wind caught Samantha’s skirt and momentarily lifted it again, but the other woman laughed and brushed it back down.

  “I’ll unlock, but you’d better give me your alarm code. I don’t think you can manage to punch it in without dropping at least part of the dress.”

  Julia nodded. “Five one six eight.”

  “Okay. No problem.”

  Samantha opened the door, fished for the light switch, and then cancelled the alarm before allowing Julia to step past her.

  “Will you be okay?”

  “Fine, thank you. You going to stop for a drink?”

  “If you don’t mind, no, thanks. I have some plans for Ryan, teaching him he doesn’t need to be such a jealous ass.”

  Julia smiled and then let her neighbor hug her. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ve got my own moves.”

  Having left Julia’s purse on the closest side table, Samantha walked back out the door. “Bye.”


  Julia motioned for Chris to come in, expecting Steve to accompany him. Steve, though, surprised her. “As you’re now home safe, I’ll take my leave.”

  “No drink?”

  He shook his head. “No, can’t have alcohol anyway.”

  Julia wanted to smack her forehead, she’d clean forgotten that was why Steve had been the driver and been drinking soft drinks all night. “You’ve been a great help, thank you.”


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