Julia's Second Collection

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Julia's Second Collection Page 47

by McAvoy, Bridy

  A horrible suspicion began to form in her mind. A loud gasp from Samantha confirmed the other woman had arrived at the same conclusion as Maureen clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, a slight change to the proceedings. From now on, it will be five dollars for every three balls to throw at our lovely volunteers. However, you will have the option—not the obligation, the option—to dunk the balls and throw them wet, if you so prefer.”


  Maureen turned her head and grinned at her. “Remember, it’s for charity, it’s a good cause.”

  She wasn’t surprised when Steve stepped up and handed Maureen a ten-dollar bill. She glared at him but bit her lip. She didn’t want to be churlish or appear not to be a sport. There again, she didn’t want to get wet and her clothing to go indecent. Still, at least there weren’t any children present. Steve surprised her by aiming his first shot at Samantha rather than her, but she knew her neighbor wouldn’t forgo that pleasure for long.

  The first ball arched through the air, dripping water in its flight, and Julia was sure every eye, including her own, tracked its flight. It hit Samantha right in the middle of her stomach. She let out a soft squeal and shuddered. “Cold!”

  “Of course.”

  Everyone else laughed, but Samantha could do nothing other than stand there and shiver. The second ball hit a little higher than the first and the third one a little lower. Julia couldn’t see what effect this was having on Samantha’s clothing, but red wasn’t as bad as white.

  Steve moved to stand in front of her, and she watched as he dunked the first ball.



  That brought another round of laughter, and she realised everyone else thought this was prearranged and that she was saying no just for effect. She wasn’t, she really didn’t want to be hit by the wet sponge that was now flying through the air toward her. She twisted, which made the ball hit her on the side rather than on her front. The shock of the icy water was just as bad, and the side panel of her dress was instantly soaked. She could feel her skirt slipping higher as she writhed. It took a moment to realize she either stood still and let the ball hit where the thrower aimed, or she twisted to avoid it, the skirt riding up to show more leg. Hobson’s choice.

  She stood still for the second ball, and Steve lobbed that one at her stomach. She shivered but remained quiet as he spent an inordinate amount of time dunking the final ball. As soon as he let go, she knew it was aimed higher than the previous two. His aim was good; too good. The sponge ball delivered its payload of water right onto the center of her left breast. She gasped as the shock of cold penetrated and then, as everyone cheered, forced herself to look down. The dress had definitely gone transparent and the bra was not as opaque as it should be. In fact, she could make out the shadow of her nipple through it.

  She glared at Steve, trying to communicate the message I’ll get you for this, but everyone laughed and clapped, thinking it was part of the act.

  Before she could say anything, not that she could work out the words to say that would get her out of this predicament, people were lining up to pay money to Maureen. Everyone seemed to want to take their turns, and not just the men. The women seemed just as eager.

  Over the next ten minutes, Julia was bombarded with wet sponge balls on every part of her. Most of the men were content to aim for her chest, but a lot of the women peppered other parts of her body, including her face. By the time Maureen, who’d refilled the bucket of water twice, called a halt, Julia was soaked through from the top of her head down to her toes. Indeed, as she moved her feet, she could hear the water in her shoes squelching around.

  Her dress and underwear were transparent. Looking down, she could see every detail of her breasts outlined by the thicker white straps of her bra. Other than that, everything on her top half, at least, was transparent. If she could see her breasts, then everyone else could see them too. She was embarrassed, not least because her nipples were like little pebbles, hardened by the exposure to icy cold water. She could only guess how much the lower part of her body was exposed. Hopefully, not as much, but she couldn’t check.

  Maureen finally called an end to the game and with a huge round of applause echoing around the hall, organized some willing volunteers to push the two wooden stocks to the back of the stage and help the two women down from their bonds.

  As she turned to face Samantha, Julia couldn’t hide her shock. The other woman’s outfit matched hers, only in red – right down to the underwear. The now transparent underwear. Not only could Julia see every detail of Samantha’s breasts, but lower down the panties had soaked themselves transparent too. Everything was on show, covered by what looked like a faint pink gauze, with slightly darker edges where the seams sat. Samantha’s expression mirrored her own, and without bending to look, she knew her own body was just as exposed.

  Maureen hustled up with a couple of towels. “Come on, ladies, let’s get you somewhat decent, and from the look of you, warmed up.” She stared at Julia’s chest as she spoke, her face almost contorted by her amused grin at the sight of Julia’s prominent nipples.

  “Thank you.” Julia’s glare gave the lie to her words, but she was grateful for the towel, just not for the experience as a whole.

  “Come on, lighten up, sweetie. The pair of you raised nearly five hundred dollars for that performance. Double our last fundraiser total, so you can be proud of what you just achieved.”

  The towel had taken some of the chills off but not the dampness of the soggy clothing. Nor had it done much to tone down the exposure.

  Julia gasped in sudden horror.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “How the hell are we going to get home like this?”

  Samantha let out a sudden peal of laughter. “Silly. We’ve got our coats. This time we really can look like flashers!”

  “Don’t worry, Steve says he’ll give you both a lift. Ryan is staying to help clear up. We’ve got to mop down and dry the floor before we can leave. He volunteered.”

  “Oh, he did, did he?”

  Julia wasn’t sure if Samantha was talking about Steve or Ryan volunteering, but Julia could tell she wasn’t happy about one or the other, possibly both.

  Ten minutes later, Steve pulled into Julia’s drive.

  “Thank you, Steve. I’m not used to you being a gentleman.”

  Steve grinned at her. “Who said anything about me being a gentleman? I’ll just get my camera.”

  “What?” Both Julia and Samantha chorused together.

  “Well, they wouldn’t let me take pictures in the hall, so I thought you lovely ladies would like some souvenirs before you get changed… or even dried out.”


  He grinned at her, and Julia could feel the way her core was starting to smolder at the idea. Being exposed in front of everyone had had its effect on her. She knew Max would really, really, like some photographs to go with her explanation of the evening.

  Samantha looked at her and gave a slightly imperceptible nod. It was clear she wasn’t averse to the idea either.

  “Okay, but not for long. We need to get out of these wet clothes.”

  “Of course.” Steve’s grin was even wider than before. “And I can take some pictures of that too.”


  “Especially if you help each other get naked.”

  About the Author

  My name is Bridy, and I live in upstate New York. I’ve written for as long as I can remember, which is thanks to my parents for teaching me to read and write before I went to school. I’ve been fascinated by erotic tales all my adult life, my husband thinks they’re silly but indulges me. I won’t tell you how old I am because a lady never gives away her age. My other interest is photography but writing will always be my first love, other than my husband, of course.

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