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Iron Claw MC: The Collective

Page 11

by Erin Trejo

  I take a step back, letting her have her moment.

  “Keep an eye on her.” Mikey nods. I head back upstairs to make my plans.

  I need a break. This is my world but I need my head straight when it comes to Nina and honestly, I don’t know where we stand now.

  Going home

  Chapter 57

  My bags packed with what I’ll need for my little trip. I don’t know how well this is going to go over with anyone involved but it’s worth a try.

  “You’re leaving?” She asks. Nina stops in the doorway looking at the small bag that sits on my bed.

  “Yeah. I need to get my head right. I can’t do that here.” Nina takes a deep breath before moving towards me. So, unsure of herself. She’s way different than she was when I first met her.

  Her arms wrap around my waist as all the air leaves my lungs.

  “Thank you for everything, Blaze.” Pulling her into me, I hold her tightly. As much as I’d like to push her away, I can’t make myself do it.

  “I want you to come with me.” I finally say. Her breath catches in her throat. She didn’t expect me to say that and in honesty I didn’t expect to ask it.

  The reality of it all is that I need her. I don’t care that I shouldn’t.

  “What? I thought.” I don’t let her finish. I can’t hear anymore, not right now.

  “Just do this for me, Nina. Please. When we get back, if you want to go, you can.” Her blue eyes fill with tears as she smiles up at me.

  “I’d do anything for you, Blaze.” Her words are the truth. They are everything I wanted to hear from her.

  “Good. Let’s go home.”

  Family is all you need

  Chapter 58

  The ride has been incredible. It’s been a long time since I’ve been out here.

  I can’t say that I’ve missed the country life but it is a beautiful sight.

  I curve the bike onto the long driveway as Nina holds on tightly. I’m sure she’s nervous since I didn’t really explain to her where home is.

  Pulling up in front of the house, my stomach knots. It’s been far too long since I’ve been here.

  After the shit with Matthew I figured now was as good of time as any.

  I cut the engine off before I throw my leg over and climb off. Nina follows as I hook my helmet on the handle bars.

  “What is this place?” She asks. Her smile is huge but I don’t have time to answer.

  The front door flies open and my parents smile out at us.

  “Brady!” Hearing my real name leave my mom’s lips is almost like heaven. It’s been so long since anyone has called me that, I almost forgot it myself.

  She runs off the porch straight into my arms. Wrapping my arms around her, I lift her tiny frame in my arms.

  “It’s good to see you, mom.” Holding her a little longer than needed, I just need to be in this moment.

  “It’s been so long.” Her tears wet my shirt. I set her back on the ground before pulling my dad in next.

  “Mom, dad, this is Nina.” Tears already fall down her face when I pull her forward. My mom takes to her instantly much like she always has to anyone.

  “Is that your wife?” My dad places his hand on my shoulder. Wish it was that easy.

  “Not yet. We’ve had a lot happen lately. I needed to figure out where she fits in.” Glancing over at him, he nods as if he understands.

  “Family is all you need. Keep that in mind. I’m glad you’re home son.” Son. That’s something I haven’t heard in so long.

  Maybe I made a mistake not seeing my parents until now. He may be right.

  Family is everything.

  Some down time

  Chapter 59

  It’s been nice being home with my parents. I never realized just how much I missed them.

  I know when I left it wasn’t on the best of terms but that was so many years ago.

  They’ve opened up to me a lot since I’ve been back and I’ve done the same. Most things stay personal but I’m happy to be here.

  My mom has really taken to Nina. They spend their time talking and laughing while they cook together. I never thought I could love the sound of laughter as much as I do when it’s Nina’s.

  “Can I just ask why there is an issue with her? She seems so great.” My dad smiles at me as my eyes track her movements.

  “Some stuff happened. I thought it was her fault.” Taking a step back, I don’t think I was right.

  “We all need some down time to take a look at what’s in front of us. She seems good for you. She’s young.” Stating the obvious, I chuckle.

  “She is. I didn’t plan on findin’ her, dad.” I tell him. His light chuckle pulls my eyes from her to him.

  “We never plan on finding what was meant to be. It just happens, Brady.” Can that be true? Could it be that she was meant to be mine?

  I find that hard to believe. I find it hard to believe that I was meant to have anything good in this life.

  “She was just there one day. I don’t know how it happened. I saw her differently. She was sassy and pushed my buttons. She knew how to make me mad but she knew how to make me smile too. No one has ever been able to do that.” My dad laughs before his hand rests on my knee.

  “That’s what love will do to you, Brady. It will blindside you. It will come in when you least expect it and take your breath away.” His eyes are on my mom as he speaks.

  I follow his gaze to the kitchen where the two of them laugh and smile.

  Is that what this is? Is it all love?

  Loving Nina could be so easy for me but my world isn’t. I don’t want her in the line of fire but I know I can’t let her go either.

  Back to MY reality

  Chapter 60

  As sweet as my trip was, I’m needed back at the club house.

  We said our goodbyes to my parents and I promised to come back to visit soon. In fact, I’m almost looking forward to it.

  Nina’s hands have stayed under my t-shirt, rubbing small circles over my skin. She has no idea how much that turns me on.

  My dick strains in my jeans eager to get her home.

  Her grip tightens when I pull quickly off the road though. I can’t handle this anymore.

  Cutting the engine off, I jump off the bike before yanking her along with me.

  I make short work of both of our helmets before tugging her through the tree line.

  Pulling my cut off, I drop it to the ground before my shirts off next. Nina never says a word as she watches me.

  Her eyes are on fire as they travel over my body.

  “You’re gonna want to get those jeans off.” I tell her. The uncertain look in her eyes hurts me. I know I’ve pushed her to her limit. I know it’s my fault she has reserves but not anymore.

  In a few short strides, I have her in my arms. My mouth claims hers just the way it always has.

  “I’d be lyin’ to both of us if I said I didn’t need you. Not just like this either, Nina. I fuckin’ need you. All of you. There is no way around that anymore.” Crashing my lips back to hers, I don’t allow her to talk. I want her to feel what she does to me.

  I want her to know that she is all want.

  I grab the button on her jeans, snapping them open before shoving them to the ground.

  Pulling my mouth from hers is hell but I do it.

  I yank my jeans to the ground before moving back in.

  I need to taste her, to have her.

  Dropping us to the ground, she lay under me. Her blue eyes burning deep within my soul.

  “So many times, I wanted to push you away. I wanted you to be happy.” I need to tell her this. I need to be what she needs.

  “You make me happy, Blaze.” She says. Shaking my head, there’s more.

  “I pushed you until you almost broke. I can’t have you break, Nina. I fuckin’ need every piece of you. Can I keep you, Nina?” Her eyes fill with tears. Tears of happiness not of hurt. For once in my life I made someone smile.
  “You can keep me forever, Blaze.”

  When it all comes back

  Chapter 61

  I lay in this bed wondering what the hell my life has come to.

  I’ve lost so much in the past. Ally has taken so much from me that I never realized. She has sucked the life right out of anything good that I might have had but Nina has replaced that.

  “You know Darren was pretty close with Ally, right? He gave me a call. Said she’s been missin’ this last week. Seemed worried.” He says. Blowing out a breath, that doesn’t surprise me at all.

  “You know Ally as well as I do. She does that binge shit and runs. I’m sure she’ll be around later. She ain’t my damn problem anymore.” I tell him. Damion nods his head before I hear Nina.

  “If she’s missing, you should help look for her, Blaze.” My eyes connect with hers. Why is she even saying that to me after everything that’s happened.

  “She’s a goddamn junkie, Nina. She’ll be back.” I say with the most certainty that I have.

  She’s never just left without contacting someone though. Something sits a little off in my chest as I let that sink in.

  “Shit! I’ll call Darren but I don’t need this shit, Damion. Me and her are good.” I say nodding my head at Nina.

  She crosses the room quickly, pressing her lips to mine.

  “We’re beyond good, but she’s still a person you have a past with, Blaze. Don’t let her disappear like my dad tried to make me.” Nina says as my heart swells.

  “For you, Nina. I’ll do it for you.”

  “I can put in a call to the Coroner and see if there’s anyone matchin’ her description over there. If not, I can call into Reid or Mac if you think that will help.” Damion offers but I don’t know that I want to take it that far.

  “Let’s just see if she shows back up, Pres. I don’t need the extra stress right now.”

  With Nina in my arms and Ally missing, my life is going to turn into another shit storm, I can feel coming.


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