This Time for Real (Kimani Romance)

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This Time for Real (Kimani Romance) Page 15

by Yahrah St. John

  “Didn’t you hear me calling you?” Quentin stared at Malik, but his friend looked like he was a million miles away.

  Malik shook his head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.”

  “Dinner is ready.”

  Malik followed Quentin inside and found that Richard, his wife, Cindy, and Avery were already seated at the dining room table.

  “Glad you could join us,” Richard said when he arrived.

  “Sorry,” Malik mumbled to everyone.

  The butler served chilled shrimp to start, followed by herb-crusted salmon, jasmine rice and steamed asparagus. Although everything looked and smelled divine, Malik hardly tasted it. He wanted to call Peyton, but how could he, when he was the one who had broken her heart? No, it was better this way, better they’d made a clean break. He’d done his part with her parents and now they could go their separate ways. He would have to find someone to cover her mentoring at the center, however, because Malik wasn’t sure he could take seeing her week in and week out.

  “How’s the renovation coming?” Richard inquired.

  “Just fine,” Malik answered. “The reception area and the administrative offices are complete. Now the contractor’s tackling the computer room and the gymnasium.”

  “Has he received the permit for the kitchen?”

  Malik shook his head. “Any day now. He’s hoping to have it completed in time for Thanksgiving, so we can feed more people.”

  “I’d love to pitch in and help,” Avery said.

  Quentin and Malik both looked at her. They’d never known Avery to want to get her hands dirty. “With the ordering and preparation,” she clarified.

  “Now that makes more sense, my darling,” Quentin said, lovingly pecking her cheek.

  Avery slapped him on the shoulder. “Manual labor isn’t really my forte, but I can pitch in you know.”

  Malik chuckled and reached for his nearly empty martini glass. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Avery. I think your talents are best served behind the scenes.” He finished off the martini and set it on the table. Like clockwork, the butler appeared with a fresh one. “Thank you,” Malik told the butler, putting another to his lips.

  From across the table, Quentin watched as Malik put away several martinis. Although he didn’t act intoxicated, it was a good thing he’d driven because Malik was in no shape to drive.

  “In addition to feeding the homeless, we’ll have our annual turkey giveaway,” Malik continued.

  “Do you ever stop helping the disenfranchised?” Richard asked.

  “No. Do you ever stop building an empire?” Malik queried.

  “Touché.” Richard lifted his wine glass. He’d found someone just as dedicated as he was. “To Malik Williams.”

  “To Malik.” They all lifted their glasses.

  As they drank to his service to the community, Malik wished he had someone to share the moment with. He wished he had Peyton.

  Quentin drove Malik home later that evening and nearly had to carry him up the stairs of his brownstone. He was fumbling in Malik’s leather jacket, looking for his keys, when Avery stuck her head out of the passenger window.

  “Do you need some help?” Avery asked, shivering. It was awfully chilly out.

  “I’ve got them,” Quentin yelled back from the landing after producing the keys. He slid one of Malik’s arms over his shoulder and carried him up the flight of stairs.

  Once inside, Quentin helped Malik to his bedroom and watched him fall onto the bed. Poor fool, thought Quentin. Malik didn’t realize he was besotted with Peyton until after he’d broken up with her. Malik would have to learn the hard way.

  “Are you going back to the center today?” Amber asked after their weekly educational department meeting had ended.

  “Why wouldn’t I?” Peyton asked as she walked to her office for some herbal tea.

  “Well…I don’t know. Perhaps you don’t want to run into the man that just kicked you to the curb, but maybe that’s just me.”

  “I won’t disappoint the girls that I mentor. I made a commitment and I’m going to keep it.”

  “That’s very noble of you, Saint Peyton,” Amber replied, taking a seat. “But not very wise. Think about how you’re going to feel if you see Malik with another woman.”

  Peyton stopped midstep. She hadn’t thought about that. She would die inside if she saw Malik with someone else. “Maybe you’re right. But I should at least finish out the rest of the year, and then the center can find someone new.”

  “All right.” Amber had forgotten how stubborn Peyton could be. “It’s your funeral.”

  After Amber left, Peyton returned to preparing for her next class. She was deep into research when her office phone rang.


  “Peyton Sawyer, please,” a feminine voice said from the other line.

  “This is Dr. Sawyer.”

  There was a short pause before the woman spoke. “Peyton, this is…Sage Anderson, one of Malik’s friends. I don’t know if you remember me, we met once at Dante’s.”

  “Oh, yes, I remember you,” Peyton replied. “What can I do for you?”

  “Well, Malik asked me to call. He mentioned that you were spearheading Sister-to-Sister, and he thought that, after everything that happened, it might be easier if someone else took over mentoring the girls.”

  “You mean, after he broke up with me?”

  “Yes,” Sage reluctantly admitted. “I was trying for delicacy.”

  “Don’t bother,” Peyton replied, fuming on the other end. How dare Malik try to get rid of me! “You can tell Malik that I—” And then a brilliant idea hit Peyton. Perhaps Sage knew about Malik’s past and could shed some light on why he was trying to cut her out of every aspect of his life. So she changed her tune. “Listen, Sage, I’m not upset with you. I know Malik put you up to this.”

  “Thank you.” Sage sighed. “I feel terrible for calling.”

  “Could we talk over a cup of coffee later today?” Peyton queried. “You know, about the program.”

  Sage’s voice became light. “Okay, there’s a coffee shop in my office building. But I’m busy until about six-thirty.”

  “That’s fine. I’ll meet you there.” Peyton hung up after Sage supplied her with directions. Maybe now she’d finally get the answers to the questions that Malik refused to give her.

  At six-thirty sharp, Sage Anderson strutted into the Starbucks in her building in a power-red pantsuit, three-inch heels and a Fendi purse. Peyton thought Sage was a knockout.

  Peyton rose when she came forward and extended her hand. “Sage, thank you for meeting me. Would you care for anything to drink?” Peyton had already ordered herself a chai tea.

  “No, thank you,” Sage replied and sat down at the table.

  “I brought some of the ideas I had for Sister-to-Sister.” Peyton pulled out a folder and slid it towards Sage. “If you’d like to assist me, that would be great, then you could take over next year.”

  Sage smiled, revealing perfectly white teeth. “C’mon, Peyton, it’s just us girls. Why don’t you tell me why I’m really here?”

  Was she that transparent? Apparently so.

  “Malik broke up with me because he claimed our relationship was moving too fast, but I don’t think that’s the real reason, Sage. He’s never liked discussing his past, and I’ve always felt like he was keeping something from me. I know I’m right.”

  “I see.” As she looked across the table at Peyton, Sage wanted to kick Malik. This woman genuinely cared for him and Malik was acting like a complete and utter jerk. “So you’re hoping I’d fill in the details?”

  Peyton nodded. “I know I’m putting you in a terrible position by asking you to betray Malik’s confidence, but I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t care, and if I didn’t think I could help.”

  “You mean, if you didn’t love him?” Sage returned.

  Peyton opened her mouth to protest, but closed it since it was true. She did love him.

��I can tell,” Sage replied, patting Peyton’s hand. “And only because you love him am I going to tell you what happened. I just pray Malik will forgive me for this.”

  Peyton scooted her chair closer.

  “Malik was physically abused by his stepfather.”

  “No.” Peyton was horrified.

  “And his mother did nothing to stop it, because she was abused as well. Child Protective Services stepped in when he was ten and took him from their care. For two years, Malik was moved in and out of foster homes.”

  “How horrible,” Peyton gasped.

  “The abuse had a terrible effect on Malik and turned him into an angry kid that no one wanted to keep. Eventually, he was placed in the same orphanage as Quentin, Dante and me, which is where he stayed until turning eighteen.”

  “And his mother?”

  “He never saw her again. She didn’t even show up at the hearing that permanently placed him with the state.”

  Peyton’s hand flew to cover her mouth. “How could a mother do that?”

  Sage shook her head. “I don’t know. I can only assume the nightmares are because his stepfather Joe Johnson came to HCC a while ago, saying he wanted to donate his services to renovate the center. I’m sure that’s when all those old memories started to resurface. He’s always been afraid if anyone knew the truth, he would seem weak, vulnerable.”

  Peyton nodded as she thought about Malik’s silences.

  “So, now that you know, what are you going to do with this information?” Sage queried.

  “I’m going to fight for him, that’s what. Malik Williams is not going to get rid of me that easily.” Now that she was armed with knowledge, Peyton knew what she needed to do.

  Sage smiled. “A woman after my own heart.”

  “Why are you walking around here like someone stole your bike?” Theresa asked as they put the office back together. Malik had been moping around for the last few weeks. She’d thought he’d be happy that the renovation was going well.

  They’d finally received the permit for the kitchen, and the work was progressing smoothly. The kitchen would be ready in time for their big Thanksgiving dinner, and they’d all received new furniture, courtesy of the King Corporation.

  “What are you talking about?” Malik asked from near the floor, as he connected several computer plugs into the outlet.

  “You’ve been miserable to work with lately,” Theresa replied. “Cheer up, ol’ boy, the offices are finally done.”

  “I am excited.” Malik sat up. “Can’t you tell?”

  “Sure.” Theresa laughed derisively as she turned back around to her task. She put several books onto his new built-in shelving units.

  Malik knew exactly what Theresa was talking about. He’d come up with the not-so-brilliant plan of asking Sage to take over Peyton’s mentoring session. He thought he’d made Sage feel sufficiently guilty for not giving enough back to the center, now that she was a successful attorney. Then last night, Sage called and said she’d been assigned to some big case, and it would require all of her attention.

  So he and Peyton would continue to run into each other, it was unavoidable.

  “Did you hear what I said?” Theresa asked.


  “I said several supermarkets have donated free turkeys. We should have about one hundred turkeys to give away.”

  “That’s great!” Malik gave Theresa a weak “Whoopee.”

  Theresa glanced back at Malik, now if only he meant it. Theresa would have to see about putting a smile back on Malik’s face, and she knew just how to do it.

  Peyton ran into Kendra at the community center on her way to her college preparatory meeting. “Kendra, what are you doing here?”

  “I thought I’d finally start volunteering,” Kendra said. “Malik found me a part-time job at a bookstore up the street. So, between the job and government funds, I can finally pay for day care without any help from Omar.”

  “Kendra, that’s wonderful news.”

  Peyton was thrilled for her student. She was glad everything was going right for someone besides herself.

  “I can only volunteer one day a week, but it’s a start.”

  “Good for you.” Peyton patted her shoulder. “Have you heard from Omar?”

  “Surprisingly, no,” Kendra replied. “Since he showed up at NYU, I haven’t seen or heard a word from him. It was unlike Omar to at least not try and see his daughter.”

  “I guess no news is good news.”

  “That’s how I’m looking at it, Dr. Sawyer. I’ll see you in class.” Kendra waved goodbye and headed down the hall.

  Peyton smiled as she walked towards the lounge. She couldn’t recall a time when she’d seen the girl look happier. Perhaps her interference had helped after all.

  The day of the turkey giveaway, Malik had a small tent erected outside of the center’s playground area to allow residents of the community to come and get a free turkey. Everyone in the office would take turns standing outside in the thirty-degree weather. Theresa had the first shift and Malik would be relieving her. When he arrived, she knew he was in a brooding mood. Luckily, Theresa had the cure for what ailed him.

  Malik came towards Theresa carrying two steaming cups of hot chocolate. “Here you go.” He handed Theresa a cup.

  “Why, thank you.” Theresa accepted the beverage. “You know, an old lady such as myself can’t take these cold temperatures.”

  “Oh, please,” Malik replied. “You’re not old. You’re going to go kicking and screaming to your grave.”

  “Well, today I feel old. But I’ve brought reinforcements.” Theresa nodded towards the tent opening.

  Malik turned around and found Peyton standing in the tent doorway. She was bundled up in a wool coat with a cashmere scarf wrapped around her neck, but that didn’t mean that Malik had forgotten how sexy she looked underneath all those clothes.

  Malik swung back around to face Theresa, but the little devil had already sneaked inside to the warmth of the center. He was going to strangle her.

  “Hi,” Peyton said, and smiled when she approached. “I heard you needed help handing out turkeys.” Peyton unwrapped the scarf from around her neck. When Theresa called, Peyton had jumped at the chance. Malik needed to know that she knew the truth and wasn’t going anywhere.

  Malik sighed. “She really shouldn’t have done that. The center staff could have taken care of it.”

  Peyton shrugged. “Well, I’m here now.” She swept past him and came inside the tent.

  Malik was about to comment, when several local residents came up for a free turkey. So he had no choice but to allow her to stay. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t uneasy standing beside Peyton. In the small quarters, he could smell the sweet scent of her perfume and it was making him dizzy with longing. It reminded him of how good they were together, in and out of bed. And how good we could be again, an inner voice told him.

  “Malik, can you hand me a turkey?” Peyton asked. She had a gentleman standing in front of her.

  “I can’t do this.” Malik fled form the tent and rushed inside the building.

  Peyton smiled when he sent the center’s business manager, Greg Burns, to cover for him. She’d gotten to him—which meant there was still hope that they could work things out.

  After the cooler was bare and all the turkeys had been handed out, Greg and Peyton packed up the tent. When she was done, Peyton went inside to find Malik. It was time they finally had it out.

  Before she could get a word in edgewise, Loretta pointed to the back. “He’s in the kitchen with the contractor.”

  “Thanks, Loretta.”

  Peyton found Malik and another gentleman looking over the drawings. The remodeling of the kitchen had gone well. The new stainless-steel gas ranges, commercial refrigerators with swinging doors and double-decker ovens would feed quite a few people, Peyton knew. “I thought a light switch was included on that wall in the specs,” she heard Malik say.

o. If you look here—” Logan pointed to the drawing “—it wasn’t on the plans.”

  “Can we add it?” Malik inquired.

  “Sure,” Logan said, “I’ll have the electrician back here tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, Logan.” Malik glanced at the doorway and saw Peyton, but he ignored her and continued his conversation. “I sure do appreciate all the hard work you and your men have put in to ensure we can open up the kitchen for Thanksgiving dinner.”

  “It was my pleasure. You guys do good work here.” Logan nodded at Peyton on his way out.

  “Malik, we need to talk,” Peyton said, walking towards him.

  “There’s nothing to talk about.” Malik turned his back on Peyton and started rolling up the construction drawings.

  “Malik.” Peyton touched his shoulder. “I know the truth.”

  Malik whirled around and stared at her. “And what do you think you know?”

  Peyton was quiet for several moments. She’d come this far, she had to finish. “I know about Joe Johnson. I know what kind of man he is—and was to you and your mother. I know that he hurt you.”

  Malik was dumbfounded as Peyton confirmed that she knew his deepest, darkest secret. How did she find out? Who could have told her? Malik ran his fingers through his dreads. Not many people knew that he’d been abused. He couldn’t imagine that any one of his friends or even Andrew would have betrayed him.

  “I’m sorry for what happened to you, Malik. I’m sorry that Joe took away your childhood from you. And I just want you to know that this information doesn’t change the way I feel about you,” Peyton continued, even though Malik stood there staring at her with cold and unfathomable eyes. “What happened was horrible, criminal, Malik. You were just a child and couldn’t protect yourself. I just wish you felt you could confide in me.”

  “I couldn’t!” Malik yelled. “I didn’t want to talk about it. And I don’t want to talk about it now. Why couldn’t you have leave well enough alone?”


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