Knights: Book 02 - The Hand of Tharnin

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Knights: Book 02 - The Hand of Tharnin Page 31

by Robert E. Keller

  Furlus decided the entire army would remain at Dorok's Hand until spring to ensure the Blood Legion did not re-take the fortress. The captured members of the Legion were imprisoned in a dungeon in the fortress to await transport and trial. The Knights feared the Blood Legion was planning a raid to free the prisoners, but as the weeks went past, all remained quiet in and around the mountain fortress. The portal to Tharnin had been buried, the surrounding cavern itself sealed off as well. It looked as if it would be a winter of peace.

  After the last of the funerals, Furlus called a feast in Dorok's Hall--a chamber lined with stone tables and warmed by a huge iron stove. The Knights had plenty of supplies to last the winter (thanks to the well-stocked fortress), and the feast was a hearty one, with the tables covered in all kinds of food. The chamber was filled with hungry Knights, Squires, and Rangers who were ready to dig in.

  The Divine Shield was seated at one of the tables. Even before the feast had officially begun, Jace seized a bowl of rice pudding and began gobbling it up with a large wooden spoon. "Excellent, my friends," he grunted, wiping pudding from his chin. "Absolutely perfect!"

  "Furlus has not yet granted us permission to eat," said Trenton, his lips tight with a look of displeasure.

  Jace shrugged helplessly. "It's rice pudding."

  Furlus stood up, his bearded face looking peaceful in the torchlight. "Now that the dead have been laid to rest, I want to let everywhere here know our status. First, some great news. Taris Warhawk is alive and well--back on his feet. I received a message from him by an Elder Hawk yesterday."

  Loud cheers arose. Lannon and Aldreya exchanged a delighted smile. Vannas, who was still recovering from his wounds but feeling better every day, said, "I knew Taris would find the strength to survive!"

  "I don't know Taris as well as you others do," said Jerret, "but I'm glad to hear this. I can't imagine what Dremlock would do without him."

  "Nor can I, Jerret," said Aldreya. "Taris is the wisdom of Dremlock."

  "Also," Furlus went on, "the Blood Legion is clearly on the wane after their defeat here. Legion attacks have severely diminished throughout Silverland. Silverland is now a much safer place, and because of that, trade has picked up and the cities are prospering. We have defeated the best attempts of the Deep Shadow to destroy us, sealing off what we believe was one of the main portals through which our enemies entered this land. Indeed, like the Blood Legion, the Deep Shadow has suffered a devastating blow. Thanks to the courage of our Knights and a handful of extraordinary Squires, we have triumphed!"

  More cheers arose, but Lannon barely heard them. He was wishing Vorden and Timlin were there to share in this moment. He missed his friends greatly and hated the thought that the Deep Shadow had taken them.

  "Now," said Furlus, "I call upon Vannas Greenrune, Lannon Sunshield, Aldreya Silverhawk, and Jerret Dragonsbane. Come forward!"

  Eagerly, the four Squires rose and approached Furlus. Each Squire was given a new ribbon on their sash, bringing them yet another step closer to Knighthood. Aldreya was awarded a fancy rune-covered stone dagger that would more effectively channel her sorcery, and Jerret was given a broadsword made of Glaetherin that displayed an image of a snarling wolf on the hilt. The two Squires raised their new weapons to cheers from the crowd, their faces beaming with joy.

  "I congratulate you, Squires," said Furlus. "You have served Dremlock well." After the Squires had returned to their table, Furlus went on, "Before I allow you to begin eating all that fine food, I want one more moment of silence for the dead. Their sacrifice paved the way for our victory."

  Everyone bowed in thoughtful silence. Even Jace paused between bites of his rice pudding.

  "May the Divine Essence warm us all," Furlus said at last. "Now feast well!"

  As the Squires feasted, Jerret kept admiring his broadsword in the torchlight, and he hadn't yet filled his plate. "What an amazing gift! A real Knightly sword of my own. I never expected this!"

  "It's a fine sword," said Trenton. "But it won't fill your belly. You should put that away and have a bite to eat. By the way, Jerret. I didn't get a chance to tell you this until now, but partaking in that duel was a very courageous thing to do. I applaud you for that, Squire. And you fought well."

  Jerret sheathed the sword and lowered his gaze. "I didn't do it out of courage. I did it because...because I wanted revenge. But I've had time to think it over, and I realize that I don't care about that anymore. I just want to be a great Knight and always do the right thing."

  "You spared Vorden's life," said Shennen, as he cut into a huge mushroom cap with his knife and fork. "I saw it. Everyone saw it. You may have wanted vengeance, but you never gave in to the urge."

  "But I should have killed him," said Jerret. "My moment of weakness means that Vorden is still alive somewhere, still possessed by the Hand of Tharnin. I failed to behave like a Knight."

  "One does not become a Divine Knight so quickly," said Thrake, tearing into a hunk of venison and washing it down with some ale. "It takes time and experience. But for a Squire, you have great skill and heart."

  Jerret smiled, looking relieved. "Thank you."

  "What about you, Lannon?" said Thrake. "You look a bit sad, Squire."

  "I miss Vorden and Timlin," Lannon admitted. "I still find it hard to believe what has happened to them."

  "It is always sad," said Shennen, "when the Deep Shadow steals the hearts of noble warriors. It happens far too often. Vorden and Timlin are but two of countless Knights and Squires who have fallen victim to its charms."

  "I haven't given up on them," said Lannon.

  "You never will, Lannon," said Aldreya, smiling. "It's not in your nature."

  "It no longer matters," said Trenton. "Vorden and his master are gone forever into that cursed realm. Dorok's Hand is ours, and the Blood Legion is scattered and severely weakened. The Soldiers we have in captivity will soon face trial and punishment. This has been a magnificent victory for Dremlock--maybe the greatest victory we have ever achieved. I suggest you forget about your former friends, Lannon, and just relax and enjoy the feast."

  Jace stuck his wooden spoon in the bowl of rice pudding and leaned back, sighing. "I hate to spoil the celebration, my friends, but do you really think the Deep Shadow is defeated? Yes, Dremlock appears to have the edge, but how long can it last? There are other lands beyond Silverland, other kingdoms. Why, just prior to coming to Dremlock, I heard strange news that the King of Bellis has apparently gone mad and begun conquering all of the surrounding kingdoms. Bellis is the largest kingdom on the continent of Gallamerth. This has led me to wonder if their king has fallen under the influence of the Deep Shadow."

  "Bah!" muttered Shennen, taking a hearty gulp of ale. "Enough with that talk, Jace. Dark events are always happening across our continent. But here, in Silverland, this is Dremlock's time to celebrate. Not long ago I was lost in despair, thinking that all roads were leading to a bad end. Now, my optimism has returned and my faith in our god and our kingdom has been restored."

  "If Bellis comes for us," said Vannas, "we will be ready. We defeated a Great Dragon of Tharnin. Can anything possibly pose a threat to us?"

  "I like your attitude, Prince Vannas," said Thrake, grinning. "And I agree with you. We will be ready for whatever comes our way."

  "Well," said Trenton, "I find it to be a wee bit...oh, never mind." He sighed. "I think I'll just have a slice of buttered bread."

  "Do you think Bellis will attack Dremlock?" asked Lannon. Bellis had the largest army of any kingdom.

  Jace raised his eyebrows. "Who can say, my young friend? Who can say? The only answer, of course, is to dig in to that fine rice pudding."

  And so Lannon did, and the celebration went on for hours while a great blizzard raged outside of Dorok's Hand. But inside, there was plenty of warmth and cheer to go around amongst those with noble hearts.


  The Hand of Tharnin




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