Romance: Pummel Me: A Boxing Romance

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Romance: Pummel Me: A Boxing Romance Page 3

by Courtney Clein

  As the Manchester Championship approached, his dad started showing up at the club a lot more often, sometimes overlooking his training sessions with his personal coach. Alex’s father had been an MMA champion of his time and his first coach. He had made millions in his career as a fighter and a teacher. Now, too old to fight, he gave private lessons to some of the elites of the city who would much rather train with a renowned figure.

  Alex’s father insisted that he should double his training hours. “This is all you’ve been working for,” he said, pumping him up. “If you win this, your career is set.”

  His father had always been a huge influence in his life. He was the reason Alex started MMA and worked hard throughout his school life. Gaining his father’s approval was as important to him as winning tournaments. Alex had always been showered with presents as a child, every time he won a major championship. At 25, Alex’s father still played a huge part in Alex’s training. There was a reason his father had been a world MMA champion. Alex wanted to follow in his footsteps, taking every advice from him and following it carefully.

  One day, after overlooking his training, Alex’s father asked him for a word.

  “I’ve noticed you’re spending a lot of time with a certain young lady,” he commented.

  “Jules?” Alex replied, confused.

  “Is that her name?” his father asked.

  “Yeah, Jules.”

  “I just want to make sure you’re not distracted from your training. This is what you’ve worked for all your life. This is it. One championship and you’re all set.”

  Alex had to laugh out loud. “Jules isn’t distracting me, father. If anything, she has made me more focused.”

  His father raised his eyebrows. “Alexander, I won’t stop you from a casual fling here and there. But I would advise you not to get too attached. If I hadn’t met your mother, I might have accomplished more in my career.”

  Alex felt anger bubbling inside him. “So you blame mother for the setbacks in your career?”

  “Quite the contrary, Alex. Don’t be a child. I have never once regretted meeting your mother. But it could have waited.”

  Alex shook his head. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

  “Don’t worry, father. I’m not distracted.” He said, simply.

  “Good,” His father patted him on the back and said no more.

  A week later, while he was training, Donna and Jules paid him a visit. Jules’ training sessions were becoming less and less frequent. This was the first time in two weeks she had been able to set up a time with Donna. They watched him train on his strike pads before he noticed them. Alex was shirtless, as he usually was while training. He instantly lit up when he saw Jules. Donna didn’t react as they kissed except for a small, lingering smile.

  “I have my training now so I thought I’ll drop Jules here,” Donna said. “I’m sure Jules can take you down by now.”

  “I know I can, Don,” Jules laughed.

  “I don’t doubt that for a second,” Alex replied, courteously.

  After Donna had left, Jules and Alex decided to have a match. Although Alex was very gentle with her, Jules seemed to want none of it. She ducked his punches and used her weight to her advantage but darting in and out of his arm’s reach.

  “Stop going easy on me because I’m a girl, Al,” Jules said rolling her eyes.

  “It’s not because you’re a girl,” Alex protested. “I know full well girls can fight just as well as guys. Do you see me going easy on Donna?”

  “If you can fight Donna, fight me too,” Jules punched him in the stomach and with a swipe kick, she knocked him to the floor. She straddled him and held a punch above his face. “I can kill you now,” she said but instead, leaned down to kiss him. Alex flipped their positions.

  “You can kill me with those kisses. Punches won’t be necessary,” he murmured against her chin. Jules laughed as he playfully left kisses across her cheeks. His tongue licked her bottom lips and Jules tried to kiss him again but he pulled back teasingly.

  “Ale-ex,” Jules whined, prolonging his name. He relented and their lips met in a playful kiss.

  “Alexander,” said a voice from across the hall. Alex looked up to see his father standing at the door, hands in his pockets, his expression solemn. He became painfully aware of his shirtless torso and Jules’ gym clothes which was a sports bra and a pair of pajamas. He helped Jules up and over the ring. Jules looked confused.

  “It’s just my father,” Alex smiled at her, reassuringly. Jules nodded.

  “Father, this is Jules,” he said as they approached him. “Jules, this is my father.”

  His father shook hands with Jules and good naturedly asked her about her work and training. He seemed particularly interested in Mondelez and her role there. Alex was relieved to see them getting along. When Jules departed, his father turned to Alex.

  “She seems like a smart young woman,” he said. “I might have been wrong about her.”

  “She’s incredibly smart,” Alex said. It had been part of the reason he had fallen for her so hard.

  “But while you’re at practice, you should practice,” his father said again.

  Alex didn’t have any argument or explanation for making out with his girlfriend in the fighting ring. Most girls he had been with never visited him here.

  “I understand, father,” was all Alex said.

  Chapter 12 – Carlotta and Alex


  She looked at herself in the mirror and adjusted her golden hairnet. Smoothing the emerald green dress she wore, Carlotta peered at the mirror one last time. Her dress was plain but elegant, reaching a little above her knees. It had been carefully chosen; strapless to bring out her round breasts, short to emphasis her long legs and emerald to complement her tan skin. She slipped on a pair of heels before stepping out of her room. Her mother waited for her in the living room, wearing a long, flowing blue dress. It was still a good two hours before the wedding but Carlotta had to arrive early in order to fulfill her bridesmaids’ duties and her mother agreed to accompany her.

  When they arrived at the wedding, they were greeted by Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon at the entrance. Her mom was an old friend of Mr. McKinnon. They had been business partners at some point in their lives and maintained a friendly relationship. Mrs. McKinnon had grown quite fond of her and her mother over the past few years, visiting often. Carlotta never saw much of Alex until they ended up in the same university.

  She noticed how extravagant the wedding was. There were glass lanterns hanging from the ceiling, emitting a soft white glow everywhere. Flowers donned every table which was covered in silver hangings. The trees were intertwined with fairy lights, twisting up and down the branches and leaves. A huge wedding cake stood nearby, themed in blue and white icing.

  After exchanging formalities with Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon, Carlotta searched for Alex. She spotted Alex’s younger brother Frank and went up to say hello. He greeted her happily and pointed her out to where Alex was. He was up in the bride’s room with Diana. When Carlotta reached the room, she found Diana surrounded with her friends and other bridesmaids. Alex and his younger sister, Mary, were sorting out what seemed like wedding presents. Diana spotted Carlotta and called her over, holding her in a long embrace. Every time Carlotta had visited the McKinnon’s, she had always found Diana around. At one point of their life, they had been very close friends. Diana looked beautiful in a flowing white wedding gown with a silver pendant, silver bracelets and silver jewelry. The accessories had been picked out by Carlotta and she found herself pleased with the results. The bridesmaids got about to their duties, helping the bride dress and overlooking preparations. Carlotta wanted to go over to Alex but Diana wanted her nearby.

  In the midst of her duties, she spotted Alex standing by the window in the hall, looking down. Silently, she put down the flowers she was holding and walked towards him. Slipping one hand around his torso, Carlotta hugged him tightly. Alex didn’t object
at first but gently pried her fingers away. He looked forlorn. Carlotta understood without asking. She always understood him, no matter how much he pushed her away. Of all his siblings, he was closest to Diana and he was sad at the prospect of her moving half way across the country.

  “What do you see in her?” Carlotta blurted out.

  Alex glanced at her and continued starting down the window at the wedding preparations.

  “What do you see in the redhead?” she repeated

  “The redhead is named Jules,” Alex replied, lightly.

  “You’re different around her,” Carlotta continued.

  “Jules is different.”

  “Look at you!” Carlotta exclaimed. “What has she done to you? You were never like this.”

  “Never like what?” he asked. Then he shook his head. “You know what? Never mind.”

  She caught his face and tried to kiss him but he held her back. “Carlotta,” he said gently. “I’m with Jules.”

  Tears stung her eyes as she tried to stay calm. “You’ve been with girls before. That has never affected us.”

  Alex simply shook his head. His hands brushed a tear from the corner of her eyes. “I’m sorry,” was all he said before he disappeared.


  Alex met Jules outside the entrance. She was accompanied by Donna. Her pouf green dress complimented her red hair and brought out the color of her eyes. Alex thought she looked adorable and resisted the urge to kiss her the moment they met. He escorted her inside and when he had spotted his parents, he took her over to introduce her. He noticed his dad’s icy expression covered with courtesy. His mom, however, hugged Jules and welcomed her brightly. He could tell both his parents were surprised. Alex had never introduced girls to them before. Brought them over, yes. Introduced them, no.

  As the wedding progressed and after the couple took their vows, Alex found some time alone with Jules. They ducked into an empty hall and Alex attacked her with his lips. “You look-” he said, pausing to press another kiss to her lips. “So adorable,” he finished. Jules returned his kisses with equal fervor. Retreating, he rested his forehead on hers.

  “How was your presentation today?” he inquired.

  “It went well,” Jules looked up at him, her green eyes sparkling in the soft white glow. “Mr. Parker said I might get promoted.”

  “That’s brilliant, love,” Alex said, genuinely happy. “I knew you could do it.”

  Jules reached up to wipe her lipstick off his lips. His forehead still rested on hers; his brown eyes pierced into her green ones. Alex felt content just looking down at Jules. He didn’t want to break the moment but he spotted Carlotta glaring at them from across the hall and sighed. “Let’s go back in,” he said, taking Jules’ hand in his.


  Carlotta entered the restroom behind Jules. She had been waiting for this moment all day. Jules smiled as she saw her but didn’t say anything. She continued adjusting her red hair, focusing on her reflection in the mirror.

  “Alex has a thing for redheads,” Carlotta started. She knew full well that wasn’t the case. Carlotta had never seen Alex with a redhead before. “He has been with countless redheads before.”

  “That’s good to know,” Jules replied, unconcerned. Carlotta tried a new route, trying to find some sort of insecurity in her.

  “You know; Alex has been with more girls than you can count.”

  “I know. Including you.” Jules said, sweetly.

  “Doesn’t that bother you?”


  “Are you sleeping with him?” Carlotta asked.

  Jules stared at her through the mirror, unblinking. “No.”

  “It’s not like Alex to wait this long. It’s a pity he has deprived you of that. More girls than you can imagine have warmed his bed.”

  Jules laughed, shaking her head.

  “He’s very good in bed,” Carlotta continued, trying to provoke a reaction from her. “Ask someone who has been there multiple times.”

  Jules turned to her. “Carlotta,” she begun. Carlotta smiled, thinking she has finally got a reaction from her. “I really don’t care,” Jules sighed. “I have a job promotion coming up, an impression to keep up at work, a project with America’s biggest advertising company and a little brother in another city to take care of. You think I have the time to think of who Alex has or hasn’t slept with?” Jules shook her head. “Find something to do with your time, Carlotta. Don’t be that clingy ex-girlfriend. It’s an insult to all feminist role models.” And with that, she exited the bathroom.

  Carlotta frowned at her reflection. Feminist role model? she thought. I don’t want to be a role model. I just want Alex.

  Chapter 13 – Alex

  102 F read the thermometer Sam placed on the table next to Jules. Jules sat up in bed, sighing.

  “I’m fine, you guys,” she insisted for the tenth time that day. “You can leave.”

  “I am leaving,” Sam said, rolling his eyes. “I was called in at work.”

  Sam was in medical school, doing his rotations currently. Jules had introduced him as her “college best friend” and Alex had met him a couple of times. Sam seemed nice enough and Alex had taken a liking to him. Sam separated her pills according to the time she was supposed to take them. Reprimanding Jules to take care of herself, Sam shook Alex’s hand and bid them goodbye.

  Alex glanced at his watch. The tournament started in an hour. He hesitated for a second and made up his mind. Kicking off his shoes, he sat on the reclining chair next to the bed and leaned back. Jules was dizzy from the tablets she had taken. She leaned her head back and sighed. “Go to your tournament, Alex,” she said sternly.

  “No,” Alex replied.

  “Your dad will be furious,” Jules replied.

  “He doesn’t own me.”

  “He cares about you.”

  “I’m staying with you,” his voice was final. He brought the cold cloth to Jules’ forehead, her head lying on her pillow now. Jules sighed again.

  “Better?” he asked. Jules nodded. He brushed his lips to hers, eliciting another sigh.

  “Even better,” she smiled, eyes closed. Jules drifted off. Alex watched her sleep for a minute before picking up a book from her table and opening it. The tournament will start in 5 minutes, he noted. Glancing at his phone, he saw several missed calls from Donna, Austin and his father.

  Won’t be able to make it. Jules is sick. Have to look after her.

  He sent the text out to all three of them before shutting down his phone.

  As expected, his father was furious. The next morning, he was waiting in Alex’s private training hall before Alex arrived in the morning.

  “Where were you last night when I visited your apartment?” his father demanded.

  “With Jules.”

  “This has to stop,” his father said.

  “What does?”

  “That girl.”

  “That girl,” Alex said, “is my girlfriend. And she was sick. I had to be there.”

  “You missed the biggest tournament leading up to the Manchester Championship. Do you know how embarrassing it was explaining to the other clubs why our lead fighter was missing? Brandon had to fill in for you. This is unacceptable.”

  When Alex didn’t reply, his father continued. “Alexander, I care about your future. Jules might be a great girl but please, leave her for now.”

  “Sorry, father,” Alex replied. “It’s too late for that.”

  His father’s jaw tightened. “You’re being foolish. This is about your career.”

  “I love her,” Alex said, surprising himself too.

  Alex’s father glared at him for a few seconds before exiting the room.

  Chapter 14 – Jules

  “Hey Jules, you have a visitor,” the receptionist said, popping her into the office.

  “Who is it?” Jules said, typing away the sales report on her laptop.

  “He wouldn’t give his name.”

  “Let him in,” Jules waved without looking up.

  From her peripheral vision, she saw a man dressed in a suit enter her office. Glancing up, she realized it’s Alex’s father. Confusion engulfed her as she stood up.

  “Mr. McKinnon,” she said. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

  “Hello, Juliana,” he replied.

  “Please take a seat.”

  “Thank you,” he sat down, looking around her office.

  “Nice office you have here,” he commented. “I heard you weren’t well,” he said, pressing his fingertip together and peering at her.

  “Just a fever,” Jules said. “Alex worries too much.”

  “He does,” replied the man. “Juliana, I was an MMA champion of my day. Did you know that?”


  “I’ve defeated some of the biggest names in MMA history. I’ve travelled the world for championships. Of all my children, Alexander is the only one who followed in my footsteps. Diana, Mary and Frank never cared much for MMA. Alex first visited the club with me when he was 5. He has been hooked ever since. I see a future for him I didn’t see for myself. After I met Alex’s mother, my focus shifted. My attention became divided.”

  Jules was quiet.

  “Seeing Alexander making the same mistake is too much for me, as his father.”

  Surprisingly, Jules sat very calm.

  “What happened yesterday was unacceptable. For Alex’s future and for my academy. Juliana, I’ve spent my whole life building that club. It’s ranked the highest in the US. After yesterday, I’m not sure where our rankings will go. And it may not have been your fault, Juliana, but you were the cause nonetheless.”

  “Your son chose to stay with me. I do not own him. And neither do you.”

  “He is foolish and blinded with love. You are a smart girl.”

  Jules laughed derisively. “What do you want me to do, Mr. McKinnon?”


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