Romance: Pummel Me: A Boxing Romance

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Romance: Pummel Me: A Boxing Romance Page 9

by Courtney Clein

  Chloe perks up and glares at the two in the doorway, neither seeing her do it to them.

  “Wonderful, I will wait out here for her.”

  Kylie closes the door and is immediately pelted in the face with a pillow. Chloe smiles and Kylie tosses it back.

  “You need to get ready. Change into something pretty.”

  “I don’t want to go,” Chloe growls.

  “Well, it is too late for that.”

  Kylie pulls out a pair of jean shorts and a red frilled crop top and throws them at Chloe. Chloe strips out of her workout gear and puts the clothes Kylie picked on. She puts on her Converse and grabs her phone and wallet, ready for the exact thing she did not want to be doing.

  Chloe opens the door to a smiling Raul who is dressed in cargo shorts and a plain blue shirt. He looks beyond amazing and Chloe is beginning to think that date may not be such a bad idea.

  “You look incredible, Chloe,” Raul says astonished.

  “Did you think I wouldn’t?” Chloe rolls her eyes and closes the door.

  “I am just excited to be able to take you around Rio today, let you see my city for the wonderful place it is.”

  Raul reaches for Chloe’s hand and she pulls it away. He is way too enthusiastic for her, but he is very sweet today and it is only melting away her barrier slightly.

  “Let’s get going,” Chloe states.

  Chloe takes off in front of Raul and heads to the elevators where there is a small group of athletes with their bags waiting for it to come up to their floor. Eyes turn toward Chloe and Raul smiling happily behind her. Chloe ignores the questioning looks.

  “So, where are you taking me today?” Chloe asks.

  “I was thinking of taking you up to see Christ the Redeemer.”

  “He was on the list one of my coworkers gave me,” Chloe comments.


  The small group steps onto the elevator, squeezing Chloe to Raul.

  “I work at a middle school as an American History teacher and one of the other teachers emailed me a list when she found out I was coming here of places she thought I would have fun at. Historical places and some I think she just wants to see pictures of.”

  “What else is on that list?”

  The elevator opens on the ground floor and everyone files out. Chloe lets Raul place his hand on the small of her back and lead her to the waiting cab. She gets inside and Raul follows behind. He tells the driver to take them to the statue and they are off.

  “So, what about you?” Chloe questions.

  “I mostly just have sponsors,” Raul admits.


  “I have lucked out, after all my years of swimming I made a living for myself and collected enough sponsors to live off of. I donate most back to charities helping kids in the worse parts of Rio, the areas I grew up in.”

  Chloe feels her heart go out to Raul. He must have had a long way to where he is now. Raul stares out the window as they get on a highway, shabby homes stacked on each other passing them by.

  “I grew up down there,” Raul points. “My brother was in one of the gangs and my father was already dead. Mom was useless. All I had was swimming.”

  “Sounded like that would have been tough too.”

  “Let’s just say, my brother did not let go easily.”

  Chloe sets her hand atop Raul’s and lets herself feel for the man. He hides everything behind that mask of pretentiousness, but when it slips he really is attractive everywhere. Chloe feels her heart soar at the thought of actually seeing Raul as a good looking man throughout.

  Chapter Seven

  Chloe was completely wrong about Raul. He is the best guy she has ever been on a date with. He held her hand throughout the day, careful to be a total gentleman. He asked about her family and more about her job.

  It was seriously the best date Chloe has been on in years, possible ever. Now he is taking her to lunch on the beach at a nice little restaurant. He has read off the menu to her, since it was in Portuguese, and helped her order some shrimp.

  “So, you grew up here in Rio? What was your favorite place to go?” Chloe asks.

  Chloe leans toward Raul after the waiter takes the menus away. Raul fidgets in his seat before taking a deep breath and leaning forward.

  “I would have to say it was the run down pool about a mile from my house,” Raul admits. “I would walk there nearly everyday I could just to swim. With everything going on around me, all the violence, it was a chance for me to relax and feel at home.”

  “Is the pool still there?” Chloe asks.

  “No, they tore it down and turned it into more homes.”

  Raul looks down at his hands and Chloe feels her heart go out to him. Raul looks back up and there is a smile on his face.

  “What made you want to be a marathon swimmer?”

  “Well, I was always a swimmer, but I never felt challenged enough going in circles in a pool. My parents told me about marathon swimming when I was in high school, so I started training. Minnesota doesn’t have a whole lot of opportunities, but there were enough for me to start my career.”

  “So you were bored and decided to make you life hell by swimming in rough water for two hours?” Raul asks, astonished.

  “At least I know I can swim back to shore if a boat capsizes,” Chloe jokes.

  “Because that is what everyone thinks.”

  Chloe and Raul laugh at how absurd her train of thinking went, but Chloe is proud of her ability to swim like she does. It took her years to get to where she is now and she started late in the game for it too.

  “Did you still compete in college?” Raul asks.

  “Only about a race a year in the summer. It is hard to find a pool that will let you train in it year round.”

  “It is still really impressive. I have stamina, but open water is pretty intense, I don’t think I could do it out there.”

  “It takes work and the waves are never your friend and neither are the other competitors. I have been pulled under by my foot a few times when I got out in front.”

  “Please tell me you are joking? That has to be terrifying.”

  “Not so much when you are in a lake, but out in the ocean, part of you forgets about the others when you start having fun and all you think is shark.”

  “You win, your sport is tougher than mine,” Raul holds his hands up.

  “There was a competition in that? Well it was obvious I was going to win from the start.”

  Chloe and Raul both laugh, enjoying the joking going on between them. Chloe is definitely happy that she actually went on this date with Raul, he is really funny and just a great person to be around.

  “Is that Chloe Hyatt?”

  Chloe turns around and sees Natalie Oscars walking over, her biggest competition in the marathon.

  “It is Chloe, excuse me for a moment,” Natalie tells her small group.

  Raul throws a questioning brow at Chloe who just waves it all away. She knew she would have to deal with the antics of the Englishwoman sooner or later. She would have preferred later.

  “Chloe, how are you? I heard about your accident last night,” Natalie mocks.

  “I am perfectly fine. How are you?” Chloe grits out.

  “Just perfect. I got in just in time for the opening ceremonies, but I didn’t see you there. Sad that you missed it.”

  “I was there, but with over five hundred Americans I can see how you missed me.”

  “Pity,” Natalie says.

  Chloe tries her best not to roll her eyes or do anything else that would give Natalie the upper hand in this situation. She has always looked down on Chloe and she is not going to for much longer.

  “Who is that handsome man siting with you?”

  Natalie waves at Raul who holds his hand up in response. He shoots a few looks toward Chloe who tries to ignore the idea she has to introduce her date to her enemy.

  “This is Raul Correa, a medalled swimmer from Brazil,” Chloe an

  An unpredictable pride radiates from Chloe and it surprises her. She never thought that she could feel like this toward a guy, let alone while at the Olympics.

  “Oh, how cute. Is this a date? Shouldn’t you be practicing, after all, you really don’t want to come in last at the Olympics. Talk about embarrassing, huh Raul?”

  Chloe fights the urge to punch Natalie in the face. This woman has truly lost her mind, maybe because of too much bleach on her hair or maybe she swallowed too much saltwater over the years.

  “I’ll be fine. You need to be careful not to wear yourself out too, otherwise the same results could find their way to your placing.”

  Raul lets a chuckle out from under his breath, obviously amused that Chloe is not going to take any crap from the woman in front of her.

  “I better get going, my friends are waiting. See you soon Chloe.”

  “See you soon too, Natalie,” Chloe says with a fake smile.

  Chloe watches Natalie walk back to her group. She points at Chloe and her and her group laugh at her. Chloe really hates Natalie and cannot wait to beat her at the coming race.

  “What was that about?” Raul asks.

  “You ever had that one other athlete that hates you? Well, meet mine.”

  “You do a different version of hate than me.”

  Chloe laughs at the fact she can fight with someone while being nice to them. It may just be an American thing or at the very least, a woman thing. Raul is laughing now too.

  “I think, after we finish here I do need to do a few laps at least. It has been a while since I did some really good swimming,” Chloe admits.

  “No problem, I just wish we could have spent some more time out tonight.”

  Chloe nods along as their food arrives. They both eat in silence, but Chloe’s mind is whirring through her strokes and laps she is going to do shortly. She is going to defeat Natalie no matter what.

  Chapter Eight

  Chloe has her bag sitting on her lap while riding with Kylie to the Aquatics Center. Kylie is getting in the mood for her qualifying by listening to Meghan Trainor and Chloe is thinking about how her date kind of ended on a sad note. Raul probably thinks she doesn’t actually want to go out with him again. Stupid Natalie for distracting her.

  “What is going on with you?” Kylie asks.

  Kylie removes her headphones and stares at the utterly silent Chloe. Chloe just shrugs her shoulders and stares out the window of the bus. Other cars are passing by, seeming to have no cares for anything.

  “You need to tell me; it is throwing me off.”

  “I think I gave Raul the wrong impression,” Chloe admits.

  “How so?”

  “I ended our date early so I could train and he looked like a sad puppy.”

  Kylie breaks into a laugh, a hard chortle. Other passengers look over at her and some of the USA swimmers just roll their eyes at the expressive teammate.

  “You care about him, oh my gosh. You really care about him.”

  “Well, yeah.”

  Chloe ignores the still laughing Kylie and pulls out her phone, checking to see if Raul has texted. He hasn’t and now she thinks maybe she should text him. What if he responds or worse, what if he doesn’t want to go out with her again?

  “You are in trouble,” Kylie sings.

  Chloe rolls her eyes at her friend and puts her phone back away. They are pulling up to the Center and everyone is getting ready to get off. Kylie is packing her own music back up and smiling from ear to ear at Chloe.

  “I can’t believe you are doing this,” Chloe says.

  Kylie just shrugs her shoulders as she stands up and heads off the bus. Chloe follows and walks past her friend who is in the process of doing a happy dance. People are staring at Kylie and some look to Chloe for reasoning, she just shrugs and continues on. Kylie runs to catch up.

  “You going to ask him to the race tomorrow? We can all go to the beach afterward and celebrate the fact you now have a crush on a guy.”

  “You are terrible. I no longer want to be your friend.”

  Chloe opens the doors and turns to go to the practice pool. Kylie follows and pulls her music back out.

  “Just text him and I will lay off you until after your next date,” Kylie admits.

  Chloe turns around to see Kylie plugging her headphones in and blasting the music again. She just walks right on past, no doubt going to keep her promise so long as Chloe texts.

  Chloe pulls her phone back out and looks up Raul’s number. Before thinking any better, she dials his phone. He answers after three rings.

  “Olá,” Raul radiates over the phone.

  “Hey Raul, it’s Chloe,” Chloe states over the phone.

  She chides herself on being so clinical and not as easy going as she was on their date.

  “Chloe, I thought you were going to practice?”

  “I am at the Center now, but first I wanted to ask if you want to come with me to the race tomorrow. Kylie is pretty certain she is going to be in it and I want you to come with me. You can bring Flavio for Kylie if you want, make it a group thing.”

  Chloe punches her own arm for her foolish word vomit. She cannot be that nervous to actually ask a guy out when she has already been out with him. Apparently she is.

  “I would love that. I will even bring Flavio for Kylie.”

  Chloe does a success dance in the hallway, and checks herself before someone sees her.

  “Great, I will meet you out front tomorrow around eight?”

  “That will work, have a fun workout.”

  “You too,” Chloe blurts.

  The phone clicks off and Chloe stares at it in wonder. She really, no she couldn’t have, she just told him to have a good workout too. She is completely insane, but she has another date with Raul.

  Chloe continues down the hall and into the locker room. Kylie already has her swimsuit on and is putting her clothes into her bag. She looks up to the goofy grin on Chloe’s face.

  “Where were you?” Kylie questions.

  “I have a date with Raul tomorrow. I just got off the phone with him, and you have one with Flavio.”

  Chloe goes to the other side of the lockers, just out of Kylie’s eyesight and begins changing.

  “You did what?”

  “I didn’t want to go alone again, and you said to bring Raul tomorrow night so I told him to bring Flavio.”

  Chloe works her suit on and comes around the corner to stuff her clothes into her own bag. Kylie is scowling at her. Chloe offers a small smile before heading through the doors and into the practice area. She turns the small shower on before pulling her hair up into a ponytail and into her cap. Kylie follows suit, boring a hole into the of Chloe’s head.

  “It is not going to be that bad, think of it as a group of friends going out,” Chloe tries.

  “Didn’t we have a version of this conversation last night? I believe I caught you this morning trying to sneak out of it.”

  Kylie splashes the cold water from her shower onto Chloe and then turns it off. Chloe shrugs her shoulder and heads to the chairs around the pool. She puts her bag on one and then stretches out.

  “We may have, but my mind has changed,” Chloe tells Kylie.

  “Mine hasn’t and it will not. Flavio is not a great guy.”

  “Please do this for me. Besides you will make him feel small because you will have way more medals than him.”

  Chloe goes for the angle that she knows will work.

  “I guess we could talk about swimming while you talk with Raul about who knows what,” Kylie admits.

  “I will love you forever,” Chloe chimes.

  Both women get into the pool, doing laps back and forth, Chloe going for longer than her friend and doing a plethora of different strokes, trying to find her marathon rhythm.

  Chapter Nine

  Raul is sitting next to Chloe in the stadium, both wearing warring colors. Chloe has her American flag gear back on and Raul is displ
aying Brazil all over. Flavio is only wearing regular colors, but he is also not involved with Chloe and Raul right now.

  “I will root for Kylie when she comes up later, but for now I am rooting for my own people,” Raul announces.

  “That’s fine, like they could win against our people though,” Chloe counters.

  Raul scoffs and turns back to face the pool where the men are lining up. Chloe has her flag up and ready to cheer her teammates on. Raul is pulling her hand down, but she keeps putting it back up. Flavio clears his throat, catching the couple’s attention before rolling his eyes at them. They both laugh at the exasperated Raul.

  The gun goes off as soon as the arena is silent and the men are off. Chloe jumps up and cheers her two racers on. Raul is cheering his own teammate on and still trying to steal the American flag from Chloe who is jumping up and down as the race nears the end. America is in the lead and just barely makes it through at the end. Brazil did not medal.

  “Have you eaten your words yet?” Chloe gloats.

  “I will take that flag away by the end of the night,” Raul counters.

  “Don’t you dare steal Old Glory from me, we have been through a lot.”

  Raul just shakes his head and sits back down. Chloe stays standing, still cheering for America. Flavio mentions going to stand for a bit, but Chloe isn’t paying attention to him anymore.

  “Kylie is up next,” Chloe tells Raul.

  “Can I borrow Old Glory?”

  “No, I cannot trust you with my precious. You will throw her away and then I will cry.”

  Chloe sits back down and smiles up at Raul who smiles down. She has him pegged and they have been like this all night. Chloe has just felt like she belonged with Raul since he waved at her at the front of the building. They both have forgotten about Flavio a few times throughout the night and he has made it known.

  “There she is,” Chloe chimes.

  Chloe and Raul stand up and do a cheer for Kylie before sitting back down and quieting. Chloe is on the edge of her seat. Kylie is guaranteed for first now that Katie Ledecky isn’t racing against her. The gun sounds in the air and Chloe shoots up in her seat.


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