Romance: Pummel Me: A Boxing Romance

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Romance: Pummel Me: A Boxing Romance Page 23

by Courtney Clein

  “Good, you’re up.” Liam came in the room with a plate in his hand. “How are you feeling?”

  “I have a headache, but other than that I’m ok.” She scooted back to make room for him to sit on the edge of the bed. She saw her dress folded in the corner and looked down at herself in horror. Alex was wearing a large black t-shirt. It smelled like Liam’s cologne. “Did you change my clothes?”

  “No, you undressed yourself in the bathroom.” He nodded towards a door. “Figured my shirt would be more comfortable, so I lent it to you.”

  “Thanks,” she glanced around the room, a little embarrassed. “Is this your place?”

  “Yeah.” He handed her the plate. It had a grilled cheese on it. Alex pinched off a piece of the sandwich as he continued, “I live in the apartments on the edge of campus. So, do you want to tell me what the hell happened last night?” A little bit of anger seeped into his voice.

  Alex pulled off a piece of crust and looked down at her lap. “I saw you with Pasty Girl when I was going to get dinner. I got jealous.” She sighed as she fiddled with the piece of bread. “Look, I know we aren’t dating or anything, and I don’t really have the right to get jealous, but it just really upset me. So I got drunk and did stupid stuff.” Her heart pounded as she spoke. Her emotions were torn between embarrassment and sadness. “I’m really sorry.” She looked up at him earnestly.

  “You don’t have anything to get jealous over.” He lifted her chin so he could look into her eyes better. “Do you want to know what was going on with Jen yesterday?” Alex nodded as she chewed on her bottom lip. Liam put his hand on her knee, “The reason I broke up with Jen is because she was doing Ecstasy. I asked her to stop. Tried to get her help. She chose to continue using, and one day I caught her with heroine.” His mouth was a thin line as he struggled to find the words, “She stopped breathing and I had to give her CPR on a fucking campus patrol car. That’s when I left, and yesterday I found out she was selling it to my little sister. What you saw was me threatening to get her kicked out of school and thrown in jail if she came even within a ten-mile radius of Lainey again.” His voice shook, “So no, you don’t have anything to be jealous over.”

  Alex sat there, frozen. She didn’t know what to say. All she wanted in that instance was to comfort him. She set the plate on the nightstand by the bed and crawled over Liam’s leg. Before she realized what she was doing, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head against her shoulder. Her legs encircled his waist. “I’m so, so sorry.” She ran her fingers through his hair as she whispered in his ear. “Thank you for helping me last night. I was really lucky you were there.”

  “Anytime.” His arms caressed her back, and he leaned his head into her neck.

  She could feel his breath on her skin. She readjusted herself into a more comfortable position. Her hips moving innocently against him caused him to have an erection. He kissed her neck and she let out a soft moan as she felt him against her inner thigh. Alex grabbed a handful of his hair as he kissed her collar bone. She closed her eyes as his fingertips slid underneath the hem of her shirt. He paused and pulled back, “You sure you’re ok with this?” he whispered as she continued to slowly move her hips back and forth.

  Alex’s breath was coming in short gasps. “Yes…but, I’ve never,” her voice trailed off.

  Liam smiled at her. “If you want to stop at any time, just tell me ok?”

  Alex nodded as his fingers brushed against her bare skin and lifted the t-shirt over her head. Liam tossed the shirt aside and laid her down on the bed. He kissed her lips as he cupped her naked breast in his hand. His fingers expertly found her nipple and pinched softly. Alex moaned lightly as the pressure of his fingers sent waves of pleasure through her. Her body arched and curved upwards toward him.

  Liam kissed her neck as she gasped in pleasure. He slowly kissed down her chest until his tongue found her other nipple. Liam sucked until it was erect in his mouth. His fingertips slid down her side until they reached her thigh. His fingers left a trail of goosebumps in their wake. Alex was having trouble breathing. His touch made her ache with want. He teased her by trailing his fingers lightly across her inner thigh, going higher, but never actually touching where she wanted him to touch her so desperately. He let his fingers press into her lace panties as he undid his pants with his other hand.

  Alex spread her legs wider allowing him full access to touch her as he pleased. The barrier of her panties denied her the full satisfaction of his fingers. She wanted more. Liam Pulled off his shirt and pants, and then he returned his focus to Alex. He hooked his fingers on her panties and slipped them off of her as she lifted herself up. Liam kissed and softly bit her inner thigh. She could feel his breath so close to her now. She arched her back again as his tongue found her clit. The pleasure was so intense Alex was having trouble staying still. She could feel his tongue moving slowly and tantalizingly against her. She grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled his head back.

  Alex pushed him onto his back and crawled on top of him. Her body found the bulge in his boxers and moved gently back and forth, encouraging him to get harder. Her nipples were still erect as she sat on top of him, wiggling her hips. She lifted herself off of him and pulled off his boxers. Liam watched as she knelt on the bed and placed her mouth around his cock. The arch of her back accentuated the plumpness of her ass as she began sucking on him. Alex looked up at him as she slid her tongue along his shaft.

  “Ok that’s enough,” Liam forced her onto her back. He needed to be inside of her. Alex felt her body pulsating as he positioned himself. Liam gently pushed the tip of his penis inside her. Alex tensed a little at the pain. Liam stroked her clit with his thumb to help her relax and take her mind off of the discomfort. He eased himself the rest of the way into her and sighed as he felt her tightness surround him. He moved slowly back and forth. Pleasure built with each thrust. As he moved in and out of her, Alex moaned softly.

  Liam pulled out of her. Alex let out a noise of disapproval. He guided her on top of him, and as she rode him he guided her hips up and down. Her breasts bounced as she moved, and she could feel him swell more inside of her, filling her completely. She contracted her muscles around him and a soft grunt of desire came from him. Alex rode him for her own pleasure. Her clit rubbed against the shaft of his cock as she moved herself back and forth on top of him. She went faster and faster, her nails dug into his chest as the pleasure intensified. Alex cried out as she came on top of him. Her wetness increased Liam’s appetite for her. He made her keep riding until her whole body writhed in euphoria.

  Liam felt her body contracting around him as her orgasm completed. He pulled out of her and threw her onto her back. He swung his leg over her and placed his pulsing cock between her breasts. Alex pushed her tits together as he continued to move back and forth. She placed her mouth on the tip of his penis as warm liquid erupted from him. Alex continued to suck until he jerked himself out of her mouth. She used her tongue to lick a small drop of cum from her lips as she swallowed.

  Alex and Liam lay there together, panting. She had her head on his chest, and he stroked her hair. “Wow,” Alex breathed out.

  Liam chuckled, “You sure that was your first time?”

  “I mean,” Alex rolled over onto her back, “I’ve done some stuff before, but I’ve never actually had sex.”

  “You doing ok?” Liam turned his head to look at her.

  “Yeah, I’m alright.” Alex paused for a minute, “So, I don’t want to freak you out, but what does this mean for us?” Her pulse raced as she waited for his answer.

  “You mean do I just want friends with benefits, or do I want more?”

  “Yeah.” Alex bit her lip.

  “How about this?” Liam stroked her hand, “Why don’t we go on some dates and get to know each other?”

  “Are you going to see other girls, or just me?” She looked nervously into his eyes.

  “Just you.”

  Alex smiled and lean
ed over to kiss him. “Ok.” She felt giddy as she laid there. “So what now?”

  “I have a thing to go to tonight at seven, but until then I’m free.” He looked at Alex, “You know what, why don’t you come with me? Consider it our first date.”

  “What is it?”

  “My little sister is in a high school production of Annie Get Your Gun. I promised her I would come.”

  “Ok, sure. Sounds fun.” Alex sat up. “What time is it now?”

  Liam picked up his phone from the bedside table and lit up the screen, “Three twenty-seven.”

  “Ugh.” Alex groaned, “I don’t wanna get out of bed!” She flailed her legs on the mattress in a mock tantrum.

  “Then don’t”

  “No, I need a shower, and Tish will wonder what happened to me.” She kissed Liam lightly on the cheek and slid out of bed. Alex looked around the floor. “Where did my panties go?”

  Liam leaned over the side of the bed, “Over there.” He pointed to the corner of the room. Alex walked over and bent down to pick them up. She turned back around. Liam was staring at her. She rolled her eyes as she shimmied them back up her legs. “What?” Liam asked defensively. “Can’t I just enjoy the view?”

  “Shut up.” Alex playfully threw a pillow at his head. She pulled his shirt back over her head. “Do you have any shorts or sweat pants I could borrow to make my walk of shame less embarrassing?”

  Liam swung his legs off the bed and walked over to a black dresser with silver handles. He shuffled around some things until he pulled out a pair of dark blue gym shorts. “Try these.” He tossed them to her.

  Alex pulled them up over her hips. They were loose. She tugged the drawstring as tight as she could and tied it in a bow. She gave a few test jumps to make sure they wouldn’t fall off. “That’ll work.” She smiled up at him. “Will you pick me up at Garner later?”

  “Sure. I’ll be there at six fifteen.”

  Alex grabbed her dress from the night before and wadded it up in her arms. “Show me out?” Liam walked her to the front door of his apartment. She stood on her tip toes. He leaned down and kissed her. “I’ll see you tonight.” She stepped backwards out the door.

  Liam grabbed her arm and pulled her back. He kissed her again before letting her go, “See you later.” His crooked smile made her blush as she turned away and headed back to her own dorm.

  Alex walked back across campus to her building. She kept replaying the scene in her head: his lips on her skin, his touch, the way he felt inside of her. It was all she could think about.

  She opened the door to her room and saw a small plastic ball rolling around the room. Walter was inside trying to knock the lid free by bumping into Tish’s closet door repeatedly. A strip of duct tape was stretched over the lid, holding it in place. Tish was standing triumphantly in the center of the room with her arms crossed. The roll of duct tape was grasped in her left hand.

  “You’re back!” Tish ran over and threw her arms around her roommate. “Are you ok? What happened?”

  “I got too drunk, and Liam took me back to his place to sober up.”

  “I tried to find you. I saw you dancing on the dresser, and I looked away for a minute, and you were gone.” Tish looked at her worriedly.

  “I’m ok. I promise.” Alex reassured her and hugged her back. “I see you found Walter.” Alex looked at the ball rolling around the room.

  “Yeah, he was pigging out in my box of Cheerios.” Tish glared at her hamster. “I heard him rummaging around in the snack box.”

  Alex handed Tish her the wadded up red fabric, “Here’s your dress.”

  Tish wrinkled her nose, “How bout you wash it first?”

  “Ok,” Alex laughed. “Sorry, wasn’t thinking.”

  “Want to go grab a late lunch?”

  “Um, actually I need a shower.” Alex tucked her hair behind her ear, “I have a date tonight.”

  “What?” Tish exclaimed, “With who? Liam?” Excitement beamed from her face.

  “Yeah,” Alex could feel her cheeks burning as Tish squealed with eagerness.

  “Tell me, tell me, tell me!” Tish jumped up and down as she spoke.

  Alex tried to play it off, but her own excitement was almost too much to bare, “We’re just going to his sister’s high school play.” She shrugged trying to play it off as no big deal, but her eyes were still twinkling.

  “How freaking awesome!” Tish was still bouncing around, “Gah, I’m so flipping excited for you!”

  “Thanks,” Alex twirled a strand of her hair around her finger. “He seems really sweet once you get to know him.” She tilted her head to the side.

  “Well, just be careful. You don’t get a bad boy reputation from being sweet all the time.” Tish’s tone darkened a little with concern.

  “Yeah, I know,” Alex straightened her head back up and squinted, “but I also don’t want to judge someone off of just rumors, you know?”

  “True.” Tish nodded slowly, “Anyhoo, I’m starved, and you need to go have a shower.” Tish grabbed her phone and I.D. and headed for the door, “See you later, and I expect you to tell me all of the details when you get back.” She pointed at the corner where Walter was currently rolling, “Be good, Walter! I’ll put you back in your cage when I get back.” Tish closed the door behind her.

  Alex let herself have a moment of pure excitement and elation as the door clicked shut. Today had been amazing so far. She scrambled around to find a clean towel and her shower shoes. Alex caught herself practically skipping to the bathroom and had to take a moment to breathe and calm herself down. She scrubbed the smell of Martin Manor out of her hair and let the warm water run over her skin. As the final soap suds spiraled down the drain, Alex dried herself off and tied her towel around her. She squelched back to her room and flung open her closet.

  “What do you think, Walter?” She held up a yellow sundress with tiny white daisies on it in one hand. In the other hand, she had a black dress with a plunging neckline. “I think this one might be too much cleavage for a high school thing,” Alex scrutinized the black dress before hanging it back up. “Yellow it is!” Walter stood up in his ball and sniffed the air in approval. Alex laughed and tugged the dress on over her head. She ran a brush through her hair and wrapped it in a ponytail. Alex pulled a white ribbon out of her wooden jewelry box on the counter and tied it in a bow around her hair. She smeared a thin streak of light pink lip gloss on and smacked her lips together.

  Alex waited nervously for six fifteen to roll around. She opened her Chemistry book and stared at the chapter they were supposed to be reading. She couldn’t focus well. Her eyes scanned the pages, but nothing was sticking. She closed the book in frustration and pulled out her phone. She had two missed calls from her dad and text message from her mom that only said, “Call your Dad.” Alex sighed and hit the call back button. “Hey dad!”

  “Hey, baby girl!” His voice sounded husky over the phone.

  “Sorry I missed your calls. What’s up?” Alex paced back and forth in her dorm as she talked.

  She could hear her dad clear his throat, “You remember that old playground by the elementary school?”

  “Yeah,” Alex jumped to the side to avoid Walter as he rolled past her.

  “Well, they’re repainting it two weekends from now. I just wanted to see if you would be coming home that weekend or not.”

  “I’m not sure yet.” Alex felt a pang of guilt, “Classes have been pretty rough so far and it’s only the first week.”

  “Oh, ok.” The disappointment in his voice almost broke her heart.

  “But I promise I’ll come home soon, ok?” Alex tried to smooth things over. She hated letting her parents down.

  “Ok, baby girl. I love you.”

  “Love you too, dad!” Alex blew him a kiss threw the phone and hung up.

  It was like she was leading two lives now. At college she could be who she wanted to be, go to parties, and stay up late, but around her parents she
would always default to the conservative, good little girl they knew. Alex felt uneasy. She finally felt like she was growing into her own person, and it made her feel guilty. She glanced at the time on her phone. It was ten after six. Alex grabbed her purse and walked out to the parking lot.

  Liam pulled into the circle drive in front of her dorm building. His car was black, and a thin layer of pollen coated it from parking under the trees by his apartment complex. Liam got out of the car and opened the passenger side door for her.

  “Thanks,” Alex smiled as she climbed in the car and buckled up.

  “You ok?” Liam looked over at her as he put the car back in drive.

  “Yeah. Just family stuff.” She fiddled with her purse strap in her lap.

  “You wanna talk about it?” Liam turned down the radio.

  “Did you,” Alex paused trying to find the right words, “find it hard when you first started college? Like to balance life at home and at school?”

  Liam smirked at the windshield as he turned onto Lincoln Avenue. “This is your first big transition in life. You’re going to have to find out who you are and what you want. You’re going to have some growing pains and you’re going to mess up. It’s part of it.” He tapped his middle finger on the steering wheel absent mindedly as the car in front of the slowed down to make a turn.

  “Gee thanks.” Alex slouched in her seat.

  “Let me finish,” Liam chuckled at her. “You’re going to mess up, but as long as you learn from it, who cares?” He glanced over at her, “My freshman year sucked. My mom kept dropping by two, maybe three times a week. That’s the down side of going to college in the town you grew up in. Finally, I just had to sit down with my parents and tell them I would come visit a few times a month, but that they needed to give me space to grow into whoever I was going to be.”

  “And they were ok with that?” Alex tilted her head to the side and watched him as he drove.

  “Dad more so than mom.” Liam turned onto another street, “Mom took it harder, but she came around.” He pointed to a house with white siding to their right, “See that one?” Alex nodded as she followed his finger. “That’s my house. Well, my parents’ house anyway.”


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