Romance: Pummel Me: A Boxing Romance

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Romance: Pummel Me: A Boxing Romance Page 36

by Courtney Clein

  “Mmm,” he said against her lips. “You look pretty today, serving girl. A nice change.” The words were interrupted by light pecks. Janet only shook her head at that, knowing it was his attempt at a compliment.

  “You don’t look bad yourself,” she told him.

  “Come on, I want you to meet my parents.”

  “What?” Janet was shocked, not expecting to be introduced to the Reeds.

  “I want you to meet my parents,” he repeated as if explaining something to a five-year-old.

  “I get that,” she snapped. “But- why?”

  “They’ve met all my friends,” he shrugged pulling her along. They had to wait for his mother to excuse herself from some guests that she mingled with before she turned her attention to her son. She was just above average height and good looking with long, black hair like Ethan’s. Her smile was good natured but calculated and her eyes were gentle but observant. She smiled at Janet as she shook her hand and looked at Ethan inquisitively.

  “This is my friend, Janet Price,” Ethan said. Janet didn’t fail to notice the “friend” part but she didn’t comment.

  “Nice to meet you, Janet,” Mrs. Reed said. “Price, hmm, never heard of that.” Janet realized Ethan’s mother thought she was from one of the known families of Georgia.

  “Janet is just a friend, mother,” Ethan told her. It was his way of telling his mother that Janet wasn’t one of the rich children but a friend. Understanding dawned on his mother and she smiled at them both, quickly changing the subject. Janet shifted uncomfortably as Ethan and she talked about some family stuff. Eventually, Ethan led her away, his hand on her elbow. She saw Michelle throw her an angry look as she passed her.

  This was going to be a long night.

  Chapter 9 – Confrontations

  Janet was in the library, trying to focus on her work when she was interrupted by a group of girls, led by Michelle.

  “Hey serving girl,” a voice said. The voice was low, at the library accepted level.

  Janet stared down at her notes, determined not to respond.

  “There’s no Ethan here to protect you,” said another voice.

  “And what kind of spell have you put on him anyway, witch?”

  “Yeah, it’s either a spell or he just feels sorry for you. Don’t flatter yourself, serving girl.”

  Janet sighed and looked up. Michelle and her cronies were sneering at her.

  “You’re right. I did put a spell. Would you like me to teach you?” Janet replied sweetly.

  “You insolent little—” Michelle made to lunge at her but her friend held her back. Janet stood up.

  “Michelle, I’m really sorry that Ethan doesn’t want to sleep with you but it’s not my fault or my business. You can go settle this with him if you want.”

  “You bitch!” Michelle shrieked, now struggling against her friend to reach Janet.

  “Michelle, leave her alone,” a quiet voice said behind Janet. She turned to find Ethan standing there, hands in his pockets and a solemn expression on his face.

  “How could you?” Michelle shrieked at him. People were beginning to stare now and the librarian was making her way to their table. “How could you choose her? This- this plain stupid serving girl! What has happened to your standards, Ethan?”

  “Is it still considered wrong to tell girls to shut the fuck up?” Ethan asked no one in particular.

  Michelle looked like she was going to cry.

  “What is all this?” the librarian said, trying to sound stern but keeping her voice hushed at the same time. “Where have your manners gone? I want you all out of the library. Now!”

  Michelle was teary eyed now as her friends escorted her out. The librarian looked at Ethan who still stood at the same spot but did not say any more. She left the two alone. Janet said down and resumed staring at her notes.

  “Janet—” Ethan begun but Janet shook her head.

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” she said simply. “Leave me, Ethan. I’m studying.”

  For a moment, it seemed like he was about to protest but then he stood up. He was gone a moment later.

  Hours later, as Janet exited the library she was greeted by George and Kan. Janet smiled, happy to see them.

  “Hello, serving girl,” George said jokingly. Janet rolled her eyes. “How dare you steal Ethan away from us!”

  “So you’ve heard of what happened at the library then?” Janet asked as they walked on either sides of her.

  “Ethan told us. And word gets around fast here. There were others in the library and I think everyone knows at this point.”

  “Are you angry at Ethan?” Kan asked. “He kept going on about how he stood up for you but you told him to leave.”

  “I was working,” said Janet in a would be casual voice.

  “Is that all?” Kan asked.


  “Is that really all?” George said.


  “Are you sure?”


  “Is there anything you want to talk about?”


  They had stopped walking and now she glared up at both of them as they continued their investigation. Her arms were folded and her expression was defiant. Then she sighed and unfolded her arms.

  “Maybe there is something…” she trailed away, doubtfully.

  “We thought so,” Kan said. “Let’s go over to my place.”

  “Another mansion? No, thanks. Let’s go to The Four Stars. I have work anyway.”

  “Work doesn’t start until 3 hours from now.”

  “Alright, let’s go to your house but then you’re dropping me to work.”

  “As you command, serving girl,” Kan said.

  Janet wasn’t even surprised at the extravagance anymore. It was something she was used to by now. She had grown used to the insane amount of money and luxuries these kids had.

  When they were seated in Kan’s living room and a servant had brought them tons of food, Kan begun to speak.

  “So tell us, why are you angry at dear old Ethan?”

  Janet was unsure of how to answer. She was also unsure of how much they knew about their relationship. When she conveyed these concerns, George laughed.

  “We know all about your relationship,” he said winking.

  Janet rolled her eyes. “Of course, Ethan would tell them,” she muttered to herself.

  “I’m not angry at Ethan,” she started. “I just- he’s just so- confusing? He’s still afraid to admit we’re more than friends. It’s frustrating. He introduces me as his “friend”. I mean does he sleep with all his friends?” Janet blushed as she said that.

  “Well, we wouldn’t put it past Ethan…” Kan joked.

  “I’m serious.”

  “Ethan is just scared of commitment because he has never actually been serious with anyone,” George explained. “He does like you. He really does. And maybe he will come to terms with the fact that you’re not just an ordinary friend. But he has commitment issues, Janet. I don’t even know if it’s my place to tell you this. Plus, his family would go berserk if they find out he’s dating someone from the- from a different class. And trust me, the way Ethan ruins people’s lives isn’t even close to the way his parents can ruin someone’s life if they think that someone is coming between their plans for Ethan.”

  “So this is for my sake?” Janet said annoyed.

  “Partly, yes. It’s complicated. Look at it from Ethan’s point of view.”

  “I don’t understand. Please explain.”

  “You’re a rich kid with loads of expectations from your parents. Your dad wants you to join politics in his footsteps but your mom thinks it’s too dangerous for you to do so considering you’ve had near death experiences already because of your father’s enemies. Your mother wants you to inherit her business and your parents frequently bicker over which one is better for you. Alongside, they expect you to grow up to be a rich, well-mannered boy who knows how t
o run a business and be a politician too. You’ve never had a functional relationship and one day you meet a girl who you might actually like. But everyone thinks it’s wrong to be with her. And you grew up surrounded by what your parents wish for you and what is expected from a young man of your class and status. So you want to be with her but you don’t want to let your parents down either. You’ve also seen how your parents can easily manipulate events in their favor without any regard for other people’s lives or well-being. So you’re scared for the girl’s future as well.”

  Janet sighed. “That’s ridiculous. Why can’t he just ignore other people?”

  “It’s not as easy for others as it is for you.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Only that you’re strong and fierce and you can handle a lot of things that Ethan might not be able to handle.”

  “He had no problem trying to ruin my life initially,” Janet said, bitterly.

  “Are you still holding a grudge over that?”

  “Of course I am! He never apologized for that.”

  Kan sighed. “I think you should talk to Ethan about this. Honestly. Be straight up about it.”

  Chapter 10 – Attempted Confrontations

  Janet sighed.

  She had paid Ethan a visit at his house with the purpose of confronting him about the issues they had been facing recently, but she found herself in a compromised position with Ethan.

  “Would it help if I sat up?” Ethan said.

  Janet nodded. It was a completely new position for her and she had no clue what to do but Ethan was guiding her patiently and her ignorance didn’t bother him. His muscled torso rose from the mattress as he caught Janet’s hand.

  He guided her hips up as her hand grasped hold of his erection and positioned it for her to slide down. She failed to connect them and sighed in frustration. She was reminded again of how experienced Ethan was and felt clumsy and stupid compared to all the other girls who had pleasured him. What she didn’t know was that Ethan didn’t care about her inexperience. He found it amusing at times and cute at other times. But in particular, he didn’t really care. Ethan sensed her apprehension and murmured words of encouragement. His hand rested on her nervous one for which Janet was grateful. His other hand adjusted her hips slightly and made small adjustments before his erection gently pushed in.

  Janet panicked, gripping his legs.

  “Shhh, it’s alright,” Ethan whispered. “Slowly.”

  She sank down according to his instruction, whimpering at the new feeling. He still remained seated with her, guiding her hips up and down. Her head rested on his shoulders as he did most of the work for which she was grateful. He lay back down, taking her with him. Her bra clasp was released as she sat up on her own. Ethan pulled down the straps down her arms, a throaty groan escaping his lips as Janet began to set a slow pace. His fingers played with her nipples as her breasts moved gently with her pace.

  “You can lean on me, Janet.”

  He took her hands and placed her palms on his chest to alter her position forward which made it easier for her to ride him.

  His palms slid down to her hips again, setting a pace she had been unable to achieve. He lifted his hips to meet hers and she instantly titled her chin to the ceiling, pushing her chest out as she leant back on his thighs.

  “Fuck, you’re so hot,” he groaned.

  She bit her lips to stop the uncontrollable moans escaping her lips. As they both rode down their highs, Janet screamed his name for the first time which left Ethan feeling pleased.

  As they lay in bed later, Janet felt extremely conscious.

  “Was that alright?” she asked him.

  “You did well, babe,” he replied, pulling her closer.

  “I’m sorry,” she said awkwardly. “I’ve never done it before so—”

  “Shhh,” he whispered pressing a kiss to her forehead. “You did really well.”

  The truth was, Ethan liked the element of uncertainty when he had sex with Janet. The fact that she was new to it made it even more exciting and alluring.

  Janet was content as she lay quietly in his arms. And then she looked up. “There was a reason I came to talk to you today.”

  “I know,” was all Ethan said. He wasn’t looking at her. He was staring up at the ceiling but his arm was still wrapped around her as she lay on his chest. “Can it wait till tomorrow?” he asked softly. “I don’t want to ruin the moment.”

  And in that moment, Janet realized that Ethan thought their little relationship had come to an end. He was trying to cherish what he thought were their last moments together.

  Janet wondered if that were true. But she would have to wait till tomorrow. For now, she just wanted to lay in his arms and forget about the impending conversation that might be their end.

  Chapter 11 – Revelations of the Past

  Any hopes of confrontation were deferred when Ethan got a call early morning from his father who wanted him present at a meeting as his replacement. Ethan had to rush to get dressed and left the house before Janet was fully awake. The touch of his goodbye kiss lingered on her lips as she roamed around the house, a while later.

  In the kitchen, she was greeted by a middle aged woman named Chef Bufe. She was setting up a breakfast table and insisted that she will set up a separate one for Janet up in the living room but Janet could not understand why they couldn’t dine together. In the end, Chef Bufe reluctantly agreed but asked her not to tell Ethan.

  “Why?” Janet asked surprised.

  “He asked me to make breakfast for you and serve it in the living room like we serve all the Reeds.”

  “I see,” Janet said slowly. Suddenly, she had an idea. “What’s Ethan like?” she asked. “I mean what do you think of him?”

  “He’s very good to us,” Chef Bufe replied. “Looks after all our needs. Gives us extra money. Makes sure all my children get Christmas presents. He’s very good kid.”

  Janet frowned. Why was he such an asshole to me and the general school population then?

  “Are you his girlfriend?” Chef Bufe asked hesitantly.

  “Oh no,” Janet said. “Just a friend.”

  The older woman nodded. “Ethan only ever had one girlfriend in the time I’ve known him. And that was put an end to by his parents.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “They thought she isn’t good for him.”

  “Was she… not rich?” Janet asked cautiously.

  “Oh she was rich. Very rich. But she belonged to a rival political family. I think that really affected Ethan adversely.”

  “What did his parents do?”

  “They broke them up. Threatened her and her family. I don’t exactly know the whole story but Ethan was distraught.”

  Janet looked at the assortment of foods in front of them. She had never had such a rich breakfast. Five different types of breads, several cold meats and spreads, vegetables and fruits, all types of eggs, croissants, puddings, cakes and pastries.

  “This is all too much,” she pointed out, mostly so she does not have to answer Chef Bufe talking about Ethan’s past.

  “I thought it’s too less…” the woman trailed off. “Ethan asked me to make everything. I still missed out some cereals and porridges.”

  “Ethan is crazy,” Janet concluded picking up a piece of bread and coating it with honey.

  Chef Bufe gave her a suppressed knowing smile but didn’t say anymore.

  “I hope Ethan’s meeting is going well…” Chef Bufe said as an afterthought.

  In fact, it was going quite well. Ethan had filled in for his father several times, a fact his mother did not appreciate owing to the dangers associated with entering politics. Ethan wasn’t sure how he felt about campaign meetings which all basically discussed marketing strategies and how to manipulate people into giving Mr. Reed their vote. It could be interesting in a manner but most of the time it felt wrong to discuss methods of manipulation. Ethan frequently thought poli
tics wasn’t his cup of tea but at other times he thought he would do well in politics and enjoy it immensely.

  Ethan shook hands with the other attenders of the meeting as they gathered up their belongings to depart. Once he was safely in his car, he pulled out a cigarette. He had unconsciously cut back on smoking ever since he had met Janet. Perhaps it had something to do with her sunshine and rainbow personality. Or maybe he was trying to match her innocence at some level. Whatever it was, Ethan Reed didn’t smoke anymore. He rolled the cigarette around in his hands, contemplating his choices.

  He knew what Janet wanted to talk to him about and he also knew that he would not have an answer sufficient enough for her. He had no real explanation for why he couldn’t call her his “girlfriend”. Janet was the closest to a girlfriend he had ever had. He had had many flings in the past and one serious relationship which was brutally ended by his parents but in a way, he was happy it had ended. He had sometimes thought he was looking for a way out of it anyway.

  Janet had also seemed angry over something else which he couldn’t quite comprehend. Perhaps he should stop avoiding the confrontation and get it done with. But the truth was Ethan was afraid. Afraid that Janet would end things with him and he knew she would have no problem with that. And since he had never let them become anything official, he didn’t even really have a say in it if Janet said she no longer wanted to do what they were doing. After all, she wasn’t his girlfriend. How was he supposed to stop her?

  Ethan sighed. Perhaps he really should smoke that cigarette. But then he rolled down his windows and the cigarette was thrown outside.

  Chapter 12 – Ultimatums and Decisions

  His lips were soft against hers as they moved in a rhythm she had grown accustomed to, yet it never failed to make her weak at the knees. His hands were on her hips, squeezing occasionally and rubbing gently. They were standing outside the door of her apartment with nothing but a few trees concealing them. If anyone walked right up to the path that led to her door, they would discover them. But a passerby walking on the street would not see them.


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