FINLIN, ETHAN: Member of the Black Diamond, stores smuggled goods, owns a windmill
FLETCHER: Maker of arrows
FORECASTLE: Raised portion in the bow of a ship containing living quarters of senior crew members
FORREST: Ratibor citizen with fighting experience, son of a silversmith
FREDA, QUEEN: Queen of Dunmore, wife of Roswort
FREDRICK, KING: Ruler of Galeannon, husband of Josephine
GAFTON: Imperial admiral
GALEANNON: gale-e-an-on A kingdom of Avryn, ruled by Fredrick and Josephine, member of the New Empire
GALENTI: ga-lehn’-tay Calian nickname attributed to Hadrian, Calian word for killer
GALEWYR RIVER: gale-wahar Marks the southern border of Melengar and the northern border of Warric and reaches the sea near the fishing village of Roe
GALIEN: gal-e-in Former archbishop of the Nyphron Church
GALILIN: gal-ah-lin Province of Melengar ruled by Count Pickering
GARNACHE: Loose outer garment
GAUNT, DEGAN: See Degan Gaunt
GEMKEY: Gem that opens a gemlock
GEMLOCK: Dwarven invention that seals a container, can be opened only with a precious gem of the right type and cut
GENEVIEVE HARGRAVE: Duchess of Rochelle, wife of Leopold, patron of Riyria, nickname: Genny
GENTRY SQUARE: Affluent district of Melengar
GERALD BANIFF: Primary bodyguard of Empress Modina, family friend of the Belstrads
GERTY: Midwife in Hintindar who delivered Hadrian, married to Abelard
GHAZEL: gehz-ell Ba Ran Ghazel, the dwarven name for goblins, literally: sea goblins
GHAZEL SEA: Southern body of water east of the Sharon Sea
GHENT: Ecclesiastical holding of the Nyphron Church, member of the New Empire
GILARABRYWN: gill-lar-ah-bren Elven beast of war; once escaped Avempartha, destroyed the village of Dahlgren, and was killed by Thrace
GILBERT, SIR: Knight of Maranon, friend of Murthas and Elgar
GILL: Sentry in the Nationalist Army
GINLIN: gin-lin A Monk of Maribor, winemaker, refused to touch a knife
GLAMRENDOR: glam-ren-door Capital of Dunmore
GLENMORGAN: 326 years after the fall of the Novronian Empire, this native of Ghent reunited the four nations of Apeladorn; founder of Sheridan University; creator of the great north-south road; builder of the Ervanon palace (of which only the Crown Tower remains)
GLENMORGAN II: Son of Glenmorgan. When his father died young, the new and inexperienced emperor relied on church officials to assist him in managing his empire. They in turn took the opportunity to manipulate the emperor into granting sweeping powers to the church and nobles loyal to the church. These leaders opposed defending Delgos against the invading Ba Ran Ghazel in Calis and the Dacca in Delgos, arguing the threat would increase dependency on the empire.
GLENMORGAN III: Grandson of Glenmorgan. Shortly after assuming the stewardship, he attempted to reassert control over the realm his grandfather had created by leading an army against the invading Ghazel that had reached southeastern Avryn. He defeated the Ghazel at the First Battle of Vilan Hills and announced plans to ride to the aid of Tur Del Fur. Fearing his rise in power, in the sixth year of his reign, his nobles betrayed and imprisoned him in Blythin Castle. Jealous of his popularity and growing strength, and resentful of his policy of stripping the nobles and clergy of their power, the church charged him with heresy. He was found guilty and executed. This began the rapid collapse of what many called the Steward’s Empire. The church later claimed the nobles had tricked them, and condemned many, most of whom reputedly ended their lives badly.
GLOUSTON: Province of northern Warric bordering on the Galewyr River, ruled by the marquis Lanaklin, invaded and taken over by the New Empire
GNOME, THE: Nickname of The Laughing Gnome Tavern
GRADY: Seaman on the Emerald Storm, died in the arena fight in the Palace of the Four Winds
GRAND MAR: Main avenue of Percepliquis, leads to the imperial palace
GRAVIN DENT, SIR: Well-respected knight from Delgos
GRAVIS: Dwarf who sabotaged Drumindor
GREAT SWORD: Long sword designed to be held with both hands
GREEN: Lieutenant on the Emerald Storm, died at sea
GREIG: Carpenter aboard the Emerald Storm, one of the few survivors
GRELAD, JERISH: Teshlor Knight, first Guardian of the Heir, protector of Nevrik
GRIBBON: The flag of Mandalin, Calis
GRIGOLES: gry-holes Author of Grigoles Treatise on Imperial Common Law
GRIMBALD: Blacksmith in Hintindar, had taken over the shop from Danbury Blackwater
GRONBACH: Dwarf, fairy tale villain
GRUMON, MASON: grum-on Blacksmith in Medford, worked for Riyria, died in the Battle of Medford
GUARDIAN OF THE HEIR: Teshlor, protector of the Heir of Novron
GUNGUAN: Vintu pack ponies
GUR EM: Thickest part of the jungle in Calis, as it butts up against the eastern tip of Calis
GUTARIA: goo-tar-ah Secret Nyphron prison, designed to hold Esrahaddon
GUY, LUIS: Sentinel of the Nyphron Church, killed Fanen Pickering, son of Evone and Jarred
GWEN DELANCY: See DeLancy, Gwen
GWYDRY: Tribe of elves, farmers
HADDY: Childhood nickname of Hadrian
HADRIAN BLACKWATER: Mercenary, one-half of Riyria, Guardian of the Heir, known throughout Calis as Galenti, renowned arena fighter
HALBERD: Two-handed pole used as a weapon
HANDEL: Master at Sheridan University, originally from Roe, proponent to have Delgos’s republic officially recognized
HARBERT: Tailor in Hintindar, husband of Hester
HARBINGER: Ship used by Dovin Thranic, Antun Bulard, Bernie Defoe, and Dr. Levy
HARKON, ABBOT: Abbot of the rebuilt Winds Abbey
HARTENFORD: Author of Genealogy of Warric Monarchs
HARVEST MOON: The full moon nearest the fall equinox
HEIR OF NOVRON: Direct descendant of demigod Novron, destined to rule all of Avryn
HELDABERRY: Wild-growing fruit often used to make wine
HERCLOR MATH: Dwarven mason
HESLON: A Monk of Maribor, great cook
HESTLE: Family name of rulers of Bernum
HIGHCOURT FIELDS: Once the site of the supreme noble judicial court of law in Avryn, location of the Wintertide games
HILFRED, REUBEN: Bodyguard and lover of Arista, severely burned in Dahlgren, killed in Aquesta while trying to free Degan Gaunt
HILL DISTRICT: Affluent neighborhood in Colnora
HILL MCDAVIN: Author of books on maritime commerce
HIMBOLT, BARON: Nobleman of Melengar
HINGARA: Calian guide, died in the jungles of Gur Em
HINKLE, BROTHER: Monk who cleans the stable in the new Winds Abbey
HINTINDAR: Small manorial village in Rhenydd, home of Hadrian Blackwater
HIVENLYN: Ryn’s horse, name means unexpected gift in elvish
HOBBIE: Stableboy in Hintindar
HORN OF DELGOS: Landmark used by sailors to determine the southernmost tip of Delgos
HORN OF GYLINDORA: Item Esrahaddon indicates is buried in Percepliquis; Dovin Thranic, Dr. Levy, Bernie Defoe, and Antun Bulard were hired to retrieve it
HOUSE, THE: Nickname used for Medford House
HOVEL, THE: Nickname of snow fort used by Renwick, Mince, Elbright, Brand, and Kine
HOYTE: Onetime First Officer of the Black Diamond, set up Royce to kill Jade, sent Royce to Manzant Prison, killed by Royce
IBIS THINLY: Head cook at the imperial palace
IMP: Slang for Imperialist
IMPERIAL PALACE: Seat of power of the New Empire, originally named Warric Castle
IMPERIAL SECRETARY: Caretaker of Empress Modina
IMPERIALISTS: Political party that desires to unite all the kingdoms of men under a single leader who is the direct descendant of the demigod
INSTARYA: Tribe of elves, warriors
IRAWONDONA, LORD: Elf, member of the hunter tribe
JACOB DERNING: See Derning, Jacob
JADE: Assassin in the Black Diamond, girlfriend of Merrick, mistakenly killed by Royce
JASPER: Rat in the imperial palace dungeons
JENKINS: Merrick Marius’s head servant
JENKINS TALBERT: Squire in Tarin Vale
JEREMY: Guard at Essendon Castle
JERISH GRELAD: See Grelad, Jerish
JERL, LORD: Nobleman, neighbor of the Pickerings, known for his prizewinning hunting dogs
JERVIS, SIR: Killed during a Wintertide joust with the Earl of Harborn
JEWEL, the: Head of the international Black Diamond thieves’ guild, also known as Cosmos DeLur
JIMMY: Tavern worker at The Laughing Gnome
JOQDAN: jok-dan Warlord of the Tenkin village of Oudorro
JOSEPHINE, QUEEN: Queen of Galeannon, married to Fredrick
JULIAN TEMPEST: Elderly chamberlain of the kingdom of Melengar
KAZ: Calian term for anyone with mixed elven and human blood
KENDELL, EARL: Nobleman of Melengar, loyal to Alric Essendon
KENG: Form of currency used by the Old Empire
KHAROLL: Long dagger
KILE: Name used by Erebus when sent to Elan, performs good deeds in the form of a man
KILNAR: City in the south of Rhenydd
KINE: Youngest of Elbright’s street urchins, best friend of Mince
KNOB: Baker at the imperial palace
KRINDEL: Prelate of the Nyphron Church and historian
KRIS DAGGER: Weapon with a wavy blade, sometimes used in magic rituals
“LADIES OF ENGENALL”: Lively popular tune played on a fiddle
LAMBERT, IGNATIUS: Chancellor of Sheridan University
LANAKLIN: Once ruling family of Glouston, in exile in Melengar, opposes the New Empire
LANDONER: Professor at Sheridan University, tried and burned for heresy
LANGDON BRIDGE: Swan-decorated bridge in the warehouse district of Colnora that spans the Bernum River
LANKSTEER: Capital city of the Lordium kingdom of Trent
LAUGHING GNOME, THE: Inn in Ratibor, run by Ayers
LAVEN: Citizen of Ratibor, turned rebel Emery Dorn in to the Imperialists
LEIF: Butcher and assistant cook at the imperial palace
LENA BOTHWICK: Wife of Russell, mother of Tad, from a poor family in Dahlgren
LENARE PICKERING: Daughter of Count Pickering and Belinda, sister of Mauvin, Fanen, and Denek
LEOPOLD HARGRAVE, DUKE: Duke of Rochelle, husband of Genevieve, patron of Riyria, nickname: Leo
LINDER, BARON: Nobleman killed by Gilbert in a Wintertide joust
LINGARD: Capital city of Relison, kingdom of Trent
LINROY, DILLNARD: Royal financier of Melengar
LIVET GLIM: Port controller at Tur Del Fur
LONGWOOD: Forest in Melengar
LOTHOMAD THE BALD, KING: Ruler of Lordium, Trent, expanded territory following the collapse of the Steward’s Reign, pushing south through Ghent into Melengar, where Brodric Essendon defeated him in the Battle of Drondil Fields in 2545
LOUDEN, SIR: One of several knights defeated by Sir Hadrian in the Wintertide joust
LOWER QUARTER: Impoverished section of the city of Melengar
LOZENGE SHIELD: Shield decorated with alternating colors of diamonds
LUGGER: Small fishing boat rigged with one or more lugsails
LUIS GUY: See Guy, Luis
LURET: Imperial envoy to Hintindar, arrested Royce and Hadrian
MAE, LADY: Love interest of Albert Winslow
MAGNUS: Dwarf, killed King Amrath, sabotaged Arista’s tower, discovered entry into Avempartha, rebuilding the Winds Abbey, obsessed with Royce’s dagger
MALEVOLENT: Sir Hadrian’s horse
MALNESS, SIR: Former knight to squire Renwick
MANDALIN: man-dah-lynn Capital of Calis
MANZANT: man-zahnt Infamous prison and salt mine, located in Manzar, Maranon, Royce Melborn is only prisoner to have been released from it
MARANON: mar-ah-non Kingdom in Avryn, ruled by Vincent and Regina, member of the New Empire, rich in farmland
MARES CATHEDRAL: Center of the Nyphron Church in Melengar, formerly run by Bishop Saldur
MARIBOR: mar-eh-bore God of men
MARIUS, MERRICK: Former member of the Black Diamond, alias: Cutter, master thief and assassin, former best friend of Royce, known for his strategic thinking, boyfriend of Jade, murderer of Esrahaddon, planned destruction of Tur Del Fur, blackmailed Wyatt to betray Royce and Hadrian
MAUVIN PICKERING: maw-vin Eldest of Count Pickering’s sons, friends since childhood with Essendon royal family, bodyguard to King Alric
MAWYNDULë: A powerful wizard
MCDERN, DILLON: Blacksmith of Dahlgren
MEDFORD: Capital of Melengar
MEDFORD HOUSE: Brothel run by Gwen DeLancy and attached to The Rose and Thorn
MELENGAR: mel-in-gar Kingdom in Avryn ruled by the Essendon royal family, the only Avryn kingdom independent of the New Empire
MELENGARIANS: Residents of Melengar
MELISSA: Head servant of Arista, nickname Missy
MERCS: Mercenaries
MERCY: Young girl under the care of Arcadius Latimer and Miranda Gaunt
MERLON: Solid section between two crenels in a crenellated battlement
MERRICK MARIUS: See Marius, Merrick
MERTON: Monsignor of Ghent, savior of Fallon Mire, speaks aloud to Novron
MESSKID: Container used to transport meals aboard a ship, resembles a bucket
MILBOROUGH: Melengarian Baron, died in battle
MILFORD: Sergeant in the Nationalist army
MILLIE: Formerly Hadrian’s horse, died in Dahlgren
MINCE: Orphan living on the streets of Aquesta, best friend to Kine
MIR: Person with both elven and human blood
MIRALYITH: Tribe of elves, mages
MIRANDA GAUNT: Sister of Degan Gaunt, helping Arcadias raise Mercy
MIZZENMAST: Third mast from the bow in a vessel having three or more masts
MODINA: See Empress Modina
MON, EDITH: See Edith Mon
MONTEMORCEY: mont-eh-more-ah-sea Excellent wine imported through the Vandon Spice Company
MOTTE: A man-made hill
MOUSE: Royce’s horse, named by Thrace, gray mare
MR. RINGS: Baby raccoon, pet of Mercy
MURDERESS: Lady Genevieve’s prize hunting bird
MURIEL: Goddess of nature, daughter of Erebus, mother of Uberlin
MURTHAS, SIR: Knight of Alburn, son of the Earl of Fentin, friend of Gilbert and Elgar
MYRON LANAKLIN: Sheltered Monk of Maribor, indelible memory, son of Victor, brother of Alenda
MYSTIC: Name of Arista’s horse when traveling to Ratibor
NAREION: nare-e-on Last emperor of the Novronian Empire, father of Nevrik
NARON: Heir of Novron who died in Ratibor in 2992
NATIONALISTS: Political party led by Degan Gaunt that desires rule by the will of the people
NATS: Nickname of the Nationalists
NEST, THE: Nickname of both the Rat’s Nest, home to the Ratibor Black Diamond thieves, and the adopted home of four street orphans in Aquesta
NEVRIK: nehv-rick Son of Nareion, the heir who went into hiding, protected by Jerish Grelad, nickname Nary
NEW EMPIRE: Second empire uniting most of the kingdoms of man, ruled by Empress Modina, administered by co-regents Ethelred and Saldur
NIDWALDEN RIVER: Marks the eastern border of Avryn and the start of the Erivan realm
NILYNDD: Tribe of elves, crafters
Heir Of Novron: The Riyria Revelations Page 83