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Red Page 8

by Tracey H. Kitts

  I felt myself being lifted. Someone was carrying me, but where was I going? The last thing that I remembered was Alfred holding me. Where was Alfred? I was startled awake by this thought. “Shh,” Alfred whispered. I sighed, appreciating for the first time how good he smelled. I breathed deeply, rubbing my face against the satin of his pajamas, wanting to commit his scent to memory.

  Alfred shifted me in his arms and I heard him open my bedroom door. Had I been awake enough to think about it, being alone in my bedroom with Alfred would have made me nervous. But, I wasn't awake. In fact, I was barely conscious when he laid me back against the silk covered pillows. I felt cold without him. As I opened my eyes, I realized that he was leaving. I reached out and caught his wrist just as he turned to go.

  "Stay,” I whispered.

  He looked over his shoulder at me, but he didn't turn around. I saw the question in his eyes.

  "I'm not asking you to climb through my balcony window, but please ... don't go."

  He sat down beside me and caressed my cheek with the back of his hand. “So, you're not asking me to climb through your window, huh?” He smiled. “It's a damn good thing, too, cause I pulled my back again carrying you up the stairs."


  "I pulled it weeks ago, dragging that damned werewolf down to the incinerator."

  I couldn't stop myself from laughing at the pitiful look on his face while I slid between the sheets and patted the space beside me. “Come here."

  "Do I look like a teddy bear to you?” Alfred asked as he stretched his long legs out beside me. He held his arm out toward me and I snuggled up against his side.

  "Maybe if you wear one of those little bow ties.” I smirked.

  "Me wear a bow tie?” He patted my head as he continued, “You poor thing you're delirious."

  I giggled, snuggling closer into his embrace. It had been a long time since I'd slept with a man—and actually slept. I felt so small pressed against his side. I fit completely under his arm. My feet only reached to the middle of his shin, where I pinched his pajamas between my toes, enjoying the feel of the fabric on my bare feet.

  "This feels good,” I mumbled, already drifting off again. I felt Alfred sigh as I rested my head against his chest. I fell asleep letting the steady rhythm of his heart soothe me like a lullaby.

  * * * *

  I awoke to the safety of Alfred's embrace, his body wrapped around me like a warm blanket pressed against my back. I turned to face him, careful to move only as much as necessary. With his arm still across my waist, I watched Alfred as he slept.

  I lay there for the longest time, admiring his full lips and creamy caramel complexion, amazed that it had taken me so many years to notice how handsome he was. Soft rays of morning sunlight touched the top of his head, making his dark hair shine like polished obsidian. The urge to run my fingers through that thick dark hair was too difficult to resist. I snuggled closer to him, running my hand up the back of his neck and into the softness of his hair. I giggled at the thought of asking him what sort of conditioner he used. His long eyelashes fluttered slightly and I was soon looking into his sleepy dark eyes.

  "You look rested,” he said.

  "I slept surprisingly well."

  "Did you?” Alfred smiled his charming half smile as he ran his hand up my back. He looked puzzled for a moment. “Are you wearing a bra?"


  He looked even more confused. “To bed?"

  I wrapped my arm more tightly around his waist meaning to slide him closer to me, but because of our significant difference in size, I slid closer to him. Smiling seductively I said, “I'm too well endowed to go without some kind of support."

  "Is that so? I hadn't noticed,” he replied playfully as he ran his hand up underneath the back of my silk pajama top. He toyed with the clasp on my bra as he whispered softly, "Tu guardare bella in la mattina luce." (You look beautiful in the morning light.)


  I wasn't sure what else to say, or how I should react, but I didn't want him to stop. I leaned in to kiss him, wishing that I could spend the day in his arms while he whispered sweet Italian nothings in my ear. However, before our lips could touch, I heard an unusual clattering sound against my balcony window.

  "Did you hear that?” I asked.


  As the clattering sound grew louder, I realized that someone was throwing rocks at my window.

  "A bit early for Don Juan, don't you think?” Alfred said irritably.

  I crawled out of bed and flung the balcony doors open. Kat was standing beneath the roses, her hands filled with small pieces of gravel from the driveway.

  "Psst, Lilith, are you there?"

  "Yeah, I'm here,” I said, leaning over the railing where Kat could see me.

  "I couldn't get Alfred to answer the door.... “She broke off suddenly. Her jaw dropped as Alfred walked up behind me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

  "Everything alright?” he asked. Looking over the balcony he added, “Good morning, Kathryn."

  "G-good morning,” she stammered. An evil smile played across her features. “Well, no wonder you didn't come to the door. You weren't downstairs, were you?” Her wicked smile widened when Alfred didn't bother to correct her line of thinking.

  He turned to me with an evil smile of his own, “I'll let you girls gossip. I've got work to do.” He pinched my butt as he added, "Zuccherino." I couldn't help laughing.

  "You're evil,” I said to Alfred, soft enough that only he could hear.

  "Zook what?” Kat asked.

  "Sugar pie,” I interpreted with a smile.

  "Oh.” She yelled at Alfred before he could leave, “Hey, what makes you think I'm here to gossip?!"

  "Because you are,” he yelled back on his way across the bedroom.

  I looked back at Kat and she giggled, “Yeah, I am. You suppose I could come in now? I'm getting a crick in my neck."

  I stepped back into my black fuzzy slippers and went downstairs to meet Kat. When I opened the door I was greeted by the most mischievous grin I'd ever seen. It was like looking at the Cheshire cat on crack. “So, does it match the rest of him?” she asked, stepping into the foyer.

  "Does what match the rest of him?"

  "You know, he's big, and tall...."


  "What?” she laughed. “It's a perfectly natural thing to ask."

  "Oh, yeah? Good morning, Lilith. So, how big is Alfred's dick? That sound normal to you?"

  She burst out laughing. “That's not exactly what I said, but I guess it's close enough."

  We walked into the kitchen to find Alfred making coffee. Kat blushed to the roots of her hair. Apparently she realized he had most likely overheard our conversation.

  "Why don't you ask him yourself?” I said, determined to get even for the interruption that morning.

  "Ask me what?” Alfred said. He winked at me in a way that let me know he had heard every word we'd said in the foyer. I took a seat at the kitchen table, smirking at Kat's obvious embarrassment.

  She turned an almost tomato red as I blurted out, “Kat just wanted to know how big your dick is. You know, since you're so ... big and tall.” I turned a smile to Alfred that would have made the devil proud, while I slid down in my chair so that I could reach him enough to run my bare foot up the front of his pjs, taking advantage of how near he stood.

  "So, why don't you tell her?” I purred seductively, “Is it as big as the rest of you?"

  Alfred's eyes sparkled with a mischief I'd never seen before as he said, “You can tell her yourself, I've got work to do.” He turned around and began pouring himself some coffee.

  "So you've said, but I don't see you going anywhere."

  "Watch closely then.” He picked up his coffee cup with a smile and left the room.

  Kat sat down across from me, her embarrassment replaced by curiosity. “Well?” she persisted.

  "What brings you here this early, Kat?"

sp; "Oh, no. You're not changing the subject. You're going to explain what just happened here."


  "Nothing? It didn't look like nothing from the view I had."

  "Yeah, well, your view was blocked a bit by the roses."

  "Not blocked enough to miss him pinching your ass or calling you sugar pie, in Italian, no less. He was in your room, and it's too damn early for business."

  "So what, it had to be pleasure?"

  "Well wasn't it?"

  "No,” I laughed, “but it might have been if someone hadn't started throwing rocks at my window."

  "Oops,” she giggled. “Seriously?"

  "Yeah,” I said, getting two mugs out of the cabinet, “seriously."

  "Wait a minute. He spent the night with you?"


  "And nothing happened?"

  "Depends on what you'd define as nothing,” I took a sip of coffee and managed to burn my tongue. Kat raised her eyebrows. Alfred walked back in suddenly, going straight for the refrigerator. We got suspiciously quiet.

  He looked at us briefly before commenting, “I see the subject hasn't changed.” He walked around Kat, leaned over her shoulder and said, “You know, curiosity killed the cat."

  "Is that a threat?” she laughed.

  "No,” he smiled, “But a lady never asks, and a gentleman never tells."

  Kat seemed to regain some of her composure along with her wicked grin as she said, “Ok then, show me where I can find a lady and a gentleman, and I won't ask them to tell me anything."

  I laughed at the look on Alfred's face. “Well, you've got me there, Kat. But, Alfred really is a gentleman."

  "I thought those were extinct,” Kat said skeptically. “Shouldn't he be on display somewhere?"

  "Maybe,” I said as I imaged him ‘displayed’ across my scarlet bed sheets. The honeyed bronze of his skin looked good against red. Alfred picked up the cream he'd taken from the fridge and left the room with a smile.

  "You really didn't...” Kat began.

  "No,” I interrupted.

  "How disappointing.... He's not gay is he?"

  "No!” I looked as scandalized as possible. “He really is a gentleman ... although, I might have changed that in a few more minutes."

  "Well, next time you plan to seduce someone before nine o'clock, leave me a message."

  "Don't think I won't,” I threatened with a laugh. “So, what brings you here?"

  The smile faded from her face. “I just wanted to warn you to be expecting another visit from your new neighbor."

  "What?” I was horrified at the thought of having to endure that woman's presence in my house again. “What for?"

  "She stopped by my shop yesterday after I left here, wanted me to decorate for her party."

  "Party?” I felt nauseated.

  "Yes, and you're invited.” She giggled, doing a really good impression of Marcy Johnson.

  "Why?” I asked, still hoping this was all a bad dream.

  "She wants to get to know everybody. She's invited half the town."

  "Great, more people to make me feel like a weirdo,” I said sarcastically. “I'm not going.” My mind was made up.

  "Well, she was real keen to invite Alfred. Asked me all sorts of nosy questions."

  "Such as?"

  "Like, if you two are a couple."

  "And what did you say?” I asked as I put down my cup. I'd lost my taste for coffee.

  "I told her that I didn't pry into your personal life, so I really wouldn't know."

  "Good answer. It's bullshit, but good answer."

  "So, what will you say when she stops by?"

  "No, thank you."

  "What about Alfred?"

  "I don't own him,” I said. My blood boiled at the thoughts of Marcy even speaking to Alfred.

  "No, but you could.” I was surprised to hear Alfred's thoughts coming out of Kathryn's mouth. “Don't look so surprised,” she mistook the reason for my shocked expression. “The way he looks at you, it's obvious how much he cares.” Was it obvious? I'd never noticed before.

  "If he wants to go, I can't stop him. He's a grown man.” I tried to sound as if I didn't care.

  "Sure. You can stop a pack of werewolves from killing my ex-boyfriend, but you can't stop one scientist from attending a party. That's completely believable.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm. “You know, those silver blades are not your only weapons."

  I laughed. “That's my line, remember? I told you about saying that to someone one time."

  "Yeah, you did, but I don't think you took it to heart. It's true, you know. All you have to do is say, ‘Alfred, don't go', and he won't go."

  "Yes, and that's exactly why I'm not going to say anything. It's his decision. If he stayed here, I'd always wonder if he stayed because I'd asked him, or because he wanted to."

  "Wow. Too deep for me,” Kat said while she took a sip of coffee.

  "When's the party?” I asked, not able to change the subject yet.

  "This Friday. You've got two days to think about it."

  I laughed bitterly as I said, “There is no thinking. I'm not going and that's final."

  "What will you do then? I mean, if Alfred does go...."

  "I'll find something else to do."

  Kathryn's wicked grin returned as she said, “As opposed to doing Alfred?"

  "Oh, give it up.” I laughed. “If it happens, it happens, but I refuse to rush into anything,” my expression turned serious, “not again."

  * * * *

  I only had to wait until later that day for Marcy to stop by. I was outside pruning my roses when I saw her drive up. I watched as she reapplied lipstick to her thin lips and gave a quick fluff to her frizzy blond hair before ringing the door bell. My pulse raced with the urge to crack her in the head with my garden shears. To say that my mood was suddenly foul would be like saying that milk that expired last year was bad. Understatement didn't begin to cover it.

  Just as I was toying with the idea of walking in the house holding the garden shears, only to see the look on her face, of course, I had an unexpectedly pleasant surprise. Elijah Jasper was making his way up the front drive. He came to a stop just underneath the arch with the big white Queen Anne rose. As I walked over to his car, I was overcome by the sweet smell of the roses in full bloom. I stopped to take a deep breath, closing my eyes.

  "Never miss an opportunity to smell the roses.” He smiled as he rolled down the window.

  I walked over, propped on the car, and leaned in as I said, “They really shouldn't allow cute cops out in public like this.” I smiled. “I have a weakness for bacon.” He had a genuine heartfelt laugh that did me good to hear. I felt my mood lighten as Elijah smiled up at me through the car window. “Would you step outside the vehicle please?” I said in my best cop imitation voice. He smiled, but didn't ask questions. As Elijah got out of the car, I tossed the garden shears near the bottom of the roses and began removing my leather gloves. “So, what brings you out this way? Please tell me there haven't been any more animal attacks?"

  "No,” he said, glancing at his feet, seeming more nervous than he had a minute before. When he looked up at me with those incredibly deep blue eyes, I couldn't help but smile. The smile seemed to encourage him, but not enough to speak.

  "What can I do for you Officer Jasper?"

  "Please, call me Eli,” he said, his bright smile reaching his eyes. “You've heard about Marcy Johnson's party, right?"

  Well, that was a subject I hadn't expected. “Yeah,” I was barely able to keep the full extent of my dislike for Marcy out of my voice.

  "I assume you're not going?"

  "You got that right.” I glanced at her car. “Would you arrest me if I ran my garden shears down the side of her car?” I asked, half serious.

  "No,” Elijah smiled. “I can't stand her."

  I looked back at him, obviously shocked. “Officer, are you contributing to my delinquency?” I joked.

  "Maybe. So, if
you're not going to the party, what are you doing Friday night?"

  I turned back to him. The fact that Elijah looked good in uniform was not lost on me. “Are you coming on to me ... Eli?"

  He smiled at me in a way that no longer looked innocent and I wondered if I hadn't underestimated him. “No. But, the thought had occurred to me."

  I smiled, despite my best efforts to control myself. There was something about Elijah and his blue eyes that just made me want to smile. The man was just so damned cute, I couldn't help myself. I looked back at the house and could see Marcy and Alfred talking through the kitchen window. From the bewildered look on his face, I had no doubt that she'd suckered him into going to her party. I sighed. Nope, I couldn't make Alfred stay at home, but that didn't mean that I had to sit around waiting on him either.

  "What did you have in mind?"

  "Honestly? I didn't get past convincing you to put down the shears and step away from my window.” We both laughed. “Do you like sushi?"

  "I love it,” I said, thinking that spending time with Elijah might not be so bad.

  "I was thinking maybe dinner and a movie,” he said.

  "The only problem with that is there's nothing playing that I want to see,” I said. “I suppose we could always rent something."

  "Hey, why don't I get take out, rent some movies and just come over here?” he suggested. “Unless you prefer to go out?"

  "No. That sounds like fun. What time should I expect you?"

  "When would you like me?” he asked playfully. Elijah was much better at this flirting thing than I'd given him credit for.

  "I'd like you on time,” I said, not about to be outdone. “But, leave the handcuffs.” I smiled.

  He laughed. “Are you sure?"

  "I never use restraints on a first date,” I said as I picked up my garden shears.


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