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Acciaiuoli, Roberto, 311, 323
Adams, John, 269
Adriani, Marcello Virgilio, 72n, 74, 172, 201–2
Adrian VI, Pope, 306, 312
Adriatic Sea, 127, 131, 181
Aeneid, The (Virgil), 257
Agathocles of Syracuse, 229n, 235
Agnadello, Battle of (1509), 182, 183–84
Alamanni, Luigi, 284, 285–86, 305, 307–9, 320
Alberti, Leon Battista, 110, 212
Albiola, 178
Albizzi, Anton-Francesco degli, 283
Albizzi, Luca degli, 90–91
Albizzi family, 21
Alexander VI, Pope, ix, 43–44, 55–58, 93–98, 103, 114n, 121, 123, 153n, 178, 180, 233, 296, 299n, 312
death of, 133–35, 136, 227
Louis XII and, 87–88, 96, 100–101
Savonarola opposed by, 39, 40, 44, 58–62, 65, 68
Savonarola’s defiance of, 40, 43–44, 58–61, 63
vices and corruption of, 43, 93, 94, 96, 133, 134
Alexander the Great, 128, 257
Alfonso, King of Naples, 51, 55–56
All Saints Church (Wittenburg), 263n, 293
Andrea del Sarto, 291
Anne of Brittany, Queen of France, 88
Apologia Reginaldi Poli ad Carolum V (Pole), 343–44
Apuleius, Lucius, 285
Aragon, 55
Ardinghelli, Piero, 243, 281
Aretini, 118
Arezzo, 113–14, 116–18, 191
Ariosto, Ludovico, 285–86
Aristotle, 32, 33, 147, 219n, 220, 223, 226n, 227, 232, 234, 238, 251n, 267, 271
Arno River, xiii, 16, 49, 69, 83, 104, 105
attempted diversion of, 144–46, 150
waste and silt in, 16, 49
arrabbiati, 40, 63
Art of War, The (Machiavelli), 46, 79, 106, 170, 258n, 283–84, 302–3, 322, 341
Ass, The (Apuleius), 285
Ass, The (Machiavelli), 285, 290
astrology, 172–73
Athens, 290
Atlantic Ocean, 177
Augustine, Saint, 147, 234, 272n
Augustinian order, 293
Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 242n, 254n
Bacon, Francis, 340, 348
Baglioni, Gianpaolo, 121, 133, 139, 160
Balia, 197–98
Bandello, Matteo, 324
Barbaro, Francesco, 110–11
Bardi Bank, 230n
Bargello, 62
Battle of Anghiari, The (Leonardo), 150–52, 154
Battle of Cascina, The (Michelangelo), 152, 179
Becchi, Ricciardo, 42–45, 63, 74
Benizi, Lionarda (step-sister), 27n
Benizi, Niccolò, 26, 27n
Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche), 342n
bigi, 40, 63, 187
Birth of Venus (Botticelli), 29, 60n
Bismarck, Prince Otto von, 350
Black Band, 81n
Black Death, 29, 230n
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 36
Boleyn, Anne, Queen of England, 337
Bologna, 100, 105, 178, 188, 190, 326
Bolzano, 165–67
bonae litterae (good letters), 33–34
Book on Games of Chance (Cardano), 227n
Books on the Family (Alberti), 110, 212
Borgia, Cesare, Duke of Valentino, ix, 46, 88, 89n, 94–98, 121–41, 160, 222
character and lifestyle of, 46, 94–95, 107–8, 115–16, 122n, 125–26, 139–40
cruelty and vice of, 94, 107–8, 122n, 130–32, 226, 236, 349
fall of, 46, 115n, 116, 133–40, 180–81
French alliance of, 96–98, 100–101, 105, 107–8, 113–14, 116–17, 123, 126
life as a cardinal renounced by, 94, 96, 121, 178–79
NM and, 115–17, 122–32, 138–40, 168, 217, 224
NM’s admiration for, 115–16, 129–30, 132, 136, 139–40, 227, 229, 236
political ambition of, 95–98, 100–101, 103, 105, 107–8, 113–18, 121, 124–34, 179
Borgia, Juan, Duke of Gandia, 55, 95–96, 98
Borgia, Lucrezia, 94, 110
Borgia, Rodrigo, see Alexander VI, Pope
Borgia family, 88, 93, 241
Boscoli, Pietro Paolo, 203–4, 208
Botticelli, Sandro, 29, 60
Braccesi, Alessandro, 73
Bracciolini, Poggio, 298
Bramante, Donato, 179
Brescia, 181
Brunelleschi, Filippo, 4, 144
Bruni, Leonardo, 298
Brutus, Marcus Junius, 250
Buonaccorsi, Biagio, ix, 36, 75, 85, 153, 339
NM’s friendship with, 80, 82–83, 99, 103, 111, 123, 127–28, 146, 171, 201, 275
Buonarotti, Ludovico, 155
Buondelmonti, Zanobi, 254n, 281, 283, 284, 295, 298, 305, 307–9, 330
Burchardus, Johannes, 134
Burke, Edmund, 345
Bush, George W., 350n
Caesar, Julius, 128, 242n, 250, 255
Camaldolese monastery, 281n
Camillus, Lucius Furius, 118
Cancellari family, 105
capitalism, 268
Capponi, Agostino di Luca, 203–4
Capponi, Gino, 26
Capponi, Niccolò, 36, 171
Capua, 108
Cardano, Gerolamo, 227n
Cardona, Ramón de, Viceroy of Naples, 189, 191–95
Carmagnola, Francesco Bussone da, 85n
Carpi, 238, 299–302
Casanova, Cardinal, 134
Casavechia, Filippo, 157, 243
Cascina, 84, 90
Cassius, Gaius, 250
Castellani family, 14, 21
Castellesi, Cardinal Adriano, 133
Castel Sant’Angelo, 134, 324
Castiglione, Baldassare, 114n, 244, 344
Catharino, Ambrogio, 343
Catherine de’ Medici, Queen of France, 344
Catherine of Aragon, Queen of England, 327
Cato’s Letters (Trenchard and Gordon, eds.), 345
Cellini, Benvenuto, 328
Cerchi family, 19n
Cesena, 129–30
Charlemagne, King of the Franks, 56n–57n, 164
Charles, Duke of Bourbon, 326, 327–28
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, ix, 57n, 221, 253, 312–13, 319–22, 325–26, 337, 344, 349
Charles VIII, King of France, ix, 81, 83, 88, 222
death of, 87
1494 invasion of Italy by, 45–52, 55–58, 86–87, 94, 159
occupation of Florence by, 50–51, 53
Chianti region, 17
Christianity, 147, 179, 220, 234, 257, 272, 306
NM on, 258–59, 261–62, 332
see also specific Christian faiths
Church Fathers, 230, 234, 255
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 14, 32, 33, 102, 250–51, 252
Citta di Castello, 121
City of God, The (Augustine), 147, 272n
Clement VII, Pope, ix, 262n, 320–22, 325–30, 337
NM and, 313–16, 322, 329–30
Clizia (Machiavelli), 24–25, 111, 209, 271n, 275, 290, 292, 309
Coccio, Bernardino, 203
College of Cardinals, 94, 133–36, 294
conclave of 1492 in, 134
conclaves of 1503 in, 135, 136
conclave of 1513 in, 3n, 207–8
conclave of 1521 in, 306
conclave of 1523 in, 312–13
Spanish and French rivalry in, 135–36
Colonna, Fabrizio, 283–84
Colonna, Prospero, 308
Commentary on Politics (Thomas Aquinas), 224
Communist Manifesto, The (Marx and Engels), 9n
compagnacci, 40, 59–60, 67
Compagni, Dino, 19n
condottieri, 47, 79, 80, 85–86, 114, 159–61
Constantine I, Emperor of Rome, 179n–80n
Constitution, U.S., 77, 266
Contre-Machiavel (Against Machiavelli), (Gentillet), 9n, 335, 344–45
Cordoba, Gonzalvo de, 157
Corella, Don Michele, 139
Corella, Miguel de, 134
Corsini, Lanciolino, 108
Corsini, Luigi, 108
Corsini family, 108, 110
Cortona, Cardinal Passerini da, 318
Council of Trent, 343
Courtier, The (Castiglione), 114n, 244, 344
Cremona, 181, 182
Cromwell, Thomas, 344
Crusades, 20
Cyropaedia (Xenophon), 219n
Cyrus II, King of Persia, 51
da Fermo, Oliverotto, 131
d’Amboise, Georges, Cardinal of Rouen, 89, 99, 100, 103
Dante Alighieri, 18n, 19, 34, 36, 108, 219n, 220, 242, 248, 335
da Puglia, Francesco, 64, 66
Darwinism, 242
David (Michelangelo), 154, 155–56
Dazzi, Andrea, 205n
Dedel, Cardinal Adriann, 306
del Corno, Donato, 297, 281, 288
De Legibus (Scala), 14, 26
della Casa, Francesco, 98–99
della Palla, Battista, 284, 292, 294, 307
della Rovere, Cardinal Giuliano, 134, 135–37
see also Julius II, Pope
della Rovere, Francesco Maria, 136
della Valle, Agostanza, 103
della Valle, Antonio, 74n, 82, 103
delle Bande Nere, Giovanni, 324, 325
Deluge (Leonardo), 144
democracies, 267–68, 271
De Officiis (Cicero), 250–51
“Description of the Method Used by Duke Valentino in Killing Vitellozzo Vitelli, Olivero da Fermo, and Others” (Machiavelli), 122n
Diaceto, Jacopo da, 307
Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences (Galileo), 257n
Dionysus of Syracuse, 220n
“Discourse on Remodeling the Government of Florence, A” (Machiavelli), 54n, 263, 265n, 268–69
Discourses on the First Ten Books of Titus Livius (Machiavelli), 24n, 33, 34, 62–63, 77, 159, 161, 175, 180, 193, 229, 233, 239, 252–72, 339
Book I of, 149
Book III of, 196
comparison of The Prince with, 254–55, 257, 259, 263, 270, 284
composition of, 216n, 254, 256–57, 281, 283
dedication of, 71, 252, 254n, 281, 284, 340
flexibility of political systems explored in, 237n, 240–41, 265
nature of government and formation of states explored in, 255
“On Conspiracies” chapter of, 203–4, 308
Preface of, 247, 257, 260
republican government favored in, 263, 264–67, 305
revolution of ideas urged in, 258
Disputationes Camaldulenses (Landino), 283n
Disputations Against Astrology (Pico della Mirandola), 172
Divine Comedy, The (Dante Alighieri), 219n
Dominican order, 40–41, 43–44, 46, 58, 64–66
Donatello, 60
Donati, Lucrezia, 108n
Donati, Manno, 152
Donati family, 19
Donation of Constantine, The, 179n–80n
Donatus, Aelius, 32
“Dream of Machiavelli,” 332–33
Eight, The, see Otto
Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon, The (Marx), 290n
Elba, 248
Engels, Friedrich, 9n, 345
Enriquez, Maria, 55
Erasmus, 220, 221–23, 225, 227, 253, 263n, 269
Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Locke), 237n
Este, Isabella d’, 192n
Ethics (Aristotle), 226n, 227
Exodus, Book of, 43
Fable of Belfagor, The (Machiavelli), 275
Faenza, 181, 316–17, 318
Falconetti, Jacopo, 291, 309
Federalist No. 10 (Madison), 269n
Federalist No. 51 (Madison), 267
Ferdinand II, King of Aragon, 55, 56, 181
Fernandino (son of Alfonso, King of Naples), 55–56, 57n
Ferrara, 51, 57
feudalism, 13n, 14, 19, 20, 164
Ficino, Marsilio, 30, 281n
First Decennale, The (Machiavelli), 55, 91, 126, 147, 158–59, 243n, 248n
art and architecture of, 4, 16–17, 29–30, 59–60, 141–42, 148–56
celebrations in, 174–75, 207–8
churches of, 4, 16, 30, 32, 44n, 50, 51, 58, 66, 153–54, 299
citizen militia of, 1–2, 20, 150, 152, 160–64, 169–72, 174–75, 187, 188, 191–94, 303
city gates of, 16, 17, 50, 51, 61, 196, 292
commerce, finance, and trade in, 16, 17, 20, 30, 58, 61, 181, 230, 253
competition of Venice and, 181
cultural elite of, 281–94
dismissal of NM as Second Chancellor of, 1, 4–5, 8, 11, 13, 201–3, 205, 212, 248, 250
Duomo in, 4, 30, 32, 44n, 50, 51, 58, 66, 153–54, 299
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