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Iron Claw MC Part 2- The Collective-Season one Episode seven

Page 1

by Erin Trejo

  Table of Contents

  Part Two

  We’ve set the stage, created the characters, and fashioned a world full of twists and turns. Now it’s your turn to sit back and immerse yourself in this incredible series. Each episode weaves the characters and storylines of five standalone novels together to give you an epic crossover series. We’ve left you breadcrumbs, tidbits of information intertwined throughout our stories. Can you find them? Can you collect the clues we’ve left and become part of The Collective and solve the case?

  Riley Edwards - Unbroken (part one) 4.4.17 -

  Riley Edwards Unbroken (part two) 6.13.17 -Pre order coming soon

  Erin Trejo -Iron Claw MC (part 2) - 6.27.17 - Pre order coming soon

  Ellie Masters -Becoming His (learning to breathe Part 2)- 7.11.17 - Pre order coming soon

  Elias Raven - Shadow & Flame part two- 7.25.17 - Pre order coming soon

  Carver Pike - We All Fall Down (Quills and Daggers part two) - 8.1.17 - Pre order coming soon

  Part two

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29


  Part Two

  Erin Trejo

  The Collective is here…

  We’ve set the stage, created the characters, and fashioned a world full of twists and turns. Now it’s your turn to sit back and immerse yourself in this incredible series. Each episode weaves the characters and storylines of five standalone novels together to give you an epic crossover series. We’ve left you breadcrumbs, tidbits of information intertwined throughout our stories. Can you find them? Can you collect the clues we’ve left and become part of The Collective and solve the case?

  Season One –

  Featured authors in order of appearance-

  International bestselling author -Riley Edwards

  International bestselling author - Erin Trejo –

  Best Selling author - Ellie Masters –

  Award winning author - Elias Raven –

  Award winning author - Chris Genovese –

  Best Selling author - Carver Pike –

  Season one releases- April 4, 2017, with a two-week release schedule.

  Riley Edwards - Unbroken (part one) 4.4.17 -

  Erin Trejo - Iron Claw MC 4.18.17 -

  Ellie Masters - Learning to Breathe 5.2.17 -

  Elias Raven - Shadow & Flame - 5.16.17 -

  Chris Genovese - Quills and Daggers 5.30.17 -

  Riley Edwards Unbroken (part two) 6.13.17 -Pre order coming soon

  Erin Trejo -Iron Claw MC (part 2) - 6.27.17 - Pre order coming soon

  Ellie Masters -Becoming His (learning to breathe Part 2)- 7.11.17 - Pre order coming soon

  Elias Raven - Shadow & Flame part two- 7.25.17 - Pre order coming soon

  Carver Pike - We All Fall Down (Quills and Daggers part two) - 8.1.17 - Pre order coming soon

  Connect with The Collective at

  Newsletter -

  Iron Claw MC

  Part two

  By: Erin Trejo

  Copyright 2017@ Erin Trejo

  Cover design: Riley Edwards

  Edited By: Diane Norwood


  What can I say? I had a great time writing with such amazing authors.

  Elias: You brought a genre that I wasn’t involved with and I loved reading your stuff.

  Ellie: You have an amazing talent and way with words. I was so thrilled to write with you. I’m happy to say that I have a new friend with meeting you. You are really an amazing person.

  Chris: You know I fucking love you! I have since you started writing and being able to work on something with you has just been amazing.

  Riley: You know you’re my bitch! As long as I’ve known you, you have always been real with me. Writing with you has been such an honor! You are one of my best friends and I love you!


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 1 1

  Chapter 2 8

  Chapter 3 12

  Chapter 4 16

  Chapter 5 20

  Chapter 6 25

  Chapter 7 31

  Chapter 8 37

  Chapter 9 42

  Chapter 10 47

  Chapter 11 52

  Chapter 12 56

  Chapter 13 60

  Chapter 14 65

  Chapter 15 71

  Chapter 16 77

  Chapter 17 83

  Chapter 18 88

  Chapter 19 94

  Chapter 20 99

  Chapter 21 104

  Chapter 22 109

  Chapter 23 114

  Chapter 24 119

  Chapter 25 124

  Chapter 26 129

  Chapter 27 134

  Chapter 28 139

  Chapter 29 144

  Chapter 1

  I watch my little brother as he walks into the one place I never wanted him to be a part of. My clubhouse. He wasn’t cut out for this world. He was better than that. I pushed him until I knew he would be a better man than I was. And he made me proud as hell.

  I motion for him to sit when he strolls through the door, a grin on his face.

  “You know how much shit I caught for those goddamn cupcakes?” I look at Reid with a slightly pissed of glint in my eyes. His woman brought cupcakes of all fucking things to me. At the clubhouse. Imagine how that looked.

  “You know you loved my woman’s cupcakes. Blaze and Trig didn’t seem to be bitchin’ either when they were double fistin’, asking if she brought vanilla to.” Reid grins that big ass smile of his.

  “That’s because Nina has zero fuckin’ clue how to cook. Hey, I asked you to come by because I need a favor. We have some bodies that have been found. Rival clubs. Clearly, they don’t belong to us and we sure as fuck didn’t put them there. Think you can ask around
. If it’s another local club, I don’t want to get shit spiralin’ out of control.”

  “Absolutely. I have a few contacts I can reach out to. You got any shit with anyone , in particular, in particular I should know about? Give me a place to start?” He gives me that all knowing smirk of his before I say, “Come on, Reid. I got shit with a lot of people. No fuckin’ clue where this is comin’ from. I just know I can’t go in shakin’ out other clubs without some kind of knowledge.”

  “Ain’t that the truth, brother, you should try being nicer.” Reid stopped and laughed. “Yeah, give me a few hours. I have a few contacts that I can cash in a marker and get you names.”

  “Hey, before you go. Jess called me. Said she wanted to talk.” I take a long pull from my beer. “In person. Any thoughts on that shit?”

  Reid raises his eyebrows before saying, “The fuck? In person? Shit man, you think she’s ready to forgive your ass yet?”

  “Fuck if I know. Shit, brother, I don’t know that I’m ready to forgive my ass yet. I ’ve fucked half of San Fran after she left. In person meetin’? Not likely she’ll be leavin’,” I say with the most confidence I have. I know how Jess is when she wants something but I also know how I am when I do.

  “It’s time Damion. It happened years ago. You fucked up ; , you know you fucked up. Move on, get the fuck over it and forgive yourself. But, for the love of Christ don’t fuck her in the first ten minutes of seeing her. Jess is a good girl. Oh, and word of advice? Take Blaze with you. You know what they say about a woman scorn and shit , if you don’t know if she’s forgiven you she might try and stab your dirty ass.”

  Chuckling, I nod before I say, “Heard that. She was always a little knife happy.” Reid doesn’t say much after that. We both know what I did to fuck things up with Jess. He knows me all too well.

  I hated the way things played out for us years ago , but that was the past and not something I can change now.

  Reid sets his empty bottle on the counter in front of him before standing. I know if I don’t say this shit now, it’ll never get said and I need him to know.

  I take a deep breath and look up at him before I say, “Hey. You know I’m proud of you , right? That shit with your girl could have ended differently. You handled that shit like a man.”

  “You know she loves you right? Said that I am the man I am today because of you. She is not wrong, Damion. I haven’t forgotten. I never will. And I’m serious, time to let the past go. Enough of the touchy shit, I got your back on the bodies. I can’t have you swept up in some crazy shit just when I’m about to tie Ava to me and make you an Uncle.” Reid threw his head back and laughed. “Uncle fucking Damion. Jesus save us.”

  “Appreciate that. I’d do that shit again in a minute. You’re the only family I’ve ever had.” I take a drag off my cigarette. “Uncle Damion, huh? I don’t know, Reid, I fuckin’ like the sound of that.”

  Reid grins shaking his head. “Yeah, I bet you do. I’ll get with you once I hear something.” I nod once and watch my little brother as he walks out of the clubhouse. I can’t say that I don’t like to see him go because no matter how close we might be, this isn’t his place.

  “You see Blaze?” Trig sits next to me. I glance over and nod.

  “Tossin’ back all the goddamn vodka the motherfucker can handle. This Ally shit is hittin’ him harder than I thought.” Trig nods knowing what I mean.

  Ally was a girl he dated off and on. She would always end up pregnant and then lose the baby to drugs. It wasn’t much of a surprise to me when she was found dead in an alley , but it’s hitting a little too close to home for Blaze.

  “He’s always drunk.” I hear d her voice but didn’t even notice when she walked over. I glance over my shoulder at Nina with her arms crossed over her chest, the look of defeat painting her pretty features.

  “Give him some time, sweetheart. That shit was a long time comin’. He’ll get over that soon enough. Besides, he obviously loves you. He was willin’ to take the ass beatin’ I offered to keep you around.” I wink at her. Nina smiles before she walks over toward the drunken bastard. He throws his arms around and holds her close just like I knew he would.

  “Crazy fucks.”

  Chapter 2

  I lean my head back against the chair and close my eyes. Talking to Jess on the phone stirred up so many emotions in me. I haven’t seen her in years. I was a piece of shit back then too. Not that it’s much different now , but I have grown up.

  Have I seen the error of my ways? I sure as fuck don’t know if I have or not. My life has always been complicated. This club is the only solace I’ve found. Jess was a good girl though. She wasn’t like me. If you looked at her , you would have thought she would be better suited for Reid.

  I tried to make things work though. She was everything I didn’t know I needed. She was smart, beautiful and full of life. I sucked that out of her though. I left her with nothing more than a broken heart and ugly tear stains on her cheeks.

  I shake my head to clear the thoughts of her away. I have too much on my mind to handle that shit right now.

  “Yo, Damion! We got another body,” Trig yells as he walks in the door. I close my eyes once more wondering what the fuck is going on around here.

  “How many is that now? Seven?” I ask feeling a little on edge.

  “Eight, brother. Billy over at Saints said this motherfucker is in pieces. Literally.” I sigh before I rest my head in my hands.

  Eight motherfucking bodies are lying on our doorstep. Who the hell is doing this and why the hell are they dropping them off here for us?

  “Where the fuck is this one?” I ask as I shove out of my chair. I walk toward the door with Trig right behind me.

  “Over by the river down off Sixty.” Running my hand through my hair, I glance over at Blaze.

  “You up for a ride?” I holler over at him. He releases Nina, a drunken smile on his face. “When the fuck am I not?” I blow out a breath and wonder if taking his ass is my smartest choice , but if shit comes down, Blaze is one of my best soldiers.

  “Get Luck and Pat down here. I want them ridin’ too. We don’t know what the fuck we’re up against here.” Blaze nods before pulling his phone out and making the calls. I turn back to Trig and see him staring at his phone.

  “You ok?” I ask knowing that h e im and his wife have been having some problems lately.

  “Yeah. We’re good. She just keeps sendin’ me pictures of the baby,” he says with a sigh.

  I know he had doubts about if that baby was his. She all but admitted that she cheated but later took that back. I sigh before I ask, “Get those results back yet?”

  Trig shakes his head. “Few more weeks. It’s not that I ain’t happy. I mean fuck, I am but what if the kid ain’t mine?” I shrug my shoulders. I have no fucking clue what to tell him.

  I’ve seen many men take over as a father to a child that wasn’t his but Trig isn’t that kind of guy.

  “You good on this run?” I need to know where his head is at.

  “Fuck yeah. We need answers, D.” That we do.

  We need a lot of answers.

  Chapter 3

  We ride out on Sixty. The road isn’t used much anymore. Once they built the main highways this one sort of fell to the side. It works for us though, keeps us out of the view of the cops.

  It always gives other clubs the access they need to fuck with us too though.

  We pull off at the old Henry place. The river runs just behind the house.

  I park my bike and climb off as the others do the same. My phone screams from in my pocket. I slide it out and press the answer button.

  “Yeah?” Hoping like hell it’s Reid ; , I’m shocked when I hear her voice again.


  “Hey, Jess. Now isn’t a good time.”

  “When is a good time? Are you avoiding me?” Her light laughter sends a jolt of power through my body. She’s always had that effect on me.

  “Not a chance
in hell, sweetheart. We’re just out on a run. Look, you wanted to talk, yeah? Meet me at the clubhouse tonight. I’ll be home in about three hours.” I listen for her response , but I don’t get one. Not right away anyway.

  “You there?”

  “Yeah, sorry. Do we have to meet there? I mean, are your girls going to be there?” I almost laugh. I know what she’s asking , and there isn’t one whore in that clubhouse that I’ve fucked.

  “You have nothin’ to worry about, Jess. Promise.” She sighs on the other end when the guys walk up. “Ten, Jess.”

  “Ok, I’ll be there.” The line goes dead as I run my hand over my face.

  “That her again?” Blaze lights up a cigarette and looks at me. I nod my head before I say, “She’s hell bent on talkin’ to me, Blaze.” He laughs, blowing out a ring of smoke.

  “She ’s misses you, brother. See what she has to say.” He shrugs as we walk around the back of the house.

  I cock my head to the side and look at him before I ask, “If you were her what the fuck would you want to talk about? How many times I cheated and fucked half the city?” Blaze seems to consider that for a moment before slapping a hand on my shoulder.

  “You know that old sayin’, forgive and forget. Maybe that’s what she’s tryin’ to do, man. Maybe she needs to do that to move on.” I watch the asshole as he walks ahead of me. Maybe he’s right. Maybe she found someone else that treats her the way she deserves to be treated.

  It would make sense. She deserves that much. She deserves to be happy.

  I know in my heart there’s a spot that still loves her. I’ve never stopped. She was my drug of choice for a long time , and like a fucking addict, I used her up and tossed her to the side.


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