Iron Claw MC Part 2- The Collective-Season one Episode seven

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Iron Claw MC Part 2- The Collective-Season one Episode seven Page 3

by Erin Trejo

  I try to pull back , but she just holds me tighter.

  “I don’t know how to fix it if you don’t tell me, sweetheart,” I say softly into her hair.

  “I had a miscarriage, Damion. Right after I left here.”

  Chapter 9

  Reality is a bitch. She takes what you thought you knew and throws it in your face. She distorts it. I say she because reality is much like a woman to me. She can make you or break you.

  Jess’s words still ring in my head long after she said them. I sit on the edge of the bed with my head in my hands. I can hear her in the shower so I know I have a few more minutes of alone time.

  A miscarriage isn’t something that was her fault. It was reality being a bitch.

  Even still, I know it hurt her. I know what I feel in my chest right now. It’s a loss that I never knew I had. It’s the loss of something that you can’t get back and even though I didn’t know about it until now, it still hurts. It hurts to know that I didn’t get a chance to love something. It hurts to know that she had to go through that without me and all because I was a selfish fucking bastard.

  “Can I borrow a shirt?” I didn’t realize that she came out of the bathroom. I nod to the dresser. Jess walks past me when I notice she’s just in a towel.

  My eyes follow her movements. She stands in front of the dresser, pulling a shirt out and setting it on the top.

  When the towel falls, I’m on my feet. I make it to her in a few steps, wrapping my arms around her. I pull her back into me, inhaling her scent.

  “What are you doing?” she asks me in a husky voice.

  “You’re makin’ me crazy, Jess. There are a few things in my life that I know for sure. One is that this club is my family. Two is that I can’t fail my family and three is that I can’t not love you, Jess.” Admitting it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.

  Her head drops forward before I spin her around to face me.

  I lift her face to look at me.

  “I know I messed up. I know I fucked what we had but Jess, that was a long time ago. I know we’ve both changed. If you don’t know or don’t want this.” Before I can finish, her lips are on mine. Her tongue stroke d s softly over my lips.

  I’ve missed this. I’ve missed the taste of her. I take over, increasing the pressure of our kiss.

  She’s here, in front of me, wearing nothing. I walk us back toward the bed before laying her down gently. As much as I want to take her hard and fast, I want to savor her more.

  Her eyes flicker with fire. The same fire that I’ve always seen.

  “I need you inside of me, Damion.” Fuck!

  I shake my head as she watches me.

  “It’s been so long, Jess. So, long since I’ve touched you, tasted you. I’m gonna enjoy this shit.” I shove her legs up over my shoulders all while I drop to the floor. Jess leans up on her elbows, watching me.

  I lick my lips before running my tongue through her wetness. This is the taste that I’ve missed for so long. The taste of her arousal on my tongue has my dick throbbing to be inside of her.

  I lash out at her body, loving the way she responds to my every touch. I slide a finger inside of her.

  “Damion,” she moans my name as her pussy clenches around my finger. Jesus Christ , I’ve just been reintroduced to heaven.

  I pull my finger free and climb up her body when my aching dick can’t take anymore. I slide into her with such ease. The way she fits me, she was made for me. She always has been.

  “Damion!” My name once again leaves her lips as my body takes what it needs, what it wants from her.

  Chapter 10

  Her nails drag painfully down my chest. The light burn setting me on fire.

  The look in her eyes is feral. I’ve never seen her this turned on before.

  I roll us over , so she’s on top. Her hips buck and grind against me trying to get all of me.

  “You like that, darlin’?” I ask her. Her eyes light up as she beams down at me.

  “I’ve missed you so much, Damion.” I run my hands up her sides before coming to rest on her hardened nipples. I pluck and pull loving how her body reacts to me.

  “Me or my dick?” I ask her with amusement. I know what she likes. She likes me to push her, to tease her.

  “Both. Fuck, Damion.” I raise my hips, letting her get me all the way inside of her. Her pussy clenches as her eyes close tightly. Her orgasm races through her body, pulling at everything inside of me.

  I release inside of her, filling her with everything I have. I grunt and groan before Jess falls forward. Her head rests on my chest just the way she used to do.

  I run my hand up and down her back as she catches her breath.

  “I really have missed you,” she whispers against my skin.

  “I missed you too, Jess. I know there’s a lot that we need to talk about but tell me this one thing.” I can feel her body tense up. She’s scared of what I may ask her. I can’t say that I blame her.

  “Did you want it?”

  “Want what?”

  “The baby. Would you have wanted it?” I ask ed needing to know the answer.

  “Yes. I wanted it. I thought about coming back and telling you. I had mad e th e plans in my head but the week I had planned on it is the week I had the miscarriage. There was no point after that.” I nuzzle my face into her hair and sigh.

  “I’m torn. I mean, I would have loved it , but you know how Reid and I grew up. I don’t know that I could be a good father.” Her arms tighten around me.

  “You would have been a great father, Damion. You wouldn’t have wanted your child to live the life you did. You are better than your father was.” Maybe she’s right , but we’ll never know now.

  “You want kids, Jess?”

  “Do you?” I chuckle.

  “I don’t know. I think I’m at an age that I could.” Jess sighs against me.

  “We just got each other back. I don’t know that I’m ready to share you yet.” She lifts her head, resting her chin on my chest.

  “So, you’re back huh?” I ask her. I watch her face for any signs that she’s fucking with me.

  “If you’ll let me.” Her voice is soft and unsure.

  “As far as I’m concerned you were never gone.” She smiles before pressing her lips to mine. I let her kiss me this time. I don’t take over.

  I let her put everything she feels behind her kiss. And fuck me, does she feel. She grins against my lips when she feels my dick harden inside of her.

  “You are still insatiable.” She kisses me once more.

  “You better get used to it. It only happens when I’m with you,” I tell her.

  Chapter 11

  I walk into the main room yawning after last night’s bout of sex with Jess. I don’t think I could be any happier than I am right now.

  “What the fuck are you watchin’?” I ask Trig as he sits in front of the flat screen over the bar.

  “Fuck off. Some shit on the news,” he says flipping me off. I walk up and stand next to him as I watch the chick on the screen.

  “This just in,” Gloria stated with the voice she saved for terrible news. “An urgent manhunt is now underway. Authorities say there may be a serial killer on the loose. According to police, several murders have now been connected, and there may be more. Let’s go to Paul Wesley on the scene at San Francisco General where he’s waiting with the latest update.”

  I cock my head to the side as I watch and wonder.

  “Thanks, Gloria,” Paul said. “Paul Wesley here outside San Francisco General where a dispatcher from Swift Fleet, the rapid response private ambulance center, was brought in after being struck by a car shortly after receiving a call from a man who called himself…Simple Simon.”

  “What the fuck?” I mumble under my breath. What kind of shit is that?

  “Police say,” Paul continued, “the dispatcher, whose name has not been revealed, told detectives the caller whistled the children’s nursery rhyme Ring a
round the Rosy before laughing and confessing to having killed multiple people.”

  The screen cut to the shot of yellow crime scene tape blocking off a dark alley where passersby were trying desperately to get a peek at what was obviously a morbid scene. Paul’s voice kept going over the shot.

  “A source has told News 9 that the killer has been mutilating the bodies. Placing food items into the wounds of the victims.”

  The screen flashed back to Paul in front of the hospital.

  “Police will not confirm that allegation, saying they cannot comment on an ongoing investigation, but the police chief did give a statement urging the public to be vigilant about personal safety.”

  Paul had a menacing look in his eyes when he looked into the camera. Sick fucker.

  “Simple Simon met a pie man,” he said. “Is this an odd coincidence or a twisted take on a beloved toddler’s tale? This is Paul Wesley reporting for News 9. Back to you, Gloria.”

  Trig flicked the TV off and looked over at me.

  “You don’t think that shit has anything to do with our bodies, do you?” I shake my head.

  “No. Ours didn’t have any fuckin’ food products in them. And here I thought Blaze was a sick fuck , but that killer takes the trophy.”

  “Speaking of body’s, did you get that last night?” I throw a punch into his shoulder. Sick fucker.

  Chapter 12

  After watching the crazy ass news, I knew that the cops wouldn’t be on our asses for any missing people. Thank fuck for that since we still don’t know where the hell the bodies we have are coming from.

  I walk around the back of the clubhouse where the guys are all standing around smoking.

  “We’re headin’ out on this run. Cops are busy with some Simple Simon killer , so they aren’t a worry.” The guys all look at me funny. I just shrug and say, “Apparently, he’s some kind of sick fuck too.” My eyes instantly find Blaze’s as he laughs.

  “We’ve got all the backup we need with Billy and the Saints. They went out to handle some shit this mornin’ but are meetin’ us at the spot. We go in ; , we hit it, we get out. This shouldn’t take more than a few hours so let’s make this shit happen.” The guys grunt and nod before I turn and head back towards the bikes.

  Jess was still asleep , and I didn’t want to wake her when I came out here , but there she is sitting on my bike looking as sexy as ever. Fuck, I can’t even remember the last time she was on my bike.

  “You look good for bein’ fucked senseless last night.” She snaps her head up and stares at me with a smile on her face.

  “I think I gave as good as I got.” She raises her eyebrows challenging me to say no.

  “I’d say that’s about right.” I grab her, pulling her up in front of me before I kiss her roughly.

  “You’re just leaving without telling me?” She pulls back , but she’s smiling.

  “You were asleep. I didn’t want to wake you. Got some shit to handle. I’ll be back in a few hours.” I lean down and kiss her neck before grabbing my helmet.

  Jess takes a step back, a smile on her face. This is what I’ve missed. This is what shit used to be like before I ruined it all.

  I slide my phone out and send a quick text to Reid.

  Me: I know shit’s crazy with the cops right now. Saw the news. If you get anything, let me know.

  Reid: Shit just hit the fan here. Fill you in later. I have some feelers out about your problem. No one’s talking. I’ll hit you with info when I get it.

  I hadn’t heard from hi m s since our chat the other day , but I assume he hasn’t learned anything new either. [RE4]

  I rev up my bike and pull out as the guys follow behind me.

  The open road would be better if Jess w ere as on the back of my bike. Now that she’s back, I plan on making sure she has everything and anything she wants. I don’t plan on fucking this up again.

  My heart nearly broke when she left me. I hardened up , but Jess is bringing me back to my old self.

  I’ve almost missed that.

  Chapter 13

  Everyone’s nerves are on high alert. Something about this whole scene makes me uneasy. I don’t like it.

  I glance at Blaze then to my left at Trig. They can feel it too. I look back and see Billy and Haven checking the scene as well.

  “This makin’ you uneasy?” Blaze decides to ask. I nod once before I hear the first shot ring through the air. We all duck, pulling our guns.

  “Stay low!” I growl. We move through the warehouse with ease. We’ve been here before. We know the lay out. This was supposed to be an easy in and out job.

  More shots are fired. We return fire as we move further into the warehouse.

  “Blaze! Watch my ass,” I yell over my shoulder. I make my way down the small back hallway when I feel the burn through my arm.


  I glance down only long enough to see that it went all the way through. My attention snaps back to the last room with the open door. Shots ring out through the walls when I hit the floor.

  “Both sides!” I yell letting the guys behind me know that there is more than one person we’re dealing with.

  I fire through the walls rapidly as the guys move in closer.

  After a few more seconds, the sounds die out and all there is , is silence and the sound of our heavy breathing.

  “You ok, D.?” Billy reaches for me, pulling me up next to him. I glance at my arm once more before I nod and say, “Yeah, went through.” He nods, moving past me into the first room.

  “Three in here.”

  “Three over here!” Blaze calls out next.

  “What the fuck!” It’s Trig’s words that send a chill up my spine. I head into the last room and almost lose my shit.

  “What the hell are they doin’ here?” I point at the dead assholes on the ground.

  Trig shakes his head, running his hand through his hair. “Don’t know.”

  Billy walks in and is just as surprised as I was.

  “Is that fuckin’ Devils on that motherfuckin’ cut?” I snap.

  “Goddamn it!” Blaze roars when he storms into the room. His look is deadly, lethal.

  “He came into our clubhouse, Damion! Our home!” Blaze is on fire. Much like his name. He will burn this motherfucker to the ground.

  “Cort one of them?” I know the answer to that is no. I don’t know why I asked , but I needed that confirmation.

  “No. His fuckin’ VP is though.” I turn to look at the cut Trig now holds in his hands. That’s the fucking VP’s patch, that’s for sure.

  “Where the fuck is Cort?” I mumble to myself. This shit is getting out of hand. I don’t know what to do. I’m getting pissed , but the not knowing is something else.

  They were just at our clubhouse. Blaze is right. They were in our home. With our families. I let them in.

  “Blaze, torch this shit. We need to figure this shit out. Trig, round up the Saints to help you haul the guns out.” I run my hand through my hair trying to piece together all the pieces to this fucked up puzzle.

  “Cort wouldn’t have set up his own guys, Damion,” Billy says as if I needed that reassurance.

  “I don’t know shit anymore, Billy. This shit is gettin’ out of hand.”

  Chapter 14

  We stand back and watch Blaze’s handy work. The black smoke billowing into the sky. We burned all the bodies inside there. There wasn’t any reason to keep them.

  “What’s your thoughts on all this?” I glance over at Billy. He seems as stunned as I am.

  “You got bodies droppin’ from the goddamn sky. Someone’s tryin’ to send a message but what?” I have to agree there. This is happening for a reason. One I’m not sure of yet.

  “Get your guys on your side to look around, see what they can come up with. I’m headin’ to Red ’ s. I’ll see if he’s heard anything.” Billy nods before walking away from me. Blaze takes his place.

  “You need me at Red’s?” he asks. I shake
my head before turning back to him.

  “No, get back to the clubhouse and check on the girls. Get Pat to run some security feeds around here. Let me know what you get.” With a quick nod, he takes off toward his bike while I do the same.

  None of this is adding up. Cort wouldn’t have sent his own VP into an ambush. He knew we’d fire back. He also knew that we were moving in on this warehouse.

  When you think about it, it really is fucked up. If he did set his own guys up, why? Why leave all the guns there? Those weren’t even the Devils as far as we know. That stash was from a chapter up north.

  The ride to Red’s didn’t take me too long. My mind has been working overtime after that little incident.

  I climb off my bike and glance around the area making sure nothing else seems out of the ordinary today.

  Once I’m satisfied I head inside.

  “Goddamn, Damion! Been a fucking long time, man!” Red spots me immediately. He rounds the counter and comes straight toward me.

  “Yeah , it has. If I remember right, you harbored Blaze’s ass when he got shot.” I laugh as I pull him into a hug.

  “Yeah. The time before that was right after some of your boys fucked that man up for sitting on one of your guy’s bikes.” Red laughs as I think back to that day. It was a good ass beating.

  “I still can’t believe the set of balls that little fucker had even to to even attempt that shit.” We both laugh as I think about that night. From what I remember, he got fucked up pretty good.

  “What brings you in?” He ushers me to the bar where I sit. I watch as he rounds the counter and passes me a beer.

  “Been a lot of shit happenin’ lately. Wonderin’ if you heard anything around.” Red’s eyes widen slightly before he glances around.

  “There’s been some talk about a guy trying to move into the area. I don’t have details. He’s not anyone new. He’s been around, just in the shadows.” I take a long pull from my bottle before I look at him.


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