Iron Claw MC Part 2- The Collective-Season one Episode seven

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Iron Claw MC Part 2- The Collective-Season one Episode seven Page 6

by Erin Trejo

  I walk right into the back when the pretty little thing turns to face me, a startled look crossing her features.

  “Um, hello?” she says.

  “Hey sweetheart, Got a minute?” I ask her as nicely as I can.

  She watches me for a second before she says, “Um, do I have a choice?”

  “Not much of one. Although I’ve never actually forced a woman to do much of anything.”

  “What can I do for you? This isn’t exactly the place people walk in off the street asking questions. I’m a little busy,” she snaps slightly. I think I might just like her , but I have to make it known that I’m not just someone, “I’m not just someone off the goddamn street either.” My voice is a little harsher than normal.

  “Well, who the hell are you then?” she snaps right back at me. Damn woman!

  “Mouthy little thing, aren’t you? I kinda like that. I’m Damion[RE5] , Reid’s brother . I’m pretty sure you met my boy Blaze not too long ago.”

  Her eyes widen slight ly when she replies, “Oh, Yes, can’t forget him. Are you in his club?”

  “His club?” I chuckle. “That would be my club, darlin’.”

  “Um, okay,” The pretty little mouthy woman takes a step back now. “Then what can I do for you?”

  "If I was to say, move a body that I might have buried about four years ago, what kind of shit am I lookin' at?" I ask watching her face for a reaction.

  "Depends on where the body had been buried. It was buried, right?" she confirms.

  “Yeah. it’s been buried in about four feet of dirt.”

  “Well, these things can be a bit complicated. Dry, boggy muddy, near any kind of water, because that makes a big difference,” she says like it’s no big deal.

  “Nope. Not near any water. Just fuckin’ dirt,” I tell her.

  “It’s probably not going to be much more than skin and bones, leathery, like a mummy. It may not hold together, so it’s not like you can just lift it out. I’d suggest shovels and buckets.” She raises her little shoulder like this is an everyday thing to her. Hell, I guess it is.

  “Great. So, I got a goddamn pile of bones. Good to know. Next question. If I was to say, not want any evidence left there, how much extra shit do I need to haul outta there?” I like to cover my tracks.

  “Thankfully, it’s dry dirt. Any DNA residue will have stayed with the body. Water leeches’ things, makes thing s messy and gums up the body. You’ll probably want to remove a good six inches of dirt from all around the body, and any of the stuff on top. Jeez, I can’t believe I’m even discussing moving a body.” I can’t place the look on her face. Intrigued? Disgusted? I can’t tell.

  “So, I’m goin’ for a goddamn dig with a mummy. This shit would have been helpful before I put the fucker there. Yeah, Reid told me you were the best. We’ll see if that holds true once I dig that fucker up,” I say.

  “Just take a good look at the site before you start digging. Four feet isn’t really that deep. If the coyotes ever got a sniff of it, they would’ve dug it up a long time ago. You’d have bones and pieces strewn everywhere.”

  “What are you the fuckin’ good news fairy today? I appreciate the help sweetheart.” I tease her a little before I actually thank her.

  “Just don’t tell me why you need to dig up a body. I’m working on the premise this is just a random question. Ignorance is bliss.” She cracks a half smile at me that actually looks real before I say, “Do I look like someone who’d write a Goddamn thesis paper?” I chuckle, “Besides, I don’t think you’d like the story anyway.”

  Chapter 26

  I headed back to the clubhouse after my chat with Sally, the sexy coroner. I didn’t know she was that fucking hot. Then again most of our bodies are handled by us not her. Maybe I should toss her a few every now and then.

  I grin as I walk in to find Jess at the bar with Neely of all goddamn people. The two of them look lost in their own discussion which should set off warning bells but I want Jess to be comfortable around here.

  “Bad news brother.” Blaze walks over and I can tell by the look on his face that this isn’t something I’m going to want to hear.

  “Meet in ten. I need to make a call.” He nods as I head into my office.

  Funny thing about life. I take it. I like taking it.

  When I found Reid’s dad I called in a favor to a highly-respected asshole that makes his money just as illegally as we do. The Gander brothers are some of the most well-known billionaires on the west coast. The three of them can and will get you anything you need for a goddamn price. Lucky for me I saved their little sister once before and they owed me a goddamn favor. I made good on that too when I found Reid’s dad.

  Now I need another one. I pull my phone out and dial the fucking prick.

  “Damion. Haven’t heard from you in a long time.” His smug voice filters through the phone.

  “You know you miss me, Gabe.” I try to be as polite as I can.

  “Sure. What can I do you for the Iron Claw president?” He knows we don’t talk just to be talking.

  “Need a favor. I got a body that needs moved. I need a to relocate it to somewhere it won’t be found.” Gabe chuckles into the other end.

  “A new permanent burial ground? You’re in luck. My crew has just broken ground on a new neighborhood out your way. I’ll text you the address. Have it there at midnight. My guys will make sure it’s never found.” I blow out a breath thankful that he’s willing to help me out.

  “I owe you one, brother,” I tell him.

  He sighs into the other end of the line. “We have April. Consider it even.” The line goes dead as I lean back in my chair. That’s one more thing I can mark off my list of worries.

  When I took out Reid’s dad, I made a vow to myself. I hated my own father. I hated him with such a passion that it began to eat at me.

  Four years ago, I happened to stumble upon the motherfucker too close to home. I took that as my sign.

  I took him out. I wasn’t sure what to do with him though. After all the nightmares I had as a child, I still felt the need to keep him close.

  I did too. Right outside the back door of the fucking clubhouse but it’s time to move on. It’s time for me to start over with Jess and I want all the bad shit away from me.

  The door opens , and Blaze walks in.

  “Cort has a hand in this shit. We have surveillance of him meetin’ with that Davey fuck.” I nod my head. I kind of thought that was coming. I didn’t want it to happen this way , but he sent his own men into an ambush.

  “I know Billy wanted out but now that we have Cort, see what his thoughts are.”

  Blaze nods and leaves the room as I let it all sink in.

  There’s too much happening all at once , and I don’t like it.

  “Fuck!” I mumble to myself when Jess walks in.

  “Is that an offer?” I look up and find her smiling at me like I’m the most important person in the world.

  “It might be. Come here.”

  Chapter 27

  Jess sits on the desk in front of me. My head is nuzzled between her tits like I live there. Her hands slowly stroke the back of my neck, relieving some of the tension that I feel.

  “We have word on your boy, Davey. He’s in with the Devils.” Her hands stop moving , but I don’t look up at her.

  “Cort?” she asks. I nod before her hands start moving again.

  “You need me to get him out of wherever it is he’s hiding?” she asks making me smile. Only she would think I’d use her.

  “No. He knows you’re here. I won’t put you in any more danger than you were already in with him. He wants it all, Jess. Everything we have, everything we’ve built.” Jess sighs but her hands keep moving.

  “I’m gonna make a move soon. I want this over with. I want us to start over and make things right.” I pull my head back to look up at her. Her pretty eyes hold so much goodness. That’s the thing I’ve always loved about her. The way she could look at
me and everything else in the world could slowly fade away.

  I reach up and pull her lips to meet mine. Our kiss is slow and sweet.

  My tongue slides against hers and the world around me doesn’t matter. All that matters is that I have Jess and I have her in my arms.

  The door bursts open and Blaze rushes in.

  “We got word on Cort. He’s close, Damion.” I can see the fire in his eyes. My hands stay wrapped a round Jess’s neck.

  “That happy endin’ may be sooner than I thought.” I wink at Jess , but she doesn’t smile. I know that look.

  “Blaze, get the prospects to dig up daddy dearest out back. Make sure they take a three-foot perimeter with it. I want that asshole out of here. I’ll send them the address.” Blaze chuckles which is nothing new. Sick fucker loves this shit.

  “Got it. I’ll meet you out front.” He leaves the room , and I drag Jess off the desk and into my lap.

  “What’s the look sweetheart?” I ask ed needing to know what she’s feeling.

  “He did all this to get to you. I’m just worried.” I can see it in her eyes. The worry. It’s nothing new though. When you live the life that we do, there is always something that causes it.

  We go out every day and never know if we’re going to make it back. That’s a part of our lifestyle that we just have to deal with.

  “I just got you back, Jess. Don’t worry about me. I’m comin’ home darlin’. Every night, I want to lay curled around you. Holdin’ you. Kissin’ you. I never want to be without you again.” I press my lips to hers and savor the taste that is my Jess.

  We all know that the outcome may not be in our favor , but I need her to not worry about me.

  “Promise me,” she whispers against my lips.

  “I promise, Jess.” I kiss her once more before she stands and allows me to get up. I hate leaving her. I hate that I just got her back and now I’m going to war.

  I hate that I can’t be with her right now and just hold her , but everything else has to be taken care of. I need to get a handle on this shit.

  Chapter 28

  My heads in the game. I’m all in. It’s that all or nothing time that we all come to at some point in our lives.

  This is mine.

  The air has shifted. It’s an ominous sign.

  I kissed Jess goodbye before I left. I felt her all through me. She’s the only good thing I have left in my life aside from this club.

  I roll my neck from side to side as I glance over at Blaze. His focus is stellar. His stance is hard. I look to my left and Trig is the same way. We know what we’re about to walk into. We know the risks.

  “Let’s finish this shit,” I roar. The guys all whoop behind me. We walk toward the building that we know the assholes are hold up in.

  We have intel. We have the element of surprise. Or so we thought.

  Shots ring through the air when I see Trig go down. My heart starts thumping a little harder. It roars in my ears. I motion to one of the guys to check him , but Blaze is gone. He’s a loose fucking cannon right now.

  He fires as he storms the building. I’m not far behind him.

  More shots ring through the air. My ears are humming from the bullets whirling past me.

  I duck low but press forward. There’s only one end goal in sight. Kill those motherfuckers before they kill us.

  I watch my ass as I make my way through the building. I know they are here, I can feel it in my bones.

  At first, I thought this might have been a cover. But the further in I go, the more I can feel it.

  My eyes connect with Blaze’s before we both fire in rapid succession into the last door. Blaze kicks it off the hinges as we move in.

  My body hums with anticipation. Then it hums with something else.


  I can feel the burn. It’s the worse pain that I’ve ever felt in my life.

  There is nothing comparable to this. The air is being sucked rapidly from my lungs. I try to catch my breath , but there is no use. I glance over and see the rage boiling inside of Blaze.

  He roars to life. Shooting at anything and everything. There won’t be a person left alive when he gets done.

  The noise is loud and stinging to my ears.

  “Blaze!” I manage to scream. His eyes flicker to mine. I give him a nod but he shakes his head. I nod once more before he loses all control.

  Bullets fly through the air until there’s just a calming silence.

  The world is silent. My heart slowly beating is the only sound that I can hear aside from hers.

  “Promise me.”

  I broke so many promises to her. I promised I’d love her. I promised I would come back to her. I promised that I would be there for her and here I am lying to her again.

  “Damion! You son of a bitch! Don’t you fuckin’ do this!” Blaze’s voice rips through my mind , but it’s too late.

  “Keep her safe,” I whisper.

  “You fuckin’ keep her safe! Don’t you fuckin’ do this to me!” Blaze roars.


  Chapter 29


  I always knew the day would come. I felt it when he left. The weeks have drug on while invetigations and all that were done. Now it’s time to say my final goodbye. The one I never wanted to say to begin with.

  He was all I had left. He was the one thing that I always thought about. Even when we were apart , there was a piece of my heart that always stayed with him.

  He may have made some bad decisions in the past , but we all do. I can’t fault him for what he did. I knew when he left that morning that the possibility of never seeing him again was there. There was always that chance.

  Damion lived his life the way only he could. He had his own rules. He made his own way.

  I look around at all the people that have gathered at his funeral.

  Some I know, others I have I never seen before. It does my heart good to see just how many lives he’s touched.

  Not everything about Damion was bad. He had a heart of gold. Whether you saw that side of him or not was up to him.

  Reid holds Ava tightly in his arms. That’s the one thing that hurts the most. I know how much Damion loved his brother. They were what family should be. Damion made it his life’s mission to make sure that Reid grew up to be as happy as he possibly could. I think he has that now in Ava.

  Never the less, I think Reid will take it the hardest. They weren’t your typical family , but they were the picture of the word.

  Blaze holds Nina in his arms tighter than I’ve ever seen him before. Trig is next to them bandaged up.

  It all seems so surreal to me.

  The hardest part of all of this is that I was going to tell him when he got back that I was pregnant.

  I was going to tell him that we finally got to have our second chance at life. The life I lost when I left him the first time, the baby I never got to meet. We were getting a second chance at all of it.

  Now I will raise my child to be the person that it ’ s father would have been proud of. I will make sure that he or she knows that their father was the world to me. That it doesn’t matter if he’s here physically, he’s always with us.

  He has a place in our hearts no matter where he is now.

  I can honestly say that at the end of the day, I loved that man with every piece of me.

  He was the one thing that I could hold onto even when I wasn’t with him.

  He never gave up hope. And now I will never give up hope that one day I will see him again.

  Because I know true love will always find its way back to each other.


  I’ve had the best time writing this collective with all the other amazing author s. It was a wonderful chance for me to learn and grow with them. I can’t thank the authors enough for everything the y did.

  The amazing BETA and ARC team. You guys rock! Without you we would be shit! You are freaking amazing! You took time out of your lives to
read and give us feedback. That truly means the world to us!

  Michelle Thomas are fucking amazing PA for The Collective, You ROCK! You put up with a lot of stuff from us. You keep us grounded and all the hard work you did behind the scenes didn’t go unnoticed. You worked your ass off getting us in line and handling takeovers. I FUCKING LOVE YOU!

  I hope you guys enjoyed reading these as much as we have writing them.


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  * * *

  [RE1]who said this?

  [RE2]who said this?

  [RE3]who said this?

  [RE4]This will need to be changed if you add in Reid’s response.

  [RE5]might want to mention he is Reid’s brother




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